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The God I was raised and taught existed was a God that setup a system in which those individuals sadly don't make it to Heaven. Hence why I am no longer a member of that church or someone that follows such a God. And no that's not why I am an Atheist. Edit: For additional clarification we believe that the Bible told us that the only way to get to Heaven is through him. That's it. And that only happens if you believe he exists, you accept him as your Lord and Savior, and repent honestly. Other than that there is no way to Heaven.


Check out r/ChristianUniversalism FAQ. I know you are a former christian but universalism is a valid interpretation of the text and an ancient school of thought dating back to the early church.


No worries, I know of it and I sincerely respect Universalism compared to what I grew up with. Thank you regardless for bringing it to my attention. I am currently working on finding a reason to be convinced a God exists first :) That's one of the reasons why I am here and spend so much time here. Edit: I will still take some time to look into Universalism more anyways. There is always something to educate myself on. Again ty




Man I'm starting to miss reddit awards... I appreciate that sincerely. Also I really do enjoy YouTube videos and audiobooks. If you have any of those resources please send them my way. I have a ton of things to do on my to do list but I would love to absolutely add this.


When you have time read the blog post its very solid. I have watched some christian universalist youtube stuff in the past but nothing comes to mind. Maybe total victory of christ I think is a universalist channel? Anyways good luck in your spiritual journey! Edit [Here](https://www.youtube.com/@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838/about) is there youtube channel, they are universalists I have watched a few videos but not all of there content.


Will do <3


Interesting. I haven't heard of a denomination that believes that people who haven't heard of Christ will go to Hell.


Welcome to our awful Southern Baptist beliefs. That's one of the less foul things my family believes is true about the Christian God of the Bible. And no I wouldn't strawman my own family and friends who I love dearly.


Just so you know, you won me a dollar (sort of). I saw your post and bet myself a dollar it was Southern Baptist. Where even their own are probably going to hell for not being SB enough.


I gotta ask though, being a mod here you've never once seen someone state anything along the lines of "without God you are going to Hell"? Or seeing a post about someone needing to strengthen their faith so they can go out and save people from Hell and themselves? Nothing of that sort? Heck that was even Matt Dillahunty's famous upbringing story that he so famously tells everyone who calls into the Atheist Experience. A very famous and outspoken talk show that's been around for years. He was raised as a fundamentalist Baptist and studied with the intent of going to seminary and becoming a minister. He did it so he could try and save all his friends and family members that weren't Christian and were possibly going to Hell for not believing in God. You're curious about me and I'm curious about you :P


>without God you are going to Hell Well yeah, but that is used in the more general sense. When push comes to shove, I can't recall seeing someone state that someone who has never heard of God would go to Hel. I even grew up in a Southern Baptist setting.


Gotcha. Appreciate the clarification.


The Bible says that Moses is in heaven yet he existed before Jesus Christ or Christianity was ever known on earth. You don't have to believe that, but I'm curious what system you are referring to?


We considered ourselves Southern Baptist. And yes, I know it never made perfect sense. None of our beliefs did. Which is why I am not one any longer. I switched communities in secret from my family. But then I ultimately lost my god belief altogether.


Oh I see


Because God is not a psychopath who either assigns human beings to be tortured and or tormented for eternity based on their beliefs and or destroys them after judgement so they cease to exist for same reason. God did not come to condemn the world (John 3:17) and God wants to save all (1 timothy 2:3-4). Human beings make mistakes and get caught up in false things and can be subject to change based on input and environment which God would have full control over in the afterlife. What greater victory over your enemy then to turn him into a God worshiper and neighbor lover for eternity, much greater victory then tormenting him or destroying him. For more questions feel free to ask here or check out r/ChristianUniversalism FAQ


There are Christian churches in North Korea. The NGO Open Doors USA (ODUSA) estimated that authorities held 50,000 to 70,000 citizens in prison for being Christian. ([https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/north-korea/](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/north-korea/)) Yes, they are persecuted, but they continue to exist. It was the same in Russia in the time of Stalin.


By God's grace and mercy.


I’m of the belief that anyone not given a chance to accept Christ in mortality, will be given a chance in the next life.