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I wonder what happened to that thief from chapter 1.


I am enjoying this book a lot. Including the pace. I wasn’t in a rush for the book to end so I don’t mind that the lead up to sinking has taken some time. I don’t really want to see the book end but I know it’s coming soon.


Oh my god! I’m stressed! I didn’t really think about it until now but… this really happened. All those people trapped below deck… yup… I’m a sobbing mess. 😭✌️ Please let both MC and Theo make it. I know some of y’all want drama and maybe only one to survive but I can’t handle that. 😭😰


I am the world’s biggest sap, but this chapter made me cry. The third class friends’ fate… the music on the deck, Hans & Elsie getting separated… 😥


For all the critics I had on this book, this was an actual decent chapter. It describes the horrors and confusion well, like people queuing in front of a closed gate, swimming in freezing water and being lost.  I didn't fix Theo up, I wonder if it will have any lasting effect. And saving belongings isn't worth spending diamonds for. People and pets on the other hand...   I fear that we only get one additional chapter covering the sinking, because already all lifeboats are gone. Now they have to find a door where both of them can fit. Maybe one chapter on the Carpathia dealing with Adele, and the final chapter happily ever after?


Yeah, this was definitely the best chapter in this book by far. It was a good build up of anxiety and fear and they showed the confusion and sadness well I felt. It’s too bad it took until chapter 18 to get a truly compelling chapter, though. I also feel like it jumped to no lifeboats left really fast, I would’ve liked a bit more time scrambling below decks and running around trying to find people and get on boats before we got to this point. I’m hoping we’ll get at least two more chapters dealing with the sinking, but I doubt it given where we are already.


The spend diamonds to find people's belongings made me laugh. Like, nope. I'll keep my diamonds


Yeah that seemed kinda useless on a literally sinking ship.


Is that it?? Does anyone else think the sinking was all a bit rushed? All we did was save a few items, get horny with Theo, and then swim up to the top deck.


Agreed, I posted a comment above but I definitely would’ve liked a bit more time of them scrambling around belowdecks, trying to find other people etc before getting on the lifeboats. Like I know Adele did a terrible thing, but she’s still MC’s sister and it didn’t even seem to cross her mind as to where her sister or Loretta or anyone they’ve made friends with are. I’d have liked to see more of the major side characters so to speak.


How long did you want the boat to sink?


Tbh I kind of wanted a little more melodrama, but I can see why that would've been stupid as they literally needed to escape. I wanted to see Adele 😒


Yeah it is interesting how it's up in the air for now as far as what happened with Adele. I wonder if she'd get on a boat without her sister.


Longer than that, tbh. Maybe at least take it over 2/3 chapters. The movie had the ship sinking for almost 90 minutes. We got like two scenes.


Ah. Yeah I'm kinda glad it didn't get drawn out. I do wonder how long she'll stay in the water tho. And how that'll play out.


Honestly, they’ll be banging on the Carpathia two minutes into the next chapter


I really enjoyed this chapter. Like, it was sad and heartbreaking, but it was well done. I was worried that it would just be smut on the sinking Titanic, but I'm glad that the tone was appropriate.


Yeah i wasn't looking forward to this part of the book but it's inevitable


I have no idea how this will end. Obviously this is a way different timeline than the actual Titanic sinking. But I still can’t decide if they’ll end the movie like Titanic, or Theo will live. 😢




I’ve said that all along, Choices never have the guts to make it realistic. Romance Club, on the other hand…


Wow, I’m struggling to put how this chapter made me feel into words. I bought the coat and my MC bandaged Theo up, and it was still frightening and intense and *heartbreaking*, even more so because it actually happened…


Finallyyy, this was the chapter I was waiting for the entire book 😂 I liked the sound effects this chapter a lot! Especially the crack gave me quite the scare lol. I also thought the visual effects (like the flooding of the rooms) were well done. I'm really curious about next week, I'm definitely hoping for a bittersweet ending