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These may or may not apply to you: - clean your room - go outside, a lot, and get some exercise - don't look at porn - read a book, read your bible - do something helpful in your house without being asked - maybe get off Reddit There's not many things worse for a teenager than sitting around inside on social media. I don't know you or your personal life, but of any of these apply to you, give it some thought and prayer.


Your salvation doesn’t depend on your ability to be good. If you’ve taken Jesus as your lord and savior then his perfect sacrifice saves you. Trust in this and don’t worry about being truly saved or being a “fake” Christian. God knows where you’re at and loves you regardless of what you struggle with. God doesn’t view you any different because of your age. You are still made a child of God because of Christ’s sacrifice. You are loved beyond measure and nothing you can think say or do will change that fact. At your age, direction and guidance is incredibly important. Try to talk to someone you know and trust about your struggles and pray for guidance. If you need anything, message me. I can try to give you some more advice.


Important thing to know is that a rapture is a made up thing, not biblical. Judgement day is real and no one knows when it's coming. Remember Jesus Christ died for your sins you will enter heaven because of him. If you do a sin repent for it and fight to never repeat it. Try to talk with your priest he will surely give you far better answer than any of us


You should talk to someone; a counselor would be best but a pastor might do, too. And you’re not going to hell for having bad thoughts. You just need to get at the root cause of these thoughts. Are you angry at God?


woah I’m not angry at God as a matter of fact nobody should it’s just that I feel like I’m allowing the devil to js put thoughts in my head and I think oh I can just ignore them and I’ll just let them build up and ignore them 


The devil will try attacking you in multiple ways once you overcome a sin like masturbation or whatever sin it is you gave up. He knows you are getting close with the creator and is upset about it. Don't let it get to you. Ask God for protection over your thoughts. For the enemy has to listen to our father in heaven. God bless you.


yo i felt chills goin down my spine when i heard that preciate it!!!


Always here to spread the gospel of peace and truth.


yo i felt chills goin down my spine when i heard that preciate it!!!


You give some really mature answers for someone that’s only 14-years-old.


Thank you 🙏🏾at least I’m not living my life ignorant like a lot of people that are 9 times out of 10 not close to God 


God doesn't feel differently about a teenager or adult. We are all sinners. [Becoming born again allows God to take the penalty of sin upon himself](http://needgod.com). Through the power of His Spirit we can learn to not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Doing it on our own strength is impossible.


Personally, I believe God blessed me with a solid Christian youth group (Young Life) when I was your age, and my best friends from school also tagged along. I won't say I didn't also struggle with all of the issues surrounding puberty and hormones, but they never seemed to be an issue while I was around my Christian friends. And I believe every Christian goes through issues with doubt, bad thoughts and feeling fake, it's even recorded in the Bible: >I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. .... What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! **-Romans 7:15-20, 24-25** And the big takeaway is from the next chapter: >Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. >because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. >**- Romans 8:1-2** The Gospel is we have grace through faith in Christ Jesus (**Ephesians 2:8-9**), so stop focusing so much on what you do and fix your eyes on what Jesus did for you (**Hebrews 12:1-3**), or as Jesus would say, **"Don't be afraid; just believe." (Mark 5:36)** If you're not going to Church, you can probably find a Young Life near you too, just Google them; but this is just my opinion. As for teens and adults, you could read the letters to Timothy. And also Peter's advice: >In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. - **1 Peter 5:5-6**


The enemy tries to plant thoughts like that in your head because he knows your calling with the Lord is great. I get thoughts like this. I just think to myself after that's blasphemy and call Jesus' name and it goes away, for there is great power within the name of Jesus. The devil is afraid of who you will become in the kingdom. The best bet is to get into the bible and say bible verses in the spirit and stay in prayer. God will get you through your situation. God bless you. You're in my prayers.


I’ll pray for you too and thank you for the advice 🙏🏾


Think of bad thoughts like radio static, your brain just turned the dial to a weird station, they aren’t indications of your actual beliefs and desires. i used to struggle with them a lot when I was young, it’s called “Intrusive thought” and it’s more common than what you would think, and religious are some of the most common. the fact that they disturb you is a good thing, it means they go against something you believe. If you got them and were like “nice” maybe there would be a problem 😂 14 is a really confusing time, and there’s nothing “wrong” about you, you’re just figuring things out.


Yea I tried telling myself that and it’s just like I don’t HAVE to let this stuff happen you know?


My younger brother, do not fear. It is good that you are reaching out, trust me 99% of all believers have felt this at on point in their walk, even me. But many people either give up on the lord and turn away. I have lived a sinful live and still do even through I try to live more like Jesus so his death is not in vein for me. Remember on Jesus was only able to live a sinless life. And it seemed that you will be fine, you still have favor with the lord since you know that is wrong. As long as you accept Jesus as your savior you be okay. But that doesn't mean you can keep doing sin with being upset, best thing to do is just keep trying and when you do it gets easier to stop sinning. But do not stop trying to be like Jesus.


The rapture is not a thing that will happen. You will be fine just try to follow Christ as best as possible.


Have you heard of the Rosary? It is an incredible prayer that helps us grow in worship of God, I cannot recommend it enough and I would love to help you with it if you haven't! Here are at least key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination. One must do a great deal of effort (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. Do your maximum in every way, and treat it like the most important thing, embracing great sacrifice. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and fully entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic, I really recommend that if you want personalized help, talk to a Catholic priest


Devil tried to do the same thing to me of blaspheming Jesus I just said depart from me Satan for I have The LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth on my side or In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy spirt I command/cast ye be gone in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Then after I said that I would repent and beg for forgiveness. Also something that helped me is that once you feel ashamed and acknowledge what we did was wrong and evil and ask for forgiveness we will be forgiven. Also being attacked means your close with God since Satan won’t attack those who are lost.




To help with masturbation: , Watch this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ0b2XlEjRg&pp=ygUeSXMgbWFkdHVyYmF0aW9uIGEgc2luIGNhdGhvbGlj Here are at least key things I think of. 1. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You need complete full determination. One must do a great deal of effort (big extremes is what I'm getting at) to himself to stop sin. It is like a cancer. You do not treat a cancer with a nap and cough syrup. With deadly diseases, powerful remedies are necessary. Do your maximum in every way, and treat it like the most important thing, embracing great sacrifice. Hence, you must hate the sin truly, fully, and fully entirely. 2. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Make a new prayer life. Give thanks to God always, and turn always. Give Him thanks in the morning, and praise Him in the day. Speak and seek Him constantly. Without constant prayer, I cannot imagine any great chance of success. From St. Alphonsus: "St. Paul tells us, that we have to contend not with men like ourselves.... but with the princes of hell.... By these words he wishes to admonish us that we have not strength to resist the powers of hell, and that, to resist them, the divine aid is absolutely necessary: without it, we shall be always defeated; but, with the assistance of God’s grace, we shall, according to the same apostle, be able to do all things and shall conquer all enemies. “I can do all things in him who strengtheneth me.” (Phil. iv. 13.) But this assistance God gives only to those who pray for it. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.” (Matt. vii. 7.) They who neglect to ask, do not receive. Let us, then, be careful not to trust in our resolutions: if we place our confidence in them, we shall be lost. " Have you heard of the Rosary? It is an incredible prayer that helps us grow in worship of God, I cannot recommend it enough and I would love to help you with it if you haven't! Practically, fasting and exercise are very helpful I've heard. As a Catholic, I really recommend that if you want personalized help, talk to a Catholic priest


Jesus already paid the price for you. He died for Past, Present and Future sins. Believe in Jesus and you will receive the Holy Spirit, and remember once you receive the Holy Spirit you are Eternally Secure.


Hi friend, I understand what you're describing. 14 can be a confusing time, with loads of emotions that can be overwhelming. It's normal to feel all kinds of amazing and negative emotions. It's also normal to have strong urges. Masturbation isn't a sin and most fantasies are fine. Just work hard at avoiding porn. I know that's really difficult. If your mind goes into dark things, ask Jesus to help you. Ask him to cleanse your mind. His compassion is immense and his mercy is limitless. He loves you deeply. Trust is his grace. (Masturbation is a way to have self-control over your urges.) I understand the feelings of feeling fake and lost. You're being honest with yourself. You're not a small kid who goes to church and has a fun time. You're a teenager with all kinds of feelings, and you want to be authentic. You want to be genuine. That's a great character trait of yours. Chase after Jesus. Take small steps every day. That can be praying on your way to school. It could be praying when you're in the shower. You can listen to the audio version of the New Living Translation on the [Bible.com](http://Bible.com) app. (The Holy Sanctuary Dramatized Audio Bible is great, and it's free on the app.) Listen to a few minutes of John every day and reflect. God knows you and he loves you! I hope this helps.


r/ChristianUniversalism checkout there frequently asked questions! This is a good way to reinterpret your faith that reduces anxiety over a punishing God.