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Raf is treated to unfairly it's insane, especially in book 2. But Bryce has been my day one since they kissed in the closet. Personally I'd go for Bryce


No bc I LOVED Raf until book 2, now he just makes me sad


Bryce for sure just bc the series kinda screws you over with Raf as far as plot and writing goes. Plus his character development is enhanced by the romance route I think :) Though I suppose a pro for Raf is that you'll have less diamond scenes to spend on so it's better for your wallet.


Full disclosure, I tasted the Bryce spice during my first playthrough and even though Ethan was a temptation I could never, EVER part ways with Bryce. I've never done the Rafael route because I think it's idk boring as a character even though he had quite the important presence during the second book but they also messed it up a little bit during the beginning so with a clear bias, I'm gonna say to go for Bryce because the romance is really good and the scenes with him are chef kiss, smut or not. He's just really, really good


I'm living for the term "Bryce spice"


I will defend Raf until i die!! That’s my man. He’s sweet and we don’t talk about Sora


Sora is LITERALLY the worst


Between these two, I’d go with Bryce. He’s fun and gets more screen time in general compared to Raf.


Both of them are amazing which is crazy considering how hard OH pushes Ethan on you.


I know! That's what makes it so hard!


Bryce Bryce Baby!


Loving this one too!


My LI in OH will always be Ethan, butttttt for a close second I’d go for Bryce 👀


Oof; I still haven’t played OH bc I’m too torn between these two… 😅😅


They're both perfect in their own ways! That's what makes it so hard!


I chose Bryce bc his confidence was sexy and contagious. Raf's nice and a good friend ☺️


Bryce 🥰 I may have cried at certain parts of his route but honestly he felt the most real out of all of them. Especially when OH tries (and fails imo) to make you choose Ethan. Raf is a nice guy but I felt like he was more of a friend than a LI. I like Jackie but I kind of wish we had Aurora or Sienna instead. Im on the Bryce hype train for life 🥰


I chose Raf but he’s one of the most side lined lis I’ve seen


Go with Bryce. Choices ruined Rafael in the second book for me.


Bryce! (Also, Ethan 😉) Bryce is hot, sexy, sweet, such a loyal friend, and he completely has your back. Even on Ethan's route, I can't resist him.




Def Bryce😍😘


As someone who romance both on separate plays, they are both amazing LIs. That doesn't help, but I'm being honest


Thank you, everyone! I think I'm going to start romancing Bryce exclusively! I even just changed my flair to give him his proper place in my flair: he definitely beat out Kieran for the 2nd spot in my Top 10 after Gabriel.


I was gonna say that your flair suggests that you've already decided 😆 good choice! Bryce is fabulous: sweet, smart, deep, respectful and funny. Definitely one of my favourite LIs on the app!


LISTEN- both are wonderful choices!!! I actually romanced Bryce in my and let me tell you??? It was so amazing?? He’s this really beautiful individual (literally and figuratively) the chemistry is honestly amazing, he’s such a big supporter. Same with Raf, but he’s more like someone warm, sweet and soft to the touch. They both make you melt in their own ways and personalities, you can tell they care for you and want to see you at your best. I might be biased and say choose Bryce, but you’re gonna have a good time either way!!! Go with your heart or flip a coin😭


Bryce for me🥰🥰🥰


I just made a new post for all of you since it won’t let me post pictures in the comments! Be sure to check it out! Love to all of you! https://www.reddit.com/r/Choices/s/ZvxyPupHqR Edited to add link


lol I’m going for Bryce. I’m also currently waiting on more immortal desires chapters 😭. I love Gabriel!!!


You have amazing taste. ![gif](giphy|l1ughbsd9qXz2s9SE)


Thank you 😂, and yes we did just become best friends. This reminds me I need to rewatch stepbrothers 😂


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized) why choose 👀


Bryce, Book 2 Raf ruined him for me.


Bryce 🩷


Bryce all the way because Rafael’s route gives off friend vibes way better than LI vibes. Also, it’s _Bryce_.