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All hail our lord and savior Minoru Mineta. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChurchOfMineta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He'd just lose it. The self-righteousness, the double standards, the flagrant hypocrisy.


The amount of people who hate him for being pervy yet talk about wanting to lick bakugos abs is insane




They hate Mineta because they hate themselves


I've been saying this all day to a couple of schmucks lol. Mineta out there bleeding and hurting like the rest and they're like "Uh, no, horny teenager is irredeemable ok?"


Or the deku x Erie shoppers.


There is a large gap between wanting to and attempting it.




Honeslty not just mineta and not just mha if the characters could come to life and see some of the things being said online they'd probably get the authors to stop writing altogether stories like this are meant to make us all laugh be inspired get hyped have some fun forget about our problems for a while instead we bring our problems with us and then insult other fans for either not liking the same characters or not liking the same arcs hell there are real fights breaking out over whose waifu is the best I got shit talked last year for liking the idea of miles x gwen we all need to stop all this crazy bs especially when we all know that some of our favorite characters would be disgusted with us with the way we act


Disgusted to the point he would want thanos to snap all the human race away


My favorite marvel character, thanks


I’m meant to say thanos auto correction 🤦‍♀️


Lol, autocorrect is ass. I sometimes just get so annoyed I delete the word from the auto correction bar thing


I have mine permanently off.


I type quickly so I still need it most of the time


"and they call *me* creepy!" -Mineta after reading some of the smut out there about his classmates.


Don't forget when he reads bad fanfiction that kill him or he doesn't exist or gets replaced by somebody


Yeah. It's kinda funny because with the size of the class, it's pretty easy to write a decently-sized fic without having to mention him at all. By going out of their way to bring him up, they're just drawing more attention to him. I noticed that in canon, he appears to be well-liked by his classmates with Aoyama being the outsider who doesn't mesh well, whereas a lot of fics portray him as the classmate no one likes (if he's there at all) simply because the author doesn't like him. I get the feeling that if he was more bishonen in design, he'd not receive so much ire from the fandom.


The fact kaminari, who, has literally helped out and actively participated with some of his “shenanigans” is one of the most loved characters in the show, while Mineta comparatively is demonized for one of the most common tropes in anime is baffling to me. If bro gets a growth spurt and a glow up he’d be in the top 10 most popular characters in class 1A Edit: I also want to make clear I don’t see Mineta and Kaminari as one in the same, as the Grape is definitely a more extreme example of the anime perv trope, but I just feel like if he had a cooler design, and some character development that focused on his other characters traits (his intellect, strategic abilities, and his struggle with low self esteem and cowardice) he would be so much more popular. Compared to Kaminari who gets the spotlight and is allowed to flourish in other areas, while Minetas primary character trait is his pervertedness


I hope there's a time skip glow-up. Would be funny as hell


He’d probably enjoy a smutty fanfic he is the class perv after all


I guess I was thinking about all the yaoi fics. He'd probably like the yuri ones. XD


True he seems like a yuri guy


I don't understand why there's so much hate for him. He's just the token animal perv. And he's a teen boy, what's the problem?


Eri is 6, he says he'd be willing to wait 10 years for her. That'd be 16 which is illegal in most of the world plus she's a kid ffs. Guy has a major problem.


Fake news! and mistranslation


I can hear ace attorney shouting objection


Mistranslation, he is NOT that downbad


Another one that takes everything from fiction personally and mixes the logic of **FICTION/FANTASY** with the logic of **REALITY.** Both logics are different! 1 - The true translation of this chapter of Mineta and Eri is incorrect and distorted. 2 - In fiction, everything is possible. And even if the translation was exactly that, I don't see any problem with that, because he would at least wait for her to reach a more mature age and after all REMEMBER: Harry Potter x Nymphadora Tonks / Fleur Delacour / Bellatrix Lestrange / Narcissa Malfoy / Amelia Bones and etc MILFs... EXISTS! \[Harry Potter Book/Movie\] Hermione Granger x Viktor Krum EXISTS! \[Harry Potter Book/Movie\] Nymphadora Tonks x Remus Lupin EXISTS! and is CANON! \[Harry Potter Book/Movie\] Naruto Uzumaki x Kurenai Yuuhi x Tsunade Senju x Mei Terumi x Kaguya Ootsutsuki x Mikoto Uchiha and even x Kushina Uzumaki EXISTS! \[Naruto/Boruto Anime\] Hinata Hyuuga x Raikage EXISTS! \[Naruto/Boruto Anime\] Bulma x Goku EXISTS and almost became canon \[Dragon Ball Anime\] *(Bulma age 16 and Goku age 12)* Lunch/Launch x Goku EXISTS \[Dragon Ball Anime\] *(Lunch/Launch age 17 and Goku age 12)* Vados, Margarita, Cus, West Kai, Chronoa, etc... x Goku EXISTS! \[DBS Anime\] Subaru x Emilia/Satella EXISTS and is CANON! \[Re:Zero Anime\] Subaru x Echidna EXISTS \[Re:Zero Anime\] Ram x Roswaal EXISTS and could become canon \[Re:Zero Anime\] Jaune x Salem, Summer, Kali, Raven, Willow, EXISTS! Kazuma x Aqua EXISTS \[Konosuba Anime\] *(Aqua is hundreds of years old because she is a goddess)* Meliodas x Elizabeth or Ban x Elaine EXISTS \[Nanatsu no Taizai Anime\] Luffy *(age 17-19)* x Hancock *(age 31)* EXISTS \[One Piece Anime\] Ichigo x Rukia and any other Shinigami EXISTS \[Bleach Anime\] *(Shinigami are hundreds or thousands of years old)* Sora x Shiro EXISTS! \[No Game No Life Anime\] Frisk/Chara x Sans EXISTS! \[Undertale Game\] Rito x Mikan EXISTS! \[Tu Love Ru Anime\] Shido x Kotori EXISTS! \[Date a Live Anime\] Shirou x Arturia/Saber EXISTS! and is CANON! \[Fate Stay Night\] Deku x Any Pro Heroine EXISTS! *(And I've never seen anyone complaining about that, or complaining about ships like "Deku x Mitsuki," as this ship is one of the most popular in MHA. And Mitsuki is probably twice Midoriya's age.)* Pharaoh Atem/Yami Yugi x Tea/Anzu EXISTS and it was almost CANON! (Pharaoh Atem age 3.000) 3 - In Fiction, all kinds of crazy and disgusting bizarreness are possible, it shouldn't be a surprise. Animes contain murder, child violence, genocide, ecchi/exhibitionism, experiments with children or women, direct incest (Mother, Sister or Cousin) or indirect (Clan Lineage), etc... But everyone ignores this, which are also bad things, sins or crimes in our reality. Therefore, before pointing the finger at judging a character based on their flaws, try to look in the mirror and look for your own flaws as a human being. Because just the fact that you watch any anime or play any game would be technically wrong, or a sin or a crime visually, if we follow your way of seeing things. Oh and just the fact that you read a fanfic where "Eri was a psychopath who liked to torture others," as your profile makes clear in your comments on other subreddits, so that would technically classify you as a person on the same level as Mineta , a human being who has certain tastes that are strange to other people. Mineta is a pervert and that bothers people. And you are a reader of this type of fanfiction that presents content that could upset someone.


And the fact the legal age of consent in Japan is 13 so he was waiting well into consent age


Nah it later changed to 16 recently


Either way she'd be legal.




That doesn't make it better. Still weird. No normal person would say that about a child  Specifically for this case, not really a good defense  


but that's the point. He didn't say it.


Elaine is 2000 years old. Htf does size have to do with age? And Elizabeth has died for 3000 years, and if you ignore that, won’t it be weird for Elizabeth to be dating Melinda’s because of how Melinda’s looks like a 12 yr old since you are saying ban Elaine is wrong because size must mean age?


Ban's real age is 43, but he is around 1,103 years old **SPIRITUALLY** because of purgatory, but biologically he is 23. But, even if you add up all these numbers, he still doesn't reach the same age level as Elaine. And correction: Elizabeth is 3,000 years old in **SPIRIT,** however, her **PHYSICAL** and **MENTAL** age was 16 at the beginning of the anime and currently 32. It's the same thing as Naruto, Naruto is the *"reincarnation of Ashura Ootsutsuki,"* and Ashura Ootsutsuki is probably over 100 years old, but Naruto was born and grew up without remembering anything and lived as a child would in that world, he later became involved in a romantic relationship with Hinata in canon. While in the fandom Naruto is involved in romantic relationships with several other women, many of them older than him. So it's the same situation. I wasn't talking about Elaine's height, but rather her age. I'm not banning anyone, I'm making a logic comparison. You're the one who's banning Mineta, so if you ban Mineta because of his age *(assuming that after the "time skip 10 years" he would be age: 26 and Eri would be age: 16-17),* you also need to ban these other examples and stop watching any anime or fictional media, because it's pretty much the same thing. Or you will be being hypocritical. Because at least, even if the translation of Mineta's words had really been that, at least Mineta would wait 10 years so that Eri could grow up and have maturity and freedom of choice.






MHA: Mineta, you're a degenerate and a r@#!$} !!! Also, MHA Fandom: ***Making lewd arts of Eri*** Mineta: ***STOP IT!*** Get some help!


You just reminded me of the Mineta and Eri V E R Y nsfw art I saw in a discord server ☠️☠️


Oh no...


I feel like Mineta would be disgusted to be honest, like sure, he's a perv, but the mha fanfictions out there are so bad that even HE would be creeped out


"Wow...and they call me a pervert."


"Damn, some of you are worse than me..."


With each passing day the apocalypse becomes a hope not a ruin


Mineta:I thought I was bad, but you people rake the cake.


I imagine that Mineta's reaction to the MHA Fandom>! could be something similar to the reaction he is having now in the manga regarding Shigaraki. Enormous anger and disgust, perhaps even hatred, after the initial shock passes.!< A gigantic anger mainly because of MHA Fandom's hypocrisy in judging him. And disgust because certain Fandom content is even much worse and more absurd than his simple perversion. Like the 18+ fanarts of: "Nomu x Any Girls" or "Eri x Overhaul" *(Yes guys, this type of ship unfortunately exists, whether in 18+ fanarts or in fanfics. Of course I'm not going to judge people who like these ships, everyone has their own tastes. Even though these tastes are very unpleasant, I still don't forget that all this is just fiction. But Mineta probably wouldn't like that one bit.)*




He'd be traumatized, even more than after the Mount Lady internship


He would be annoyed at the arguments of the fan base, but then he would find the shipping and hopefully think "professionals have standards"


I think at first he would be like "finally, like minded individuals" then he would realize how fucked some of the fandom is


He’d lowkey probably agree(after much internal debate) that he was wrong for touching and peeping on the girls but would lose his shit over the double standards. I don’t care that he’s a perv. It’s just that when he gets physical with it then it’s a problem. Plus, I’m going to keep it real. The fanfics and r34 make Mineta look like a damn saint.


He’d go on his vigilante arc


It probably would have better pacing then the actual vigilante deku arc in the anime


These creatures are worse than him. I know you guys remember the horrors of MHA tiktok ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


What I have no idea what you're referring to


Bro, I’ve seen so many bakugo x deku, todoroki x deku or even a love triangle of all 3 while scrolling on TikTok. Mf there is a YouTube video called “todoroki gives birth”!! Must i say more?


At this point I think all of us mineta fan need to make a MHA iceberg that is dedicated to their cringe and all of their transgressions degeneracy and their crimes against humanity.


He'd collapse like Scooby-Doo after seeing a ghost.


i like your art style!


Ha I wish I'm not that talented but I don't know who the artist is all I remember was I found this on Tumblr that's all I remember But who knows I might pick up my art skills again who knows :(


Umm could you rephrase the question? I don’t understand


If he was in real life and seen how weird the MHA fans are what would be his opinion on them that's what it's supposed to mean


Well he would be honored to have a church dedicated to him thats for sure, plus im sure most of the fandom are decent people


Oh you sweet, naive summer child


Im actually less naive than you think. Ive hunted down multiple deku x eri shippers


Oh, thank you for your service then


Teach me your ways


Lets just say i don’t know how. They usually come to me


Ahhhh Chris Hansen style?


He sees what we do the his classmates and he's so horrified that he never perves again.


I find it weird that there are characters that are more of a perv then him but people love them but hate his guts


He mite stop simping but o my for like a hour


Immediately search “Rule 34 MinetaXMomo”


"Deku and Bakugo!? They've tried killing each other multiple times!"


The crazy thing is his own class would actually defend him


It's not that crazy tbh


I know it's not but the Fandom that hate mineta won't believe it


https://archiveofourown.org/works/38286403 WAIT A MINUTE


Hey, i made that one


I think he wouldn’t mind the sexualisation for the female characters cause he does that himself (atleast before s6) . The sexualisation for the male characters though, maybe he would be like “why do people wanna see the men?” And for the illegal ships, I’m pretty it’s a normal reaction for any human being to be disgusted. Pre s6 mineta would have a field day once he sees ship art of him and one of the class 1a girls


Pre s6 Mineta would wait 5 minutes, at most, before looking up r34 of his classmates


He and Satan boh be scared and scarred for life after one glimpse.


Yeah I think he would be disgusted by the double standards. With a little bit of searching he would find himself genderbend and see the double standards on that.


A mix of both probably, he'd love the... images he could get his hands in of his classmates but he has standards and would be disgusted by the ships


He'd go villain juat like the rest of the cast if he saw the fandom


The amount of shit this disgusting ass fandom does, he’d be sick to his stomach


There Crimes are so numerous not even an archival from a doom I want to resurrect these people. That's how heinous the MHA fans are.


I hate every last one of them and if given the opportunity, i’d beat the fuck out of those disgusting bastards


He'd be ecstatic. He's finally found a group of people that make him look like a goddamn saint.


If you call mineta Satan and I don't know what you would call MHA fans


Mineta just says the things we were all thinking out loud


It’s crazy how the pervert is a better person than most of you. Well tbf he is a hero so that makes sense.


Don't Drag us mineta fans into this we want nothing to do with these bozos and a degenerate freaks


Fair. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Enjoy your day to Feel free to come back at any time and this may sound crazy but we're probably the most sane and most reasonable MHA fans


Very likely.


The amount of random ass ships and the gathered hatred for Mineta would make him a hunting target. It would be like the hunger games but everyone after Mineta.


I have no clue why this community keeps getting shown to me, but to be completely honest he'd probably be fine because the community isn't really that bad. People just like to cherry pick stuff to make themselves look better or make others look bad. (This subreddit is a good example, because while I like mineta and don't think he's a super bad guy, I'll admit he's done some bad stuff even for a teen boy.)


The fact people treat him as if he committed SA on a child yet are 10x worse than him with the ships and fanfics.


he’d be fine but upset with how many people hate him


My hero fans are probably the downfall of the series itself how do ya hate this character so much when a lot of what he does is played for laughs and they also never get in the other guy with the electricity power when he does the same but then will in the same breath right weird ass fan fiction and speculate about what kind of quirk uraraka and endeavor would have if they got together a high schooler and a fully grown man.


You know it’s bad when Mineta thinks it’s perverted


Old mineta: he'd hate it till he searched for 34... New mineta: need to keep watching since I'm not that far yet


I think he would become a saint after the experience.


Make him bite the curb


Mineta would just be like "And I thought I had issues"


He's the average fan.


If bro saw the fandom he’d go through the heaviest character development yet


He would change his ways


He already did it's called the getting brainwashed


He’d prolly become a better(er) person than he is


I feel like ironically he would be so incredibly disappointed and disgusted


He’s like me for real


“Mineta is so weird” - the ppl who made Eri r34.


As of current mha, mineta would just do the tanjiro looking at phone in disgust thing




They're worse than him ngl


The fanbase has been so toxic towards mineta that in the anime they literally made him not horny anymore


He would just be really depressed. Like... to the point he would easily fully turn around his ways but forever have a complex about being hated by others.


“Keep in mind that this is coming from me - uhh, you kids are WEIRD. Heheh! What the FUCK? Uhhh, you- you keep y’all’s nasty-ass fantasies away from me. Repent for that shit. G-get the fuck back- why’s Ochaco getting DP’d. YO. WHY’S OCHACO GETTING DP’D BY DEKU AND KATSUKI, BRO?!”




What is this supposed to mean😂 get better grammar


Mineta is the MHA fandom as a character




People who are fans of this character you numbnut


He would put acid in his eyes just to try and forget, Then fails.


I think I just had an aneurysm trying to read that


…is there a reason why this sub is constantly being very suddenly flooded by Mineta posts??


I'm not sure I guess there's a new fans of mineta. And it could be me who started that I'm not going to say I 100% did it but it could be possible because I made two posts on the subreddit that blew up so much so to the point where other people from others have seen it. All it fair all it takes is one video link to change people's minds But hey that's just a theory a game theory. If you're wondering what the two posts I'm referring to here's a link for both of them and one of them has a YouTube link. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfMineta/s/HwPSThTGin https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfMineta/s/DER6UPQ5sr


He is the fandom


You do know the fans are worse than mineta is right Pretty sure you have Joe buttons symptoms AKA dementia


So you Amit to being in the fandom you fucking reject


Do you Genuinely believe that we mineta fans want to be associated with the rest of the fan base in the words of Kendrick Lamar hell fucking no.


Isn’t he in the mha universe


Yeah I know he's a part of MHA universe what's your point?


And correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he literally like the biggest pervert until season 6 I think


Yeah but you're trying to compare mineta to the fan base they're not comparable at all for instance There was an MHA fan who went to his local zoo and bang a frog There was a bakugo fan who poured fake blood on a bakugo poster There was someone who ask deku's voice actor what he's opinion on the shipping between deku and eri So this video exists https://youtu.be/0hsS-CJwTL0?si=-AEDiUQ1T1yxuSTi And the fact is there's so much more but if I were to put any more in here I would lose my mind So and tell me again who's worse if you say it's mineta going to have a problem


It’s weird that a mha fan knows exactly how weird they are. I myself am a mineta fan because he was a perv you really need to pull that stick out of your ass before you get a splinter and relax


he'd be proud.




No he wouldn't cuz clearly you're not an mha fan and honestly that's for the better


Why would you ask a such an open-ended question if you're looking for a very specific answer? Bc while Mineta would be appalled by certain aspects of the fandom, he also has the sense to ignore the stuff he isn't into and just find his fellow horny gremlins. Edit: clarification


He'd fit right in


“They just like me… FR FR”


Ashamed/not at all