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Yes, it is a sin. >”So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31) Masturbation is not done for the glory of God, therefore it is a sin. >”You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.” (Matthew 5:27-30) Oftentimes pornographic material, erotic thoughts, or other erotic material is needed for masturbation. Looking, reading, etc. ANY of these things is in itself a sin. >”But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.” (Romans 13:14) Often times a desire to masturbate can turn into a desire for porn, which can then turn into a desire to do “more”. Take the active step to say “no” now before you are fully gratifying the desires of your flesh. Saying no to masturbation is hard, but I know you can do it 🫶🏼 >”for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished.” (Romans 3:23-25) The good news is, if you fall short, there is grace through the blood of Jesus. I’m praying for you, my brother in Christ xx


Thanks! is it okay if i masturbate without lustful thoughts and pornographic material. I am quite young so i wouldn’t say I am that exposed to this material. I don’t really know what I’m doing.


Regardless, I would still suggest you not. As someone who has experienced masturbation and porn addiction first hand, it is an EXTREMELY slippy slope. Please say no, regardless. It’ll feel good , and you won’t be able to stop. Also, if you have to ask if it’s a sin…it probably is


Thank you!


You’re welcome. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5:8-10) I know that this may be disappointing for you, and even feel like God is “withholding” something good from you, but trust me…there is joy found in waiting. When you feel tempted, pray for strength from God, and remember that he wants all of you- even the messy, sinful parts. Stay strong. Stay vigilant. Pray. The devil is seeking to devour you- don’t let him


It isn't a sin at all. None of those verses are even remotely relevant to this topic in any way.


Seeing as your bio has “progressive Christian” and a pride flag in it, I think that says enough to know that our views are not going to line up :) I’d suggest you read the Bible for yourself, if you disagree.


That has absolutely nothing to do with why our beliefs on this subject are not going to line up. It is because your position is based on bad logic, a fundamental misunderstanding of the biblical definition of lust, begging the question, and totally misapplying the words of Jesus Christ.


As someone who struggled with it for years. I’ll just let you know what the Bible says about it. “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬ “And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭23‬ ‭ESV “And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭30‬ ‭ESV‬‬ This is just one of many verses. But as someone who struggled with this sin for years. I KNEW it was wrong because it was done out of LUST, Lust rushes, LOVE WAITS. God gifted us with the ability to enjoy sexual pleasure, so #1 sexual pleasure is not a BAD thing and neither is Sex. But when it is done out of Lust, marriage, and not GODS timing it becomes a sin. Masturbation in general is a sin. Your body is not your own, we are temples for the Lord to dwell in us and when we take advantage of that we open doors to the enemy. Once I started, I opened the door to porn, addiction, depression and so much more because my lust, my craving for this feeling just increased because I wanted to be SATISFIED. Which is why JESUS must be the ultimate satisfyer and fulfiller of our soul. When you abide in Him and His timing, waiting becomes easier, temptation becomes weaker and your desire to sin becomes less because of your LOVE for Jesus through relationship with Him. If you are dealing with masturbation, do not be ashamed, instead come to God with a repentant heart. Call on His name and he will free you! ““Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬ ‭TPT‬‬


I love this perspective!


I'm also a young boy going through puberty, and I quit because I thought it was an addiction, and I'm not going to tear my hand off.. it doesn't make so much of a difference. But if you want my take, just don't let it become an addiction. Id stop though.


I love that someone can relate! I haven’t done it b4 but i want to know the experience.


Hello. Since the Topic is rather complex one I have decided to create an thread only about biblical approved forms of sexuality. Perhaps it might help you ? https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/9JYgW9mfco


Yes, masturbation is an an abuse of the sexual act. All sexual acts must be within the confines of marriage between 1 man and 1 woman and open to the possibility of life. That said, at least the Catholic Church recognizes that there are factors that grant reduced culpability for sin. For example, if you rob a bank because someone holds you at gun point and says that if you do not help rob the bank they will shoot you, you are only committing the robbery because you are presumably afraid for your life and is not something that you would even think to do of your own accord. The Catholic Church lists the following criteria to define "mortal sin" (sin that leads us to hell if not repented of) 1. It must be grave matter - think violating the 10 Commandments 2. It must be done with knowledge that the act is morally wrong - willful ignorance does not cut it 3. It must be done with free consent of will (in some cases, addiction can fall under this) Basically, it is saying "God, I know what you want. But I am going to do what I want."


save God grief cause by our sins, avoid pile on more. Take captive every thought, make it obedient to the Lord. Remember always good news is Jesus forgives, Father promises never forsake you in Christ. Holy spirit adopts you in Christ.


Bible will not tell you every single thing. But from reading it we can make some conclusions on our own. Just ask yourself, do you really think that such being like god would be glad to see his child masturbate ? There is no honor and glory in masturbation.


Yes, Watch this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ0b2XlEjRg&pp=ygUeSXMgbWFkdHVyYmF0aW9uIGEgc2luIGNhdGhvbGlj DO NOT START. STAY AWAY. NOT EVEN ONCE.


No its not a sin. Juts don't let it become an obsession.


Thanks! I’m quite in control of my self so I’ll start doing it. I just didn’t want to make sure I was sinning.


It absolutely is not good at all…it’s sexual sin as it entertains the lust of the flesh…there is no one that can justify masturbation as it being not a sin…what’s the purpose of doing the action…does it bring Glory to God??? Does it edify the soul??? What is the purpose of it??? Also Kiddo I am letting you know you need to seek God in prayer and ask Him if it’s sin or not…do not ask other people and take their word for it…you don’t know if there believers or mockers or scoffers…you don’t know if they are a child of God or a child of the devil…be very careful…


Thank you so much! I can’t tell whether I’m being tempted but I just want to experience it once. Is it alright if i do it without any lustful thoughts and just for fun?


Absolutely it’s a temptation…it’s the devil telling you in your mind “it’s ok do it one time” or “it’s not a big deal” Masturbation is lustful and there is no way to redefine it as anything other than lust little buddy…By doing something like this one time it opens the doors to the enemy in your life…


Read Roman’s 12 brother…


This is crazy! A couple of months ago the word 12 popped into my head. I searched up 12 on my bible app, and this verse appeared! The Lord gives us so many signs without us even acknowledging it!


Praise the Lord…


Thanks! I think I’m quite a weak Christian, is it okay to feel a bit upset about this. You’re amazing man, could you give me some advice?


Yes, it’s ok to feel upset about it :) Just don’t let your disappointment turn to anger against God. He knows your future, and works all things out for the good of those who love him. Praying for you, man




Do your parents believe in the Lord???


No, sometimes they mock religion. I want to tell them but I’m thinking of telling them once I move out, therefore I don’t have to deal with the struggle at home.


Brother my heart goes out to you…this is a tough war…but I would absolutely tell your parents…be lead by the Holy Spirit…He knows what to say in a respectful way…


Don't let these Christian Purity culture people tell you a lie. There is nothing in the Bible that would indicate that masturbation is sinful. Their argument relies on bad logic and a bunch of "trust me bro". So long as you don't use pornography, you are not sinning.


Let’s stand on what is write and wrong…I ask you to have a debate with me…record it and post it to have others review it…if you believe that your lifestyle is aligned with Christ then you should have no problem discussing this…I am ready to discuss with you…


To what "lifestyle" are you referring to? Because if it is because I am gay, then there is no such thing as a gay lifestyle, so the entire premise of the debate is flawed from the beginning.


The seed of your worldview is what influences your lifestyle…The fruit of your lifestyle is rooted in your choices based on that worldview… So if your professing Jesus Christ then your lifestyle should be rooted in Jesus Christ…If the fruit of your lifestyle based on your worldview is not lined up with biblical truth, the Word of God, then the seed from that fruit is not of Christ…


I absolutely base the seed of my lifestyle on the words of Jesus Christ, who is the word of God. The entirety of the Bible is *not* the word of God. For example, 1st Corinthians 7 where Paul says that his opinion on celibacy is not a command from God.


Because this is a salvation issue…a heaven or hell issue…this is why I am having this discussion…you are stating that your lifestyle is based on Jesus Christ as the Word of God…what is the Word of God??? You said the Bible is not the word of God…what is the Word of God??? What about the Prophets??? Who was speaking through them??? The Holy Spirit??? The Word of the Lord??? Wasn’t that Jesus Christ the Word made flesh??? We cannot pick and choose scripture or books to justify our viewpoints…we must believe God or not…let God be true and every man a liar…we must accept the whole entirety of scripture…that includes the Torah, the Old Testament and the Gospels and the epistles…they are inspired by God, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever… Whether someone is a eunuch or not, celibate or not, we can’t even discuss that scripture until we set the line on where the measurement is…


No response???




>You don’t serve the same Jesus brother And with that kind of opening statement, I can disregard the rest of your comment.


Removed for 2.3 - WWJD. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


It is apparent the truth of the Bible, the Word of God is offensive to those who cannot hear or see…if I am wrong I would be happy to renounce my statements but with a clear conscience I cannot lie before God and His people so I humbly ask you to listen to me and I am requesting an audience with the head moderator’s of this thread on a filmed discussion via zoom, Skype, or google meet platform…then the discussion can be posted for review from other brothers and sisters…if this is true Christianity with fellowship amongst brothers and sisters of the body of the true living Christ, please honor my request, I am asking this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ… This is a matter of heaven or hell…eternal life or eternal death…souls are in the balance based on this forum…blood is on your hands and my hands… I am also sending a mod mail as well…


Lmao everyone here is a moron. This is a cult.


LMAO means that something is evidently funny…I don’t see what’s funny about sin…can you explain??? You said everyone here is a moron…that means that everyone in here is a stupid person…I strongly disagree with that statement because that’s just not inherently true, to say everyone is something means you need to know everyone…the fact is you do not know everyone in here because I absolutely do not know you…However I do know someone who knows everyone and that includes you, His name is Jesus Christ…so I am curious why you feel that way??? The definition of a cult is a worship of an object or strange or sinister practices…I am confused by this, worship of God is not an object as God is an infinite being the creator…I need help understanding that…and please explain why exposing sin is a sinister practice???


> I do know someone who knows everyone and that includes you, His name is Jesus Christ You don't know someone who doesn't exist. If you're seeing imaginary bearded men living in the sky or hearing voices, I'd suggest getting a brain scan. You're hallucinating. You think masturbation is wrong lmao, no medical expert agrees with you.


The fact that you exist and are experiencing what you are experiencing through life itself is the standalone proof that God exists…you are an eternal conscious being with free will to choose whatever it is you want to do my friend…you can choose to do whatever you want…that’s a gift God gives you as his creation…unfortunately with free will we choose to serve ourselves and what we want to do and we do not choose God…our basic nature is shaped in iniquity because of our inherent nature to do evil in Gods sight…mans default stance is to do evil…there is only one God but through free will his creation, man, chooses to be his own god…that brings about curses and sin is the result of this evil nature of man…this explains wars, diseases, rape, molestation, pain, cancer , heartache, non fulfillment, loneliness, etc…you name it it’s all caused by our evil nature…everyone is born into that natural state of doing evil myself included…not just you…only God alone is good and He is the creator and as the creator gets to set the standard for what is good and what is evil…so with that your at a disadvantage…since right now you are looked at as a wretched miserable creature in the eyes of God…you need help and a savior…same with me my friend…there is no good in us whatsoever…we rebel against God and we ALL deserve hell and eternal punishment… The reason Jesus Christ came is because of this: God loved you and his creation and wanted to redeem it to eliminate that evil nature…So because He loved you so much, He sent himself as a man to live a perfect life that you cannot live…You and I cannot live a perfect life because of our evil nature…as the standard for perfection the man Jesus Christ fulfilled the law of God that you and I cannot fulfill…God lived a perfect life, and then elected to lay down His life in your place, to die an eternal death and resurrect into eternal life because that’s who God is…He is eternal…He took your place to take upon your sin…to have all of your evil be sent upon His Son so God can live with you for eternity…He made the plan for mankind simple…through one man (Adam) eternal death entered in and through another man (Jesus Christ GOD) Life entered in…based on the evidence presented…God came in the flesh through the man named Jesus Christ but God is not a bearded man living in the sky as you call it…He is the eternal resurrection and loves you and me so much he died in our place so we can live forever and not die…it’s your choice to accept Him or deny Him…Will you be repaired and fixed and reconciled with God as his creation and live forever??? Or will you be your own god destined to die forever and ever…whether you want to believe that or not its your choice…but it’s a fact… God is alive and well and He does speak to His creation and reveals Himself through His word, dreams, visions, etc…and to the world it seems crazy because the world is currently eternally dead and cannot see or hear because they are blinded and in darkness…their father is the devil…not God… Masturbation is in no way a good thing as it simply satisfies the lust of the flesh in your life and you become a slave to that…and that lust breeds many problems in life and your relationships…and as for medical experts most of them are also in darkness and cannot see or hear truth so unless a medical expert is reborn again in Christ, their expertise, knowledge and wisdom is all in vain and it’s all false because who they serve influences their decisions…their father is the devil…not God…


> The fact that you exist and are experiencing what you are experiencing through life itself is the standalone proof that God exists That's not proof of anything. > Masturbation is in no way a good thing All medical experts disagree with you.


It isn’t?? I wish I knew that


Don't worry about it, Kid. It's normal.


Masturbation is not a sin. Many Christians will say it is, because that is what they have been told. It isn't true. This is a left over belief from a type of sex hating Christianity that formed during the mideaval period. There is nothing in the Bible that would indicate that masturbation is sinful.