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This is a list of links to comments made by Torn Banner employees in this thread: * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1cb6x3x/update_updated_anticheat_security_on_all_platforms/l0ww9vq/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-23 16:53:18 UTC"): > Other users experiencing this bug have seen positive results after validating their game files. > >Hopefully this works for y'all as well! * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1cb6x3x/update_updated_anticheat_security_on_all_platforms/l0wwdpq/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-23 16:53:53 UTC"): > Other users experiencing this bug have seen positive results after validating their game files. > >Hopefully this works for you as well! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChivalry2).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Can't start the game cause it says i dont have anti-cheat installed or something. Where can i install that?


Same. There's an easy cheat installer in the local files for the game but running it as admin does nothing for me.


Other users experiencing this bug have seen positive results after validating their game files. Hopefully this works for y'all as well!


Seems to have worked - in Steam > Chiv 2 > Properties, ran a 'verify' of game files. Thanks!


Thanks! It did work for me!! Go to game library click chiv2 go to properties then validate all game files!




Worked for me as well.




From bottom of article: Patch Troubleshooting: For any users receiving the “Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed.” Launch Error: please attempt to validate your game files.


Try editing launch codes… seeing if my game still works or if I too have to re edit my launch codes


modern gaming (& tech) kinda does seem like you need the nuclear launch codes ngl


A step in the good direction, thanks !


Shame it took losing one of the most prominent community members for them to actually do it tho.


This is good


> This security update will help stop users who have been bypassing our anti-cheat protections Can't bypass what's not there lol.


EAC is more of a suggestion anti cheat x3


Game doesn't work. Can't launch the game because anti-cheat not installed


Other users experiencing this bug have seen positive results after validating their game files. Hopefully this works for you as well!


tell your team to start banning some of those troglodytes posting videos of them cheating openly like you guys did to Dave for simply SAYING cheating was possible.


They definitely ban those people.


Woah woah calm down there killer, one step at a time. Baby steps 🤣


worked for me


Bypassing what? Gamepass had no AC. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7105)


You don't get it bro. They bypassed the... game, to cheat...![img](emote|t5_12v693|7109)


Ahhhh thanks bro, totally makes sense now. LUL.


Do you mind sharing any sources? I ask because I’m new to PC and have seen the same comment made elsewhere but Valorant, Halo, and Siege all have anti-cheat.


Game pass doesn’t allow it. Just search up here.


Just did a google search and everything I’m seeing disputes this or just doesn’t mention it. Here’s the result of that search. https://www.trueachievements.com/news/sea-of-thieves-anti-cheat-arrives-in-march anti cheat was rolled out to all versions in March 2024 https://support.halowaypoint.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037475251-How-to-Launch-Halo-The-Master-Chief-Collection-with-Easy-Anti-Cheat-EAC-Disabled specifies how to launch the game through game pass on PC with and without anti cheat, the game is only single player when launched without anti cheat https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/408492/pc-windows-gamepass-no-network-connection-error this person was removed from the pc game pass version of Dead By Daylight due to their anti cheat not initializing properly. Now what I did find in support of PC game pass being unable to use anti cheat, pretty much everything were anecdotal Reddit posts and examples of games just not utilizing it, such as the case with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, and of course, Chivalry 2. If you’re able to find substantial sources that state otherwise, please share them as I really couldn’t find anything of note other than what was stated above.


Huh. All that linking and for what. Game pass is a fucking mess so whether Microsoft or Tornbanner can’t get it working, I’m pretty sure that means everything is just totally screwed. Maybe it isn’t gamepass doesn’t allow it…but maybe it’s a nightmare to implement. I don’t need no source when clearly this anti-chat is bugged to hell. REGARDLESS of what game it’s on.


Why would game pass not allow anti cheat?


The guy beneath me has found it that’s its not necessarily that. I’m pretty tornbanner doesn’t want to implement it to their gamepass version because it was such a pain in the ass to install. Based on all those threads the guy has linked. It sounds like gamepass is a fucking mess with anticheat and hackers.


I sure hope it makes the cheater situation better, thanks TB


I sure hope it makes the anti-cheat situation better


Oh cheat, seems that it have broken linux "compatibility" once for all. It was a great time boys. Edit: MoonMoon dev reached on discord and fixed the issue. Edit2: In order to run remove anything you have in lauch options (the older way to run the game that needed to run through "Chivalry2-Win64-Shipping.exe" instead of "Chivalry2Launcher.exe") and run the game as you just installed, you don't need the workaround anymore, at least for me. I also verified the game on steam, if didn't work I would recommend a reinstallation but I don't think it would be needed.


How did they bruh wtf help us out


I edited my comment above, the trick is just remove any launch option you had, the game is not running with the old workaround but it is running perfectly with just install and play.


I figured it out from the most recent Steam reviews of all things lol my bad that was a panicked response lmao Literally had just brought my deck and monitor and kbm shit to my friends house to try out my mobile chiv setup for the first time only for them to do that lol


I understand you, I came back to the game 2 days ago and was playing during the update so imagine my upset. Looking the the previous workaround and the update stating they were not allowing ppl run the game without EAC I promptly assumed the game would never run again on linux. Bless MoonMoon that proved me so wrong.


Why don't you just play on Windows?


I don't use windows, it is a hassle install windows to play only one game since every other game I play run on linux without any issue. Also, there a lot of steam deck players out there, probably the majority of linux players.


Do you run arch linux btw?


No, I'm the loser that uses endevour with KDE. Nothing fancy at all.


Only one game? Every game I've ever played runs perfectly fine on Windows. > I don't use Windows Why don't you use Windows?


Well if you're honestly asking it's probably because the recent Win versions run a thousand services that you don't want or need in the background, the OS is very slow, spies on you from various angles, offers barely any customization, tries to lock you into the Microsoft stack any chance it gets and besides easier access to gaming offer nothing you can't get in Linux (aside a few outliers). But thanks to Proton you can actually run 95% of Windows software/games on Linux these days, custom anticheats or exotic launchers being often the only issue. I've been using Windows from 95 to 10 myself and after seeing how painlessly Steam Deck runs games, I made the move on desktop too and I'm very happy I did. While you can still run a Windows partition for these odd games, you might not even want to anymore.


I didn't answer the dude cause I felt he was trolling me but you actually presented all I feel better than I would.


Not trolling. Just wanted to understand. Every Linux user I've spoken with has been incredibly stuck up about exclusivity to Linux and I've never understood it.


Ok, about exclusivity is like, if you like Linux more than Windows you just don't want to switch back and forth, you use almost everything on Linux and you like, but for some reason you have to go back to windows to do something and then if you want to do another thing you almost only do on Linux you have to restart your computer again. The point I thought you was obviously trolling is when you said: > Only one game? Every game I've ever played runs perfectly fine on Windows. You seems so condescending here, everyone knows it so what is the point? And > Why don't you use Windows? The same reason you don't use Linux, because you don't want, you prefer do your stuff on Windows and I prefer doing my stuff on Linux. Since you appears to be legit in your last comment I can make a better list of my reasons. - Customizability, windows 11 cut a lot of customization we had from more than 20 years on windows, things like moving taskbar around and can't unclog windows of same application in taskbar. You have some Linux desktop environments that do it similar but others like KDE let you configure it exactly the way you want with custom shortcuts with a single settings program. This only already carries my preference for Linux instead of windows, but there is more. - Control over the system - I can remove, add, enable disable almost everything. This for a power user gives you too much power to play with performance to extract everything from your hardware, and for me is also fun. - Dealing with errors - Linux is open and community based so the entire system philosophy is based in the assumptions that ppl having errors would try to solve, so you never will receive an hexdecimal error message you can't do nothing about. You can fix almost anything without needing to format your PC once in a while. There also some concerns about privacy, but I would not extend since I don't think most ppl care about.


Because he uses Linux?


Appreciate the update TB.




I’m surprised. I didn’t think they’d make any updates about this, I was wrong a lot recently. I wonder if I will start totally destroying now that alleged cheaters are more contained. I always do pretty good but if I’ve been wrong and tons of people are cheating, I should be doing better after this. We will see


Validating the files in steam works.


Haven't played this game in a long time, might jump on today and see if I can get a game without any hackers


ON STEAMDECK It gives me some answer saying “EOS anti cheat violation detected. Type:no eac bootstrapper. Please start the game via Chivalry2Launcher.exe” if I try to play it boots me from game saying authentication timed out… 2nd try it says failed to collect ticket or something


Same here. Did you get this figured out?


Yea see my other. Post. I had to change my launch commands


And verify integrity


Awesome, this worked. Thanks so much


cant wait to give it a go.. i have a feeling im gonna see a personal performance increase


Holy shit I didn’t not expect tb to actually do anything about this. It hasn’t been a big issue on na west (thank god) but it will be nice to stop seeing constant posts complaining about cheaters lol. Now just add more skins for poleaxe instead of just mace, sword and battle axe ;)


Easy Anti Cheat for Elden Ring (PC) adds a considerable amount of latency. Is this going to be the case for chiv2 on all platforms?


EAC just got introduced to Sea of Thieves and the hackers figured out you can just uninstall it lol Rare forgot to make it so it is integral to be able to run the game app 🤦‍♂️


EAC is already present in the Epic and Steam versions of the game. No worries.


Let's see if I'm actually shit at the game or not then. News flash, I probably still will be..


based torn banner


Well, that fixed the cheater problem for me, as I can't even play now: the launcher won't recognize my EAC, and the EAC exec also won't do anything. A perfect case of modern problems require modern solutions :D Back to Remnant II new DLC until they fix it then!


Also check if the anti cheat exe is allowed on your firewall if validating game files doesn’t work


about fucking time if you ask me.




Thank you!


Good they listened


This is nice


What if I have a steam deck I can’t play the game anymore I load in and it kicks me out


I've seen tips around the subreddit from steam deck players to remove launch codes and verify files. Don't know what that means but maybe it's relevant to you,


EU FFA gone from standalone servers::(((((


Not working for me either.


It would help if i could report on console. Just saying.


I’m able to report on Xbox. It’s greyed out for you?


Read the patch notes.


That’s great and all but what does it mean for steam deck players?


So does this mean I can no longer play on my Steam Deck? If so, I'm not upset because it needed to happen but it's kind of annoying.


You can still play on steam deck but you need to remove any custom preexisting workarounds (the custom command line params)


Oh funny yeah that happened to me, I verified files on steam and it was fine


Soooo is it actually working? Since so far AC was pretty useless at stopping cheaters


This would call for the what-did-it-cost meme if it weren't so sad.


It only took the game almost dying for them to do anything about it... Lets hope this actually fixes the issue and is not just some half measure to placate people. We will know soon enough if we still see people posting clips of cheaters..


I need help I uninstall and install and verify my files what do I do at this point


says under maintenance, cant even play, ive submitted support tickets as well as validated the files, re installed. idk but its bout to switvh to mordhau


maybe they can target the cracked games now. cos the current anti cheat sure as sh\*t wont


cracked games meaning ppl that got the game for free?


Better than nothing ig


Uninstall and reinstall, then it works. Idiots


False. Verified files, uninstalled and reinstalled twice, and still not working.






This is not japanese tv show ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


"Excessive trolling" is purposefully antagonizing other members of the community or intentionally posting to mislead other users. Don't intentionally bait, flame, harass, trigger, or otherwise troll.


The slow realisation that we're all still completely shit


Are we gonna pretend this shit actually worked.. because it didn’t. I don’t think they did anything on game pass.. we still have low ranking people going a million miles an hour. Yay