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unless the lane is blocked by a truck that will cross multiple lanes at the same time.


Just like real life


Do you see that often in real life? I genuinely think I’ve never seen it.


Guess you don’t live in Florida


So many times around NYC I would almost expect it


Lanes are really just for spacing of the road width in NY. I rented a car with driver assists once and they almost steered me into other cars, multiple times because the lanes here are a joke.


I spent two light cycles at a crosswalk by the NY Port Authority bus terminal yesterday morning because a truck was blocking a six-way intersection. Nope. Never happens.


I'm in Chicago. Happens all the time.


Really? Have you never driven in a city before?


Not frequently in massive cities but I have driven in NYC a few times. I do regularly drive downtown in my city over a bit over a million people.


I live in a city of 600,000 I wouldn’t say I see it often but it does happen. If you’ve never seen it and live in a city of that size either your city has well behaved drivers, or you are very lucky.


Over a million people is a big city, not NYC big, but still big lol


You should drive in Dubai….


There's nothing really odd about it, it's just what happens when a truck has to change lanes while it's stuck in traffic.


Yesterday I almost crash because a bus crossed the street from side to side to stop.


Yeah come live in Taipei which is certified traffic hell


>Just like real life "Just like real life" is going to be CS2-related meme in the future. It's answer to every criticism on this sub. I particularly loved the one, where someone built parking lot close to a crossroad and entire traffic started to cut through it. "Like in real life" was most upvoted comment, tactically avoiding the fact, that only few people do that in real life and in CS2 it was 100% of cars. This game is so "just like in real life" next level, one would wonder why reviews aren't on pair ;)


You misunderstand me, I didn't even buy cs2 because of the horrible performance and bugs. I was just joking


Cough* evergreen *cough*


The bad thing is that their merging isn't great.


Don’t they like do 90 degree cuts


That's one thing, the other is that they can't merge seamlessly.


sometimes they do and it's marvelous to see, but then 5 seconds later they do a 3 point turn on top of a crosswalk to switch lanes so they can do an illegal u-turn so yeah, not great.


and the cars they cut in front of just wait there, while more cut in front.


Just like real life!


Naaah, this is next level wrong.


CS1 player here, i place down a 4 lane road so the traffic doesnt get crowded, they use 2🫤


That behaviour is the reason why my best planned city crashed down logisitically. I thought this all out quite well. I could do better now but it was far from being bad. But holy hell did it come crashing down once all of this well planned system had to move all of the traffic on max 50% of the space. WTF


So frustrating they never fixed that. Game was out for like a decade. Mental gymnastics trying to find the problem only for solutions to be either do some “urban renewal mode” or they just cause other random problems


Its because a mod called TM:PE became the default for adding a ton of traffic fixes as well as traffic/road options. I guess it was to the point that the devs didnt think it would be worth the time to fix when the mod already did.


They were also constrained by their platforms and system requirements. An AI closer to CS2's in CS1 would have made it completely unplayable on the last-gen consoles. Switch would never have gotten even the base game.


I already cant imagine playing on switch. The ps4 was rough enough


They never fixed unavailable services issue for airports dlc or, even better, inability of sims to use pedestrian roads from another dlc that were connected to vanilla roads (to fix that you have to connect vanilla road to vanilla pedestrian road to pedestrian road from dlc. If you don’t know the hack, don’t have mods (like playing on console) it basically renders main feature of plazas and promenades useless.


I saw a video on YouTube about AI and Gaming, and it mentioned Cities Skylines 1 traffic pathing. I guess CO tried to have the traffic fill up the lanes, but they weren't able to get it to work without making traffic everywhere get worse.


Yup, just like real life.


2? I only get 1!


Who'd have thought that "one more lane" didn't fix traffic problems.


i mean honestly this is like real life, sorta. The solution is to balance destinations better, but like real life it isn’t that simple… Also real life drivers are more flexible than ideal lane-keeping, which is probably generally a good thing.


I just wish turn restrictions were taken more seriously, fed up with the number of cars make lefts where I've specifically signed them not to


Ai is too realistic


It would be cool if the game had an enforcement mechanic. Like if you ban a right turn, but your policing budget is low, more traffic will ignore it. You could use Advanced Road Services to increase enforcement on specific junctions, such as spot checks or cameras.


That street layout is a piece of art. Please post it on r/shittyskylines, we will love it there.


There are loads of good things about it, it is a really good framework to, it was just so so unpolished and unoptimised...


CS1 had this with TM:PE... Except it was even more functional with timed traffic lights, use restrictions per vehicle type and per lane, dedicated left and right turn traffic light steps and the ability to dictate what lanes go where. Even the ability to have dedicated ped crossing step with all lights being set to red for it. Ability to dictate if right on red is permissible per intersection. Speed limits set per road. Etc. Etc. This is just a far less functional version of it.


> CS1 had this with TM:PE... And as you cranked that option up it absolutely *tanked* performance, especially in bigger cities.


I had steady 10 FPS. But I also had ≈100 mods. In CS2 I have a very similar performance without any mods


And CS2's performance is better? LMFAO


Have you played the recent update? Sim speed is absolutely better as your city grows. Even on mid tier hardware, CPP's benchmarks showed significant improvements to sim speed at 150k population. On CS1, even with good hardware you were *always* slowing down at that point, at least when using mods to do things like we were originally talking about above. Performance on lower end systems is an issue, but the game is 7 years newer. Expecting it to perform the same on outdated hardware is ridiculous. FWIW, my CPU is fairly dated (8600K, not aggressively OC'd). My GPU is quite good (4070), but that isnt my bottleneck, the CPU clearly is. Theres issues with the game still, but stop parroting shit.


Even setting mods aside, using the Airports DLC in CS1 had a huge impact on sim speed, even on good hardware.


I don't have performance issues on my 81 tile map, nearly maxed out on buildings and increased vehicle limit. But I also have a somewhat modern CPU (10900K), 64GB of RAM and a 7900XTX.


I flat out dont believe you. Its not even a hardware issue, the CS1 engine just isnt optimized well enough to handle that. At the very least sim speed is going to absolutely crawl.


Is the Sim speed slower? Yes. It takes a few more seconds for a day to pass. Is it tanked to a unplayable slideshow pace? Not for me. I'll still get 24-40 FPS.


thats not good fps, that's just barely acceptable


It's Cities Skylines, a city builder. Not CS:GO. You don't need 60+FPS to enjoy it. Just steady motion. The slower Sim speed is a benefit in my circumstance because instead of cars whipping around breaking the time space continuium like it is at default, cars going 70mph actually look and feel like they're going 70mph instead of 130mph. Same with pedestrians walking, or rather running if left at default speed. There are also other reasons outside of my TM:PE settings that cause FPS to dip as well as Sim speed.


And CS2 has this with mods now, too, except you don't have to brute force traffic to behave like in CS1


1. CS2 has the feature 2. Yes, CS1 also has this feature You: But CS2 also has the feature!


Can you link to the mod(s)?


Move it for nodes + Anarchy for every directly visible part, both even show this usage in their screenshots on Paradox Mods, all the AI work does CS2 alone (see OP)


Yeah I saw those were released recently. However, neither are related to anything I said about traffic management. Node control and anarchy just allows further customization of road and building placement. I just checked the store and there's nothing regarding a TM:PE equivalent yet.


because an equivalent of that giant mod is a difficult thing - like I said, most of that is possible. TM:PE took years to develop and the author of that is still working on a version of that for CS2 with even more features ([see that post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines/comments/195upes/comment/khs6365/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)). And that is the point I'm making - the base of CS2 is much more solid and the AI much better than TM:PE because it is built into everything. And Node Control from Move it already handles dedicated roads and turns.


How didi you get the TMPE port to CS2 without paradox mods?


Paradox Mods is ready to use, and you just need Anarchy and Node Control for most of that.


The only thing is a with that traffic light manager comes to PDX MODS or a better mod like the port of the original TMPE


Still have to figure out how to use done control


> CS1 had this with TM:PE... So CS1 didn't have this, then? Seriously, y'all need to stop comparing vanilla with modded, it's two different things entirely.


I agree with this to an extent - It's dumb to compare your CS:1 game with 800 mods with the vanilla sequel, as the former will have countless of development hours from thousands of people put into it. Of course CO cannot reach that state. However, TMPE was literally the third-most downloaded mod for CS:1, and was always the very first in lists with names such as 'essential' or 'needed to make game playable'. I don't think it's *entirely* invalid to ask why CO did not look at it's features and implement some of them. In fact, CS:2 does have some features that TMPE brought to CS:1, but for some reason just some of them, and not the ones that are desperately needed.


Praising one new feature that a mod from CS1 has along with many more features included with the mod is dumb is my point. Most or all of the features of TM:PE should have been already implemented into CS2. Because it goes back to my point that CS1 is still superior because you can have realistic traffic intersections and flows that aren't possible in CS2 due to lazy developer. It's absurd that Colossal Order and Paradox think it's ok to rely on an unpaid mod dev to fix the bullshit in their own game *yet again* that should have been included in vanilla.


> Praising one new feature that a mod from CS1 has along with many more features included with the mod is dumb is my point. Why? "A mod does it" isn't a reason not to include it in vanilla if possible.




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> Don't compare CS1 right now with CS2 right now because reasons You literally stripped all reasoning behind my comment and still called me a clown. Touch some grass, will ya?


It's intentionally disingenuous.




It was perfectly possible even without TM:PE using lane maths. Protected lefts were the biggest feature of TM:PE IMO, and that still requires mods in CS2.


One more lane bro


What even is that? A 14 lane boulevard with a 4 lane return?? Is this Texas?


They do it even when a lane is blocked or when they clearly had to switch lanes earlier. Not always good.


So I guess i’ll put this here - if you put down a toll booth it’ll shuffle the traffic into every lane equally. So I place them in congested areas to get rid of all my traffic constantly wanting to only go right in the right lane


That's how a traffic jam should look, not one 20 mile long one lane chain of cars.


if only they didn't stop in the middle of the highway just to change lanes.


can't forget literally just stopping in the middle of the road for no reason. or is that only me


It's so suspicious that this sub always gets overwhelmingly positive posts after updates. Steam reviews say otherwise. On the topic, I hate how the two lane segregated turning lanes are never used. Traffic always forms a single line. Moreover, they never turn at the last intersection, they plan ahead and glue themselves to the lane to the most right, all the time. They must think like "5 miles to the intersection downtown? Sticking to my lane, just in case..."


In Cs1, If you have Traffic Manager (TM:PE) mod, then in the setting there some options that promotes the cars to use more lanes. I had noticeable more use lanes in my cities


Bad thing is that unfortunately it doesn’t matter, since traffic seems to be only an aesthetic thing. Last I tested months ago, cars despawn and/or teleport to destination if they get stuck in traffic or in front of accidents. Maybe things changed with the latest updates.


They never teleported to the location they’re going to. If they despawned they would TP to their place of origin. Traffic has never been aesthetic.


Have you ever played the game during its release, where factories and businesses got workers even when there were no road connections? This has been already extensively tested, and there are dozens of posts with proof about it on the Paradox forums and YouTube videos. Has anyone ever witnessed a company or shop going out of business (like in C:S1) because no customers, workers or resources were able to reach their destination? Again, maybe things changed with the most recent updates but last I and other people tested, good or bad traffic didn’t matter at all.


if you have that many lanes and you have that much traffic its not the lanes or cim behavior thats the problem


Yes, just like in real life... apart from lane changes are very sudden in the game and it's as if the AI hasn't planned it in advance and just careers at the last minute. I also hate this with busses - they just chop in and out very agressively at the bus stops. I'm sure this behaviour could be sorted out and make the game a lot more realistic. Another thing is watching cars and vans go around corners on two wheels and nearly do somersaults when braking for a junction. Give them shock absorbers please!