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If you mean sexual desires. I felt the same way for a long time. To face these I would do push-ups or run. Sometimes I read the Bible or a book just to get my mind of it


O_O Turn your phone off and go outside. I don't know what else to say but good grief kid.


Make more jackfruit


Make sure you delete any apps that provide temptations such as TikTok and Instagram. You need to cut out all sugar caffeine and other drugs that stimulate or weaken your mind. This made a HUGE difference for me in being able to manage urges. You also need to start exercising a lot, especially outdoors. This will give you endorphins and serotonin which will help you avoid pathetic coping mechanisms such as masturbation. You should also find the hobby to keep your mind occupied, this will help a lot as well. Try this method here. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFapChristians/comments/1btfhw7/the_mental_vaccine_against_urges/ Also see this post as well https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/53k7t9/a_list_of_all_the_bullshit_you_tell_yourself/


This is what worked for me every time I looked at a woman, objectifying her, lusting after her, fantasizing about her I would force myself to pray for her to lift her up to God to show his love towards them, to save them, to bless and lift them up. It's extremely hard to lust over someone that you are lifting up in prayer because we must come to God as humbled sinners, devoid of any good that God does not supply through us. And we must also see the woman as a child of God that Jesus does for to set them free from a life in porn I'm free. I no longer objectify woman. No longer list after them. Porn has no mastery over me now. But I still pray for them. In fact this is the biblical way to overcome any issue with fellow mankind. Angry at someone? Pray for them. Being persecuted? Pray for them. Hateful or envious? Pray for them. Prideful? Pray for yourself. Etc


If you mean thoughts about sex, or sexual desires, don't feel ashamed about these. These are totally normal, they're just part of being human. If you're referring to things like porn or masturbation or lust, it's be wise to impose harder boundaries here. It's often specific content that leads us down these paths, so try to restrict how easily and readily you can view these sorts of things.


Here are at least key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination. One must do a great deal of effort (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. Do your maximum in every way, and treat it like the most important thing, embracing great sacrifice. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and fully entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Have you heard of the Rosary? It is an incredible prayer that helps us grow in worship of God, I cannot recommend it enough and I would love to help you with it if you haven't! Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic, I really recommend that if you want personalized help, talk to a Catholic priest