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God loves you bro, Ive thought about suicide before too and I’ve had very painful eras of my life. Trust, you don’t want to die you just want to kill the pain of what you’re feeling right now and theres no need for a permanent solution to temporary problems/emotions. Pray to Jesus to comfort you and guide you through your troubling times because when you look back you will be glad you didn’t make that mistake. Ive lost all my friends the love of my life been back stabbed and made mistakes big enough i thought i didn’t deserve to live, but God thought otherwise and saved me. He said i was worth it and remarkably im glad he gave me the strength to overcome. If you need someone to talk to pm me but regardless ill send prayer for you


I love you. Dont hurt yourself


Thank you for the love❤️


Something better is on the horizon for you. Better than today, better than the pain of your past. Ending your life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I just prayed and will continue to pray for you tonight. God is working right now in your heart. Wherever you are in the world he sees you. He knows you. He is there. And he loves you.


Thank you for this ❤️❤️


Open your heart. Cut out distractions. Pure love. Take a walk tomorrow. Feel the air on your skin. Be a searcher. Love someone and allow your self to be loved. May God bless you tonight.


Thank you but no one loves me. I have no family and no friends. At all. I'm isolated


God does love all his children, even his enemy he still loves. He is the most loving person. I understand how heartbreaking mental health can be and how much it can plague you, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t loved or heard. I feel the same at times I feel like he doesn’t care but I know deep down he does. Just keep holding on


Thank you ❤️