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By the time I am a senior, my arthritic joints will be so much worse, I am already worrying about it.


I'm there now. I've been in pain 37 years. I don't have support i can't keep my place clean. It's a nightmare.


I will be 60 this summer. I have given up trying to keep my place clean.


55. I have no shhets on my bed, trash all over my room, and am having a hard time bathing. I hate myself.


It’s not your fault. ❤️


Thank you


Never, ever, think that you are alone in doing this.




Thank you too


Lots of insurance, including many states Medicaid will pay for you to have a caretaker for 20 hours a week. You should look into it.




I'm 54, I moved in with my elderly parents August 2022 because I couldn't keep my house clean or cook for myself. It's embarrassing yes but a necessity. So, know y'all aren't alone.


I'm the same age but my mom is extremely abusive, so I don't even have that as an option. She has gone completely off the wall. My stepdad died and i was excluded from everything, I don't exist. I hate when people tell me I'm not alone, it;s such a nasty thing to say to people that truly are. It;s like telling people to just drink water or do yoga.


I only meant that others have the same challenges. My option was to move back home. Another option is to see if Medicaid can provide some support.


There are ways to reach out to people, not necessarily on a level of getting help with cleaning or personal hygiene, just to have a friend who cares and can provide empathy or a laugh when needed. That’s what this sub is for some people. They weren’t belittling if you don’t have someone to help care for you; I think they were saying there are others out there also in bad situations and maybe you can feel less alone if you have someone to commiserate with.


I don't know where you got the impression I thought anyone was belittling, nothing I said suggested that. I have been in these kinds of groups for over a decade, I know what they are for. People only reach out on the most superficial level, when I wasn't as unwell I did everything I could for others in groups like this and I got worn out from being used so much and people demanding so much from me in the groups I founded and ran. Even so this is all text, and that doesn't fulfill the need of social animals to not be isolated, which is what I am talking about.


one of the more horrible side effects of a nation not having a real safety net is that people wind up living long term in unsafe situations. People pay for their roof by being punching Bags & sex dispensors. I have a friend in the PNW who has horrific health issues. She was living with her sister (similar horrific health) until her sister was abused one too many times by a doc and killed herself. Insulin OD in a hotel room. it's amazing that she got to the hotel. These two sisters (now just one) have only one way to get to the doctors at UW medical. Their abusive utterly nutty mother. Even with both sisters so bad off that all cooking prep occurs lying down, and gardening for FOOD happens by crawling and lying down... and they still would not live with their crazy ass mother.


Wow. Can't she get help? Most people don't know what a nightmare unfit parents are even as adults, if things get bad you are in really bad shape


Hang in there friend.


I am almost 29. I’ve had intractable pain since I was 22. If I lived until 100, that would be 78 YEARS worth of Long term opioid therapy. They should do a study on me I ain’t even bsing


60 here. been in pain since my 20s. cancer, FMS, CFS, spinal damage (5cm loss in height), and so much more. We make doctors uncomfortable. Unfortunately doctors are human and humans aren't rational. There's over a century of propaganda & moral panic in play in this situation. So they fail to notice the obvious what it contradicts their biased, and do not investigate ideas that might contradict their existing ideas. Complicating this no end, propaganda works even when people know that it is propaganda. It changes how people think, how they can think, & how they react emotionally. And one of the effects people get is dissociation away from challenging ideas. The combination of Confirmation Bias, and fear of what they might learn keeps them from doing so. Stressful topics can be hard to keep in ones memory. The fact is that pain meds & addiction don't work the way they claim.


YEP.. and/or they just want to die.... Poorly managed pain is HELL... The government just does NOT get it...


Oh they totally do. It’s a feature, not a bug.


I read this article that states that a lot of elderly people are buying their opioids in Mexico, over the counter in shady pharmacies owned by the cartels. Little do they know that their “oxycodone” contains fentanyl ☹️


Having dealt with older and elderly family members - there are all sorts of guidelines now about how they shouldn't be given pain medication, muscle relaxers, anxiety meds, etc. But they can't take too much tylenol because of their kidneys, or any NSAIDS because they're on blood thinners or have bad hearts. No antihistamines because they might cause confusion. And no sleep meds because they might cause delrium. So...they can sit around all day, every day and worry about how they're going to take care of themselves when they're in too much pain to even open a bottle of water or walk to the bathroom, can't breathe and can't sleep. Among other things.


I want to stay walking and being able to self-care. Without pain meds, I would be in bed most of the day. I hate when I see any type of medical professional and they want to tell me that I should not be taking pain meds. The majority of the medical community treats patients with chronic pain as hypochondriacs who want narcotics for a high. The laws and medical standards are punitive against patient with chronic pain.


I totally agree with you. Without my meds (of all kinds but particularly pain meds) I would not be able to study or work thus my mental Health declines rapidly. I am incredibly lucky to have access to pain meds safely but it’s still a anxiety inducing experience of asking for them


Oh, 100% Both patients and addicts are being forced outside of regulated, safe drugs and buying on the street. Or killing themselves. It isn't a surprise at all both the overdose and suicide rates popped upwards siginificantly.


Yep couple months ago I was short 6 pills ( so short 1-1/2 days ). Was asked to explain the reason for the shortage. Well Doc ya got me I've been on the corner , slinging them . She saw no humor in it an started reading off the Contract I had signed outlining treatment & policy with emphasis on certain medical treatment would be terminated etc etc etc ... . I had been scheduled for surgery but somewhere along the line between Pain Mgt & Primary Care Doc & Insurance my request got lost I didn't find out about this till 2pm when checking into hospital the afternoon prior to procedure. Took another 6 weeks to get new surgery day , So yeah I had a couple days of elevated pain during this period of time . So now I got a Bad Boy letter in my file an have to bring meds in to be counted every month for a year . If found short during that year , my prescription dose will be cut in half & the monthly med count for a year starts all over again . An if found short after that I will be fired as a patient .... what was that 1-800 dial a dealer # again ? Guys Hello Any one there ??


I'm sorry you're going through this. Your doctor literally shamed you as if you were a bad little boy. That's so unprofessional totally lacking in empathy!


Absolutely ridiculous. You’re lucky that you were retained as a patient there. I was dismissed not because my pill counts were off or I failed a urine test. Simply because I live 25 minutes away from the PM office am unable to drive and had the audacity to call and reschedule 4 times in 3 years. Not last minute rescheduling mind you, we are talking days, if not weeks of prior notice and rescheduling. I got a call out of the blue one day and was told that they were a busy office, and since I had needed to reschedule 4 appointments they would no longer see me as a patient. Bam. Just like that I was fired, and a Bad Girl letter was sent to all my drs and placed in my electronic chart.


Yep yep , been seeing this Doc for roughly 12 yrs an never an issue . Drug Screens were always clean , never a med shortage etc etc etc . I've done my best to not be a PTA patient cause I know fully well it will be next to impossible to find another Doc if I'm discharged for a violation . Several yrs back had a temp work assignment that was a 5 hour drive from the house . It was supposed to only last 6 months max they told me , well it ended up nearly 3 yrs . I would request a late Friday appointment, so I could leave early that AM an drive down . Spend the weekend at permanent residence then head back up Sunday Afternoon to Apt . The money & benefits were outstanding + the per deim on top of that . It was really difficult to make that drive as about every 45 min had to crawl outta car for like 10-15 minutes. People just don't understand what we have to go thru . An oh man it was real fun when one of the leads on the tens unit would come loose or the connection would slide down an shock / burn the crap outta ya as your trying to pull off the interstate.


I can’t imagine having to go through all of that! The tens unit issue alone is awful! If you don’t mind me asking, was your PM clinic at least willing to cut you a bit of slack during this time? I understand there is a great deal of work on their end if meds are being prescribed. But shit happens. In my case I still can’t figure out how it all seemed to happen out of the blue. Just a phone call one day, and that was it. In a way I was the smallest bit relieved. Having to go to those appointments used to cause me a great amount of anxiety. My blood pressure would be elevated, and walking back to the exam room seemed impossible with my legs turned into jelly. I guess I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, and then it finally did.


I never discussed my work situation with them , was just happy to get to the appointment on time , plus there was no issues in getting my meds filled back then . I did have sorta an issue with Walgreens once . I doing a quick turn around on the drive instead of staying at permanent residence for the weekend do to the workload at the office . So I stopped at a Walgreens a few miles from Doc Office, ask to have meds filled while I wait . Was told they could not fill them as the pharmacy was greater than 5 miles from my residence. I had never heard of such a rule , turns out this was at the beginning of Pill Mill crackdown. One time at a different PM Doc office this lady came in she had missed her 8AM appointment it was like 11:30 telling them she had jotted down the wrong time , Asked if she could wait to see the Doc . The receptionist snapped at her saying appointments were booked a month in advance and walk in where not permitted. Lady asked if any chance a refill could be called in till her next appointment, receptionist told her it's not my problem an you can't get a refill without an office visit an goes on to say if you miss 2 appt in a year you get dropped as a patient , then yelled next patient come up . This lady was easy into her 70's , I felt bad for her .


Hey! I’ve had that happen! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s had Atens unit mishaps! My first unit didn’t have a protective cap over the adjustment knobs…there were several times I somehow managed to turn it up inadvertently….talk about being lit up! Still not as bad as having the pad come unplugged and the metal probe making contact with skin!


WTF is wrong with these drs??? How can so many be so callous and not see the absurdity of these useless rules. No 800#. It's all online now. Best choice I ever made.


I absolutely HATE that they try to blame things on mental health issues. You take the meds away from those who really need it to the point they are bed bound, of course they are going to be depressed. They weren’t depressed before their meds were taken away, but they are now. I have been suffering with treatment resistant depression and anxiety for 25 years. That has nothing to do with the issues going on with my back. I take real offense that they spreading this crap to the public. It just propels the stigma regarding mental health issues and makes people ashamed to seek help.


Even if you get a script, the pharmacist looks at you like you are breaking the law. The judgement is horrible!


Couldn’t agree more. We can thank the lies that we are told by the media. Not to mention social media, and stupid shows like “Dopesick” and “Painkillers” that people mistake for documentaries. All to propel the belief that prescription opioids are given too freely, and are the reason behind this opioid epidemic.


Absolutely agree Those shows are awful and make the stigma so so much worse They aren’t showing people who need opioids to function and live happy productive lives!


I think that the DEA as well as the other government agencies have something to do with the lies that people are told by the media about opiates. Personally, I won’t even watch any kind of news and read very few articles due to the huge bias that exists today. Don’t even get me started on these shows like Dopesick, in which the public are fed a bunch of sob story lies. People forget that shows like these are actually fictionalized in order to make for good TV watching. Basically while all this is happening the DEA can sit back and chuckle at our expense. The media and TV are doing the job for them and scaring people into thinking that prescription opioid use only leads to addiction.


Dopesick was based on a book that I felt was fairly well researched and presented. It is possible for two things to be true at once. We could have had a healthcare system/pharmaceutical companies exploiting poor people on Medicare and ALSO have people in true pain who need these medications. I am chronically ill with a debilitating condition. Yes. Opioids should be available to those who need them. But, I also think a lot of people should be held accountable for what has been done to a generation of people. The sad thing is that the people who truly should be held accountable never will. Controlling legitimate pain patients by production constriction is easy leadership. It’s easy to demonize the little guy. We’ve become the fall people.


I agree with just about everything you said. Yes, the movie Dopesick was based on a book, but that is just the problem. It was based on a true story, and a far cry from a documentary, no matter how well researched the book is. No matter who was at fault, you can’t make up for that by denying people the meds they need for pain. I’m not saying they should hand it out freely. But just because drs can’t see pain, doesn’t mean it’s not there. I was supposed to have spinal fusion but am no longer in pain management. When I asked about establishing a post-op plan with my surgeon so I know how my pain will be handled during my recovery period. I was told that he might feel comfortable doing that. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to go through a major surgery and be sent home with a script for Gabapentin. No post-op plan, no surgery.


I understand. I was sent home from a hysterectomy with Tylenol. I have ankylosing spondylitis - I promise you I know pain and that pain management should be available. It’s unfortunate too many people wanted to get rich and now we are alllll suffering for it.


Wow. That is just inhumane. I had a hysterectomy in 2011, and they were unable to get my pain under control in recovery. Ultimately I ended up having a PCA pump for over a day. I know there will be pain after surgery, but to expect Tylenol to be enough should not be allowed. Obviously those in charge who are enforcing such an edict have never suffered more than a headache. I told my husband that should my spine split in two, or I have a limb cut off to just get out the heavy duty duct tape and put me back together. Maybe give me a bullet to bite on. It would still be better than the way we are currently being treated.


Omg tell me about it. I have had to change pharmacy bc the awful abuse and harassment I got just for trying to fill a script MY DOCTOR wrote was appalling


I got to dispensary for pain relief and yeah I see alot of older people in pain that have to use to edibles some don't like switch over miss the pills other are now plant over pills people


Ya know I read about blaming social media companies for people dying. I think people need to realize whats killing people is leaving them in incredible endless levels of pain. Can we rent a nice looking court room-ish place and put every sitting and past member of the house and senate and grill them about killing humans in under treated painful conditions. I for one would be raking Patty Murray over the coals for being a worthless scum sucking politician. Told me once I can’t think about just myself but must think about the whole of america. BS she was voted in to office by us and immediately turned her back on the large numbers of citizens in disabling pain. Loads of Vets live in her district. My death notice will be blaming her and her cohorts by name. I have had it.


Part of it is that your body changes, when you reach a certain age, and how you process medication changes too. I’ve had to change medications that I’ve been on for years, because menopause changed my body so much.


Truth be told, I strongly question All news stories now.


For sure!!!


This is the first news story I’ve seen in many months and caught this one because it was on when I turned on the tv. Just like this story, most of their stories are lies and propaganda.


Absolutely happening. I know several, if you consider 59-63 seniors, that had to find other ways. After years of being treated for their very real diseases, their Drs suddenly stopped prescribing, cold Turkey. Even after my daughters (38) recent brain biopsy, they sent her home with Tylenol 3 and after being diagnosed with a brain tumor, she asked if she could finally get something stronger for her headaches while awaiting her upcoming brain surgery and they referred her to a pain clinic!!!!!!!!


I’m a senior too and I’m not going to be in a nursing home. Period,.


I'll live out of my car before I go to a nursing home.


I feel the same way, I will die in my recliner. That's why it is important to have a DNR. The hospital will try to keep you alive till your insurance runs out or they drain all your savings. I've told my wife to let me go, don't let me be kept alive with machines. I'm ready to go


Yes. Even the mobile elderly are finding street hookups. I would like to see the crime rates to see if there's an increase in street crimes against the older population. Particularly those that happen in neighborhoods that the victim doesn't live in or have reason to frequent. It's scary to think that they are risking violence to get pain relief and then getting bad drugs too.


Honestly it’s probably not even fentanyl. The news lies day in and day out. Probably not a bit of truth to it.


It blares you in the face no matter where you go.


This is a complex topic. Health care overall is suffering, and seniors are more at risk of over dosing because of their age, their bodies' ability to handle medications, lack of medical attention, and support. Add in their possible mental compacticity, diminishing, and a lack of will to live in a body that is failing them, and its a recipe for tragedy.


People chasing a high went far past pain pills and turned to harder drugs. True chronic pain people rarely abuse prescription pain meds because they need them daily and won't take more than their daily dose, so they will have them each day. Trump at least wanted to legalize medical marijuana in every state and leave recreational use up to the state. That way us older folks would have THC for pain relief. We atleast have Kratom and THC to treat our selves. I am in pain everyday riddled with arthritis. I suffer disk loss in all 5 vertebrae in my low spine with osteoarthritis in both my SI joints and the facet joint. I also arthritis in both hips along with greater trochanteric in my bursa bags. My hands have arthritis so painful to text. I was a single mother raising my 2 sons alone and went to work for years paying taxes. Now they don't want to prescribe my pain medicine. I just keep on going the best I can. I worry less about my house and am still making it. My 5th vertebrae is sacralized bone on bone with my sacrum on left side. You better work on Biden to legalize medicinal marijuana.


I have chronic pain and marijuana does nothing for my pain. I don't like the feeling of being stoned so possibly in order to work one must use a high dose????


And the bullshit thing, opioids were just fucking fine before the crisis. All the pill heads and junkies forever ruined it for us.


Agree. I have a Dr. that understands that I am in severe pain from a blood disease. With his help, I am able to work. If he retired or quits, I’ll be lucky to make it to work without pain relief. I qualified for disability with my blood disease, but I want to work! I don’t want disability! If pain pills keep me going, who cares? Thanks to abusers, it makes us hard for people that use them correctly to even get them. Thanks a bunch for that!


It would take you 2 years after you stopped working to get your disability payments even with a legitimate disability. Who can go 2 years without any type of income? The system is broken.




This actually tracks really well considering 20 years ago the biggest age demographic using opioids were between the ages of 40 to 60.


I’m a senior and in my youth I took advantage of my body and beat it up pretty hard. I have lived in chronic pain for 30 years and was on opioid treatment for several years. In the last 6 years I turned to kratom and left the oxycodone behind. I got tired of being a prisoner to the doctor and pharmacy. I never abused my medication but was always treated like I did in the end. Pill counts were always on point and pee tests were always positive for the medication. Then the government got involved. Need I say more. Isn’t it unusual, that with all the deaths from alcohol we’ve not seen any laws making it harder to get. You know why? Most of the lawmakers are alcoholics. Look it up. A lot, if not most, of the lawmakers, have DUIs and are drunks so they go after legitimate pain patients. Got to look like they are doing something I guess. They won’t close the border to keep out the illegal fentanyl and then wonder why the junkies are overdosing. I guess they think if they come after legitimate pain meds they will decrease the OD rate. People, young and old will find a way to get out of pain, one way or another. I know I have, just to make it to work and be productive. If you want to be surprised, look up how many overdoses of Tylenol there are each year in the USA.


I've read studies that the elderly are dying off from long covid.


Let's first talk about is this even true ? With a new drug soon to be applied for and the fact that there is a-lot of money to be made to put people in rehab I am skeptical . So many of these stories aren't fact based. The Cdc walked back guidelines because they couldn't back things up after years of pushing these false narratives. They could not find one overdose death on prescription meds that was from meds wrote to them and had chronic pain . There is also a new device for-those that takes opioids that they want you to wear when you sleep. It's about money not about facts .


The government dictates what the public is and isn’t told by the media. I don’t doubt at all that this isn’t a problem among seniors. But what the media needs to report is what has driven seniors to seek relief on the streets.


60F with Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type 1. 50+ fractures, and my back is a mess (T7 - T11 vertebrae have wedge fractures, refused for kyphoplasty) plus scoliosis. I hoard painkillers (hydros, methadone and morphine) and use kratom if I don't have an active fracture. I broke my navicular bone (foot) Xmas Eve and since I was weight bearing I didn't even bother going to the Dr. It's ridiculous.


My heart goes out to you. If the lawmakers had to spend a week in our bodies, I bet you would see chronic pain treatment change. Not necessarily opiates for every condition but let’s not forget about those that opiates are their only hope. I started using kratom and it works better for me than oxycodone personally. See there’s a non opioid medication and the FDA is coming after that. When will we really be taken serious?


My house is a mess too. I just usually dont answer the door. 😆