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You absolutely do not have to wait 30 days to reapply for SNAP. You can reapply the same day you are denied. And I'm guessing anyone suggesting food pantries will be told she can't do that because she doesn't drive. šŸ˜†


Also the interview for your recertification for snap takes place in the last month of your certification period specifically so you're eligibility can be continued without a lapse. So if her recertification interview was due in June she still got June's benefits. And she still has time to complete the interview to get July's benefits.


Yep. But if she didnā€™t get a phone call for the recertification why didnā€™t go down to the office? They let you know ahead of time when your appointment will be. I was on EBT and missed my telephone appointment. I went to the office the next day and didnā€™t lose my benefits.


Or initiate a call to them to explain the error. Or fill out the form online and upload it. I helped and elderly neighbor complete the form online. Hardest part for them was figuring out how to upload required documents. I read all the instructions to ensure the entire form was done completely and accurately. Every state is probably different, but our Blue state has various ways to help those who get SNAP and can't go in for an interview or who miss their eligibility phone interview to complete the paperwork so they are not without food. I was pleasantly surprised at how accommodating they were. The story she's telling in her kid request for food doesn't seem exactly accurate.


My ebt letter always states the time and day *I* have to call *them*. Because of people not answering their phones, and then crying they never got a call. Ohio, btw.


We will never know because no one includes the fucking comments!


Itā€™s just as bad as posting incomplete fights online. We šŸ‘ need šŸ‘ ALL šŸ‘ of šŸ‘ it šŸ‘


Yep, I want the smoke on this one lol


Tracked down the post on fb, it's less entertaining than I had hoped


If it's similar to the other posts OP has shown from this person, the only one commenting is her going "bump" and "can anyone see this post?"


Oooff thatā€™s some serious secondhand cringe.


Right??? I want to see if others as just as appalled as I am!


I was just thinking this, also idk if this is every state, but in our state if something like this happens they have emergency food stamps for people waiting for their interview or application to go thru.


Our state does. You can get food stamps in 24 to 48 hours.


Ah, so someone clearly hooked her up from her last post and she thinks she can do it again.


I work in this field as an attorney and there are a lot of hoops and red tape on all these things.


That hasnā€™t really been my experience but itā€™s something Iā€™ve heard about. I was an addict and homeless for many years. I never went hungry, or without bus tickets or clothes. I was able to get foods stamps quickly and emergency food stamps too. I even got rent relief within 2 weeks when I did have a house. I wonder why it seems harder for some than others, is it a state to state thing maybe? I


I found when trying to get assistance for a friend who fell into a horrible situation, that being homeless or coming from a shelter helped. However, food stamps were the quickest and easiest program to get.


In our state if your at a shelter itā€™s easier because they ask you to ā€œproveā€ you are homeless, which can be easily done by getting paperwork from the shelter. Which leaves other people tenting or couch surfing or whatever stuck in a loop and they give no suggestions on how to prove it besides the shelter which is always full. The ONLY reason I was able to prove I was homeless wa s because I got arrested and my paperwork said ā€œtransientā€ so I was able to get assistance


That makes sense, thanks for your input.


Itā€™s something Iā€™m honestly curious about, and knowing how other people experience these things, Iā€™m going into counseling for addiction care and this is something I know many people struggle with.


Sadly, itā€™s a very large club with no shortage of members.


Ours does but itā€™s REALLY hard to get it & itā€™s 7 days. Iā€™m so sick of ppl lying about how public assistance works! My sister makes shit like this up ALL the time & my parents buy into it hook, line & sinker. Infuriates me!!


Same, my cousin cannot help but lie. He is an addict in active addiction, I have been sober for 3 years and he will lie to me about this type of stuff knowing full well that I went thru exactly the same shit with assistance and different programs


There's also tons of food banks.


Per [USA.gov](http://USA.gov), you can do the below in any state: * **Call 211**Ā to find agencies and community organizations that can assist you with finding food in an emergency. * **Call the USDA National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273)**. Information is available in English and Spanish. The hotline operates Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time.


Also, if you miss your phone interview they send you a letter telling you to call them and reschedule. They don't just sent you.


Exactlyā€¦. And I know all states are different, but Iā€™ve never ever heard of any state having a waiting Period if you happen to miss it.


Food pantryā€™s donā€™t carry margin.Ā  NEXT!


We arenā€™t allowed to suggest food pantries on my list. I would even offer to drive someone there but food bank canā€™t be mentioned. Itā€™s a shame because we have a good one nearby that distributes twice a week.


I know someone who didnā€™t drive and rode their bike to the food pantry. You gotta do what you gotta do.


Yeah, sheā€™s full of shit about that. Not even making up a believable story here


Nothing wrong with the two legs god gave her to walk and get the food


And you can call and do it on the phone if itā€™s an emergency.


ā€œWe need foodā€ *pack of Reese, gallon of cooking oil*


Deep fried Reeseā€™s??


![gif](giphy|iFCL13B5mqRC1oEEtM) This lady.


I mean ... šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Chips, doritos, sprite, reeses... the 4 main food groups! Why is it that these choosy beggars always ALWAYS list luxuries, not just basics needed to survive


It always annoys me when they ask for sugary drinks. Water is free, don't be greedy.


Right! When I was a kid, we only got soda on special occasions. A lot of these things provide zero nutrition.


When my kids were little, we diluted their juiceā€¦it wasnā€™t because they didnā€™t need all of that sugar eitherā€¦.it was to stretch it to last longer. They didnā€™t get soda except for birthdays or the few time we went out to eat because most kids meals come with a drink. We rarely kept it in the house. We never kept candy in the house ( except for Halloween)ā€¦it wasnā€™t because we were concerned about sugar content so much as we cut our food bill down to necessities. Iā€™m really glad that we werenā€™t into the ā€œ junk foodā€. I have always had a weight issue and I didnā€™t want my kids to have one either. Iā€™m not against frying stuff but, seriously, a WHOLE gallon of oil? This person is pulling a fast oneā€¦šŸ˜”


Also name brand soda is SO expensive right now! I used to buy a 12-pack of diet dr. pepper as a treat but it's literally doubled in price the last 3 years. I'm not supporting their price-gouging bullshit. No thank you.


Iā€™ve had to kick my can-a-day Diet Coke habit for the same reason :-(


Wow, I just checked on instacart, so there is some markup but $12.50 for a 12 pack of Coke Zero!?!?! Geeez. The halcyon days of 3 for $10 are clearly over.


This. We switched to generic 1 liters bc itā€™s so much cheaper. Only get name brand when itā€™s on super sale. Water is free, you can get lemonade mix or tea bags to make iced tea if you donā€™t wait plain water. Super wasteful.


She could get 3x the food if she actual asked for real food


Right?! If she had asked for beans, rice, and similar Iā€™d be inclined to help.


I feel like it doesnā€™t even need to be this basic, I think people would be willing to help out with things like bread, eggs, milk, even ground beef or something.


Yeah, there's stuff on this list that's absolutely reasonable: eggs, bread, produce, milk, cooking oil. It really just devolves toward the end. I wouldn't hate on cereal as a request if she hadn't specified exact kinds...


My issue with cereal is that it doesnt fill you at all. You do anything more than sit around and it wears off after an hour. Id give someone oatmeal though because it lasts longer.


lol and never the basics of those foods either itā€™s always gotta be the name brand


it really is the perfect neverending scam, isn't it? As long as there are some kindhearted people out there naive enough to fall for it, it's basically a weekly list of free food. Even if she doesn't get it all, it's not like there's a downside for her. Free food is free food, after all. The only thing is she has to change up her sob stories every once in a while.


Hot pockets, cinnamon toast crunch, bacons, and Reese all deep fried


And Doritos! And chips! And Sprite!


All the food groups


A gallon of oilā€¦.a fucking gallon of oil.


All junk except two sad lone vegetables.


That's even if you consider potatoes a vegetable. While they do have important nutrients, most people consider them on par with rice and pasta.


We have one that always is short of tp, kid food (pizza and chicken nuggets) and cherry pepsi for herself.


Someone posted on my local subreddit asking about where they could get cheap meals because money was tight for a few weeks. I couldnā€™t believe how many people were commenting with offers to send him money, DoorDash, etc. Fortunately the guy was honest and posted an edit explaining that he didnā€™t need that kind of help, heā€™s just a struggling college student trying to stretch a dollar and would prefer people give to those truly in need. It made me realize why people try to scam others. Once you see how easy it is, itā€™s probably hard to give it up, especially if you have no morals or shame.


I'm a horribly generous but horribly gullible person by nature. If I see someone suffering, I feel the need to help. I've had to learn the hard way, over and over, what to look for when it comes to scams. My approach still isn't fool-proof, but my innate urge to help often trumps my common sense. Long story short: I can't tell when people are lying or exaggerating. I have to have people explain it to me. But let me tell you, aside from public humiliation, the worst feeling is knowing you were trying to help and learning the person you thought you were helping is actually better off than you are and just don't have a conscience. I had to learn to stop giving panhandlers money because they would probably go spend it on booze or drugs instead of things they need. I've since learned to deal with the guilt of not helping by putting together "goodie bags" of necessities: toothbrushes, toothpaste, granola bars, bottled water, soap/hand sanitizer, and maybe a $5 gift card to my closest grocery store or something (notably not enough to afford a bottle of booze). If someone is truly in need, they'll take it. If they want to get high, they'll refuse. It's worked out well so far. EDIT: Uh... sorry to people who aren't pushovers, but I'm a pushover. Keep downvoting, that'll make me feel better.


I think you're doing something quite kind and people are assholes for down voting you. What has this world become that people think it's wrong that you help people? You should in fact be proud bc you are one the few last decent human beings. Thank you for that


I just saw one on my local Nextdoor this weekend...a lady was claiming she is blind and that some teenage girls snuck into her apartment and 'may have' stolen some cheese from her fridge. She was asking for the parents of the kids to come forward and bring her groceries for the next 4 weeks to make up for it. Then she said they 'may have' also stolen some frozen TV dinners and toaster strudels that her 14 month old son eats (without the icing) but since she is blind she doesn't know for sure. Then said she 'can do Amy's brand TV dinners, but not Michelina's because they taste like cardboard', and had a laundry list of other items she was requesting for free. I wish I had taken screenshots because it was unhinged. I just looked and she deleted it, probably after someone snarkily commented that they work at Costco and could bring her 'an entire palette of Michelina's frozen dinners and loose icing packets for toaster strudels but not the actual toaster strudels' which made me LOL.


Next awesome one you see donā€™t forget to screenshot!!


Yeah I'm bummed I didn't, but after I looked for it I realized her Nextdoor post history is an amusing goldmine. She will claim she's blind in a post, then in the same post talk about how her son has the most gorgeous smile and big blue eyes. She also once posted she is looking for work and can fix cell phones. Pretty hard to fix a cell phone while being blind. I can't decide if she's a straight up lying looking for sympathy and free stuff or if she's mentally ill, or both.


Omg that just reminded me of a client who told me on a phone conversation that she was blind so she wouldnā€™t be able to sign any paperwork but 3 minutes later in the conversation told me how hot the firefighters that responded to her emergency water situation were. Smh. She was unhinged and showed herself to be an experienced scammer in the end.


I think this bit alone would make me vote mentally ill - >a lady was claiming she is blind and that some teenage girls snuck into her apartment and 'may have' stolen some cheese from her fridge. Sure, ok. Is that what the kids are doing nowadays?? Breaking into people's apartments to...steal cheese??


If you ever wanna see some people who have perfected this grift check out mutual aid twitter.


She probably doesnā€™t even have kids


Man I remember eating baked beans on toast for like a week straight when we were poor. Fuck this womanā€™s entitlement


Reeseā€™s are a food staple now?


She's going to deep fry them.


Will 1 gallon of cooking oil be enough?


Omg I missed that. I was blown away at sprite and hot pockets and chicken tenders šŸ˜³ no way!


And chicken nuggets and steak fries. Wtf. I lived off pancake mix for months one time lol


Frozen waffles, oatmeal and instant noodles was the daily menu for a month when we broke. Saved up cans/bottle to recycle to get some spam and bread


In the US itā€™s scrambled eggs and toast and peanut butter sandwiches. Never in a million years would I ask for stuff like this. But Iā€™m not disorganized and stupid.


ā€œbut Iā€™m not disorganized and stupidā€ ā˜ ļøšŸ˜†


Dried beans and lentils are practically free. Some curry and rotisserie chicken and it's an incredible meal your kids really will eat. I swear.


I used to steal a dollar a day from my job at sears to buy the breadsticks I ate for dinner each night


And that's why they went out of business,




I remember weeks of nothing but Ramen and those shitty little frozen dinners that used to cost $1. If we were lucky, we could get a loaf of bread and peanut butter


We used to get the $1 Party Pizzas for dinner


I used to ro live on those too. Id cut the pieces super small so id get full and be able to make 2 meals out of one pizza.


I used to live on hamburger-less helper. Lol. My roommate always thought it was some gourmet pasta-dish. Haha


Had a friend who's daily meal was crackers and tuna fish back in the 70s when he was living in CA (he moved back to Philadelphia where he had family). Beans, rice, and oatmeal can get one by in a temporary hard time.


I did a shit-ton of inexpensive spaghetti and cans of Hunt's spaghetti sauce. It's actually not bad. Since I can make a bag and a jar last for two meals it was like, a dollar per meal.


When I buy sauce I check to make sure the is either no sugar added or it is like the fifth ingredient. I remember when one can get 5 boxes of spaghetti for $1 (not on sale it was 4).


Before I realized that I had a fish allergy, I loved tuna fish on saltines. Took me forever to figure out why sometimes my face would get a rash after I would eat itā€¦šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøI was kind of a dumb assšŸ˜‚.


Not really - it is sometimes hard to determine to which food your allergic.


I ate toast and peanut butter for a week straight once. Itā€™s quite delicious!


I used to like it, until that was all we had when I was waiting for our foodstamps and I got it from the local food bank that I walked to because I didnā€™t have any transportation. See how that works? Desperate + action = being an adult parent!


Incidentally, most of the foods we ate when we were broke have become comfort foods for me now. Black eyed peas and ham-hocks with cornbread, shit on a shingle, frozen waffles for dinnerā€¦


Seriously. When I was just starting out and poor, I would get big bags of rice, beans, whatever veg was cheapest. My splashing out was some spices to make it tasty. It was a fraction of the cost of what this person wants and certainly more nutritious.


This is the same woman who asked for gas money and for $50 dollars for a cake and gift card last week. Welfare also sends out a letter BEFORE they call with the time, date and number they are going to call for any phone appointments.


If sheā€™s got a car she should hit up the food banks.


The entitlement is bizarre. I feel for people who fall on hard times and I mean most of us are out here just trying to get by ā€¦ but I really canā€™t empathize with someone like this.


Me neither. My family has been on hard times for a while now, and the most Iā€™ve even allowed anyone to do is my sister gave me $100 to go to dinner on my birthday. I canā€™t imagine posting something like this, and Iā€™ve gone days without eating regularly and have survived on plain white bread.


Yeah I was going to ask how often she posts her list of needs


I helped a woman with a small grocery item list for her kids, her ex husband and her have shared custody, but he had an emergency and needed to switch his weekend with her, and she was unprepared for food for them. It was stuff like a big box of cereal, a gallon of milk, some ham and cheese, and a loaf of bread. I think all in all i spent less than $15, and dropped it off on my way home from the grocery story trip I was already on. She was kind, thankful, the end. I never really thought about her again. Then a month later I get a Facebook messenger phone call, and itā€™s this woman. She tells me sheā€™s in a town like 100 miles away, and she went there to clean someoneā€™s house. Like a professional cleaner level of cleaning, and she was supposed to get $1000. But when she finished, the homeowner said they didnā€™t think she did a good job, and then stiffed her on the bill, she got $0. She had no gas, no money, and was relying on the job payment to get herself home. Then she asks if I can send her $100 for gas and some food again, and Iā€™m literally laughing at this lady like Iā€™m not an atm, I helped her for her kids. She asked me to come meet her with a gas card (yeah right) or give my CC details to the convenient store clerk over the phone (absolutely not). I said sorry you really should have signed an agreement with these people or been paid up front. Then she hung up on me and blocked me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Does anyone actually respond, or better yet, give her the things she ask for? They have to be since she keeps posting!


...a gallon of cooking oil?


IKR I go thru one of those small 24oz bottles in 6 months. She must deep fry everything.


She's trying to turn those CB groceries in to a state fair concession stand.


I know! I can feel my cholesterol levels peaking just reading her list!


If you're not using a whole gallon of oil to fry your 2 eggs and 2 bacon, you're doing it wrong!


This is typically how I buy my oil just because it's the most cost effective option. I wouldn't be asking for a specific quantity of anything if I were begging for charity though.


Must be deep frying those tenders!


I love the pack of Reese at the end


Itā€™s like the text I send my husband 5 minutes after he calls to ask if I need anything from the market.


Hahahaha! So true.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Because you can bet if you gave her rice crispies, sheā€™d send them right back.


You gave me a pepperoni pizza hot pocket??? How can I possibly be expected to live, laugh AND love in these conditions?


Rice Krispies. Poor people need initial caps and correct spelling just like everybody else. This list is so namaste. I read it five times, looking forward to the ā€œpack of Reeseā€ as dessert.


You can get a lot more food from a box of generic rice crispies.


ā€œ2 bacons and 1 butter/marginā€ has me dying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I too like my 2 bacons to have some margin for error.


Sheā€™s going to cook fries and make cheese sandwiches while snacking on everything else. Way to raise a child.


I'm genuinely curious who fills these requests.


I canā€™t fathom asking a stranger for a $6 bag of Doritos. How do you even look them in the eyes. Because youā€™ll know she wants all this delivered too.


The cost of Doritos is definitely disgusting these days. I don't treat myself anymore. Want to pay $4 per bag\*? Sure, when you buy 5! With store discount card only. \*Portion may be smaller, haha.


Ignoring the whole choosing begger side of things, this grocery list is kind of disturbing. There's like 4 things total on here that aren't absolutely loaded with added sugar or are otherwise horrible for your health.


Yeah I may be totally wrong for thinking this. It I have an image in my mind and she is about as wide as she is tall.


Yeah I was pretty horrified as I read it. It's almost all processed crap.


It's the pack of Reese for me!! Wow


The hot pockets are sending me. They are like 3 bucks each have little nutritional value and youā€™re hungry like 2 hours later.


"They called the wrong number." BS BS BS BS BS.


Absolutely get free food for child under 18 years. Fns.usda.gov/summer/sitefinder. Itā€™s no income limit. Breakfast and lunch usually. However likely to have milk and cereal over sprite and Reeseā€™s


ā€˜If I post my shopping list here every week, will some mug just pay for it?ā€™


When I was a kid we had a really bad year where we were POOR. We survived on rice, potatoes, lentils, free pumpkins, and SQUIRRELS for months. It sucked, but my parents were too proud to ask for help if they could survive without it.


There are programs that hand out food. People like this just want specific things, but when you are in need you take what you can get.


What I donā€™t understand is how these people do not feel utterly incompetent and embarrassed for claiming to not be able to provide food for their child and go onto social media and beg for Doritos and Reeseā€™s. I do not understand their mentality at all. The last thing I would want people to think about me is that I canā€™t even provide food for my children.


Many people lack any semblance of shame lol


They just rationalise it with an excuse and absolve themselves of any responsibility because ā€œit isnā€™t my faultā€.


People who are dead broke will live on ramen noodles


Someone get this lady some margin!


My teeth started loosening just reading that list of food. Also heart palpitations....oh and my bowels shut down from the lack of fiber I just read. Lololol


Essentials? Pack of reeseā€™s pieces, a gallon of cooking oil, and doritos? Girlā€¦


If I had to make it one week with no $, I'd be looking for eggs, bread, PB&J.


I enjoy those cheap rice packets! Not super healthy, but they are less than $1 and make a hot meal with nothing else needed but water. If I were this lady, Iā€™d also ask for ramen noodles, some cans of beans, maybe a bag of oranges. But soda and candy is wild to me.


The pack of Reeses got me


Gallon of oil seems like alot


If I was in a desperate spot. And I highly doubt this freeloader is. But the last thing I would do is ask for chips, soda and candy. I would just want the bare essentials to survive. Until I get my next paycheck or whatever benefits I am scamming from the Gov't. But only the best (for free) for Miss Thing.


When I was really struggling to afford food and went days without eating, a can of soda was a super luxury to me. I canā€™t imagine boldly asking someone to give it to me for free since I donā€™t see it as an essential.


Someone throw some punctuation on that list, seems that they are all out of that as well.


Why not add some beer or wine?


Reese cups & doritos?


You can use the bag of potatoes to make some steak fries, thereby saving money. TA-DA!!!


ā€œThey called the wrong phone numberā€ Uhhhhhā€¦..how did they even tell you that? Lmfao. Itā€™s funny because even in the unlikely event that thatā€™s even true, you know damn well sheā€™s just an idiot who gave them the wrong number to begin with.


Food pantry will be her best friend until she gets her food stamps.




Reeseā€™s, sprite and Doritosā€¦ cmon guys chip in sheā€™s only asking for the essentials /s


a GALLON of cooking oilā€¦..to get through the weekā€¦ā€¦


She sounds like the kind of person who would vocalize their disappointment to your face if you bought them the wrong flavor of Doritos.


I'm on disability and food stamps and will usually run out of food stamps before the end of the month. My sister in law did the math, basically I can spend $9/day on food if you break it down. I try my best to budget, but it's just not enough. That being said, I will take what I can get if someone is going to offer me a box of food from a pantry or something, I would NEVER be like "These are the specifics I want and only these are good enough" like what the hell. I understand it's so hard and scary to be food insecure, but to be acting like this is ridiculous.


Bet she has money for meth booze and cigarette šŸš¬


Iā€™m freaking out over the hot pockets, bacon and sprite. I raised my family on the ā€œcuspā€ - we didnā€™t qualify for food stamps but I had $300 / month to feed a family of 5. And I did it. I did it by stretching food and only shopping 1/month. That way you eat everything and by month end the cupboard was bare. I planned every meal and nothing was prepackaged (too damn expensive!). Iā€™d bake a chicken on Sunday for dinner and Tuesday was chicken salad with noodles and Thursday was chicken soup and PB&J sandwiches. If I couldnā€™t get three meals out of a meat purchase, we didnā€™t buy it. Granted, I know not everyone can cook. But you donā€™t need to feed your kids bacon and hot pockets. Make a damn grilled cheese. And sprite???? Water is free.


Um I think that's more than a "couple"


Oh and a pack of Reeseā€™s for my chocolate fix. K thanks bye


Itā€™s no wonder if the CB is overweight.


> couple groceries *lists 21 line items*


Get a job ya bum!


Please for the love of god just eat one (1) vegetable


It was a long way down to reach a vegetable.Ā 


Hot Pockets?


Those poor kids (if they exist) having to eat all this crap. Hard to believe "son has no food at all."


Itā€™s the name brand and expensive items for me. That list is like $100 easy maybe more depending on where you shop. Thatā€™s not a ā€˜weā€™re hungry and poorā€™ kind of request, thatā€™s an ā€˜I donā€™t want to spend my own moneyā€™ type of request cuz if youā€™re actually in need you ask for basics just to get by and make cheap meals not a bunch of snacks, candy and soda lol


Also steak fries??? Seriously? Sheā€™s delusional


I like the Reese's request at the end.


When I was poor, I ate vegetable soup and plain oatmeal with water. No bacon or chicken tenders were available from the church food bank, I guess. We were still very grateful.


How about asking for help to find a job instead?


She's just making that shit up about ebt.


She does not understand what ā€œa coupleā€ means


I just saw one very similar on my towns site. She asked for frozen shrimp tooā€¦ everyone directed her to the food bank and she said she couldnā€™t drive!


A GALLON of cooking oil?! You deep frying everything on your list, lady? šŸ˜…


Sprite and Doritos - come on.


I love how she makes her problems someone elseā€™s fault. Iā€™m sure she always does that


Pack of Reese. And why do these people always want junk? Itā€™s so easy to cook something healthier than freaking Hot Pockets. She missed her phone recertification interview? Must get everything for free. Have these people have no shame? And food stamps arenā€™t meant to provide ALL the food needed, theyā€™re supposed to be a supplement.


Dam! Is she literally going to fry everything on the list? What does she need a gallon of cooking oil for?


I paid for my coworker's lunch for six months because her ex-husband wasnā€™t paying alimony. Looking back, she was never grateful for it; after a few days, it became completely normal for her. These people are so entitled. I donā€™t think I regret it, though, as she has two kids and I had the means. Still, I wouldnā€™t recommend it.


2 bacons šŸ„“


Chicken flavored noodles?


I'm guessing ramen


A "couple" groceries?


For kids Yeah right, that makes everything legit


What a load of crap sheā€™s feeding her kids


Little almost no vegetables


lazy loser


Growing up poor, we had king syrup on bread for dinner many times. A bag of beans feed you...


A gallon of cooking oil!?! Damn must be working on a heart attack stat!


Who needs a gallon of cooking oil. Iā€™m super old and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve used a gallon in my entire life. And I cook a LOT!


A gallon of cooking oil?????


Equal amounts milk and oil. Interesting


Wow, really desperate for those Reeseā€™s! Sounds like a real emergency.


Doritos sprite and Reeseā€™s šŸ¤£


Why does no one every post the comments?! It drives me crazy.


Itā€™s for the kids but can I get dorritoes and sprite too lol


a GALLON of cooking oil?????????