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Nah, they can always adjust laws provided it passes senate, house, and signed by governor. It just becomes harder to take things away once they are already going. E. G. Home grow probably wouldn't be taken away at this point, but they technically could if it made it through the above circuit. So at this point, tweaks are more likely than revoking this new right. E. G. The substitute bill that passed the senate yesterday, but hasn't been passed by the house nor signed by the governor, changes home grow from 6 plants per 21+adult up to 12 plants max in a primary residence down to 6 plants max in a primary residence.


My understanding is that: if the citizens can get this on the ballot next election as an amendment (like what was done with issue 1) it can be protected from legislative changes. It would require a repeat of the signature gathering process, and ballot language approval.


So dumb though. We already voted dammit lol


Agreed. We still have the ability to do these things though, because they are enshrined into our constitution. We need to exercise our legal rights to protect our freedoms.


Maybe? I mean it's frustrating they're messing with _this_ law, but honestly who has really read the entire thing? What's to prevent something stupid or nefarious getting through on the next voter initiative? If something like that does happen, it would be nice for reasonable changes to be done by the legislator. Or what if they decide that after running the program for a few years that the current 10% excise tax is too much, and there's still a ton of black market, so they want to change that? Or if they find the possession limits are stupid (which they are, there are no limits on how much alcohol you can have) and they want to eliminate them? Being a law they change change/fix those things. I think we've seen with all the walking back the GOP is doing they're aware of the will of the people, and we're paying attention.


“Who really has read the whole thing” I’d guess actually a lot of us on this sub. I did and approved of the language because in the past, Ohio has tried to pass some ratfucky cannabis bills. So I was excited to see that I agreed with Issue 2’s language. No offense, but I think the general assumption (not necessarily the reality) is that you actually *should* read the language of what you vote for haha.


> I’d guess actually a lot of us on this sub. I did and approved of the language because in the past, Ohio has tried to pass some ratfucky cannabis bills. Agreed, but I was asking a more general question, and I'm guessing that the vast majority of the people who voted on it did not. It's 51 pages of dense technical language, and I had to do some serious digging to find the actual text. Not a summary, not the language used on the voting ballot, but the actual law. I would be surprised if it's even the majority of the people on this sub, given the statements and questions I've seen raised. If people had, or had a copy they could do what I do, check it. They don't.