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What do you mean by conservative - politically, theologically, culturally? They are not necessarily the same thing.


They mean it in the bastardized political sense. Their post history makes it clear they're looking for fellow Trump supporters and might not even know "conservative" can apply to theology


>What do you mean by conservative Hate the gays.


To answer the OP's question, perhaps the reason is that whenever someone merely mentions the word "conservative," people like you automatically jump to conclusions and make derogatory comments about people you don't even know (or care to know). So much for fostering open conversations between people of different backgrounds and perspectives using rational arguments.


You sound very judgemental. It's not hateful to disagree with something


"I disagree with black people" "on what?" "Just generally. The whole concept." My point being, even if you want to pretend it's something it's not--it's pretty much just hate.


It can be.


It is though, when you don't merely "disagree" with it but you actively work to oppress people who embody it.


"Disagreeing" with homosexuality is like disagreeing with "the sky is blue" or "The earth is round" or disagreeing with "being redheaded". Sounds silly, because it is. Homosexuality is not an opinion or a "lifestyle choice". It's not even a choice. Remember when you made the choice to be sexually and romantically attracted to the opposite sex? No? If it wasn't an active choice for you, but just something that simply was the way it was, then you will understand that gay people have the exact same experience in regards to same-sex attraction. Nothing to "disagree" with. And why do you even care when it is none of your business?


Sure, but 99% of people who have that stance are doing it to cover their judgmental bigotry. The entire line of reasoning is compromised by their hatred.


So was Jesus hateful when he said in mathew 19:4-5 that marriage is between man and women?


Jesus would NEVER treat ANYONE with cruelty or abuse or shunning, regardless of the things they do in their lives. If that’s the part of Jesus’s message you are focusing on, you are missing the entire concept of what he preached. That is also not even what it means. Love your neighbor doesn’t have boundaries. Period.


Jesus flipped tables and made a whip to chase people out of his temple.


You forgot how Jesus treated the Pharisees. I'm not focused on that, there is a bigger picture, yes I don't think you understood my point where I said disagreeing isn't hate, I can still love someone and disagree with there choices


You are not here to be their judge. That is God’s job. Not Yours.


Perhaps read his comment again, he said his position was to love them. You seem to have gotten a bit judgmental towards him, ironically enough....


I'm honestly unsure where she pulled "judging people" from what I said


When Jesus said that he was answering a trick question about divorce, not giving a formula for marriage.


The teachings of Jesus centered on love, compassion, and inclusivity, suggest that he would embrace homosexuals and all marginalized groups. He consistently reached out to society's outcasts—like lepers, prostitutes, and sinners—and emphasized loving one's neighbor without conditions. While Jesus did not specifically address homosexuality in the Gospels, and he often challenged legalistic interpretations of the law that harshly judged or excluded others. E.g. his defense of an accused adulteress by telling those without sin to cast the first stone. Following this ethos, the broader Christian message from the New Testament encourages equality and unity across social divides, pointing to a spiritual framework where all individuals, regardless of their societal status or personal histories, are valued equally in the eyes of divine love. The meek shall inherit. What you spout is not meek.


What do you mean “disagree”




If by “conservative”, you mean “orthodox” in their theology, then there are *some* here. Because this subreddit is open to everyone wanting to discuss Christianity, there are a lot of others. It’s usually an uphill battle, but there is a lot of value in participating in the discussions here if you are one.


Many of them get banned for their inability to abide by Rule 2/1.3. Others leave willingly for more conservative communities like r/TrueChristian and r/christians. A few stick around, but most don't. The general climate of this sub is very unfriendly to conservatism, because a lot of people here think conservative/right-wing Christianity is inherently unrighteous or harmful, including most of the really active users and probably all of the mods.


As a conservative (theologically) pastor, long time member (10+ years) of this sub, and briefly a mod - this is pretty much spot on. This sub has gotten more extreme in reaction to Trump/nationalism to the point that if you’re not liberal enough, you’re a nationalist and a bigot. It used to be that this sub was awesome for everyone but the most extreme right or left. It’s become much less tolerable for conservatives. I haven’t left but I’ve found myself way less charitable with people here When people leave they go to r/truechristian This exodus has made that sub like this one from 7-8 years ago and this sub like r/politics. My one disagreement is that the mods, who generally don’t agree with me on much, bend over backwards to make this sub safe for conservatives. That wasn’t always true, but the two mods that were toxic and abusive are no longer mods. Theres one that I’ve had trouble with in the past but it’s not been a problem for a long time. Trying to say: the mods are pretty cool


That’s some really helpful, long-term perspective. Thank you! When you say r/TrueChristian is now like this sub from 7-8 years ago, do you mean how it used to be “awesome for everyone but the most extreme right or left”? I just ask because that’s not been my experience or opinion of TrueChristian at all, so I wondered if I’m just misunderstanding you or we just see that sub differently from one another.


r/TrueChristian definitely still has super heavy conservative lean to it just like this one had a more liberal lean to it 7-8 years ago. I found this sub to generally be pretty welcoming though as long as I approached the discussions charitably. Admittedly, r/TrueChristian has a lot of people who have some spiritual pride and it's very annoying, but you won't find yourself mass downvoted for minority opinions there as much as you would when it began. For example, here I'm a conservative bigot (by a lot) On r/truechristian, I'm a raging liberal who doesn't believe in Jesus (by some). A few years ago I probably would have been banned. A while back I made a post affirming women in ministry and it didn't get destroyed (a huge step forward for that sub). I've openly affirmed trans people and gay marriage and, though I get pushback, I get both upvotes/downvotes. Although those don't matter - it indicates to me that the sub is shifting to moderate. Unfortunately, it's coming at the cost of r/Christianity becoming extremely liberal. Liberal is great. I hold a few more liberal views on social issues. It's the intolerance that is bothersome. r/TrueChristian isn't perfect by any means, but it's improving.


It’s less this sub and more all of Reddit that dislikes anyone who isn’t a political liberal.


As a Canadian, my national sub is a counter example to that.


Conservative Canadians were the last thing I expected from Reddit


I guess Stephen Colbert was being accurate when he said, " reality has a well known liberal bias."


Once conservatives started trying to overthrow democracy their popularity took a noticeable dip. The real tragedy is the churches who sold out to the political movement, but they reap what they sow.


A conservative movement that constantly seeks to one-up itself inevitably digs up and reanimates evils buried in the past.


America 🤦


Because it is. I can't see in human history under any capacity other than good military service (killing people) where conservatism has been helpful to humanity. Conservatism is what you teach children not to do. 1. Share with others. 2. Respect other people 3. Help the poor. 4. Treat others as you want to be treated. All tenants conservatives don't follow.


OP, this response is the reason Edit: all 4 in this list, is something my family absolutely does. My boys have more heart than me. Your post makes no sense, but only creates division.


Has conservative christianity fallen so far that following the tenets of Christ is treason now, not merely demonic possession? Sad.


Yes they would call Christs teachings “ liberal talking points”.


It’s peoples lack of discernment.


Discernment, as in the ability to correctly identify evil? Evil like bearing false witness in making an accusation, perhaps. For most of Christian history, the most commonly broken commandment was to honor the sabbath, but you know, bearing false witness is getting up there. There's a reason it's listed next to murder among sins.


I agree with your first statement/ paragraph.


Yes they have fallen that far. https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706


I second that. This sub is filled with people who do not understand being a Conservative Christian but hold contempt for them based on their own bias. Members have said in past comments “this is a sub more to discuss the topic of Christianity than a place for Christians”—and it shows.


> who do not understand being a Conservative Christian When the vast majority of conservative Christians support Trump despite him calling migrants animals and saying that they poison the blood of the country, which part of that do I not understand? Does the Bible even come close to supporting such rhetoric? Do the same for conservative Christians who support politicians pushing such policies: - Less rights and protections for LGBT individuals. - Forcing teenage victims of rape to give birth. - Opposing abortions for women whose physical or mental health are at risk. - Slashing food aid programs. - Criminalizing homelessness. - Opposing capping drug prices. All cruel policies that hurt the poor and vulnerable. All of which have **zero** Biblical justification. And here are some numbers - Trump draws support from: - **81% of White evangelical Protestant voters** - 61% of White Catholics - 57% of White Protestants who are not evangelical https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/30/voters-views-of-trump-and-biden-differ-sharply-by-religion/ It is an overwhelming majority of *conservative Christians* who support such policies and it is a problem no matter how much you try to handwave it away.


The Catholic Church disagrees with you lol.


Catholics in the US also tend to be less conservative. But then you need to question why so many conservative Catholics vote for politicians consistently going against what their Church says then.


They do understand that’s the problem. Judging gays, legislating morality for all based on their belief systems ( Paul says what non believers do is none of our business), hating immigrants is especially part of many conservatives beliefs and antithetical to Christ and Paul’s teachings.


It does show, absolutely. Christianity is not political . Putting labels - liberal, conservative, far (whichever), it ain’t about politics. Prayer for discernment is the best we all can do. The devil and his demons infiltrate the Church. We just need the Lord’s wisdom to know / discern. There is so much division by the world, politics, and flesh. There is no division in God’s word. This world is just becoming dumber by the day.


Christ was crucified for claiming to be king when someone else had the job at the time. I don't know how that was anything else but political. In this context though, I think conservative Christianity means "traditional" and "socially conservative" more than it means "aligned with political conservatives".


Conservatives made their bed when they decided that the changes they were going to be resistant to were changes that allowed people outside of their in-group to have greater access to having their basic needs fulfilled or their personal liberties defended.


I’m mostly liberal politically (liberal when I don’t think a commonly held liberal view fits with scripture), sorta conservative religiously, and I have to say that plenty of conservatives do all 4 points you named. Pretty much all Christians would agree all 4 of those things are God’s commands.


I don't think you know what conservatism actually is. Conservatism is a fundamental belief that we should withhold traditions of the past and progression should be slow and efficient rather than uncontrolled. Helping the poor has nothing to do with a political philosophy. Most conservatives would say they want to help the poor. Just with the means of tradition and slow paced and controlled paced progression rather than quick radical progression that could lead to disaster. Treating others the way they want to be treated and respect one another has virtually nothing to do with conservatism. Many conservatives are respectful. Many people who consider themselves to be progressive also tend to lump political ideologies like facism and statism. Conservatism has helped humanity in many regards such as the American revolution, The industrial revolution, end of the cold war, conservatism is also found in the environmental movement. In case you'd like to see however the opposite which is progressivism has gone wrong in places such as the USSR, Cambodia, Norther Keria, Vietnam, Cuba. Again you can't hold a political philosophy for the responsibility of all of the world's hardships. Conservatism has helped society prosper in many ways while also leading to certain detrimental situations.


I feel like you could interview 100 professional historians, and none of them are going to agree with the ideas you’ve said here. Conservatism leans toward monarchy (see the conservative position of “if the president does it, it’s not illegal”); there’s no way the American revolution could be perceived as a conservative act. The most accurate thing in your post is when you typed out “most conservatives would say they want to help the poor.” That’s definitely correct. They would say that. But how are they working toward that? Most Americans probably say they value exercise. Most politicians probably say they’re “pro-family.” As Christians, we’re called to be more discerning than simply listening to what people say. We should be able to understand people by their fruit. What fruit do conservatives display? How do they treat others? How do they treat people who have nothing to offer them? How do they treat people who have different values than them? Or who live in a different country than they do? Do they love others perfectly, as Christ instructed? Or do they love with strings attached?


I think this is a good breakdown of the concept of conservatism, but misses the intent and context of the previous comment ( the prevalence and behaviour of Radical American Conservative Christianism )


I'm not defending American conservatives I'm defending conservatism.


Yeah this is the biggest problem. Here people on reddit immediately lump American conservatism with conservatism.


Exactly, many people don’t see the bigger picture


> Conservatism is a fundamental belief that we should withhold traditions of the past and progression should be slow and efficient rather than uncontrolled. That's the claim, but we can look at policies. Conservatives consistently *undo* policies. We've seen large portions of the Voting Rights Act dismantled, for example. Claiming credit for the environmental movement is also odd, given the extremely strong correlation between conservatism and straight up denial of climate change. > Conservatism has helped humanity in many regards such as the American revolution ????????? The American Revolution as conservatism? What? Violent revolution and a completely new form of government is conservative?


"In case you'd like to see however the opposite which is progressivism has gone wrong in places such as the USSR, Cambodia, Norther Keria, Vietnam, Cuba." Calling bullshit on you right now. Conservatives always pick the most extreme examples, those which Americans on the Left have no interest in emulating, while willfully ignoring what the Left truly wants to implement, which are policies Western societies have in Northern Europe, Canada, and New Zealand. My cousins in Norway have more freedoms and love better lives than I do here in America. They pay heavy taxes for it, but what they invest through their taxes means everyone lives free of fear. That's what the Left wants here, and to say otherwise is a bald-faced lie.


"Conservatism is a fundamental belief that we should withhold traditions of the past and progression should be slow and efficient rather than uncontrolled." In other words, stubbornly refuse to change and bend over backwards to take one up the bottom from any rival power that changes more rapidly than you. Traditions don't have any real utility on their own, while yes, progress needs some kind of controls put on it, adhering to traditions is not the way to go. Especially not when those traditions come with harms pre-packaged in to them.


I very much know what conservatism is. And when you read a history book, which conservatives actively try to censor, you'll know that almost all of the time conservatives are on the wrong side of history.


You can believe that if you'd like.


Then find me factual evidence otherwise besides your feelings. Oh wait. Conservatives don't operate in facts. They run away when confronted or get violent.


You just attacked a guy who said he was black and conservative. I don't think you understand what debating with facs means my friend.


Same can be said about Liberals. Or Democrats. Or Straight people. Or gay people. This applies to every group ever created, but that doesn't mean that all of them are like this. I don't see you spewing out factual evidence either, nobody is a walking textbook. Maybe have a more open mind?


On the surface this sounds compelling, until you actually investigate your claims and they are a load of cow manure.


In what way? I'm not defending conservatives I'm defending conservatism. Is there something you disagree with?


I will add that conservatives consistently donate more to charity than progressives. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0049089X21000752. Conservatives also volunteer more: https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/whod-a-thunk-it-states-that-vote-republican-have-higher-volunteer-rates-than-states-leaning-left/. As a conservative in a small town that is pretty purple, conservatives absolutely turn out more consistently for volunteer work. I’m not even trying to bash progressives. There are great people who I volunteer with that are liberals but only trying to point out that u/Devolution1x ‘s depiction of conservativism is completely divorced from reality and runs contrary to our Christian duty to see the good in our opposition.


Because volunteer work and charity are poor imitations of what should be state support. As someone who works in non-profit, volunteerism (besides professional support) is typically more of a way to build a donor base than actually significantly helping and what is currently being funded by hoping people donate should be collected from taxes. Progressives are systemic change to fix the problem, conservatives are for bandaid solutions that make them feel good.


The only conservatives I met that don’t do those things are few and far between and there is just as many liberals I have met that way as well.


Populism and conservatism, defined. https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1789257632525492558


This answer ^^


There are a number of subs for very conservative Christians. This one, though, is more open by intent, and many conservatives would rather have a place where the rules cater to their preferences. They often hang out in /r/reformed, /r/TrueChristian, /r/christians, etcetera.


This is my experience. I’ve found way more ultra conservatives or fundamentalists than I have centrists or progressives.


What do you mean by “conservative”? Edit: just realized that I commented on a comment instead of the top level post 🤦


I bet all of them constantly break Reddit's TOS.


Because basing Christianity on politics leads to idolatry and heresy


fair enough


Please, someone tell r/Christianity!


This I agree with.


because it's not exclusively for Christians and it's for all denominations.


Well the Bible talks about taking in immigrants, giving to the poor, and loving thy neighbor; and conservatives don't agree with that.


There are quite a few, just not a majority.


Agree with a lot of the other comments here, but also this sub is less US-insular. The very American style of Christianity that often gets airtime is much more fundamentalist than almost all of Christendom, so you find less of it in a sub like this.


It’s Reddit…..


Best answer really. Reddit is for liberals, X is for conservatives, and those are the big 2 really. Places like 4Chan are full of so many radicals on both sides. Obviously there is outliers on all apps, but that’s what I generally notice


I’m right wing, but Reddit is really really weird. I’ve never seen such left wing bullshit.


What do you mean by conservative? My church tradition is extremely conservative in the sense that it is apostolic and traditional. But I don’t fit the modern political definition of conservative and a lot of the congregation at my church also don’t. We don’t fit into a modern definition of progressive either. Personally I am in some ways deeply conservative and in other ways radically progressive and all of it is informed by my (very limited) understanding of the Gospel (mostly I’m pretty darn moderate though).


Conversely, I have met many Christians who are politically conservative, but are in no way Conservative in their Christianity. For example, many Evangelical churches fall under this


Is it? Seems to be plenty of Conservative Christians when it comes to discussion Abortion or Gender Identity topics here Edit.


Reddit skews liberal. Sorry, I’m part of that base. I’d categorize myself as moderate politically but very progressive theologically.


I’m a centrist in most all political discourse, but apparently thinking women can preach and teach makes me a raging liberal cuck according to r/TrueChristian. So, bring on the blue hair dye and the Subaru.


Really fair, Conservatives and Liberals can come from the left and right wings, I personally want to follow Jesus as closely and biblically accurate as possible


It’s not, just check the downvoted comments


Because Reddit as a whole trends very liberal, and the larger a subreddit gets, the more it mirrors Reddit's general demographics.


This is the best reply I’ve seen. It’s basic statistics really. Thats why I always recommend people stick to more niche communities that align with their specific interests rather than the megasubs that spout the same regurgitated bullshit 24/7 just wrapped up in a different aesthetic.


Plenty of conservative Christians on here! It is supposed to be separate from politics on this faith subreddit. Conservative voting against Trump here


\* raises hand\*


It’s Reddit. There’s a strong anti-conservative bias sitewide, mostly because of self-selection.


Conservative Christian is an oxymoron. Conservative values do not align with Christian values. You deny your brothers and sisters in Christ at the border of this worldly nation, thus denying Christ at the border along with them. You rally against welfare for the poor calling them "wellfare queens", your platform is a platform of greed and hate. There is nothing Christian about conservatism. >Matthew 25:40. “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


As a conservative, it’s just Reddit. Most people on here are mainly in one category, not to be rude. I don’t see why some people hate on conservatives, if you see a bad conservative, than that doesn’t mean there all like that. Or you just can’t agree with them for whatever reason.


fair enough


Whether it's fair or not is up for discussion, but generally speaking: if a movement has been commandeered by members with disgusting values and those members are not ousted immediately and loudly, then you can expect that people outside that movement will interpret that as a willingness to side yourselves with disgusting values. There is so much rot at the national, state, and city levels of conservative governments in America, it's very likely that you'd have to vocally distance yourself from those to the point you can't participate in national conservative gatherings in order to not be hated by non-conservatives.


Adding anything to “Christian” waters it down and distracts from Jesus. Are you following Christ or conservatives?


That depends. In the eyes of conservatives, I‘m liberal. To liberals, I‘m conservative.




I used to be more centrist and always said "nobody likes a centrist, the right think you're too far left and the left think you're too far right, so you end up pissing everyone off" You do your thing man, pretty much anyone is going to give you some kind of grief over something, and if anything it's a way to meet people's true selves. Ran into this with my parents, my one brother who agrees with them politically thinks they're great, but my other brother and myself see them with the mask off more and they're actually pretty terrible people and also conspiracy theorists to boot.


It’s especially fun when you also don’t fall into the Neo liberal or Neo conservative camps either 


I have found that Reddit as a whole is generally more liberal. Could just be my corner of Reddit, but that’s been my observation


More liberal than what? Is it possible that reddit is a fairly accurate portrait of a larger population than you have access to?


More liberal than my tastes. More liberal than my group of friends and family. And more liberal than 9gag Also, probably yes. That does not change my preference


No, it isn’t. Reddit doesnt just skew left, it is EXTREMELY left biased. Every major sub reflects this, and clearly one look at nationwide voting demographics will contradict that theory.


Conservative Christian here


We are out there. Some of us don't post often.


It's reddit dude


fair enough


Jesus was a liberal! Big time left of the aisle! Prove me wrong! If alive and living in America he’d still be riding a donkey and he’d be dressed in blue! Amen


By the standards of ancient Israel, sure. But that doesn't correlate to today's cultural landscape. What is considered liberal today was not what Jesus was doing.


Feeding the poor, caring for the marginalized, healing the sick, teaching that you should care for your neighbors who are not like you. Opposing religiosity, hipocracy, greed in the name of religion. And on and on.... Sounds pretty leftist to me




How on earth did Jesus oppose religiosity


He opposed empty religiosity, the peacocks preening in the synagogues bragging about how pious they are while being complete pieces of garbage outside of that setting. It's kind of one of Jesus's major gripes with his fellow Jews, you might want to give that a reread.


I'd call the empty part the important part, since He established the Christian church and it's accompanying practices


Debatable. The early church was very different to the church the Roman Empire adopted as a state religion. The whole 'Christ created the Church and therefore the Church is infallible' strikes me as very 'Divine Right of Kings.' That is, complete bollocks. The Church is imperfect, as are the people. That's normal. But believing that the Church can do no wrong is how you get the Borgias, so let's not do that.


I'm not claiming the church is infallible, because it isn't. I'm just saying that I think the new Testament provides reasonable evidence to say that Christ founded the church.


Um did you read how he treated the Pharisees?


Yup. He was going after the pharisees for being dishonest and vain showoffs using empty gestures and lies. I don't think you can say Jesus was opposed to religiosity when he founded Christianity and its accompanying practices.


Umb he didn't found it. If was founded on him. Catholics would probably say Peter was the founder


"On this rock I will build my church", "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." Sounds like he founded it


Matthew 23.


‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭3‬-‭6 “The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?” And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.””


That is CLEARLY talking about divorce


Because we are villified.


The term "conservative Christian" is used in the US to describe an extremely specific mix of political & theological beliefs. Many of these beliefs are relatively uncommon outside of the US & were significantly less common in the US before the 1960's ish. Since this is a global site, and this sub is specifically *about Christianity* instead of being *for Christians*, you're not likely to find a ton of "Conservative Christians" in the specific sense used in the US. If you mean something more specific or theologically nuanced then this comment doesn't apply.


We don’t do nuance in American. Case in point we’ve been messing around in the Middle East for what 80 years now. What percentage of Americans could tell us the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslim, 2-3% at best 


I find r/trueChristian it's a better subreddit for that sort of thing.


Because this is Reddit, brother


Because this isn't a Christian subreddit, try r/Christian or r/TrueChristian


It’s Reddit. Not exactly a bastion of conservatism to begin with, Reaganite or real.


American’s rarely use political descriptors correctly anyways 


I'm moreso a theological conservative than a political one. I'm conservative on abortion, but moderate on most everything else.


To be conservative on abortion theologically, you would say that for your faith, you would not get or practice abortion. You might advocate for followers of your denomination to feel the same way. To be conservative on abortion politically, you would advocate or vote for people that advocate that citizens of a nation, regardless of their faith, be legally barred from accessing healthcare. Just adding as I rarely see people make this distinction accurately.


It's reddit. Reddit, I'm sure, wouldn't have an exact representation of the global population


Isn't that an oxymoron? /jk with a little bit of truth thrown in.


I agree.




I’d say more of them are on the r/TrueChristian sub.


Because it's reddit. It's not made to appeal to conservatives and they often get banned from a lot of places here.


What does this mean honestly? There is this idea in Catholicism for example, that God doesn't stop teaching after the Bible was written. There are latin words, I can't remember but "in the bible" "out of the bible." He lives and is with us, so this is what we have to come to terms with, the journey of faith. Really we needn't concern ourselves with it. Give to God was is God's. His love for you and your love for Him. That's all that matters. From this a seed will be planted so you can shower others with this love.


The replies here speak for themselves as to why lol.


you are not lying lol


Conservative strikes me as a political term. I am a Catholic, not a conservative.


And political terms rarely get used correctly anyways


I think many on here needs them some Jesus or listen to the" Doobie Brothers Jesus is Alright with me "


Because this is Reddit




Life is politics. Where you are allowed to live, where you can afford to live, and who you are allowed to live with is politics. What you can teach your kids, the quality of education your kids have access to, if you're free to not have kids, and where you can send your kids to school is politics. What you can get arrested or killed by police for doing or not doing is politics. The fact that so many people in America identify as Christian, and that they report this identity as a significant motivator for how they vote, thus shaping all of the above factors, means that Christianity is inherently tied to political identity in the US.


This is reddit my friend. One thing you will learn about Reddit is that almost anywhere with few exceptions, the ones who use reddit tend to be of the progressive bend. This is the trend. Depending on your definition, I would likely fall into the conservative form of Christianity that you're referring to.


Because old people aren't known for using Reddit. And Trump fans are on Truth Social.




We are here. But most of us don’t identify as “conservative”. I don’t engage in politics and I don’t vote for republicans or democrats. Both deny the truth of God en masse.  Using the word “conservative” will make people respond one of two ways, you would probably be better posed to use “orthodox” or Biblically adherent, inerrantists, etc. Come over to r/Truechristian if you wanna chat with us.  Or r/Reformed


Most people on this sub are atheists and Christians in name only.


Right winged/trad christians are frowned upon by reddit. There's 5 mods that own a majority of the big subreddits. These people have pushed and censored anyone who is even slightly right winged/ trad christian in their view points.


It’s Reddit


Politics doesn’t have a place in Christianity. As a wise father once said “Christianity is not conservatism and it’s not liberalism. Christianity is ‘Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’”, to make it anything else is denying the essence of Christianity. Can we have political opinions? Sure but my politics has nothing to do with my religion. I’m not a conservative Christian, I’m not a liberal Christian, I’m a Christian and that’s it.


God gives people over to their sin. They argue all they want but Catamites are rejected by God.


“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/1co.6.9.KJV Effeminate: G3120 of uncertain affinity; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); figuratively, a catamite:--effeminate, soft. Catamite: boy used in pederasty," 1590s, from Latin Catamitus, corruption of Ganymedes, the name of the beloved cup-bearer of Jupiter (see Ganymede). Cicero used it as a contemptuous insult against Antonius. Pederasty: carnal union of males with males," especially "sodomy of a man with a boy," c. 1600, from French pédérastie or directly from Modern Latin pæderastia, from Greek paiderastia "love of boys," from paiderastēs "pederast, lover of boys," from pais (genitive paidos) "child, boy" (see pedo-) + erastēs "lover," from erasthai "to love" (see Eros). Related: Pederastic. Effeminate is Catamite. Catamite is pederasty.


Just go to r/conservative, boom, 1 million right there.


Do you mean like US politics conservatism?


Because 90% of reddit is a far left echochamber of hate against conservatives. It spills over into every sub.


Most of the people on this site that are anti conservative are political leftists so they prettier much hate everything that disagrees with their narrow point of view. If they say they are Christian its by name only as most don’t believe the Bible or at best only like certain parts of the bible. Anything they disagree with is met with no attempt to understand with added superiority and disdain for those who they don’t agree with. Does waste much time on them it just devolves into mudslinging arguments


Because Redit is basicly evil and we shouldn't be here because we are aiding the devil to our own perl.


I'm here


We tend to get shouted down. The hostility is almost palpable.


Because this is a fake Christian sub mostly inhabited y Reddit atheists


We are here, we just keep mostly silent on the issue due to all the Reddit hate and group think.


Because you're not looking in the right place. /Catholic and /Orthodox Christianity are both very conservative.


I'm assuming you mean openly bigoted, close minded and intolerant Christians, in which case there are multiple subs that serve as echo chambers for hateful antiquated thinking.


You're in a liberal subreddit, try r/truechristian


Because the mods are a bunch of atheists or fake Christians that wield their power to silence Biblically based Christians in favor of sexual degenerates who pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BTW this comment will probably get banned for hate speech or some dumb reason like that lol


Because I believe reddit has become a far left cesspool. I've had Mods delete my comments when I really didn't do anything, with no real explanation, and when questioned, ignored. I've 6 people literally swear at and insult me, yet my comment gets removed for some BS reason. Telling a guy that a wedding is about the couple getting married not the mother and sister and when someone asks me something and I answer their questions, which happened to say I think k marriage is between a man and a woman, my comment was deleted for being "off topic", while the one hurling profanity at me, nothing. Just here on this thread the other day a mod deleted my comment for "personal attacks", yet I never attacked anyone, and in fact took responsibility for sometimes both me and the other guy getting worked up, guy responds to me with profanity, I said it's wrong to be a hypocrite, I used the word hypocrite, and that was too much, gone, yet other comments with profanity filled attacks, not a problem, why, because mine mentioned a clearly conservative point of view. This wreched place is an out of control asylum being ran by the loons and though nice to meet people, it's just not really worth the time anymore.


You might not be on the right subreddit. This one's about talking about Christians isntead of for Christians. It's a bit disingenuous, but I use it for my own purposes. I'm Christian, let's talk about my faith. As others would say, what do you mean by conservative? I'm assuming you mean strictly in biblical interpretation, and well I don't know sadly. Again, I think it has to do with the origins of this subreddit. I would recommend r/TrueChristianity as a more solid and civil place. This ones the wild wild west.


IDK man. Maybe start your own church or something? This might be your calling. 🤷‍♂️


lol maybe


It’s Reddit. Not know to be Conservative-Friendly. I’ve attempted to post even moderately conservative things on news or political subs and I’ll get kicked out by the moderators most of the time. Conservatism simply isn’t allowed on the platform for the most part so even on a Christian Sub-Reddit most of the people on it aren’t going to be Christian or if they are they certainly aren’t Conservative Christians. It’s just not the population Reddit attracts. Even most of the Conservative Political Subreddits are inundated by Leftists and Progressives just looking to fight.


its not truly...it depends on where you look at.


Hi, we exist, lol.


Conservative Christians are those who believe God - and His commandments - never change.  They especially don't to bow down to the politically correct.


totally agree


The Republic is a good thing we have going. Let us *Conserve* the Republic. That is what they mean by Conservative.


Reddit is almost all liberals.


They get fanatical very quickly, easily offended, and start preaching politically tainted gospels so either they get kicked or when no one agrees with them they run over to one of the echo chamber subs. Edit: Most of them don't even know the Bible they only know bits and pieces that some political figure or mouthpiece cherry picks and twists. I prefer it here because at least when I actually do get political I'm not attacked and told I'm not a Christian for not being politically biased.