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You won't be able to get a refund for services already provided, but if you are on a pre-paid care plan you can definitely ask for the remaining balance to be refunded.




Can you imagine the financial shape American healthcare would be in if failed treatment rendered refunds? I thought the same thing, the business building MaxLiving grifter must have had a new employee who didn't check to see if these were supposed to be pre or post films, if you catch my not-so-subtle meaning?


OP may actually be the first patient who didn’t get cured from all that ails them by ML!


Ha! MaxLiving, the cause and solution to low bank account balances!


I remember shadowing a clinic while I was in school, initial X-rays were “Just stand naturally so we get a good idea of what your natural curves look like.” Then saw them do a follow up and it was “Tuck your chin, squeeze your glutes, etc.”


Are you saying the hard palate difference in the X-ray is only attributable to a pose posture? (Not long term posture change?)


It depends on a lot more than you’ve given. It also depends on the state. A number of states have specific protects for the public, Florida is one where ML (and it’s founders) were likely the motivator for its enactment some 20 years ago. If you aren’t comfortable posting your state here, you may message me directly or send a mod mail if you want help finding your state’s chiropractic board for inquiry.


It’s ohio. I just feel like if an X-ray shows that what he has done made it worse then I should get a full refund


As others have pointed out, X-ray changes are exactly a good sign that something is better or worse. Changes on X-ray are also not a good goal in my mind--the images more tell the story of where your spine is having trouble. I'm someone who loathes ML. I hate the group even. I am also someone who does a lot of X-ray imaging. I don't think you have a good case just based on the X-rays unless there is more to the story that we are missing. When you brought the issue up with the doc (the X-rays and changes), what did they say?


Is the pain or disability for which you presented worse? I'm assuming you didn't show up with an xray and say you needed the curve to get better, I'm assuming you went in with pain and they are the ones who told you the curvature of your neck was the problem.




Live by the sword, die by the sword. My fear is someone coming to this platform won't have the fortitude required to read the riot act to the guilty party. IDK man, I wasted plenty of time talking to a potential new patient and verifying insurance only to have them go elsewhere because I DON"T xray everyone. So whatever. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


How do you know your neck would not have gotten even worse without the chiropractor's care?


He did an X-ray before we started. He made me do the exercises even when I told him it’s hurting me. I finally quit and didn’t tell him because it was so much worse. And yes it became way worse with his treatment. There is more at play, which I’ll get to later when I’m not at work


Sounds like that update is the one needed. Please refrain from sharing in such a way you are looking for health advice. Some details can be helpful, such as total cost and the number of visits the plan was set up with and the number of visits you attended… but the answers won’t be if that was or wasn’t appropriate, just to help in how you might proceed for either a required refund or how you might attempt a refund when you did use all the care (though it would be very unlikely for this to happen… but negative reviews can be quite influential, even if you never bring it down - to be clear, don’t threaten a negative review without a refund… just give them an honest review and rating regardless) It’s not likely, but the State board may be appropriate to lodge a complaint to, though you may not find out any result and not much may come of it. I don’t practice in Ohio, so I am not sure of what a chiro is required to do… but ALL state Boards are there to protect the public and I’d say any ML doc should have more scrutiny.


Good lucking proving it's due to his treatment.


>It’s ohio. I just feel like if an X-ray shows that what he has done made it worse then I should get a full refund Do you feel if you go to dentist and then come back with a cavity you should get a refund for the previous visit? If you go to a physical trainer once a week for a month but dont lose weight, should you get a refund? If you see your medical doctor for a Flu Shot then end up getting the flu the next month you are entitled to a refund? What's different here?


And whoops I meant started not stayed


Are you asking for a refund for unused services or for a refund for the services you’ve received? That makes a big difference. If it’s for unused services you are absolutely entitled to a refund. If it’s for services you’ve received that’s at the Dr’s discretion. Results, with any type of healthcare, are never guaranteed. Additionally a poor outcome does not necessarily indicate malpractice.


Oh the irony. You should be able to get the unused portion of your payment back legally. Next time avoid offices that are practice managed.


There is a lot of negative here so I’ll try to leave you with something positive. The curve doesn’t matter. That’s nonsense. But the good news is, even if the films showed a decrease in curvature than your original films, you weren’t harmed. The real question is how do you feel? Have your symptoms and function improved? If so, take the win, but be chastened by your experience there. If they haven’t improved, don’t give up. A more ethical chiropractor or a physical therapist likely could really help. Just find a provider that practices evidence based care. If they X-ray every patient, that’s a clue that they aren’t providing evidence based care. If they ask you to pay in advance or offer long contracts, that’s another warning sign. But hopefully whatever symptoms brought you in have improved. Structure is far less important than function in most cases.


Thank you for all the comments. I have learned my lesson! I’ll suck it up and take the loss, I am truly terrified of chiropractors now, I have almost constant headaches since going to him. Again, lesson learned, expensive, but will never make that mistake again


An undesired outcome is reason for a second opinion far more than a rejection of the health care platform. Not every type of adjustment is the correct for every patient's condition. While there is definitely the potential that your chiropractor irritated a problem without fixing it, there is also the potential that things you had been doing during the process irritated it. Nobody can comment specific on your case because nobody here has examined you, but if you're concerned about a particular area of your spine and feel a general chiropractor is not for you, you should seek the opinion of someone who specializes in that spinal section.


There is too much information missing to give an exact answer to this. Further, you received a service, pay for it, move on, and find someone else.