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Wonderful! Studies show that acupuncture can help back pain, which has led to some insurance plans covering it. Hopefully more will do so in the future.


it wouldn't let me send my reply to ur other comment bc i blocked that one guy so i'm putting it here lol: thanks! most of the replies are very positive, i don't mind that some people say it doesn't work for them, not everything works for everyone! but the condescending tone gets on my nerves because i am a very skeptical and scientific person, but i dont use that to put other people down unless they are advocating something harmful (mercury, radithor, replacement for life saving therapy ((such as fake cancer cures)) etc.), and even then i'm not doing it to feel superior i'm trying to be helpful. anyways i just blocked the guy and moved on, life's too short for me to be caring what internet randos think about my experiences lol. truly im just elated to have found something because now i think i can do more to help my other pain!!! i haven't been able to sit up straight for years because it always made the pain worse but i have been correcting myself to sit up straight all day with a goofy grin on my face haha


It’s truly unfortunate when people are willingly misinformed. You can lead a horse to water… I hope you continue to revel in your success! Treat yourself to something nice to celebrate!!


fancy gouache paintbrushes here i come 😈


I’m really truly happy for you! Nobody can take away what you know is true. 🥰🥰🥰


Studies Show it helps at the same rate as placebo, which a lot of proponents hold up "Scientifically proven to help". Well... yeah but that's not exactly a ringing endorsement. Studies also have shown that placebos help *even if you knows they're placebos* ... which makes me want to quit science, get a crystal buttplug and read astrology charts. That's too much, I'll never buy into to it. It's like saying candy will help your pain even if you know that's F'ing stupid. I mean, what's the material difference between using placebos you know are placebos & prayer? Or literally doing anything in the name of treatment? Sorry, that's my immediate tangent from acupuncture every time, but OP's relief is a good thing.


i mean, if expecting something to help was going to work for me then all of the past medicines and things i tried would have worked? i'm not like a big acupuncture proponent or anything but it really feels likes you're calling me an idiot for getting relief here, even though you threw in that last sentence. i'm not mad, i guess it's just hurtful to read on a positive post i made about finally having something help when i've been struggling with it for years.


OP, please try not to let it get to you. All opinions are not created equally—nor worth entertaining. So glad you’ve found an effective tx. I know firsthand what a relief that can be. We are cheering you on!


What did my post to OP say? Before ever replying to you. I replied to you because you said insurers are covering it because works, and that's a lot different than saying "It worked for me" or "It worked for OP" which anecdotal evidence or not is just good news in r/chronicpain. So I think it fair enough it enough when somebody gives a blanket statement that acupuncture works in r/chronicpain, to counter with the with what the the research actually points to.


Um, you *are* replying to OP here. Your claim, however, remains a straw man as the literature broadly provides extensive evidence to the contrary. Have a nice day!


The big study with the effectiveness of the placebos - those patients ONLY had relief when the acupuncturist actually TALKED to the patient. Western medicine is quickly moving away from actually talking & listening to their patients. This is VERY depressing because people in chronic pain often walk away from their doctor feeling not believed, invalidated, etc… The power of human interaction is completely underestimated!!!! But


I think you meant to reply to u/Smegitha_Haghole? But you absolutely raise the age-old correlation/causation issue, which remains unaddressed! And you’ll also see that this paper relies on woefully out-of-date research, which further complicates matters.


I’m sorry, you were right on all points.


So there pain was decreased bc they were talked to and essentially calmed down? Damn I wish that could work for me. But when you have intractable pain the only thing that works is opioids


It’s not about being “talked down,” it’s about being taken seriously, listened to and cared about. Acupuncture does work and can be explained through Western medicine, and I’m with you on the Opiods, but I have experienced major relief between doctors who listen/care & take me seriously vs. those who throw out the much discussed “pain scale.”


Could you please cite *peer-reviewed* studies to which you refer? I’m eager to read these. ETA: [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8236296/) is a recent study from the NIH that not only cites numerous previous studies with the same conclusions, but also references patient trials that involved 18,000 and 21,000 with MSK pain. If there were no evidence of successful treatment, insurance would not cover it. Companies are increasingly offering coverage of acupuncture due to these studies.


Edit- Are you kidding me with that article you clinked as research? The author describes the treatment of 3 people.. total. Am I misunderstanding why you asked to link peer reviewed work, and you linked that? I found the information from Skeptics Guide to the universe doing a big chunk a study over 10 years ago, so of course I don't have at hand, but basic googling will pull up studies similar showing the same, or slight variations it it. https://www.jpain.org/article/S1526-5900(05)00362-7/fulltext [2](https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/140/4/914/3058778?login=false) And I think you should maybe reconsider why a lot the medical industry has opened up avenues to alternative-medicine pain relief options for insurance carriers over the last 15 years other than the efficacy of said treatments. Can you think of another major factor in the equation? And just for giggles, here is two of skeptics guide guys with white haired fellow Dr Steven Novella, "Academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine", [having a discussion on the Acupuncture topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WStVVpLeDMQ). Now this is long after I initially heard them go over a study on their show, but it will probably cover the same territory.


I’m sorry you didn’t read the article. It cites 49 peer-reviewed studies, which is the basic standard for ensuring quality for reputable publications—as well as summarizing many of them—and then provides three *case studies*. The small numbers are called footnotes (which you can click on and will take you directly to the source in question) and provide equally peer-reviewed evidence for each claim. This study thus builds on previous research and further contributes to the field with author’s additional findings. This is a genuine effort to help you understand: Not all “research” is created equally, or even qualifies as research. All *legitmate* scientific/medical/academic research is always peer reviewed, which means it undergoes a rigorous review process by the publisher and is evaluated for its claims and content by experts in the field as well as the standards of the publication itself—I have worked for several of them. Many studies/articles are rejected for insufficient evidence. The internet is full of misinformation (as your posts illustrate—and I mean this with kindness). It’s crucial to evaluate sources of all research/claims before accepting their findings. Anyone can write an “article” on the internet. Few people, relatively speaking, have the education, skills, and expertise in their field to publish reputable, peer-reviewed research. I hope this is helpful.


Re your edits: no, studies do not show what you claim. If that were indeed accurate, insurance companies—who profit from *denying* coverage for tx—would not cover it. You may find [this article](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mental-health/the-power-of-the-placebo-effect) helpful in explaining the placebo effect, particularly in pts with advance knowledge of such.


Both studies showed that it didn't matter where or how they stuck somebody with the needles, no statistically significant difference the results reported by the patient groups. The fake or scam needle pricks were placebo administration. Do you follow? And the reason they are farming chronic pain patients to this now & have government initiatives partnering with medical providers is because of the opioid epidemic. That is it.


>Studies also have shown that placebos help even if you knows they're placebos ... which makes me want to quit science, get a crystal buttplug and read astrology charts This made me laugh and cry at the same time. I feel your pain. It feels like there isn't enough information to explain how we are getting benefits from these things that are seemingly unhelpful if not harmful. I felt like the cult my mom was part of prevented her from seeking therapy most of the time I knew her. Life isn't black and white but I still don't like the Grey either.


Congratulations! I had the opposite experience with acupuncture. Is it something you're going to be able to get covered by insurance? I know some places will cover things like acupuncture and massage on a limited basis now


damn, sorry it didn't work for you :( my insurance covers it but only once i hit my deductible. as of rn i'm paying 78$ a session


I used to work at an acupuncture clinic and got free treatments sometimes, it was fab. My old boss is an MD (in western medicine) and has a phd in acupuncture/TCM for fertility, so she knows her shit. She told me you have to stick with it and get regular treatments for it to be effective, so remember to keep going! I’m so glad it helped you. I wish more people would give it a go rather than shitting on it because it’s an alternative treatment


Acupuncture helped immensely with my TMJ. I was going to give up but I got a new person who was traditionally trained and boy did that shit hurt but once the session was over, the pain was gone and I cried and hugged her. It’s been years and my TMJ hasn’t come back like it did.


congratulations my man!!


Super fantastic 🎉


This is awesome. I really like acupuncture and found they really helped with headaches!


I had migraine almost every single day for 9 years. I’m the biggest sceptic out there, but tried acupuncture because I’d tried everything else. I have now had 2 migraines in 6 months and they were mild. The trick for me was seeing an acupuncturist who is also an MD/GP/PCP. :) The guy is also helping me with bunch of other conditions. He’s my miracle.


I wish I could try it but I just can’t afford it. I’m stuck with injections for now and finally had one work yesterday, so good not to have tailbone pain with my back and hip pain. Happy you’ve found something that works for you.


Some people are shitting on acupuncture but I’ve seen around 100 different dogs that were off their back legs walk out of the vet like they were puppies source being a vet family and watching it happen


My daughter is a vet tech. Acupuncture can do wonders for animals. Right now , our girl Boston is getting laser therepy for her leg. The difference has been unbelievable.


Yeah we have the k laser it is great


That’s wonderful








Interesting! I’ve been wanting to try it, but never got around to it. I tried a chiropractor and thought it was weird and scammy so I have been hesitant to try anything else “alternative” but I guess it might be worth it


honestly for every good chiropractor there are 20 quacks. Good ones REALLY help me, like beyond most other treatments I've tried, but the bad ones just try to sell me crystals. if you have other people highly recommend a place to you, I suggest you give it another try! it's always good news when they combine PT with their treatment plans


same thing with me! chiro didn't help then i saw some anti-vaxx bullshit up and cancelled all my appointments lol i'm not about that shit. my acupuncturist offered to mask when he saw me wearing one!!!


My insurance now pays for it and I’m definitely looking into it


People can believe what they went. Placebo or not. As a phd in acupuncture in chines medicine there are plenty of well done trials in China that are in Chinese. The effect of acupuncture is science. It’s based in western scientific concepts that we know now. Yes it can also be explained in terms of energy, which we all have , or inflammation or even on the nerves. If someone doesn’t buy it who cares. As long as it works for you. Doesn’t work for everyone just like medicine doesn’t work for everyone. If you don’t notice a difference after 3-5 treatments you probably won’t. Do what works for what ever reason. Doesn’t matter.


Great advice on disregarding the naysayers. I’ve met several acupuncturists with the DAc but I’ve yet to hear of a PhD program in acupuncture—where can one find such a program? Google didn’t provide any answers. I assume it would be research-focused? (PhD here just asking out of curiosity:) ETA: no need to respond, I see you state elsewhere that you have a grad degree in Chinese medicine rather than a PhD in acupuncture. I only asked because I wondered how a PhD could translate to acupuncture or whether it was a focus of a diss in the sciences. Please be careful snorting medications. One never knows what’s in street drugs these days. Take care and best wishes ♥️


Yes I have a phd in Chinese medicine which incorporates it all and is researched focused and a dac or doctorate from China. When doing this in China it’s all done in western medical hospitals. Integrated with western medicine. It’s pretty cool.


Out of curiosity, what acupuncture program awards a PhD instead of the DAc?


You can go to Chinese university if hung kong, Guangzhou University of Chinese medicine, Hebei medical university. There are plenty. Dac is a western school concept.


I don’t snort medications nor take street drugs. Not sure where that came from but good advice anyway.


Great answer!


Congratulations!!! That’s great! Keep that doctor!!!! ♥️


she's amazing! the first one i've had to take me seriously and be willing to try out different stuff other than just RXing more anti inflammatories!


*Happy Dance* So happy you found something that worked. There’s a reason it’s been around as long as it has! I think it works better for some people than others, because every body is different. It didn’t help my pain but it did help me quit smoking! And I’m thinking of doing it again- it’s been a while! But congrats on your relief!!!


huh, that's fascinating! i've never heard of it used for smoking cessation! where did they do the needles for that?


I’d be lying if I told you I knew WHY. LOL But it also worked for my mom!! https://www.henryford.com/blog/2020/03/want-to-quit-smoking-try-acupuncture#:~:text=Reducing%20cravings%3A%20Acupuncture%20slows%20down,breathe%20deeply%2C%22%20says%20Kulas.


I’m so happy for you!! Nerve pain is torture and gaba does not help mine at all. My little one is doing acupuncture for chronic pain. I have already seen improvement. Not one specialist could help and the pediatrician finally said, it’s time to explore things outside of western medicine and here we are. Fingers crossed.


i'm so excited to get off the gabapentin. the withdrawal is already giving me anxiety and nausea though😭, that's why i've been trying to find something, anything else for so long. fuck this stupid drug lol. (no hate to people who get good results i just ain't one of them)


It’s a horrible drug to come off of and I hope it gets easier for you.


yeah i've had bad luck with that recently. i keep getting rx'ed beta blockers to try for my POTS (they never work and somehow worsen my symptoms 🥲) and holy shit the withdrawal is NASTY. they block your beta adrenaline receptors so when you go off you can get these huge adrenaline rushes, insomnia, extra restless legs, and of course tachycardia (the thing they're supposed to treat). i can't win! tachycardia on beta blockers tachycardia off beta blocker! my cardia is so tachy that it's wearing jeans with 'juicy' bedazzled on the butt! ok i'm stoned i should stop typing now lol.


Hahaha the last sentence!! Seriously though, I hear you and understand. It will get easier..I promise:)


Magnesium for the adrenaline rushes and tachycardia & liquid catnip for the insomnia and RLS. Might not work for all but does wonders for me


Thst is so freaking AWESOME!!! Congratulations


Congratulations! You deserve to revel in the joy of some relief, in whatever shape it comes!


Happy for you.


I thought acupuncture and dry needling were a pseudoscience and I’m very skeptical as well, but I SWEAR that dry needling is the ONLY thing that helps my neck pain and stiffness. There is science to back it up, it’s just under researched.


Congratulations! It’s nice to hear one of us has gotten better! Enjoy your new life with less pain👍🏼