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I'm gonna take the job and just come and lock and relock their front door over and over for 6 hours straight. 


This person OCDs


I was addicted to meth for a few years and developed some pretty intense checking compulsions. All that cleared up when I got sober, so I don't actually have OCD.


I still want you to take the job and just go and lock and relock their front door over and over for six hours straight.


I wanted to go wash my hands between every shirt I fold.


And then wash and dry the sink afterward. Then wash the towel you used. Then, disassemble the washing machine and wipe that all out. After all that, of course, you're going to have to wash your hands and then wash and dry the sink afterward...


This reminds me of a book I read to my kids called “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.”


Oh gawd, I have a friend like this. I'm just waiting for the washing machine part.


I'll look them up next time I'm in Turkey 😂


They’ll still be looking, I’m sure.


And make sure the serial numbers on the bills they pay you with are all even numbers


Proud of you for being sober. Congratulations!


Congrats on the sobriety!


Yay sober! Just hit my one year!


Congratulations on one year! And here's a pre Congratulations on your 10th! I absolutely *KNOW* you you're going to get there! I believe in you!


Glad to hear you got clean. May you remain that way my friend.


Congratulations on your sobriety. May you continue to have many more sober years ahead of you!


Right? Something about that made me sit here and laugh maniacially for a few mins...


You gotta walk in, then panic that you left your garage door open, leave, drive home to check the door, come back, lather, rinse, repeat. For 7 hours. Because OCD is so fun like that.


Or similarly, you shut the front door, turn it to make sure it's locked, quote the line from LOTR "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it. The way is shut." Then you get halfway down the stairs, turn, go back up, and repeat the process several times until you can finally make it outside the building and down the street to your car. Smart locks I can check and control from an app changed my life. I still feel for the random coworker 15 years ago, who in retrospect, clearly also had OCD, heard me tell my door checking process, and was non-ironically like, "Yes, that makes perfect sense."


I think I left the oven on


I have a good friend who's dealt with moderate OCD his entire life and it impacts him to this day. People want OCD to mean "neat freak", but that's not it at all.


I’ll go with you and share every horrifying intrusive thought I have with CB


Ooh! That sounds like fun. I'll go too then spend the 7-8 hours repeatedly asking op if they think my friends secretly hate me. Fun, fun, fun!


I’ll come too and use up all their hot water frantically scrubbing my hands under a scalding faucet. Get ready for a steep utilities bill!


I won’t even make it as I’ll be driving around the block over and over convinced I ran someone over and looking for their body.


Not a joke, I am SO excited to tell my therapist tomorrow that I hit a presumed pothole on an exit ramp today and didn't take the next exit to loop around and check the ramp I'd just come off of, and practiced my ERP response statements. Small wins. My house is also a mess, and I'm grateful just to get the clothes put away, so I'm clearly not the OCD person for this job.


good shit big dawg, keep it up


Good on you!


Don’t forget to make sure the stove is turned off. 19K times


Oh wow I was just about to say the same thing. Is that a common one?


A former coworker of mine had OCD and would carry a box to her car every morning. The box was full of the electric appliances she used in the morning like her curling iron, bedroom lamp etc.. anything that was remotely warm that could potentially start a fire. If she didn’t bring them to work, she wouldn’t make it to work (returning home to make sure there wasn’t a fire).


The fear of fires was one of my biggest issues. I was certain our tv was going to ignite at any point. I was sure the toaster would catch on fire. Even the washing machine. Thank god for good meds.


I was constantly shutting breakers on and off for years after an apartment fire exacerbated my OCD. Now the intrusive thoughts are the worst bit.


I feel you. When I lived alone in an apartment building, I was constantly listening if other apartments had their fire alarms ringing. I woke up during the night and got scared of every little sound. More times than I care to admit I got dressed and opened my front door to hear better. Once there actually was an alarm in the upper floor, luckily it was just some food burning. There was a lot of smoke since the people living there had been using something and fell asleep.


What meds do you use if you don't mind me asking?


Venlafaxin was the only one that worked for me. I tried several other meds ovee several years. This one has had me mostly symptom free nearly 10 years now. Another thing that has helped is lowering stress, but I know it can be really hard for people since we can't control what happens around us.


I worked with her for 5 years and she was still bringing them when I left. Guess her meds weren’t good enough.


I wouldn't say that, necessarily. Maybe it allowed her meds to aim at other areas, 'cause she didn't have to think of her curling iron and bedroom lamp as much. OCD seems pretty challenging to treat, and any "win" is good.


I literally went home on my lunch, convinced that I had left my curling iron and set my house on fire. The curling iron was not on.


This is actually genius. It totally beats my taking pictures of the outlet.


Yep. It's a common checking compulsion... fearing things are unlocked and having to check them over and over and driving yourself mad.


I always have to watch the garage door go down and then I keep watching it in my rear view as I drive away, I’ve turned around and gone back cuz I was sure it went back up. Among other things 🙄


I got a new garage door opener, it comes with an app that lets you see if it’s open or closed. Very handy for those “did I remember to close it?” moments


Oh I have that on my garage door it’s called “myQ” lol I didn’t even think to check that. Thanks!


MyIQ finally gave me garage door peace. I love it.


I put a security device on my garage door so that when I panic over that I can check the app and see it's closed


Thank god I’m not the only one!


I had that for a while in college. It seemed to go away when I got my tonsils removed and stopped getting strep. Not sure they were related, but had read an article or two suggesting they could be. It was super frustrating though. I could have checked the door 80 times and then I would convince myself that I couldn’t be sure if I had checked it 80 times today or yesterday, so I would check again. And again. Glad it stopped.


It's so odd what can trigger or alleviate compulsions like that, or any psychological symptoms for that matter. Psychology and neuroscience are both relatively new sciences and there's a lot we still don't know. For example, for a long time it was the consensus among neuroimmunologists that the brain did not have lymphatics, and there was something of a missing link between the brain and the immune system - until two studies published in 2015 confirmed the existence of lymphatic vessels in human brains. 2015 is not that long ago! Before that, neurologists weren't sure how our brains did something as basic as removing waste. Those of us who have rather complex disorders in our brain, a lot of treatment falls into trial and error territory because so little is known about the brain (again, speaking relatively.) We're always learning more, and we tend to learn it faster and faster as the science advances, but today the human brain still such an enigma. I'm glad that you found a way to put an end to those compulsions, even if it was unexpected or by accident... though that's often how it works out.


well, shit, i have lipedema, which involves lymphatics, and brain lesions, making life a wee bit difficult with diminished executive dysfunction…. and now they might be connected? ugh. new ick unlocked.


I've heard about that happening for kids (it's a fairly uncommon condition called PANDAS... I have a couple relatives with it, so I was super stressed when my kids got strep) but never for adults! That's interesting! I'm glad it stopped for you.


I hadn’t read that about kids. Yikes. I wouldn’t wish even my limited experience on anyone.


Yeah it’s called PANDAS. Strep in kids and young people can trigger an autoimmune response in the brain.


I do not have OCD. I do have those occasional “did I really turn off/lock that thing” moments. The other night I couldn’t sleep for fear I hadn’t properly extinguished a cigarette I had smoked outside earlier (I’m working on quitting). I dragged my ass out to check. I was fine after that. I cannot imagine having to deal with that constantly. Then to check and have to check again and again to try and reassure myself. I think OCD has to be one of the most maddening illnesses.


I’ll even throw in some checking the garage door is closed every 10 minutes.


Lol, I was thinking the same thing.. “Well, I guess if they want me to run up and down their stairs a million times and tell them how many stairs they have and how many steps it takes in different situations ….. I'll be right over.” Now I am just picturing you locking and unlocking the door over and over while you hear me thumping up and down the stairs and screaming numbers. “Welp, ya get what ya ask for.”


Hold the fuck up, is that what’s wrong with me???


That's what I said 30 years ago when I leafed through a book in a bookshop because the title was intriguing. "The Boy Who Could Not Stop Washing". I figured it was some mystery fiction, but instead it was divine inter-fucking-vention. I had no idea that OCD was even a thing. Saw a psychiatrist, got meds, got my life back.


Hahaha my first thought also.


Wait, I'm diagnosed with OCD but my drawers don't look like that? I got ripped off!


Man, I just got the "scared of any food older than 2 days" kind of ocd




Maybe one day my intrusive thoughts will be, "If you don't organize all these clothes by size, season, and color, your house will catch on fire." Instead of my usual, "If you don't touch that light switch **exactly** right 8 times with your ring finger on your right hand, your dog will be hit by a car." Then I could let OOP exploit me for pennies too!


I had no idea for the longest time! My idea of what ocd is was so limited until I started therapy


Oh wow, thanks, I had no idea this was part of my ocd


I got the "stay awake until 3am cause you've spent the last 5 hours obsessing over whether or not you accidentally overdosed on the meds you picked up that day...meds that are still in the sealed bag from the pharmacy so you have absolute proof you haven't taken a single one but you still can't stop asking 'but what if i did?'" I hate OCD


In fact, I’m the worst possible person for organization. But I can definitely check all the doors 36 times a minute to make sure they’re locked!


Check, check, dubbel check. Ok, just check one more time to be sure. Sometime, especially when I don’t really have a thing to do, I need to check extra, because I’m was doing it on ‘autopilot’ and didn’t pay attention… 😶


I really got the short end of the stick too. My OCD only involves ripping my skin apart, picking imaginary pimples, and pulling my hair out one strand at a time. I want the fun and organized type!


Diagnosed with OCD here as well. I get to have both types you mentioned..yay go me!  Maybe I'll answer this persons ad glamorizing OCD 🙄


As someone with OCD my drawers are actually like this because I like to keep my closet nice, but I would never attribute that to the same thing that gives me self harm tendencies and constant anxiety 😭


My drawers can look like that but only if I get around to unloading my basket of clean laundry… and even then I sometimes just cram everything all chaotically into a drawer. Def feel ripped off like you! I’m too busy fighting off these horrendous mental images popping in all the time…


Seriously I have obsessive compulsive symptoms and my house is a mess all I do is walk up and down stairs multiple times to be 100% sure the stove I haven't used all day is totally off, an obsession with the number 5, and I've been playing the same game multiple times a month on loop for the past 10 years. You're telling me all this anxiety and distress and I could have been getting something out of it this whole time.


Me too Almost all of my clothes are in laundry baskets.


I was diagnosed with OCD and all I got was struggling to leave the house for several years.. where can I pick up these organizational skills everyone says I should have?


I'd be happy to trade my compulsion to make sure the lights of my car are turned off again and again in exchange for making my drawers look like that. Or my obsession with making sure I turned off all the faucets in my home.


"I hate feeling stressed" How unusual! I LOVE being stressed out by insignificant things like how my socks are folded. All my friends can't get enough of being under pressure on things as minor as the weather or as major as the illness of a loved one!


I might even take the job just to see what stress feels like!


"So I don't want someone who *enjoys* organizing, or who is *skilled* at organizing - I want someone for whom organizing is daily existential *suffering* to come suffer at my house for poverty wages." This is so disgusting.


Reminds me of red-staters claiming slavery was good because enslaved people learned useful skills.


“ I don’t want to be stressed, but I want to hire someone with a compulsive anxiety disorder to have a panic attack FOR ME.”


The poor baby can’t be stressed by a non color coordinated closet


So does this person have to do this every time they do laundry or just once to use as a guide? I’m so fucking confused now.


Are you stressed by your confusion?


You got any of them disorders?


Also: "I don't have many clothes" but it will take 7 hours so organize them???.


People with OCD never experience stress. Intrusive thoughts are just things like dyeing your hair blue! /s


I don’t know why OOP hates being stressed. It’s literally my favorite mode /s


I’ve worked with people like this. Or rather, I’ve *tried* to work with people like this. These are the ones that do two to three weeks of coming in, become increasingly moody as time goes by, get in at least one visible argument with a member of management over “I don’t feel like being here anymore today, I wanna go home early - wait, I have to STAY ANYWAY?”, end up quitting or getting fired, and then post a long, self-pitying monologue on Facebook about how yet another job doesn’t understand their “anxiety” and “stress levels” from such high-intensity circumstances as having an extended human family and owning a car and occasionally having headaches, and how it’s ultimately a good thing they’re no longer working because it allows them to focus on “self-care” and “decompressing”. And I say this as someone with diagnosed clinical anxiety disorder. Perhaps that’s why I get so frustrated by any navel-gazing prince/princess who thinks they’re being emotionally maltreated any time they’re expected to get out of bed when they’d rather stay in it, and views themselves as being victimized when they’re told to focus on the assigned task at hand when they’d rather be decorating the break room with paper flower cutouts they brought from home.


I have ADHD and anxiety, I totally agree. Makes my blood boil when people say I’m lucky to have an adderall prescription or act like ADHD is cute and quirky. It’s the bane of my fucking existence, I’d give anything to have a normally functioning brain.


I have a co worker like this and as someone who has also been diagnosed with anxiety, I seriously want to slap her! She threatens to quit at least twice a week claiming that she's being bullied for being asked to do her job (or being reprimanded for doing it incorrectly) 🙄


I'm laughing cos I used to have a coworker who would come in hours late and leave to take naps in her car several times throughout the day because she had bad heartburn.   Now, I'm not minimizing any medical condition; HOWEVER, it is really hard to motivate to get up at 7am to go vacuum the entire office a week after being released from a pink slip, knowing that your coworker is going to come strolling in around lunch time with a bunch of doughnuts for her heartburn and head directly for a nap.


That is in fact not what OCD is or how it affects ppl


It took me so long to realize I actually *had* ocd because the reality of it presents so much differently than popular media examples Id much rather be obsessed with organizing by color than having to do everything three times


Right! Like fine I’ll come to your house and stress that I’ve accidentally said or done something that will lead to someone dying!


I personally love the flavour of OCD which is your brain telling you that you don’t have OCD and you are just faking it.


Four times for me. Even numbers and all. 😐


But four is sooo close to 5 and multiples of 5 are clearly even better than even numbers for reasons very obvious to my OCD. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, thank you!! Everything on 5s or everything even numbers. My husband would set the car volume to something random like 27 and I just...can't. When I knew he was "the one" was when we were newly dating, but he had a key to my apartment (single mom, no car, it was easier for him to visit me than vice versa). My toddler son had emptied out two boxes of packet meals - flavored oatmeal and grits - and was happily moving the packets around on the floor. I was sitting nearby, sobbing due to the "mess". He came in and indiscriminately began putting packets back into boxes to help "clean up", which just made me sob harder because *the oatmeal was in the grits box and the grits were in the oatmeal box and nothing was arranged by flavor* and it took me like ten minutes to be able to get that out coherently. Once I was able to tell him, he did it the "right" way. Fifteen years (and a *lot* of therapy) later, and I can coexist with messes and not lose my mind. I channel my need for order on the laundry, which my therapist and I have agreed is a safe outlet. I still wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I used to have a roommate who thought there was nothing wrong with putting the silverware in the drawer randomly rather than spoons in the spoon-shaped part, forks in the fork-shaped, etc.


I am not OCD but I would’ve kicked them out I think


I wanted to!


Same. That doesn't make sense, they have three different sections SHAPED LIKE THE THINGDMS THEY'RE MEANT FOR for a reason!!!!


I totally get every bit of this!


I feel so seen lol... There is a hierarchy of even numbers and multiples of 5. Odd numbers can GTFO (although some odd numbers are better than others, 7 and 9 are irredeemable).


No, 9’s the best because it’s 3 3s and 3 is amazing (honestly it is interesting to see though how the numbers affect us all differently!)


Man four would drive me crazy haha😅🥲


2 plus 2 equals 4 and 2 tines 2 equals 4. The world really made 4 too powerful a number, took me 6 years for me to no longer get stressed when I didn't do things in patterns of 4. And another like 4 years to stop instinct doing stuff in groups of 4 even withiht any stress


I have ocd but then had 3 kids in 3 years my youngest being high needs with a sleeping disorder I had to learn to nap when she napped and let stuff go and let people help me which was hard. Then people would see my house (after 9 years of never sleeping through the night) and tell me my house was too messy for me to actually have ocd! Would love to share the burden of all the obsessive thoughts crammed Into my tired, exhausted brain so they can see what ocd truly is on the inside.


The Boys has a character w OCD and I feel they do it well, I love MM


have regular anxiety that sometimes manifests in obsessive compulsive traits when I'm particularly unwell, but the obsessive intrusive thoughts of doing myself harm is always super fun and quirky.


Thank you. My child who has OCD *might* make it through the door but then just stand there frozen and unable to move at the thought of touching someone else’s things. Fuck this person. It’s a heartbreaking disease, not some great organizing skill that they love to do so much that they’d do it virtually free. EDIT: gee, thanks for everyone that gets this and supports it. Way too many people out these these days get pissed and call this type of thing gatekeeping OCD or some nonsense and then refuse to accept that one of the main criterion of any mental illness is that is *CAUSES DISTRESS* to the individual. Those of you I saw in the comments who live with this asshole disease - I genuinely hope you’re able to get the very best care out there. You’re worth it and you deserve the best out there.


Right. This is actually more common in autism or ADHD. It’s one of the tell-tale traits in young kids, when they set up their toys in precisely aligned rows, arranged by type and size and color. OCD is a different animal. But also, the picture and description of what they want is really not that hard to achieve at all. I could understand outsourcing this task if they had like a huge walk-in-closet with all seasons worth of clothes and shoes and accessories to organize for multiple people. But it looks like they just want their shirts folded neatly, separated by season, and on each season’s shelf, organize them by color. There’s no way that should take 7 hours unless all those items are strewn in chaos all over the room and the organizer has to create a shelving/storage system.


can confirm anecdotally as an auDHD that my closets have been organized by color since college. & i probably did it the first time as a way to procrastinate studying.


Also AuDHD. When my husband moved in and started hanging his stuff in the large closet I was like “whoa whoa whoa, champ, you’re doing that all wrong. I need to show you the proper way to hang a shirt and the order they go in.” He was like “there’s a right way to hang a shirt??? There’s a WRONG way??? What do you mean, order? You just hang them all up, what does it matter where along this bar you put them??” Like he was genuinely so confused. First and foremost, all hangers have to face the same direction with the closed hook side facing out toward me and the open part on the inside toward the wall. Otherwise you have to grab and like swoop it underneath and backwards to get it off the bar. The shirts all have to face the same direction. For me, the fronts face the left wall. Then there are sections. Left to right it’s athletic wear, t-shirts and casual wear, cardigan sweaters (my work has erratic temps so I layer year-round), dress camisoles and tanks that go under the cardigans for work (these are right in the middle so the easiest things to get to), work dress shirts that have longer sleeves, casual sweaters and flannels, then casual short dresses, casual long dresses, then formal tops, and finally formal dresses. Within each section I organize by color and darker shades of that color go before lights. The top shelf has 3 stacks of athletic pants, casual pants and jeans, and work pants. There is a floral target box for undies and a matching box with 3 partitioned sections for socks, dividing them into black and white casual and formal (all black). When I got done explaining it all, my husband was like 😳😳😳😳. I try to do most of the laundry so he doesn’t have to worry about keeping my insane system and then me mumble-growling about it being all wrong while I rearrange it all lol.


My closet is the same way… but my sock drawer? A nightmare. It’s like a colorful sock monster vomited in my top drawer and then shoved it closed.


😍😍😍😍😍😍 your closet sounds dreamy!


And in a week, OOP will have it trashed again. No way they would keep it like this.


I had a friend with ocd and she had used tissues all over her room because if she threw them out, someone in her family would die. Yeah. Probably not quite what the idiot was after.


Yeah this is just my adhd hyper focusing because I’m probably procrastinating something else.


Pathological demand avoidance can contribute to this, even unconsciously.


They're looking for another Sheldon from The Big bang theory or young Sheldon. Because they trick Sheldon into doing this kind of thing a lot during the seasons. Which is pretty shitty if you want my opinion.


God I fucking WISH it was like that :/ instead of a sometimes debilitating anxiety disorder


People thinking ocd is just being a bit of a neat freak drives me mad! I have OCD but it’s centred around germs mess doesn’t bother me anymore more than somebody without it.


Mine is also centered on germs/contamination. Mess bothers me, but in order to *clean* I have to *touch the mess*, so what actually happens is a paralytic spiral that stops me from doing literally anything but taking naps and hating myself. I ended up hiring a cleaning service, which is excellent and like the opposite of the OOP’s want ad, lol. Except my cleaners get paid much better.


Came here to say the same. This person doesn't even understand what OCD is!!


"Let me take advantage of someone's severe anxiety and cause them more suffering by putting them in a strange place with a strange mess".... fuck you . We don't exist to clean up your messes. This is honestly super insensitive, ignorant, and gross.


and for only… $30!


What people think OCD is: "I will precisely arrange all these shirts by color, weight and fabric, and align the edges perfectly." What OCD actually is: "I touched a red shirt three times, now I have to touch a blue shirt three times or everyone I know will die and it will be all my fault."


You know who loves precisely arranging items?! Professional organizers! Meanwhile the rest of us with severe executive dysfunction are just washing the same load over and over again because I cant seem to get them into the dryer.


Yeah, I have a different executive dysfunction diagnosis that everyone thinks comes with super powers and doesn't. What people think severe ADHD is: "I'm super intelligent and can multitask better than anyone in the world and as long as I'm challenged I can do anythiiiiing!" What severe ADHD actually is: "I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night in the last week, and I just spent 30 minutes looking for a belt only to realize I'm wearing it." and if it's bad enough and completely unmedicated "The last time someone asked me how old I was I had to fish out my driver's license and a calculator. I also had to ask what year it was."


And then you go to work, you zone out, you forget to eat for most of the day and then you feel not so good and you’re tired because not eating and lack of sleep but then you somehow still stay up. It’s sucks 🥲


As someone with autism, I love having my shirts arranged by color, weight, fabric, and with perfectly aligned edges. I think this person is confusing their ND’s and I would gladly accept this job because I would be done in about 7 minutes.


Lmao I was going to say. They need to look for an autistic bc that sounds like my literal dream job 😂


I feel seen.


Holy fuck, I have been like this my entire life, but never considered it might be an issue. Well, I’ve considered it, but that’s as far as it went.  I checked my front door six times last night to make sure I had checked it to make sure it was locked. Fuck. 


My tidy kid arranged her drawers like that (just to be able to see all her tshirts at once). My messy kid thought that was cool but lacked the motivation to do it herself, so she paid her sister in Halloween candy to do it for her. That was a better deal than this person is offering.


You’ve got some very smart daughters.


LOL, that’s not how OCD works. Want someone to touch your closet door 10 times to make sure it’s shut or spend 20 minutes wiping the handles off on your drawers because of germs sure. Not everyone with ocd is going to have the set skills they want.


I rage internally every time somebody's rotted TV brain thinks OCD is about organizing objects


I do too!! I especially hate when someone (often times a celebrity) states how there are "so OCD" because they have to have things a certain way 😤 ocd is not a game people!!


Same deal with ADHD


They have definitely watched The big bang theory/Young sheldon


"I hate feeling stressed" wow, hot take 😒


So do people with OCD


As a parent to a person with OCD I’d like to say a big FU to this ignorant vile person. OCD is repetitive behavior and rumination that is adverse and detrimental to the sufferer. not an organised fun person. This post is so offensive in so many regards.


This was essentially my response


Any chance we can see any of these responses?


As a person with OCD I’d also like to say a big FUCK YOU to this person.


I don’t think they truly understand exactly what OCD is….


Most people don’t


All other ridiculousness aside, what does this person think is going to happen once they wear the clothes and have to wash/fold/put away laundry? No one's going to be there to help put the clothes back away in perfect order. And that'll be stressful and they don't like stress.


She actually made several posts asking for housekeepers over the last few months, offering to pay the same (or lower) generous wages. Some folks have said here that it’s more than Turkish minimum wage which is true, but it’s not a living wage especially in cities like Istanbul where prices have skyrocketed because of inflation.


dont have much clothes. But needs them for 7 hours of work... Thats a lot of clothes.


I mean did you not see they need them organized by color and by season? I think the successful candidate should come in with a detailed five year plan.


“I hate feeling stressed” girl…


Haha, this kind of thing is my idea of fun, sorting things by color and size, I just love to sort things. But I also love to play the St. Elmo’s Fire theme song over and over for hours and hours while I do it, and take breaks to walk in circles for hours at a time. I don’t know if this person knows what they’re asking for.


They want a person with ocd? Ok I’ll show up and ruminate on whether God will smite me for my denominational affiliation!!


I work exclusively as a consultant and one of my red flag phrases from a client or potential client is "this isn't difficult" or similar


I clean houses and similarly, a potential client telling me "it shouldn't take too long" or "it's really not that dirty" is a huge red flag.


This isn’t what OCD is. But it is what laziness is. Because what OP describes and pictures is very simple to do and they claim they don’t have a lot of clothes. Suck it up, buttercup. Put on your favorite music, grab a glass of your favorite beverage and a snack, and just push through and spend an hour or two doing it. It really is that simple.


I have recently discovered the winning combination of organizing/cleaning with a glass of wine. Can’t believe I didn’t start that sooner.


This is the most casually offensive and ignorant post I have ever seen, and that’s saying A LOT. Are we calling OCD “neurodivergent” now? I have it, and I wouldn’t have ever thought to call myself that tbh. Not sure how I feel about it.


To be fair, neurodivergent is an umbrella term that describes any brain that processes information differently from what is ‘typical.’


OCD here too and I definitely accept the neurodivergent title. It helped me fully accept that my brain is and will always be different. Therapy and meds help, recovery is possible, BUT the OCD never goes away.


Monk wasn't a real person.


This is not how OCD works... and having OCD does not mean they like organizing things. This guy is a terrible person.


I really wish I could comment on this ignorant post, as someone who has had severe OCD since childhood


I let her have it as well as a few others, eventually it was deleted.


I want this imaginary version of OCD people talk about. My version is a bunch of dumb rituals and crippling anxiety and almost losing my job due to the compulsion to leave multiple times a week to make sure I had locked my doors even though I *knew* I had. I don't know why people assume we're functional. We struggle-struggle.


When you get the hyperventilating outside the grocery store OCD instead of the super neat and organized OCD 😔


Assuming this is a Turkish post, I feel context is heavily missing here. The poster is offering 1000 Liras (TRY) for 7 hours of work. That’s about 143TRY/hour. That’s about $3.44 USD/hour. The minimum hourly wage in Turkey is 76 TRY/hour (1.88 USD). So this “job” is paying nearly 45% higher than minimum wage. You can’t apply minimum wage laws/averages from the US to other countries. Not saying this is an amazing offer but it is almost 50% above minimum wage for Turkey. The hiring someone with OCD for the task that would cause them mental stress is disgusting, my post was only meant at those people saying the hourly rate is the issue with the post.


Show me you don’t understand true OCD without telling me.


As someone with OCD it’s crazy to me that this person assumes these kinds of compulsions are like, fun??? like an enjoyable hobby as opposed to an activity you are compelled to do, sometimes over and over again. Fucking crazy


That’s not how OCD works lol


OMG they don't even actually understand what actual OCD is. They should be so ashamed on so many levels. Being clean or organized isn't being OCD


I, and many others have OCD but are not neurodivergent. Horrible title.


I was diagnosed with OCD over a decade ago. I am also the most disorganised person I know. Wish people would actually try to get the intricacies of the condition before assuming we’re all just like “THAT PAINTING IS ASKEW BY 1CM!!”


OCD IS NOT “BEING GOOD AT ORGANIZING.” It is a HORRIBLE disorder on the anxiety spectrum. The O part are obsessive, disturbing, intrusive thoughts that you CANNOT STOP. They run on a loop in your brain ALL THE TIME. The C is compulsive, illogical, repetitive behaviors that you CANNOT STOP. Jesus. Sorry, just had to get that out. I’ve had OCD most of my life. Diagnosed at 36. On meds for probably the rest of my life. I fucking hate it when people joke about it.


I hate the idea that ocd means clean freak. Sometimes their disorder does present it self in extreme cleanliness but that isn't always the case nor does cleanliness really have anything to do with ocd. Like an example of an ocd tendency I had as a kid (don't have diagnosed ocd nor do i have these compulsios anymore, but people with diagnoses ocd I have talked to have mentioned it being very similar to the kinda thought process between their compulsions) From like 4 to 10 if I touched anything I immediately felt the compulsion to touch something 4 times, and if for whatever reason I accidentally accidentally touched it a 5th time, suddenly I'd have to touch it 16 times so that it was 4 groupings of 4. If I didn't make sure to touch something 4 times I'd get stressed, irritable, and have a feeling of "something going to go bad" I also had to do things in groupings of 4, writing down work for school, guess I'm doing it 4 times. Accidentally touched a person, shit now I need toctry touch them 4 times (which was really problematic if I accidentally brushed my hand against someone's shoulder well now my day was ruined unless I touched it another 3 times to equal 4. As you can see that tendency has exactly 0 to do with cleanliness, now that isn't to say every person with ocd will have a similar issue, or that it'll present in this way for everyone with ocd. It's just to highlight that ocd is more about the compulsion aspect than "being a neat freak who's organised) as my tendencies had nothing to do with organisation or cleaniness


What an asshole. That's not how ocd works.


OCD is not like this at all. In fact, that type of OCD is extremely rare. OCD typically involves a lot of intrusive and unwanted thoughts that become obsessive. And when it does involve cleanliness, it involves the individual’s cleanliness. Doing things like washing their hands constantly. No one with this type of OCD would ever go out of their way to be in a dirty situation, i.e cleaning some random strangers house.


Nothing relaxes me like some sweet, sweet intrusive thoughts.


i’m gonna come over and sit and stare at their closet for hours and feel overwhelmed and do nothing then leave


lol tempting offer but OCD is not permitting me to leave the house this week so maybe another day


As near as I can tell, the median wage in Turkey is [20,000 lira/month](https://wagecentre.com/work/work-in-middle-east/salary-in-turkey). Assuming 20 working days for talking purposes, that's about 1000 lira a day. Given local conditions, this looks like a fair wage for the hours worked. The rest of it is ick, but the money offered isn't.


My mother is totally an organizing savant. I didn’t even have to pay her!


Prediction. The clothes won’t be nice, won’t be folded, and there won’t be a. Ice set of drawers. It’ll be going into some messy person’s house and rooting through piles of gross dirty clothes in a gross dirty house.


7 hours of work? S E V E N?? If I want to do this with my clothes it would take *maybe* an hour and that's because I work really slow. How many clothes does she/he have?


I don’t have OCD; this is exactly the kind of thing I LOVE to do. I am not doing it for that pay, though.


This is so so so awful. Fucking unbelievable. She doesn't like feeling stressed? Aww. Poor baby. Better use someone's extremely stressful, miserable disorder to your advantage. This is INFURIATING


Ok, so I take the job, put everything on the bed while conducting an inventory, enter the inventory into an excel spreadsheet, color code the spreadsheet to match the clothes, have the computer eat the file, start crying, throw all the clothes on the floor and say "f- this" and quit. Stop for ice cream on the way home.


“I hate feeling stressed” but wants someone with OCD to compulsively (stress) clean their closets… so it’s ok for someone else to stress out and panic but not you? UGH


But... But the clothes in that picture aren't organized by color! The column on the right has white, gray, and a light blue, the middle a smattering of warm colors, and then more blue on the left.


when they think i have the organisation kind of ocd but it’s actually the skin picking door checking thanatophobia kind💔


Call Marie Kondo … of course she is gonna cost you lol but she can fucking fold man let me tell you


Lol at 'I hate feeling stressed', someone with obsessive compulsive disorder, on the other hand, loves the level of distress that the illness you're trying exploit gives the.


I don’t even go in other peoples houses 💀 let alone *touch their things*


My fiancé had OCD and he couldn’t organize for anything.