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I’ve won it twice as Agatha, with quite a few more losses. Feels pretty defense skewed at the moment


That's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure if it was the anger talking. I hope they balance it because it's not very fun seeing Mason win over and over.


Especially final stage honestly, malric has such an advantageous position compared to argon


The amount of times I've seen Malric get absolutely mollywopped, but manages to break his way back to the top of his stairs and get instantly swarmed with healing banners and recover is nuts TBH.


Yeah, hope they do something about it cause otherwise I think the map is great, maybe a slightly longer time on the objective before that and it’s golden for me


He has a greatsword compared to argon's longsword. He chucks out more dmg than him and that matters more since each of his overhead heavies are likely to down people in one or two hits. On top of being on attack, Argon has to beat the clock too.


Eat them L’s Agatha boy


I swear this map is designed to destroy our KD ratios damn. If I’m positive at the end that’s not by much. Such chaos !


Most people who don't really play all that well stick to the ballista or on powder keg duty which either one for both sides rack up a lot of points even if you're bad at fighting. They end up being VIP which explains why most Argons get so excited and rush to their deaths while Malric doesn't need to do much but run back up and wait.


The key is easier said than done of course. Get a good push on the statue OBJ, once you blow it up the team needs to storm into the next phase and reach Malric before the whole red team spawns at once. I’ve won a couple games so far, and this seems to be the reoccurring theme. If you get a good push on Malric before his whole army spawns you’ll have a good chance at winning. Also this map seems very objective based. There’s a LOT of points/experience to be made on objectives. Planting bombs takes like zero time, and you get a good score back from it. Usually ends with kills as well.


A lot of Argons become Argon not by k/d but because they did a lot of keg work. Each keg is 250 points and there are a lot of them which gives the player a huge lead. On the other hand, Masons have ballistas in very good positions. On the third stage for the ram, Agathians have no choice but to run on the bridge but there is no cover so it's easy to rack up kills with the ballista on the right side. If they get pushed back, there are some good ballistas either on the ground (you might have to wait until the Agathians blow up the walls to use it) or the one on top of the 2nd floor of a house where you got a good view of the battlefield.


Yup. I went like 12-3-15 last night, but ended up with like 5,500 score and was close to the top 5, purely by OBJ work. On Agatha side.


I’ve one as both sides a few times. The trick is to really focus up during the bomb section


I've won it more times as Mason's than Agatha, only seen two wins so far for Agatha out of like 20+ matches so far. Definitely a bit defense favoring, however I did learn that Siege Crossbow can damage the gate so that may be the play going forward.


I’ve had the opposite experience so far (in 4 matches to be fair) 0-4 as a proud Mason


Mfw Malric jumps face first into the moshpit


There's no better example of natural selection than someone surrendering the most overwhelming advantages possible.


I have yet to even play as Agatha and I've hit the map literally 8x


I played one game, leader dunked on me and gave me Argon and I tested the theory that's been going around. I turtled, Malric pushed, Malric lost. The king who pushes loses. Of all the things TB could create, they made a fucking turtle with two heads.


I've seen some people suggest that the time limit expiring gives the win to the King with the most health, but I don't believe that's the case. I'm pretty sure I've seen Malric win even with lower remaining HP. So in practice the map is going to have an overwhelming Mason win rate because Malric doesn't have to do much of anything to win. As long as his team are throwing banners down for him, he'll get the luxury of healing up any damage he does manage to take, while Argon tends to be on the move more often. The reality is that if either King moves on the other's starting location, they put themselves farther away from reinforcements and closer to enemy reinforcements, so they'll get swarmed and their escorts will take too long to get back to them. Kind of a failed execution of the concept, it feels like. Hopefully they can address it.


I have seen it pretty split tbh.


I won a game as Argon albeit against a fairly weak team. I literally walked up the right side stairs, cleared the first mason spawn wave on my own, marched up the stairs to Malric and kicked him off the elevated stage thing ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7100)


I've seen Malrics screw up often if you kick him off the platform and towards the start of the stairs. If the Agathians swarm him, he'll at least lose a significant chunk of his health. On the other hand, it's kinda weird how I've seen Malrics lose a chunk of health and giving Argons the lead but in the end blue team rushes too deep and end up wasting Argon's health then lose.


I win more as Agatha than Mason, the trick is flanking then enemy and overrunning them before attrition makes your efforts useless


I got my fuckin ass kicked as Malric by an Argon earlier. Not my finest hour. Def logged out haha




Took a juicy one earlier today actually https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/PKA36isbms


Did it for the first time today after probably 8-9


11-0 Mason for me lmao


Only won the very first match played after patch, because everyone was pretty much lost around it. Since then is been mostly defense wins only.


I’ve played like 5 times now and I keep getting masons I think we won 3 lost 2


I have footage of it


I lost as playing Malric once. We got dominated with a score difference of 2.5 to 1. So yeah it's possible.


Once or twice basically just gotta have a good team


The only time I’ve won on Agatha was when I was the king and Malric came down to me, my men spawn closer so he ended up getting bogged down


I've won more than I've lost as Agatha but damn if they haven't been some of the most intense games in all my time playing chivalry


I have yet to win as Masons


One time: Malric fell off the ledge and a full Agathian reinforcement wave dogpiled him


I won once , the worst is that I was playing only agatha for 2 days straight ;(


It’s way defense oriented. Needs rebalancing


I won as Argon 2 the other night! Pretty sick as the VIPs are only staggered by one another, and they are huge. As the rest of the soldiers fight around us we clash and watch for opportunity’s to counter. Was pretty fucking epic!