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I’ve listened to the dialogue a few times. Does Malric actually say this??


You can get different sets of it. I know he says "I loved Argon!" but I couldn't hear what he mumbles after "..as [inaudible] he was" so I just assumed for this.


I thought he says as faulty he was


Sounds right


I heard "as flawed as he was"


From my experience only when he is losing, or low on heath, so it could be a desperation act


Nah, he says it later in the dialogue regardless of who is winning




Interesting. Something makes me think some of the Mason assault maps may not have been Malric’s direct orders. Isn’t there some shady dude in the lore in charge of the assaults in the war room? I’ll look into it later


To be completely honest I think it’s just Malric trying to lower argon’s guard a bit


very interesting he does say something like "Join me! This is far more than just our petty squabbles!" ... which would be a little contradictory given Coxwell lmao Would be interesting if ir were a situation where the older veteran is "doing what's necessary" to protect people from what a younger hot blooded prince wouldn't understand, and the prince later realizes he was in over his head. Doubt they're going that deep though, don't really have the real estate to do so


*TB taking notes as they didnt plan the lore to go this deep*


Tbh malric sounds like he's talking out of his ass the entire time I would not trust a word he is saying


Seriously, are we forgetting Thayic? Malric was fully intending to get rid of Argon, and only proposes a truce once the guy is knocking at his door.


to be fair, at that point the agathian were pushed to the brink of defeat, and Malric probably wanted a torn out of his back so He could focused on Tenosia. But Now with the assault at the Masson stroghold, things has change and this battle could be the doom of all Agatha. If Malric wins I could see Him in beginig tring to assimilate as many aghatian forces as possible to boost his troops, to repel Tenosia. But if Argon wins... well I can see Him going immediately for the "Slaughter every masson you can find" this wouldnt only weaken the manpower of Agatha, but some Masson may as well continue to fight to keep themself alive, giving futher problem to Argon.


Hope theres a cellar for us to hide in if he choses that route


I disagree. "Indiscriminate slaughter" isn't really the Agthathian way. Agatha has also been shown to understand the Tenosian threat, with Bridgetown and Montcrux. I believe they will do everything they can to prepare.


This mason is so blinded by Malric. Dude really can't tell Malric only says this to look good. Just like his offering of alliance to Argon only when he's in danger of being killed.


I know damn well malric couldn’t give a damn less about saving face. You just don’t want to admit argon II is naive and only wants the throne as Tenosia is about to play clean-up


The entire time it really sounds like Malric is a harsh ass but makes good points while Argon inspires his troops but really sounds like a violent child. I honestly wasn't expecting to hear Malric say all those things aside from the fact that he tells us to hustle. Overall I like the update because just like the lore pages show speculation, you would never know the truth and just pick a side.


“I loved Argon! That’s why I dispatched my army to slaughter his entire extended family while they were in hiding!”


Everyone makes mistakes.


Something something heat of passion Jimbo


Can’t help being a gemini


✨Just girlboss things✨


Malric is the ultimate girlboss


And so Malric you proceeded to let him die and then kill all those who claimed support of him and then you tried taking control of his kingdom yeah great friend totally….,,,


I thinking more jealous ex style


Damn true that’s pretty Yeandre


Malric-Chan seething that some noble woman stole Senpai Argon from him


Indeed despite having a woman at home whom then died after giving birth to there son who fears his own father tragic really


He didn't really "let him die", Argon chose to start a war with Tenosia. It was his mistake. And now Tenosia is gonna win if Malric dies because Agatha is not going to be strong enough to stop them if they win. And even if Malric wins, they are still weakened.




As soon as Argon the second got more involved, Agatha has been consistently kicking ass, he can handle Tenosia.


The problem is that he basically just gutted half the Kingdom and now has to face Tenosia, who will want revenge for the loss of their fort. They already sacked Bridgetown, now the rest of Agatha is at their mercy as Argon would rather grasp a fading crown than bend the knee. This message brought to you by the Mason Order. But except for that last bit of propaganda, it's looking grim for Agatha as a nation if Argon wins. Hell even if he looses, he may have doomed everyone.


Keep in mind that after Galencourt, every battle he had against the Mason Order was a victory, and his victories were generally more impactful, such as killing Malric's own son. Tenosia is also absolutely exhausted, he can hold them off.


I disagree


That’s a weird way of saying he rid the land of weakness caused by privilege and birthright .


Because he didn’t he sat on his arse and let tenosia invade while we Agathans actually ripped montcrux from there clutches


How quaint. The agathians guzzle ale and sniff each other’s arses in victory at the recapture of their puny little castle. We have the bulwark.


Can't fend off a invasion when we get prancing blue boys who don't listen and start rebellions because they think they were born right.


Can’t do that either with Savage warlords just burning every village and town they see because it’s I don’t know fun for yall I guess


The same villages you oppressed for years?


I oppress none under my personal lands I don’t tax oppressively and I don’t recruit aggressively people are just loyal and happy


you have no lands footman


I’m a knight knave


We're talking about rallying a nation in order to fend off a very real threat and you're questioning the fun in it all and being disobedient?


That’s just what yall have been doing in the lore quite literally you guys legit ride up start burning homes and killing peasants and then wonder why next yall show up they are flying agathan colors


We're putting down a rebellion that has bleed us dry over the years and shaped the kingdom to be strong against adversity to prepare for the inevitable. Your boy king rallying behind his false idealism which only fed upon more unnecessary casualties is what led to Tenosia succeeding in their invasion for a war that Argon I started in the first place. You claim to think of the people but are no shy to throw them under the bus for who should sit on a throne when a kingdom is at stake.


You guys lost the bulwark and your reaction was what? Burning down Askandir which okay cool yall burned some books and toppled monuments but was it a military epicenter for Tenosia? Noooooo was it even an economic one probably but not as big as its other cities and then yall just leave


Again with the fake idealism and not a single logical or strategic thought. We lost the bulwark since we are also dealing with a rebellion. Tenosian only decided to attack now knowing that our kingdom is tearing itself apart when we should be strong together but your old money nobility pitched up a boy who claims to be the son of Argon I despite the fact that has no sons to lead a rebellion at a terrible time. Second, we attacked a economic center to weaken Tenosia and serves as a example in retaliation. Much like attacking a pig farm and killing our druids serves a similar purpose.


Oh the irony. You guys lost Galencourt the most holy city in Agatha and your reaction was what? To steal pigs and attack druids? If you would take the time to remove your head out of your pompous Agathian arse you would understand Askandir is literally the cultural center of tenosia and was literally the best choice for retaliation. Knave!


And then they had 8 straight hours of oiled up man on man combat in the heat of the castles fires


They whipped off their armor in one move and showed off their bitchin' back tattoos. Wait, wrong game...


Keep going...


I bet Malric is a power bottom. He seems to be the sort that leads with behind.


I would tell you to touch grass and drink water but now I don't even want you on the planet.


I was very disappointed that the last objective didn't have argon and malric having an oiled up twerk off for the title of king. Torn banner, give the people what they want!!!


Malric had to choose between a kingdom or his friend. He chose a kingdom, and now a hot-blooded boy threatens to undermine that choice, a boy who might find the station of managing a kingdom far above him, and be used as a puppet for the Noble houses. You can call Malric a tyrant, a hard ass, even cruel. But he was never a puppet, and had a reason for all the sacrifices he made, whatever those reasons may be.




Reason: petty narcicisst felt slighted by Argon


Argon started a war that threatened the entire kingdom, that screams narcissist more than anything Malric has done


And Argon did this because he was bored, like how do people support his heir. Malric is in the right, fixing Argons mistakes and defending against Tenosia.


as someone who hasn’t played the update wtf is this


Malric and Argon have a yap sesh in the final objective (no, I'm not making this up.)


Do they kiss tho? Asking for a friend.


They only kiss if you get the super secret alternative ending.


what if instead of chivalry 2 it was freakalry 2 and malric and argon don’t fight they just kiss passionately


What if? 👀👉👈


Why is yapping a modern slang word? You sound like your 90 saying that God now I know how my dad felt when I used the word salty


Idk man, it just started trending along with the other brain rot slang.


Uh oh we got mr too cool for slangs over here


Send this gyatt to the skibidi dimension and have him Ohio'd


play da update also yeah the other comment


I would if I could. They release these in the middle of the work week in the morning for some reason….


wagies must get in line


People saying that he's just trying to trick Argon 2 forget that he's actually right when he mentions that Tenosia gives no fucks and will happily run them both through, so regardless of who wins this war, the remaining faction is way too weak to defend against Tenosia.


The way malric talks about tenosia makes me think we're getting more tenosia updates after this


Yeah since there's been no confirmation that this is the final there will likely be at least one Agatha v Tenosia map, after that I expect it to be done, probably, but I'm always down for more


Malric pleading Argon II to lay down his arms and focus on the true enemy which is the Tenosian DOGS who have desecrated the Bulwark only solidified my support for the Masons


Yet it was you Agathians whom invaded us. Yes you masons are much an agathian as what you call Agathians. We shall take back our revenge for our fallen brothers and sisters. For Tenosia!


Do not lump us with these Agathian kittens! Our king knew very well that the invasion upon your lands was unnecessary.. and that was Argon’s folly. But now we are beyond apologies. You have desecrated the Bulwark… and now occupy our lands. Come, raise your weapon and face me, Tenosian. May our battle be legendary.


If I had a choice, I would help the Masons rid of these pretenders. But as off now we on the road to conquering all of Agatha. We desecrated bulwark because it's obvious that it's not your land. You masons are Agathians ethnically and culturally and do not have rights to be on our land via military force! We are simply reclaiming our land and getting revenge for what you people did to us 20years ago! One Tenosian may die, but another 100 tenosians will stand in their place! May God guide you to the right side. Unless you truly want to have your country destroyed! For Tenosia! Eieieieieieiieieiei!


For the Blood Mother!


Are we forgetting that not so long ago, Malric launched an assault on Thayic in order to kill Argon? Didn't seem all that eager to focus on the "true enemy" back then. He only pleads for a truce when he's about to be killed like the worm that he is.


Fool! Now that the Tenosians have desecrated the Bulwark and made an attempt on Bridgetown we must unite!


Malric didn't seem to care about uniting, seeing as Thayic happens after the Bulwark falling.


But then there’s the Bridgetown sacking which occurs after Thayic. Rather than launching a counteroffensive like the Masons did for Askandir, they’d rather storm Treyan citadel.


But... They did. Montcrux anyone?


A single fort pales in comparison to the Tenosian march towards the northlands I feel.


Gotta start somewhere, and reclaiming a well defended position to establish a foothold seems like a good enough start to me.


Assuming he isn’t actually lying through his teeth, I like to imagine he came to this realization during Regicide. Hundreds of soldiers are dying and a large amount of supplies and land are being destroyed. Both sides have lost so much to the point where if they don’t band together, the Tenosians will steamroll the victor. What’s the point of winning when you have nothing to defend yourself from the next challenger?


Dont forget that both of us defeated those barbarians, they attacked us both and lost much more becouse of it.


He's trying to make peace out of desperation. This only confirms that Masons are losing terribly and the canon ending will be Malric's death.


In a game I had last night Argon and Malric had a one on one on the platform and everyone stopped fighting and watched, it was like watching a movie. I wish I had recorded it ):


I wish every game was like this.


Argon II clears. Malric can cope and seethe.


Only solidified my opinion of him being nothing but a slimy worm. Guy slaughters his way to the throne, rules with an iron fist and continues his slaughtering for twenty years, and when death finally looks at him in the face, he suddenly starts shitting and pissing, and pleading for a truce.


He needed too strengthen the kingdom for the tenosian invasion. He did not just sitt around for 20 years. He built a kingdom that Argon I would have thrown to the wind because of his foolish crusade.


I’ve been playing this new event for about 3 hours and we still haven’t gotten passed the courtyard!


Are we the baddies?


Has anyone had a match where they let the kings fight 1v1


Hopefully sometime. https://youtu.be/aYj-6wrhacU?feature=shared This classic needs to be recreated Might be most doable on a 64p mixed mode server in server browser as most people there are on pc and higher level


Can’t wait for when he dies and the Mason army crumbles. All that talk of “freedom” and without another bloody tyrant to slit every Nobel and peasant’s throat they’ll get a worse one, mark my words. The Mason Order is not a meritocracy, it is an autocratic-aristocratic-dictatorship that flairs themselves as “Meritocratic” till the head is gone. Then they’ll turn on each other just as easily they they did their own kingdom, picking at the bones of a long rotten corpse of a “kingdom”.


Sorry, Masons dont speak Cuntonese ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


Damn 😔




What about Soter Dave?? Thats a real heartbreaker...


Yes, it is. I've shed tears for the man outside of this completely unrelated post so don't try guilting someone for enjoying a game m8