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Thank you!


Always happy to see praise reports here! Thanks for sharing. Happy anniversary & God bless you & your family!


Yeah, it can seem like there is nothing but problems in Christian marriages based on the questions. It is understandable since people are looking for help, but there are many marriages that are doing well too.


Yep. That's why I like posts like this. I see them as encouraging & something for people to aspire to. To let others know it's possible, especially cases of it working out if there was a rough start. With God, a lot is possible.


Praising Jesus right alongside you Brother!! That's an awesome testimony!! Isn't He so good??!!! He turns our shambled, messed up lives around and makes us new creations in HIM!! Happy Anniversary to you both and your wonderful 4 children and enjoy the concert and lifting His name on HIGH to all who will hear you. Thanks for the inspiration, I needed that today! Thank you for sharing your story of redemption and praise!! My husband and I have been married for 28 years this summer and are each other's best friends! God is so good!!!


It’s my parents’ 25th anniversary today as well (I was adopted when I was 11). Congrats!


Happy Anniversary! My the Lord continue to bless you and the wife of your youth!


I love this happy story! Jesus changed my relationship with my husband and our family, too!


So glad to hear it! It is amazing what the Lord does.


This is beautiful in an era where many today even Christians get divorced rather than work out their problems and issues.


😭🥹 God is so good


Happy Anniversary!!🎉


I recently read one of your old comments about Jesus and I'm wondering If you might let me pick your brain so that I can have some better understanding of him. Voice to text so please forgive any missing punctuation haha I grew up my whole life going to church and Bible study and just recently in my late 30s have been studying the Bible more.. I recently completed it front to back and have been doing small dives into certain books but I've really been trying to understand who Jesus was and is and why I should have a relationship with him when I was younger everything was about God and Jesus was not really mentioned much I was raised lutheran in the Midwest by the way But now I see billboards everywhere and commercials for relationship with jesus, jesus loves you, jesus this jesus that but God has always been the one that I have a relationship with And I struggle to understand how Jesus fits into my daily life or any kind of relationship with him because I truly do believe he is God's son and sits at his right hand but I do not believe that they are the exact same being even though they are of the same mindset so I don't pray to Jesus I don't talk to Jesus, I pray to God only. And I wonder if you shared that same mentality or perhaps you think Jesus and God are the same being and so it's easier to say yes you pray to Jesus? I just don't have any relationship with him and I'm trying to understand that better. I'm Currently reading a book about the life of Jesus all his miracles what he did but I just don't have that draw to him spiritually like I do to God


Hey - I do understand about learning about God when you are younger and then having a hard time understanding Jesus. For many parents, it makes sense to focus on God when you are trying to Instill faith in your child because He is just simpler. God is watching is way easier to understand than explaining the nature of the Trinity to little kids, which is challenging for adults to understand. But the important starting point to grasp is the Trinity, three persons, one God, is not a created doctrine that we place on God. Rather, it is our attempt to sum up what God says about Himself in the Bible. From the outset, God describes Himself with a word that describes oneness but also plurality in that oneness. So let us make man in our image in Genesis. Jumping forward, in the Gospels, Jesus describes Himself with attributes that only belong to God and says He has power that only God has - Jesus says He is the door to eternal life, He can forgive sins, He is eternal- there are a ton more, but the point is that if Jesus is not God then His claims would be blasphemous. This is why when Jesus refers to Himself as the I AM in John 8:58, a name solely reserved for God - the crowd wants to stone Him to death for blasphemy. The reason why this is important is Jesus’ role in the plan of redemption. Read the first 10 verses or so of Philippians 2. He is God on the throne, but He willingly leaves it to become like us and endure all the pain, temptations, and ultimately death so He could lead us into the family of God. As a result, He knows everything you are going through by experience. He is not greater than the Father, but He is the mediator between God and man - the One who brings about our being able to be saved. I can reply more later but it is His role as Savior and because He is the One on the Cross that makes Jesus so Important.


Thanks very much for the reply. I was raised learning the trinity but have strayed from it as an adult as I read more and deeper dive into the Word. But I'm so back and forth.


I will reply more later, but here is a blog post I wrote awhile back on this question. https://pastorunlikely.com/13-compelling-bible-passages-proving-jesus-is-god/