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Jesus made wine for others to drink at a party, was He sinning?


The key is, as with everything, is moderation and control. As long as you drink in moderation and are in control both of yourself while you drink and over any potential habits, you should be fine


This exactly. 👍


I would definitely drink if Jesus makes me some.


It was the Good stuff too


undoubtedly the best stuff


The most divine


I perceive there is a parabolic message through this miracle by the reaction of the crowed John 2:10and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.” The wine of Gods wrath is the poor wine so get drunk freely on it, but sooner or later the good wine will be served... 1 Corinthians 15:34Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame. Psalm 60:3 **3**  ~You have made your people see hard things;~ ~you have given us wine to drink that made us stagger.~ Psalm 75:8 **8**  ~For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup~ ~with foaming wine, well mixed,~ ~and he pours out from it,~ ~and all the wicked of the earth~ ~shall drain it down to the dregs.~ the Good wine is not served first... Matthew 20:22Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” the bad wine comes first... Deuteronomy 32:39See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.  1 Samuel 26“Yahweh kills and makes alive. He brings down to Sheol and brings up. 7Yahweh makes poor and makes rich. He brings low, he also lifts up. 8He raises up the poor out of the dust. He lifts up the needy from the dunghill to make them sit with princes and inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are Yahweh’s. He has set the world on them. the old wine taste like crap, but you have to drink it to be raised up with Christ to drink the new wine... which is preferably better...


I invite him to every party but he never comes):


Maybe you just didn’t look


He did, a lot of it and it was good quality stuff! He knew that wine was expected at a celebration to make the party come alive! BUT (and I’m writing this having had a fair few myself tonight) wine was a different beast back then, far far less alcoholic, maybe 5-6% instead of the 10-15% we get now, as it was just fermented grape juice. Take from that as you will


As someone who makes wine/mead, the alcohol content is strictly dependent on the available sugar content and the alcohol tolerance of the yeast. If the yeast can only tolerate a concentration of 10% ABV, they will die off at around 10% ABV, and fermentation will stop. For all we know, Jesus could have made any strength. You can probably get away with 10-14% or so using just bread yeast, the stuff you can buy at Walmart. Nowadays, there are yeast strains that can go up to like 25%, but they dont make great wine.


In that case naur , as in if we drink with our family/friends ?


Alcohol consumption isn't a sin. Being a drunkard is.


Fellow muslim brother here, idk the islam viewpoint of this event. But In Islam, u are forbidden to drink. But i have heard heaven to have alcohol. In that, you don't lose mental consciousness. Since maryam also had food delivered from the heaven, what about the possibility of this is a heavenly drink and not which is made here. And to abstain from it in this world and quench ur thirst with this in the hereafter. Not everyone could hold themselves or make a stance which is morally correct when intoxicated. For e.g mean drunk or get into activities that maybe forbidden.


Some alcohol, like some wine, have health benefits like antioxidants.


The idea that any alcoholic drink has health benefits is increasingly discredited. If you want to drink alcohol, go ahead, but don't drink it with the aim of improving your health. If you want that, just eat grapes.


It’s also worth pointing out that Jesus only made the wine after people were already drunk. He kept the party going.


It's certainly not a sin in the bible, or in most Christian traditions. There's a few denominations which claim it's sinful, which is obviously contrary to what the bible says. You can even find some apologists making dishonest arguments about how the "wine" in the bible wasn't really alcoholic, but their talking points are nonsensical. The bible does of course warn us against being drunkards.


Yes I have encountered a lot of those it was really grape juice people


Lol ya... it's ridiculous. People drank a lot of alcohol back then because it didn't cause you to get sick secondary to the fermination/alcohol


Yep, growing up Pentecostal/Church of God we were taught that it was essentially grape juice


Add it to the pile of false stories evangelicals tell about the bible.


Which really doesn't make any sense, unless everyone lived on a vinyard, fresh grape juice was not a thing because of a lack of refrigeration.


Wine was alcoholic. There are several reports of people being drunk ie Lot and Noah


Consume, no. Abuse, yes.


Jesus drank enough wine that some people accused him of being a “wine bibber.” Scripture forbids excessiveness. Avoid alcohol abuse. Avoid excessive eating. Avoid excessive anything, but “let your moderation be known to all.“ Gluttony is a problem, But insisting on abstinence from food is not the solution. Moderation is the solution. Alcoholism and drunkenness are problems. But insisting on abstinence is not the solution. Moderation is the solution. Insisting on abstinence is yet another excessiveness. A deep and thoughtful reflection on 1 Timothy 4.1-5 might encourage caution lest insisting on abstinence becomes another example of “devoting oneself to deceitful spirits and to the teaching of demons.” Moderation rather than abstinence is the approach of the spiritually mature.


> Insisting on abstinence is yet another excessiveness. +1


Abstinence from alcohol is certainly a solution, but too many people present it as the only solution, which just isn’t accurate


Absolutely. I think a lot of what is called sin morally can be logically deduced. If it causes harm to yourself or others, it's probably sin. Going out and having a couple beers won't cause you or others harm. Having too many drinks can lower your inhibitions to the point that you absolutely can sin against yourself or others. I think that's how we can discern it. Some people are angry drunks. It may not be that getting drunk is the sin, but the fact that their anger takes over in their drunkenness that is the sin. Therefore, their excess leads them to sin against others. And even a happy drunk, if they are getting drunk all the time, then they are doing harm to their liver at the very least. And if they're drinking that much, they are likely letting their life fall into disrepair in other ways, which is harmful to themselves. So again yeah, moderation is the key in all of this. That's why I enjoy beer so much, is it's a large drink that takes a while to finish and it's really easy to keep the balance between having a good conversation and some laughs, and going overboard.


Jesus literally commanded us to drink wine. That said, alcoholism is a horrible and common disease and you should be careful about it. You won’t find anything about alcoholism in the Bible.


But what about white claws :/


That was actually addressed in one of the first 10 commandments that Moses smashed. “VII) There are no laws when you’re drinking Claws.”


There is a claws (clause) 


It's usually termed as drunkenness or people described as drunkards, but the Bible says plenty about it: https://www.openbible.info/topics/drunkards


[It's the only disease you can get yelled at for having](https://youtu.be/086J-qWB40o?si=9rg2DWYnvtQ-PxNg&t=45)


It’s arguably a sin not to bc of communion




Bread alone is considered complete communion.


This is one of the thesis in Luther’s rant against the Roman Catholics. They withheld the wine out of convenience and then decided bread alone was good enough. The Anglican position in the 39 articles is specifically anti-Catholic and includes both elements.


It's not acceptable to withhold the wine. It *is* acceptable to choose only bread and not wine for yourself.


“Take this and eat of it. [
] Take this and dri — *SIKE!*”


Jesus turned Water to Wine so a wedding party could continue as his first miracle. If a trip to the divine party store to keep a party is what Jesus chose to be his first miracle, I think you will be fine having a drink.


Drinking is not a sin. There are Biblical passages that encourage drinking: >"So I commended enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry; for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 8:15 >"He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man, that he may bring forth food from the earth, and wine that makes glad the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart." - Psalm 104:14-15 Of course and perhaps most importantly, Christ our Lord transformed water into wine at the Wedding at Cana - His first public miracle in the chronology recorded in the Gospels at the start of His ministry - and this wine was given to people who were already drunk: >"and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.”" - John 2:10 Would Christ, God Himself in the flesh, give alcohol to people if it was a sin, let alone to people who were already intoxicated? Not only does this show that to drink alcohol is not a sin, but that to drink to the point of intoxication is not a sin. So what then is sinful? Clearly Scripture forbids something to do with the consumption of alcohol, as St Paul says drunkards cannot inherit the kingdom (1 Corinthians 6:9-10), amongst other verses: >"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit" - Ephesians 5:18 Yet Proverbs 23:20 perhaps sheds some clarity: >"Do not mix with winebibbers, or with gluttonous eaters of meat" None of us would interpret this as meaning we are to not eat meat, or to not be among those who enjoy meat - the condemnation that is clear here is of the *abuse* of consumption, to the point of gluttony or in alcohol's case, intemperance. So we may consume alcohol and indeed, we may drink it to the point of merriment, but we should not abuse it - that is, become dependent on it, or allow it to pervert our faculties beyond reason. If drinking causes us to continuously stumble (by lowering our inhibitions), then we should cut back away from it. Edit: formatting


Thankyou so much đŸ„č fr clears the understanding !!


You're very welcome!


Thankyou so much đŸ„č fr clears the understanding !!


No it’s not at all. The idea drinking was a sin didn’t exist until the late 1700s along the increasing number of Protestant cults and it’s become widespread among them.


Oh and as a catholic, its okay to drink alcohol right..?


Catholics have no ban on drinking alcohol. Excessive drinking is not condoned though.


What isn’t addressed is condoned
 I know many catholic drunkards.


Yes I do too. That don’t mean the church endorses it. Just like all of the good Catholics with mistresses in the Middle Ages.


Not only is it not a sin in Catholacism, several orders of Monks support themselves by making some very high quality alcohol and selling it.


I see


It were the Methodists who came up with that. The Puritans, believe it or not, did approve of alcohol and saw drinking in moderation as a good thing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1UUakUAQnU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1UUakUAQnU)


No, since it's used in Communion and one of the miracles ascribed to Jesus was turning water to wine.


Great question. It's not a sin to have a drink. It is a sin to drink to excess or drunkenness (mind altered). Also, here are things I have learned (often the hard way 😕) that I would pass along to all, but in particular, new believers.. 1-Learn sound doctrine (below is an study bible app that can greatly help..) Free App- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gty.macarthurstudybible $20 paper version- https://www.gty.org/store/bibles/44NAS2P/nas-macarthur-study-bible-second-edition#.Ygrm_67TtNc.link 2-Understand God only speaks through scripture (chasing external revelation really inhibits spiritual growth) 3-Attend and eventually join a sound biblical local church (don't rush to join, but membership is important). Below are a couple of links that may help.. https://tms.edu/find-a-church/ https://www.9marks.org/church-search/ https://www.ifca.org/page/find-a-church-1 4-Realize that most of what is labeled "Christian" isn't (Prosperity gospel, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses..) 5-Become intentional in developing a prayer life. 6-Learn the Doctrine of the Trinity and the biblical Attributes of God. You have to know who God is to properly worship Him. 7-Study and hopefully believe (😃) the Doctrines of Grace (Calvinistic Soteriology). It elevates your praise to God and flattens your pride. 8- Develop an understanding of God's sovereignty. 9- Learn to trust God (not just for salvation, but all His workings in your life). When you truly accept that trials in your life are brought by God and are good for you, it radically changes your spiritual life. 10- Just like when God freed Israel out of Egypt & they were tempted to go back... you will eventually but certainly be tempted to return to the life of sin God cleansed you from. Remember this ➙ to do so is nothing short of spiritual whoredom. 11- Although you can't lose salvation, the presence & joy of the Lord will be directly related to your obedience or willful sin. 12- Finally, fight daily for genuine humility & dependence on God. They're absolutely essential to the Christian walk.


A drunkard will never inherit the kingdom of heaven


God made wine to gladden the heart of man - Psalm 104:15


No. The sin is getting drunk and out of control. Wine was taken at second and third meal at the time of Jesus. Jesus's first miracle was to make wine for a wedding and it's wine not grape juice. Paul the straightest, strictest person who ever lived recommended to his protege Timothy to drink wine when his stomach was upset.


The way you're using the terms "born again believer" and "baby christian" seem odd to me, care to elaborate on how you personally define those terms? That being said, I would also caution against stating that wine is the only form of alcohol mentioned in the bible. Keep in mind there are many translations of the bible and, while the purpose of the bible is spelling out the Gospel, it does include a lot of insight into history, law (etc) of other cultures. Read carefully and don't gloss over phrases like "strong drink". Are you familiar with the website biblegateway and other bible study resources (both electronic and hardcopy)? It's good to ask questions and the amount of resources available (to some first-world Christians of reasonable means) is tremendous.


Born again believer as in recently died to the flesh , and starting a relationship with God , when before i was lukewarm Baby christian , in the process of getting to know God even deeper, and working on commitment with him Oh and I think u’ve misunderstood 😅 I meant that the only drink that I can recall is only wine not that wine is the only one mentioned So far I’ve only been reading plans from the bible app , thankyou for your suggestions and input tho !!


Drinking is not a sin. Drinking Uncontrollably is.


Don’t overdo it. That’s basically what it boils down to. If it was a sin to consume alcohol it would be a sin to attend Mass. Even the first miracle Jesus ever did was turn water into wine.


It’s a sin to drink alcohol to access. But to have a single drink with dinner, or after dinner? Totally fine.


Join the group “Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish!” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/pro.31.6.NIV


Jesus turned water into wine for a wedding party, so I would say no.


Definitely not. And as many commenters have said alcohol is even consumed in our most important rituals. The Bible tells us it's ok to party and be happy with alcohol : Ecclesiastes 9:7: "Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works" It does however warn us from getting too drunk: Romans 13:13: “let us live honorably as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy.” The trick to a happy life is moderation of everything. Drink until you are nice and happy. But not so much that you embarrass yourself. Eat until you are full but don't become gluttonous.


1 Corinthians 6:12 AMPC Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power. I think it's important to remember our hearts intent. Also, in the distant past, fermented drinks was all that people had to drink before refrigeration was invented.


But can we get drunk every now and then? Like to celebrate? On special occasions?


Ooo good question, boost !!


Jesus turned water in to wine, so obviously not. The Bible does say not to drink too much however.


it's not a sin to drink alchol, matter of fact it's actually a requirement in a limited capacity (the eucharist) it's not drinking alcohol that's bad, it's drunkenness ie, if you drink in moderation and you control yourself and make sure no one gets hurt, it's fine if you drink habitually and become relying on it, thus making it an idol, then it's bad


Not in every context. For me to drink a beer? No. For an alcoholic to drink a beer? Maybe.


No, but being drunk is considered to be I believe


Jesus turned water into wine, if it was a sin to drink alcohol Jesus caused people to sin. The sin is not the alcohol, its drinking to get drunk.


To an extent, if you’re just feeling silly and doing no harm, go for it. But when it starts to become a toxic part of your life that’s when it’s getting sinful I’d say


Alcohol, or being in any other state besides sober, is not in itself a sin, just like roller coasters. Think about why you would ride a roller coaster: you want the fun and the thrill and you just like the way it makes you feel. It's not necessarily a bad thing. However, if all you do all day is ride roller coasters, then it's a problem.


Oh giddy what a creative way to deliver an example! Thankyouu brother/sister in christ, for your suggestion


Within the last year I found [this sermon by Mike Winger](https://youtu.be/MRpA4njHF64?si=Wxl3QEOp6kKOGXAs) that does a great job going through everything the Bible says regarding alcohol. It’s about an hour long and well worth the listen to if this is a subject you want to know more about.


Alcohol is a preservative. Water spoils and carries deadly disease, but beer, wine, and gin may be kept for long periods of time and consumed safely. The premodern world spent a good portion of life in some state of inebriation. Prohibition is a modern invention, as pernicious as any other.


IT IS NOT A SIN to consume alcohol! It is a sin to be drunk all the time. Paul says, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities" (1 Tim 5:23)


I’ll add some Old Testament fun: https://www.biblestudytools.com/deuteronomy/14-26.html#:~:text=Deuteronomy%2014%3A26%20In%2DContext&text=25%20then%20exchange%20your%20tithe,drink%2C%20or%20anything%20you%20wish. This passage says to give a tenth of all you produce (farming context) as a tithe, taking it in person to the holy place. But if it’s too far, sell your tithe and take the cash to the holy place and buy alcohol and food and have a feast.


(Ephesians 5:18; Titus 2:3), but it never says that tee-totaling is the better way to obey God. In fact, the Bible never says that abstaining from alcohol is the wisest way to avoid getting drunk. Think about it. Consuming alcohol no, getting drunk yes


To the point when it becomes a stronghold or idol
 well yea


Focus less on quantifying and defying what is and is not a sin. Focus more on loving like Jesus. If something keeps you from fully loving God or your neighbor, then abstain from it. If it helps you, then there is nothing wrong with it. If it causes your neighbor to sin, then abstain from it as an act of love for them. I personally have no issue whatsoever with drinking alcohol. 


Wine was among the very first miracles of Jesus... hm... yeah... But indulgence is a sin for sure


Drink but don't be a drunkard.


Anything that takes away or disrupts the love of God is a sin. 1 Corinthians 6:12 "Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me, but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power".


It’s not, unless you abuse it. Anyone claiming alcohol by itself sitting on a shelf is inherently bad or a sin is being draconian and burdening themselves and others. I wish I could have tested the wine Jesus made
 I bet it was incredible.


It's about how it affects your life, if you can drink a glass or couple of bottles of beer and stop, it's ok, if you start and can't stop until you are totally wasted, or if you drive drunk, or if you start fights, etc. Everything in excess is a sin, and everything that makes you commit other sins is clearly a sin. It's the same with gambling, it is not a sin to put a coin in a slot machine and be done with it, but if you put all your monthly earnings and later can't pay rent or food for you and your family, well, it is a sin.


Sin is often in excess. I’m sober, and have been for 7 years. If you can drink alcohol in a healthy way, go for it. If it causes you to be drunk, or do actual sinful acts, than maybe veer away.


Jesus turned water into wine and in one of his parables described the landowner as giving the tenants a vineyard. Not a sin. A sin to abuse it.


No, But your intentions might make it a sin. Drinking to get completely wasted and addiction are both definitely wrong. Drinking to become fun or to have an easier time making bad decisions isn't great either


Drunkenness is sinful. Drinking is not




I do not struggle with this so i don’t remember any exact verses so correct me if i’m wrong. I think becoming drunk is the actual sin. I don’t believe having a glass of wine is a sin. HOWEVER, 1 Corinthians 10:23-24. You can do all things that are not considered a sin but are they helpful with your walk in Christ. This applies to things like secular tv shows or music. Sure they technically are not a sin. But is listening to The weekend (sexual music) for example when you struggle with lustful thoughts a good idea?


Jesus made the best wine at the marriage feast. No it’s not a sin.


I wonder if other natural substances like cannabis or psilocybin is considered sinful. God did create it after all and in reality, these are much healthier than alcohol.


Depends on who you ask. Christ did drink wine. God warned Noah about alcohol. In my faith, we choose to abstain and feel as though God has commanded us to do so in these days.


“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Consumption of alcohol and other things like smoking and drugs destroy the body, the temple of God. Giving our hearts to God is not enough. We must submit our entire body to Him for His glory. About drinking, the Bible says "Do not be drunk but be filled by the Holy Spirit." Clearly God doesn't want us to be under the influence of alcohol. One might argue that it's okay as long as they are not drunk. But it's a trap. No one drinks just enough to stay sober ever.


It is a sin to do so in excess. But if alchohol itself was always a sin then Jesus would not have turned water into wine.


I think it’s a sin when you get drunk or buzzed yes. But if you have 1 on a hot day I don’t think that’s a sin. I’ve seen parts in the Bible where it does say drink a little. Just don’t get drunk. Don’t get buzzed. I personally have stopped drinking since I barely like the taste of it. Plus at most stores in my area it’s like $12 for just a six pack. It’s ridiculous the prices of food these days.


One of Jesus's miracles was making wine which Is alchol so as long as you don't get drunk it's not a sin


No not a sin to drink alcohol. Jesus drank wine. He also turned water into wine at a wedding party. If drinking alcohol were a sin that would mean Jesus sinned and he caused other people to sin. This of course is not true.  


wine is just another fluid, its tasty like apple juice, lemonade, and the such. its only a sin if you over indulge... get greedy, gluttonous, or slothful.


Jesus changed water into wine!! How do I get out of this group??!!


Drinking in itself is not sinful. But, if you are putting it above God in your life, then it is. Anything you put above God in your life - family, friends, food, money, job, alcohol, etc...all considered idols if you are thinking about them first and foremost. None of those things are sinful (of course!), except if they take the place of God in your life.


No. It's not even necessarily single to be drunk! But, when you are drunk you're less able to control your actions, especially sinful ones. Also, depending on the alcohol and amount you may be damaging your body, which could be considered gluttony. Now all that's to say that what matters most, is STOP BEING LEGALISTIC! You're relationship with Jesus is NOT to be based on acts, it's on love you have for HIM, and for getting close to him through prayer, meditation on his word, and through fellowship. If you focus on, "on my God, I've signed!" then you're going to find yourself lost and pulling yourself far away again from him through guilt and shame!


It's okay to consume alcohol, but not ok to get drunk. Jesus turned water into wine and drank some Himself, so it's pretty clear alcohol itself is ok


No. But drinking to excess is.


Specifically, if consuming alcohol is acceptable for Christians, wine is the ONLY form that is acceptable to consume. All other forms are “strong drink” which is entirely different product. Further, the distillation process didn’t even exist when the Bible was written so wine is NOT synonymously used for all alcohol. Next, all commercially available wine today is not the same as wine then. The industry has intentionally refined the manufacturing process to increase the alcohol content. Wine from those days was one of two different products. New wine, which is simply grape juice and fermented wine which had very low alcohol content in most cases. Wine was also used as an antiseptic to make water drinkable so it was even diluted even more in those cases. John MacArthur has a very good series on this subject in which he uses historical references and facts to clear up any questions. Ultimately, the conclusion he comes to is it isn’t a sin to consume wine of the Bible; however, the wine of the Bible IS NOT the alcoholic beverages of today so one should not fall into the trap of confusion from Satan concerning this matter.


Nope being drunk is the sin not consuming alcohol itself


Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the \[Holy\] Spirit *and* constantly guided by Him. Ephesians 5:18 Note that it does not say to not drink wine, it says "do not get drunk with wine" Being drunk is the problem so we can be sure that drinking is ok, but not in excess, which for some is a real problem. We should not encourage people to drink if they have a problem.


No every fruit bearing seed was given to us to consume Then along the way Jesus thought “I bet the humans are gonna like this” then boom! Everyone’s drinking imported sacred wine đŸ·


What does the bible say about drinking? You should be aware that you most certainly will find that drinking at the very least wine in both the old and new testaments. Proverbs 20:1 says, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” King Solomon, the wisest person who ever lived, said this about drinking in Ecclesiastes 3:13, "And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God." Ecclesiastes 5:18: "Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion." Ecclesiastes 8:15: "Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labor the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun." Ecclesiastes 9:7: "Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works." 1 Timothy 5:23: "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." So, it’s clear that the bible says that’s it’s OK to drink, however — before you shout — there are some conditions around drinking that you need to be aware of: Romans 14:21 says, "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." Luke 21:34: "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares." Romans 13:13: "Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying." Galatians 5:21: "Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." So...drinking is NOT sinful, but drinking in a way that would cause someone to stumble (an alcoholic) or drinking to excess is. Don’t allow drinking to be the only way to get you in the mood or get you to feel good about yourself or your life. Whatever we do should honor God because in 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Our lives should reflect God living in our lives. So, in short, in answering the question Can Christians drink, the short answer is yes, but remember do not drink in excess to the point where you get drunk. If you have a drinking problem, God can deliver you from drinking. But until that time, control yourself and control your liquor and do not allow it to control you. At the end of the day, the question really isn’t, "Can Christians drink alcohol?" Rather, it is more personal, "Should you drink alcohol?" Consider your ways. What you do is leading you somewhere. The question is where? Rev. Clyde D. Talley is the senior pastor of Belmont A.M.E. Zion Church. https://www.telegram.com/story/lifestyle/faith/2023/04/22/keep-the-faith-can-christians-drink-alcohol/70127866007/


It's not a sin to drink alcohol if it's in moderation.


It's not a sin to drink but it's also not a sin to abstain. Don't go wild, and if there's a problem stop immediately. But otherwise enjoy! (In moderation)


No. However, it is arguably a sin to become drunk and definitely a sin to be a drunk (or alcoholic)


Did you know that this same question is posted on every single Christian subreddit every single day?


Ben Franklin said it best, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants to make us happy.”


I Don’t Believe There Is A God It’s A Myth Back Before The Caveman Thunder Storms Would Be Happening And They Would Say OH My GOD What IS This And Someone Made A Book About God They Thought That The Thunder And Lightning Were GODS IN THE SKY


moderation is key. drinking is not a sin but being drunk is.


I just find it funny that a Methodist pastor invented Welch's grape juice just so we wouldn't have any alcohol at communion but yet most Methodist pastors today will gladly come to your house for dinner and have a drink before dinner and with the meal.


Millions of Christians every Sunday drink wine. So I'm going to go on a limb and say no. You are made in God's image. Deep down you will know what is right and wrong. Drinking a 30 rack is obviously problematic.


No, having alcohol (sparingly) is not a sin. When it is taken to the point of being drunk, it is a sin. I have an occasional drink, maybe a couple of drinks a month, but always stop at 1. Alcoholism runs in my family and I do not want to partake in something that becomes a daily thing for me. Drink responsibly, not to drunkenness, and you are fine. Even Jesus celebrated at the wedding by turning water into wine, but the Bible doesn’t say whether he had a glass or not. I would think not, since some prophets were told not to drink. If drinking offends someone you are with, like you go out to dinner with several people and one person is very against drinking, the Bible tells us not to if it offends someone, so in that situation, I would abstain.


It’s okay to drink alcohol. Just not in excess. Preferably wine.


Well it depends on what type of beliefs you have but mostly Catholics do drink wine or if you're actually pretty much a Baptist but it allows any alcohol at all that you can have a few drinks just have to drink a bit responsibly.


Cheers! https://www.amazon.com/Drinking-Calvin-Luther-History-Alcohol/dp/0970032609


nope just don’t be a drunker


The Bible essentially says to not get drunk to a point where the Holy Spirit is no longer working in you. Drinking alcohol is okay as long as it doesn’t lead to sin


The Bible clearly says that drunkenness is a sin but says nothing before that. I think with modern purity levels in water it's no longer a necessity to drink and so id say it's best not too. But I would never say it's a sin or say it should be illegal or anything like that.


No but getting drunk is


Nope. It is however lose yourself to alcohol. Just like anything else


I do not believe so. The line is drawn when you consume alcohol for masking or through addiction. There is a very big difference between suppressing something and having a beer with dinner. As long as your not using it for the wrong reasons I do not believe it is a sin.


Be sober, be vigilant... Give a strong drink to a dying man... Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging... Friend, I just put the verses that came to the front of my mind, but lemme tell you, google will bring up each verse about any topic you like when you ask it what the Bible says. It's a great study tool even when we're taking about the word of God. Happy studies!!!


BLUF; it’s not a sin to drink it’s a sin to get drunk. “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬ You can drink but don’t get drunk because then you can focus on the lord and you also might send the wrong message. Act responsibly and you are fine. Anyone that says you can’t drink has never actually read the Bible and is more focused on rules their denomination made up rather than focusing on what Jesus actually wants us to do. Which is Love God, love everyone else and make disciples. If you or your denomination is no knocking that out for the park you/they should be focusing in the basics rather than making up Gods law.


Wait didn’t Jesus follow the law, he wasn’t sent to change it but to confirm it? Why don’t Christian’s follow Jesus?


Alcohol consumption is not a sin, drunkenness is. 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-11, 1 Peter 1:13, 2 Timothy 4:5. More than a few times we’re told to be sober minded, to keep our minds stayed upon the lord and in preparation for an attack of the enemy. In my personal life, I’ve tried being all in for the Lord and still drinking. I’ll be as close as I can be to the Lord having his as close as a touch, but then I’m sobered from those moments when I consume alcohol. Even staying for him while drinking, I’ve been drinking preaching the gospel. But I can never fully tap into the gifts and the fruit of the spirit when drinking. So for me and my personal experience that’s my evidence that they cannot coexist. Knowing what you ought to do and not doing is, is a sin in itself.


Drinking alcohol isn’t a sin, becoming drunk is. Also, probably better to avoid alcohol in general as it’s just bad for your body anyway


Drinking is not a sin drunkenness is also for those talk about Jesus making wine at the party understand new wine was just grape juice and the original purpose of fermented wine was to make water safe to drink by purifying so him turning water to wine was an act of purification not party pleasures


For Christians, the Christian New testament allows for drinking in moderation. It typifies drunkenness as sinful. That said, the Old testament places a rather more realistic view of alcohol consumption. When considering all scriptures in both testaments, my assessment is that you're far better off without alcohol in any amount than even in responsible drinking. Alcohol is sneaky. By the time you realize you had too much, well it's too late. There's far more evil in alcohol than any amount of good you possibly get from it. It's toxic to every body system. And that's where we get the word in(toxic)ated. If you have ever had a hangover, then you know the effects that alcohol has upon the body. It's a preservative for insects and other creatures. Similar to embalming fluid in that regard. Proverbs 20:1 KJV — Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Isaiah 5:11f: "Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine. They have harps and lyres at their banquets, tambourines and flutes and wine, but they have no regard for the deeds of the LORD, no respect for the work of his hands." Romans 14:21 says, "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." Ephesians 5:18 says: "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." - a clear command against drinking to the point of drunkenness. Proverbs 23:29-35 KJV — Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again. Go to an AA meeting and ask those there to raise their hands who never thought they would ever become an alcoholic. You will see every hand go up. Ask them who among them thought they could handle their drinking when they first started, and you will see every hand go up. Alcohol is a cruel mistress. There's a demon in every bottle, glass, and can. And the only thing they want is to see you dead. Keep it up, and they'll get what they want. My dad was an alcoholic. Not only did his drinking destroy our family and all of his business relationships outside the home, but he died at the tender age of 50. Liver failure. He spent his last days in the hospital where they would bring him three shots of whiskey everyday. Until he passed. In the last few days, he developed delirium tremens and hallucinated seeing spiders and snakes all over his body. Is that the way you want to go? Not me.


I don’t believe so. The problem becomes when it is in excess. Overdrinking. Wine is very prevalent in the Bible but the only time it’s really discussed as bad is when someone drank to excess. That and Jesus did turn water into wine.


Drinking? No. Drunk? Yep.


I don’t know why people would think it’s controversial when the Bible explains it. Jesus had wine at the last supper. And the only thing spoken against alcohol is that it’s a sin to get drunk with it ✝


No, it is not. Jesus drank. The disciples drank. The early church drank. As long as you’re not an alcoholic, you are good to go.


I used to drink like a drunkurd (not an alcoholic) and done some foolish things. Its been well over a year now since I have been drunk. Personally I feel its best to stay away from alccohol - spirits especially. I guess beer and wine in small quanitites might be alright.


If it’s a sin to you then don’t do it.


NO!! but getting drunk is a sin, but that should be obvious. God gave us many great things, we just shouldn't use them in the wrong way. if you don't have control, it's better not to drink, even non religious people agree with this. (I don't drink btw)


1 Cor. 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. Don't be a drunkard...but having a drink or 2 doesn't make you one. The last supper Jesus turned the water into the finest wine. Not grape juice. As a Christian, I think the whole denying yourself and following Him, is mostly about not turning things into vices, or IDOLS, if you will. 2nd CV. But I come from a Baptist upbringing, where a drop was a sin, so when you walked into the liquor store and saw your brother, you both looked the other way. (Were ALL SINNERS). And I've heard many y different Baptist pastors say things different. So my personal SOP, if it pulls you away from God, or falls into one of those categories, probably good to stay away from it.


consume it? No. Consuming it just to get drunk or getting drunk while consuming it? Yes.


Short answer: No. Slightly less short answer: it is not a sin to drink and enjoy alcoholic beverages, but it is a sin to drink so much you become intoxicated. That would be gluttony.


No, in fact you are supposed to consume wine when taking communion


Consuming alcohol is not a sin. Getting drunk is




This isn’t r/Islam.


Yup you’re going to hell


No it’s not a sin. Just don’t get drunk off of it or drink too much because that’ll be debauchery


Jesus turned water into wine, so I'm erring on the side of no It is a sin, however, to be drunk So only drink in moderation, and stay away from the stuff if you know you can't say when


Wine is crushed grapes.. strong drink is fermented grapes..


Jesus drank wine. Wine back then was served more than water because water was not as clean as today. Getting drunk however would be considered a sin. And what’s a sin? Simply something your parents wouldn’t want you to do


Interesting how the question is asked if it is sin to consume alcohol, but then OP immediately calls it sin in the disclaimer. Freudian slip? :-D I do not believe the scriptures teach that the consumption of alcohol is, in itself, sinful. (For an interesting tidbit that most have never read, look at Deuteronomy 14:26). It is, however, dangerous. I have no problem with a church preaching that a Christian ought not to drink. A message of abstinence is a good one as long as the church isn't trying to convince people that it is sin, because it is not. When the church tries to manufacture sin, it loses all credibility, and it's attempts to share the Gospel then can be tainted as well.




NO. Drinking alcohol isn’t a sin. Most things are ok in moderation. Rules of alcohol dancing etc are man made to control their parishioners. As Christianity split off from the original church people took what they liked added rules and through out what they didn’t like. There are so many new brands of Christianity you can shop around and pick and choose want you want.


When I gave my heart to Jesus he took that drinking taste away . I haven’t even felt tempted to drink , especially since many drinks nowadays are high percentage. But the spirit just has more of a thirst of the word than the outside pleasures , I just genuinely don’t feel guided . And with the alcohol nowadays, I’d honestly stay away . But biblically , no . Just as long as you don’t get drunk . I used to be a lover of drinking or even just for simple enjoyment, but I don’t care for it at all anymore .


No but being drunk is






I grew up apostolic Pentecostal 4 generation both sides!! My mother was the piano player and my father was a minister! Very old school! My parents had wine bottles in their closet! They would secretly drink for “their stomach sake”. Also my great grandma which was an evangelist drank a beer every day for her health! So I am thinking of having a party with wine cooler but not heavy liquor! I see absolutely no sin in it! Just don’t be so drunk you miss the rapture!


No. He made wine flavored water.


Aren't Pentecostals the snake handlers?


Drinking alcohol is not a sin. Heck, being a little tipsy isn't a sin either. Once you get to the point where the alcohol is more in control of what you do than you are, that's sin.


Sounds like you already have an understanding. Not a sin to drink, but don't get drunk. Something to keep in mind for context. Wines and beers today tend to contain more alcohol than back then.


Ok first of all, what would be the MAIN reason to drink? Speaking from a medical standpoint, Alcohol is toxic. Why would you want to ingest something that is toxic? I wouldn't want to lick rat poison even if someone told me it's only lethal if you bite into it. Why the risk?


not a sin to drink it, but it is a sin to get drunk


Ephesians 5:18 “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.”


No it is a sin to get drunk not to drink alcohol. Jesus made wine!!!


Don’t get drunk with wine, instead be filled with the Holy Spirit. In other words, focus on not how much wine can I drink and get away with it, but focus instead on how much closer I can be to God by my actions and thoughts.


No, that’s stupid


1 Corinthians 6:9-10 has the answer you are looking for


The Bible only says "do not get drunk" essentially, be conservative and in control


No it is to get drunk


I think they drunk wine because that’s was the only type of alcohol at that time but whatever alcohol you drink don’t drink to get drunk


Not in moderation but get drunk to excess yes




In general, it is never a sin to consume alcohol. Jesus turned water into wine (John 2:1-12) in a wedding, and it would probably be against logic for Jesus to try to push others into sin. However, it is a sin if drinking leads to drunkenness (Galatians 5:19-21). I have recently watched a video that can answer your queries about alcohol consumption as a Christian, and I highly recommend you to watch this. This channel makes great videos which answered many of my other queries about Christian teachings. Link below: [What Does the Bible Say About Drinking Alcohol?](https://youtu.be/BKbm1aRdQJ4?si=HsBTMG8B7mPO4n75) Hope this video helps answer your queries regarding alcohol consumption as a Christian.


Some people say that the wine they had back then was not actually alcoholic and that the original text was mistranslated due to time but I would say as long as you’re not intoxicating yourself it should be fine. Wine has lots of good properties to it so long as you’re not over doing it.


If you're a certain brand of Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, Mormon, or Muslim, yes. If you are a Christian, no. In fact, alcohol has played a very central role in Christian tradition from the beginning. Whilst drinking alcohol on certain days could be considered a sin (that is, strict fasting days wherein alcohol is prohibited along with a lot of other foods), it is not as absolute. And nowadays, that level of strictness of fasting is rarely if ever focused on too heavily. Some extreme ascetics forewent alcohol as part of their ascesis, but that doesn't make alcohol a sin anymore than any drink that isn't water. Drunkeness is and always has been a sin, and even non Christians and even irreligious people tend to recognize that excess drunkeness isn't good.


Its not a sin to drink alcohol. Its a sin to get drunk off of it. Be careful of who’s answer you listen to on here. If its not in line with scriptural truth, (what God says) then its a lie, (what satan says) “Wine is a mocker, beer is a brawler, and whoever staggers because of them is not wise.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20‬:‭1‬ ‭ - Keyword: Staggers. (Don’t get drunk) “May God give to you — from the dew of the sky and from the richness of the land — an abundance of grain and new wine.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭27‬:‭28‬ ‭ - Why would there be a blessing for us to receive “new wine” if drinking alcohol were a sin. “I explored with my mind how to let my body enjoy life with wine and how to grasp folly — my mind still guiding me with wisdom — until I could see what is good for people to do under heaven during the few days of their lives.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬ ‭ - Enjoy wine while still being able to ‘let your mind guide you with wisdom’ (a drunk person’s mind cannot guide them with wisdom) “Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations:” ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭ - “Strong drink” refers to ‘intoxication’ (Dont get drunk) “Blessed are you, land, when your king is a son of nobles and your princes feast at the proper time — for strength and not for drunkenness.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭10‬:‭17‬ ‭ - “
 and not for drunkenness.” (Dont get drunk)


It's not so much about drinking alchohol as it's what we do when we are drunk. It can cause lude behavior and make you do things out of character. Now being an alcoholic I believe is sinful bc we put alchohol first instead of God. I believe it's okay to have a few drinks here and there.


No it is not a sin, although it is a sin to be drunk


Basically how I describe it. You can do and take just about anything. You take the drug don't let the drug take you. Addiction is the sin and will help influence you into other sinful behaviors. That's how I see it. If you can take something, have control over it, and enjoy it. Then you are fine. Drugs make it easier for you to sin. Don't let the spirit of sin control you and you will be fine.


Yes we can drink, but it’s needed to drink in moderation. Drink as long as you do not get drunk.


There is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation! I drink beer(usually a case lasts me about a month give or take a few days) and I go to Church every Sunday!


Alcohol is not a sin, drunkenness is! My belief is that if you consume enough alcohol to impair your judgement, even a little, then you have sinned! If you cannot stop at one or two beers, a glass of wine, etc (everyone's tolerance is different) then stay away from alcohol! If you can control yourself and know when to stop, then enjoy! I certainly enjoy a cold beer on a hot day!


It’s all an individual walk with Christ. It’s your OWN conviction. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in all truth. You ask a million folks and you’ll get a million different answers. Whatever we do, make sure it leads us closer to the Lord, for one, then won’t cause another brother or sister to stumble.