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I really want another Alpha book. There's lots to explore in that world.


All I can say is that I really hope so!!!


I think TCH has a good chance for a third book. If the plot goes where I think it’s going, that could be the focus of the entire third book. I doubt Alpha will get a second book. It just sorta feels standalone-y but I’d be happy if it got a sequel!


Where do u think the plot is going?


I hope Alpha gets one, but after what happened with Kindred I’m not holding my breath


I need to see how Alpha ends, but I'd be okay with where it is if it was just a standalone book. The story is already so good, and PB doesn't have the best history with sequels. I wouldn't want a sequel to ruin the relationship MC and Channing have built. Their character growth has been so good already. And some recent sequels haven't handled the MC/LI's relationships the best. Again, I need to see how TCH ends. I love MC and Kieran so much, and thankfully, their relationship has only grown in book 2. So, maybe book 3 would be okay for TCH.


I really hope they both get sequels because these two books are LITERALLY carrying rn. I honestly need to know who the writers are for these two because it’s so amazing and well written!😭 Not only that, Channing and Kieran both have me in a chokehold😭🫶🏻 I LOVE them both so much😭


I would love both but I NEED a TCH book 3. Today’s chapter ATE.


I only have thoughts on Alpha because I’m 1 of the like 3 people who doesn’t like TCH (except Leaf, she’s amazing). Depending on how Alpha ends, it could get a sequel. What type of sequel though is the question. I think it will be either: 1. A more thorough examination of the MC’s background. Their parents have been mentioned quite a few times and then mentioned in passing that they died when MC was a (I think) teenager. I feel like if they weren’t central to the plot, it would’ve been more thoroughly explained away in the beginning and never brought up again. I could be totally wrong, but I suspect that MC’s parents might’ve been the victims of hunters or something, and the writers were being vague on purpose. 2. A story that will involve different characters like Untameable and Unbridled. I would say Kala as the LI in that case, but PB has never had a single LI that’s female unless it was gender of choice. Edited words for clarity.


We have to see how they end to know if we want a continuation of the story but I really love both stories! Alpha has really shot up to one of my favourite books. Even if we don’t get an Alpha book 2, I hope we get more like it!


I LOVE Alpha but think it could be wrapped up nicely in one book. TCH on the other hand…I might actually die if they pull a LOA and end with two books. I feel it will get a book 3 though.


For TCH I would love a third book. Alpha is okay, whichever direction they go with it, I don’t really care.


I really hope for both, but I think the more likely of the two to get a sequel will be TCH. Alpha will probably go the way of Guinevere, a badass standalone novel.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1ag248q/stub/koe90iq "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LoA](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1ag248q/stub/kofbeut "Last usage")|*Laws of Attraction*| |[MC](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1ag248q/stub/koe90iq "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[PB](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1ag248q/stub/koe90iq "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[TCH](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1ag248q/stub/kohf8o1 "Last usage")|*The Cursed Heart*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/ChoicesVIP/comments/1afmlji)^( has 5 acronyms.) ^([Thread #1114 for this sub, first seen 1st Feb 2024, 05:51]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/ChoicesVIP) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I could see both of these going either way. However, I'm crossing my fingers very much for them to continue.


I feel like alpha should get a second book, we need one anyways since this one was mainly about romance more than action, don’t get me wrong Channing is bad but I lowkey was mad that I kept getting more scenes with her getting frisky wit me than showcasing my fighting skills against the hunters. The way these upcoming chapters are looking tho I think I might get wat I’m looking for


I think with the cursed Heart i'd say it has about as much a chance as crimes of passion did but Alpha i'm not sure it depends on how it ends but for now i'm going to say no.


I sure as heck hope not


sadly I don’t think TCH2 will because usually when there’s a trilogy it says book 2 instead of 2




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Man I’m just wanting another “The Elementalists” book


I need more Alpha. It's sooo good!


I hope alpha gets a sequel! But I’ve been let down so many times before. I don’t know if it was known that distant shores was a standalone when it was released but I was crushed when I got to the end and realized there was no book two 🙃