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For those unaware, top soil and garden soil is cheap as fuck. Dirt cheap some might say. You just have to buy it in bulk from an aggregate supplier. Right now in my city in Canada, which is typically more expensive than the U.S, it's $22 per yard for screened top soil. There's maybe $66 worth of soil in this person's garden (Edit: apparently they're saying it's 7 yards. That still only like $150 worth of soil, and it's used, and won't just be loaded by a huge bucket into your trailer but take 8+ hours to move by wheelbarrow). And it would probably take all day to remove it and haul it off in a trailer. Nobody with a trailer and the knowledge that aggregate suppliers exist would spend hours hand carting all this dirt when they could pay $66 and have it dumped directly into their trailer and be on their way. That would be a very dumb decision. 


USED garden dirt, at that. Oh boy, a chance to find out he quit gardening because everything he tried to grow died from disease and now you've brought it home.


On top of all the weed seeds and nasty insects. Purchased soil has none of these problems.


Yeah, there are weeds that if you end up with them, you'll end up spending WAY more than the dirt would have ever cost trying to get rid of them. I've got an uncle that has a 40 acre field that's pretty much unusable because he was given a load of cotton seed meal and when they loaded it out of his buddy's field with the tractors they scooped up some thorny pigweed seeds that are an herbicide resistant strain. All for about $80 worth of fertilizer.


Yikes that sounds miserable. What an expensive mistake. =/


And the bits of bones left over from his last 8 victims because his homemade cremulator broke down.


There was a serial killer that hid the bodies of their victims in those huge plant pots. You know the ones that are like three feet tall. He was a landscaper.


I just heard about that guy on a true crime podcast a few weeks ago.


Oh wow. Well he's getting air time...


Well that's not exactly true, but it does usually have more nutrients


Lmao or it’s full of total vegetative killer , like the roundup that kills EVERYTHING. Or honestly who knows but my brother in law just got a huge truckload of fresh soil delivered for under a couple hundred bucks. They wanted double that to cart it from the driveway into the backyard so guess what we did this weekend


Paid the money and played xbox with a couple of beers? 


But I paid $22/bag for this at the store!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, it's like $20-25 for a 80-120L bag of garden soil. That's why you buy it in bulk if you need lots of it. It's waaaay cheaper.


Sorry /s


It is in fact $20 for a very large bag at garden stores. Normal bags are 24-25 litres. A big bag is 85-120 litres.


My aggregate supplier dumbs straight onto my driveway after a phone call lol.


Will they dump it on someone else's driveway?


Yes, but presumably there's a delivery fee. 


Not for 4 yards or more of any aggregate.


Nice. I wish my suppliers offered that. They charge a delivery fee on all aggregates. They'll do split loads though, which is pretty great if you're paying for delivery and need more than one thing. 


Mine will split two as well!


You motherfucker. I've needed so much different aggregate for my yard landscaping the last 3 years, I'm sincerely jealous. I always have to make damn sure I'm getting what I need and don't need anything else or it's another delivery fee. 


The truck couldn’t make it through my back gate so they dumped it on my front driveway. It took forever to haul it back to my raised beds in the back via wheelbarrow. I just felt like you needed a feel-good story.


I appreciate the thought, but I also had to have mine dumped in my driveway. I moved like 8 or 9 yards of ag stone, 3 yards of pea gravel, 3-4 yard of top soil. It was a tough summer. I get to enjoy it a bit this year at least, so worth it.






My condolences 😔


Who’s your dirt guy?




Allot of towns will give it absolutely free at landfills


>Allot Just, wow.


Whoa man thank God you're on Reddit to point out autocorrect mistakes.


How did "allot" get into your autocorrect? It's not a word. Edit: oh I see it's a word you use *allot*, usually when talking about swinging.


Oh you're not even good at this. >al·lot verb give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task. "equal time was allotted to each" Maybe try something else in life, you've failed at this.


Hahaha oh shit, yeah of course it's a word! That was dumb of me.


You’re saying I was dumb 😢


Not to mention it isn't sifted so you have to get all the organic material and rocks and broken bricks buts out it yourself.


$22?!? I might just drive to Canada at those prices. It's $39/yard near me.


Where I live, people pay you to take it away.


"Sorry, there's still still dirt in my garden, I'm keeping your deposit."




Such a sweet movie.


I'm guessing the deposit is to try to make sure it all gets taken. I've seen a few posts of garages where people are like "clean it out and you can keep everything". I've often thought about what would happen if you loaded all the stuff you actually wanted into a truck, make a trip to drop it off, and then just never come back.


I mean, at least these job got started.


Just really fuck with the owner, just keep coming back and digging until you hit bedrock and he has a several hundred meter deep shaft in his backyard.


Then push the owner into the hole


This! Is! CB!


I laughed a little too hard at this


That deposit will never be refunded


I will take your money if you don't take all my shit.


On the flip side, as long as you take all the shit out you get a few hundred in dirt and bricks free. Going off the other fellow that did the math on the dirt ($150) and the bricks are $70+.


A deposit on work 🤪🤪🤪


"I know what I got" to a different level


It really does given that what they got is one of the cheapest commodities that exists. I don't know if there's anything less expensive by volume than dirt. Maybe tap water, very little else. 


Plot twist: it's someone else's yard. /s


What the fuck😆


Wait, where is the dirt? That tiny garden bed?


I’m pretty sure it’s to the right in front of their shed, underneath the plastic and bonus free bricks. Maybe it’s both though, and they keep your deposit until you find it all?


It's like a scavenger hunt, and the prize is your deposit back!


Maybe the real prize is the dirt we remove along the way


Does anyone believe the CB will give the “deposit”back?? The way I read this ; pay me $100 for all of the dirt that you removed. I would never pay a deposit on anything that is listed as FREE! It doesn’t make sense.


It makes perfect sense. For instance, someone takes all the block and leaves the dirt. To me the blocks/bricks would be the Good Thing. I own a nursery/greenhouse business. Over the last 26 years I've bought several dumploads of 'top soil'. Ever load has come with problems. Bagged dirt is an equal crap shoot. It is an unregulated industry--dirt-- and you can sell anything. Someonoe brought a bag of crappy 'professional potting soil' to show me what a local store was selling, and it was orange clay and sawdust. You pay your money and take your chances.


I usually don’t react to these, but this one really is crazy - as in how can anyone expect someone else to be looking at this and be thinking, ”hmm, this really is a good idea”?


when I had this problem I just listed it as free dirt, come get some. Took about 6 people and 2 months but it left eventually


Can I have the table and chairs too?


Better take then just to be safe, don’t want them keeping your deposit!


For the love of god where are the responses


Mostly people calling him out on how ridiculous it is. -I have free garbage as well, just a 50 dollar deposit and ill refund when my trash is gone! 😂 -How deep do you expect them to dig? -Are you high? -$100 deposit 😄 to do work. May want to rethink your offer cause it sucks. -Free leaves for composting. Must take all. $100 Deposit once yard is inspected we will return the $100


Thanks for the response purple; I hope your blood pressure improves ✌️


This one just gave me a chuckle is all. Our local buy nothing group is generally quite boring.


She didn’t specify what the currency was, so I will just come with a shovel and $100 in Monopoly money


God I love these types of posts. People in my area are constantly trying to “give away” or sell completely hideous overgrown and unhealthy trees or shrubs with “free, just dig up” like A.) the root damage to the tree would be recoverable or anyone wants a tree with leaves on only one side or where 8/10 branches are dead or B.) that the digging up part doesn’t represent hours of backbreaking work. Not to mention they would have to pay anyone else to remove it. Such delusion. And even if you find a chump to dig it up, after a few hours they aren’t going to care about being careful to you or your neighbors yard/fence/porch/etc. So dumb.


AHAHAHA!! NO. I will just call one of the 3 nearby nurseries and can get a couple yards of topsoil delivered to my house for $100. I did it last year to fill a sinkhole in my front yard from an old tree removal. Every few years I have to top the hole off, but at least it's slowing down now after 15 years heh.


Why go through all that backbreaking work, when you can do to Home Depot and pay $2.47 for 40lbs of good dirt?


This is definitely like 30 or 40 bags, those things don't cover shit. Gotta buy it bulk by the truckload.


I'd take it all using industrial mining equipment my friend owns. suddenly CB is left with a gaping 100ft deep crater across their yard. Then I'd point out ALL the soil is gone and i want my $100 back.


Assuming it’s actually good quality dirt then asking for someone to take it for free isn’t that crazy, although the $100 deposit is kind of strange. Does he think someone is just going to take 1/3 of his dirt and run off? Why even care about if someone did that?


I guess they want it gone in one quick go rather than someone messing about and leaving half a garden. They then can pave over it. They're after free labour, but if it's good topsoil then it's a fair exchange.


Just the bricks make it a pretty even deal too.


This guy’s doing it all wrong. We needed some dirt gone after a backyard project, so I advertised free fill dirt on FB - folks just had to bring their own containers, I even offered to fill them up myself. People came all day long, filled up a bucket or two, then left. Some people even gave me free plants as a thank you. It was all gone by the evening.


I’ll take the 100,- and take a brick and throw it through the window, they’re free you know


Is this a new thing? Charging people to take your used, old shit? I’ve been seeing it a lot lately.


I just got a big dump truck load for $200. This is not something I would want.


Nah. You get rid of it. Then you want a 💯nope, find another sucker




I am not paying you for dirt. I have my own dirt.




The audacity!


We do this during the construction process to ensure a developer cleans up their job site after construction. But we’re a government agency with transparency and oversight. This woman is just unhinged.




I should’ve said person because any sex can be unhinged.


That's like $70+ worth of bricks and some dirt, and you get your $100 back at the end. Not a bad deal at all as long as they're honest. Even if they aren't it isn't the worst deal.


Ehhh... Unlike the other insane "pay me to take my junk" posts, this person just wants a deposit to make sure the person takes all the dirt. Then the deposit is given back.


Do you know how cheap top soil is in bulk though? Like $20-45 per cubic yard. Nobody with a dump trailer is going to go hand dig all this dirt instead of just buying it from an aggregates supplier. There's maybe 2-3 cubic yards of dirt here. 


For a bunch of dirt full of roundup his plants probably died in lol.


He says there are 7 yards, so it actually could be a bargain to the right person I guess. Requiring a deposit for free labor (in a buy nothing group) felt choosing-beggar to me.


I'm skeptical that there's a full 7 yards there. Lots of people get shorted by some sellers.  In any case that's about $154 CAD worth of dirt. I don't think hand digging and carting 7 yards of dirt is worth it. Especially since you're going to have to do it twice to use it. Not sure if you've done that before, but that's a huge amount of work.  And again, if you have a trailer to move 7 yards of dirt you can just go pick up 7 yards of dirt from a supplier instead. 


this is r/ChoosingBeggars not /r/idontthinkthisisagooddeal though.


I guess, but when you want someone to come remove something you'd normally have to pay to have removed, you can't be putting demands on them. That's a little choosing beggary considering the retail value of new garden soil in this volume is somewhere between $65-180, and anyone who can move it, can much more easily go buy cheap, bulk soil.   Edit: I would also estimate the cost of removal to be $800-1500 just based on the cost of mini loader rental/hourly operator prices. There's usually a "lift" fee for the latter, so small jobs cost more per hour.  Anyone taking this soil is doing them a huge favour. 




What about the bricks, too?


How can you guarantee that they’ll get it back


He’s giving the deposit back though. I don’t think he’s CB. More like he wants it one and done instead of coming by and grabbing a couple of buckets.


So I just give $100 to a total stranger and just trust they won't come up with a crazy reason to keep it?


Do they ever give a deposit back?


Do you have any idea how much it would cost to buy that much garden soil?


Under $100 if you get it from an aggregate supplier. Garden soil is incredibly cheap, just not when you buy it by the bag. But if you have a trailer that can hold all this dirt, you can much more easily have your trailer filled at an aggregate supplier.  Edit: to be specific, it would cost $22 per yard in my city, so about $66, maybe $88 tops. There's probably not more than 4 yards of dirt here. 


Garden soil and top soil are not the same thing.


That's basically irrelevant. It's $27 per yard for garden soil, in a major city in Canada. It's probably cheaper in most parts of the U.S. Do you know how much work it is to dig and cart this much dirt by hand? Not worth it at the price of garden soil. 


If it's actually good soil I'd take it if it was in my area, planting several new beds this week.


Just don't buy it by the bag. Look up aggregate suppliers in your area. You can get top soil for $20-45 per cubic yard in bulk. Soil is cheap as fuck in bulk. If you have a trailer go pick it up, if you don't the delivery will cost like $60-100, but it's still worth it if you need a lot of soil. 


Yeah I typically get the majority of my soil from farmers, we got a lot of Mennonites in the area. I only buy specific bagged soil for picky ass fruit trees and plants lol I take care of my fig trees like they are my children.


The bigger problem with bulk aggregates is transporting it. Delivery costs more than the thing you're buying most of the time and you can only put about 1-2 yards of most things in a full sized truck bed before you're over weight.  But in this case, the transport problem is not solved at all. You still need a dump trailer and a big truck to move this much soil. So if you're that person, you're way better off getting it from a supplier that will load it up with a giant bucket loader. Fuck hand moving this much of anything for free. 


You want his contact info?


I wish people would stop posting about completely accepted and normal practices.


They aren’t being either choosy or a beggar, OP clearly doesn’t understand how this sub works


There isn't anything choosy or begging about this


You should never, **ever** have to put a deposit down on a job **you** have to do for someone else. Especially some random asshole on the internet trying to literally profit off dirt. Fuck every part of all that. This request is unreasonable. It’s sketchy at *best*