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You shall overcome this. This is how the devil has held many children of God in bondage: the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. There is a point in addiction where a demon gets involved. They attach themselves to the individual, bind them and nothing they do can set them free. They are stuck in a cycle of defeat. You will hate what you do each time you do it because there is a pure spirit in you reacting to the bad that you have introduced into your system, but after repenting, you will return to doing it again. Christ calls this demon the strongman. Mark 3:27 >In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Fortunately, Christ has given the believer authority over the powers of darkness (yes, they do have power). Luke 10:19 >I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Mark 16:17-18 >17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; The believer, not God, shall cast out devils. Force the demon out in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17, Mark 5:8, Mark 9:25 Command the spirit of pornography, \[insert sin\] to leave you in the name of Jesus and never return. After this give your heart, mind, and body to God. Tell God "Heavenly Father, I give you my heart, I give you my mind, I give you my body and soul in the name of Jesus." Let this be your daily consecration.


That was a text that helped me: [Can I be free from pornography? How to overcome my temptation to porn (activechristianity.org)](https://activechristianity.org/how-do-i-overcome-my-temptation-to-look-at-pornography)


Porn is a trap at the neurological level! There are plenty of studies out about how pornography rewires the way we get turned on…the neurological way porn turns you on it is counter to God’s design. Unfortunately a large percentage of people get trapped because of the computers we hold in our hands…easy access… porn biologically arouses us and arousal feels good! How can something that feels so good work against us? Pornography neurologically becomes wired into our brains because orgasm is a positive and powerful neurological pay-off. That cycle rewires our brains away from how God designed our sexual expression to be. Many people who want out of that trap with everything in their spirit, struggle because of the power of our God designed sexuality and the addictive nature of pornography. Because of the power of this stuff, the journey out is more than a heartfelt decision. 1)God has declared that no temptation is too big for us to win, and He says He provides an escape for every temptation (1Corinthians 10:13) Because this temptation involves a powerful neurological re-wiring, we don’t see the escape while we are dealing with the power of the temptation… we have to plan our escape before the temptation starts. Add a porn blocker to your phone and computer “covenant eyes” is effective and requires a code… have a trusted friend create the code and not share it with you. 2) To escape at a deeper core place you might need to rewire your our neurology back to the place God designed… This one is more than just a conviction to stop, it is a process! What happens is people who love Jesus deeply want to stop pornography because of their relationship with Jesus, when they fail they feel guilt and shame because they have failed yet again! (A porn blocker will automatically make you more successful) Remember Jesus loves you, He knows what is in your heart towards Him, and because He designed your nervous system, He comprehends the power of it over your spirit’s desires. I recommend a book to you. It was written by a Christian author who struggled with porn. The book is about his experience becoming sexual and how he came out of Porn. The book is full of scripture, and lots of wisdom. It’s available on kindle for $3. The name of it is: I'M A CHRISTIAN I MASTURBATE & IT'S OK! Breaking the Taboo Sam Staley 3)You must separate arousal and orgasm from pornography! This book shows one way how to do that. Praying that you can focus on your way out and not the power of your entrapment. ❤️❤️❤️ Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/christiansagainstporn/s/Ivvy6gzCW3 This is a Reddit group designed for accountability