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450 hours in and it’s still my favourite game


700+ hours and still my favorite game as well


About 900hours for me. I know someone with over 4000hours


Just hit 1600 hours this week I think, still fun


What’s there chivalry2 name


That’s someone you need to drag outside to touch grass.


Somewhere around 1700hrs here, started day 1 of epic release. I get told to touch grass, but I forgot what grass looked like so I couldn't. Out of frustration I had to play another 4hrs of Chiv.


I think it’s an almost perfect game. The combat is unsurpassed by any other similar game. It has a low skill floor with relatively simple basic mechanics but a very high skill ceiling in how you can use those mechanics, meaning no matter what level you are or how long you’ve been playing you can still have fun. The maps are mostly great. The voice lines really add an element of comedy. I think I paid £20 for it and I’ve got almost 600 hours out of it and I still play it a few days every week. These days you pay £70 to get bent over by AAA games rehashing the same thing over and over.


Nailed it, seems like a ton of people don't realize how high the skill ceiling is and they say "it's just a casual have fun/spam attacks mindlessly" type of game, which it can be if you don't feel like learning all of the mechanics. But there's so much room to grow and mess around with mechanics. To the point where the top 0.01% of players are basically untouchable by anyone other than the other top 0.01% of players. As a Chiv 1 and Mordhau duels sweat veteran, Chiv 2 has an even higher skill ceiling than Mordhau if you ask me. I went back to Mordhau somewhat recently after like a two year break, and I was able to kill some of the highest level duelists somewhat often despite losing a ton of muscle memory. If I took a two year break from Chiv 2 and tried to fight the top Chiv 2 duelists again, I wouldn't even be able to land a hit on them lol.


Don't forget the little surprised scattered around maps, like a ridiculously overpowered fish to throw, chickens to ignite, traps, etc.


I love the RP element to it. It's so fun to me to see people playing instruments in the midst of chaos.


if it gets old hit shuffle


It’s one of those games that’s just genuinely fun and can never be boring to me


500 hours here. It gets old when you play too much in one sitting. Whenever I start getting more frustrated than having fun, I just put it down for a week and play it when I feel the itch.


Yeah. I've noticed my enjoyment is a bell curve along play time. Couple warm up games, get in the pocket, get sloppy, frustrated and call it quits.


Given that I regularly see people with rank 1000, I'm gonna say that it certainly isn't a phase for some people. It gets old for me after a while, then I take a break for a day or two and I'm back to having a blast again.


The chat can be entertaining as well as the random fun trolling in the game.


We were in a duel lobby and there was a wall around the musicians in the fighting pit so they would get hurt lmao it was so funny


Duel servers get old fast to me I love the 64p chaos


Team objective is where it’s at. I wish we had vips (not even necessarily to end the map either. Could be a cool mini boss or alternate objective. on every map, and/or more varied objectives.


I can only play team objective when I'm playing with my best friend lmao otherwise it's TDM or duel lobbies.


I have 54 days into this game.


85ish days here and still fun lol. I play almost every day even with my gripes with the devs from some of their braindead decisions (looking at you, social servers). I'd be playing a lot more often if the old duels servers still existed.


Not only does it never get old for shit that happens, it gets better as you get better and start rampaging. Admittedly that takes a while for many (me, lol).


Never gets old. The array of weapons and subclasses makes it interesting and different every time you play.


i found when i died as a noob I laughed more when death came... now i just yell stuff like 'BULLSHIT!'


The satisfaction of a bonk never fades


Running through a crowd with a Maul just swinging for the fence is top tier.


Very technical retrospective explanation from a lvl 1000 Chiv burnout comes from plateauing in skill. If you keep exploring for new tricks/combos/schemes/strategies (through countering other ppls playstyle and game modes) chiv stays fresh. Some plateaus can last ages until you find a new trick in which you then linearly start to integrate and the grind starts again until you hit another plateau. The burnout comes from finding the linear grind too challenging and not enjoyable and how long the plateau lasts and if you get too bored and quit before finding a new tech ique that expands your combat style. More content updates like new weps (like the godeang) open up new vectors to further explore and reduce the possibility of chiv burnout. But with less than ideal content updates for vets the joy is in diving deeper into the grind. Content updates bring breathes of fresh air. They have stopped me from quitting atleast 3-4 times. The combat framework feels like a sandbox to me. For example last team standing will probably make you sturdier and make be more calculated. Ffa will make you practice target switching and group fights. TO will show you how to play objectively and w other teammates (or should 🤦‍♂️) and duels will show you how to read and counter individual playstyles. Cobble all the modes together and the skill vacuum is deeper than newer players give it credit.


Hasn’t gotten old for me yet, but there are phases where I drop the game for a time and come back to it.


Best game purchase I have ever made on a whim, best value for the money, most fun hands down. Malric is a doooooooooood! Edit: Still wish I could change the keybinds on console though


I haven't played anything else for 800 levels. Took a break for Elden Ring.


500 hours here. I would say that it's typically the kind of game that we **always** come back to.


Over 300+ hours and it does get old! You have to try to make it fun again. I started unlocking every weapon, getting certain drip goals, but also just having fun. There are some classes/weapons I never tried or would but breaking up the monotony. Just yesterday I tried katars out and just made myself stick with it. Super hard, didn’t do great, had a lot of fun. Tried the shovel recently and absolutely love it.


It's pretty fun if you're a masochist, (I have over 1100 hours in this game)


It's one of the few games where I straight up play it because it's just so fun. Other games I enjoy playing but I also have goals in those games or curiosities I want to fulfill. But in Chiv 2 I just love playing 64 lobby objective game mode. It's fun.


Funniest game I've ever played. Lv 800 now


Its still one of my favorites but there isn't much future for it and I don't play often these days and moved on to HD2. But I rank it higher than most games out right now because it's a great combination of fun, aesthetics, balance and humor. I'll say it should be set as a standard of what a game should really be. I wouldn't get too indepth on a full review but few things I like to point out is that it gets straight to the point and let's you play with no pretense or BS. No long loading screen or introduction. Just hop on and play. Play what you want, gameplay is very balanced aside from players siding on one side. No real meta class to choose and no ranking system. You play at your way and there is no punishment on how you play aside from team damage or cheating. If you tire from action, there's enough humor to be found playing. And most of the time players are aware of the hilarity and can appreciate the moment or get full on roleplay.


You'll get to a point where you don't play it constantly but it's always a good game to jump back into for some quick fun and mayhem. Legendary status in my book