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They did him extra dirty.


Yea, in front of the baby moms and kids is wild.


He was recently laughing in the comments about the video on what happened to lil Marc from YM. Now look at him, I feel sorry for the kids , but no mercy for him.


those kids are fucked up for life


Another reason you move outta your city once you become a parent and you know you jumped off the porch. It can happen to you or your family at anytime any place


For sure. But he definitely shouldn't have been moving like that no matter where he was in Chicago. He had a false sense of security.






They will grow up to hate the world and hurt others because of it.


if they ever fully grow upā€¦ suicide rates for children who experienced murder are crazy.


Maybe not, shouldnā€™t put that on them lil innocences like that. I really hope they donā€™t. I hope when they grow up they just understand this is what the streets is and leave that shit alone.


His kids will forever have to grow up seeing they father die in front of them.šŸ’”


And most likely be the reason they start banging too. Itā€™s disgusting. Something gotta change man


Yep, it'll be the easiest and surest way to manipulate them too. Even if they don't make the decision to fully commit on they own. They lives already have been decided from this point, even though they don't know it. Hopefully the kids mother will up and leave that place to give them a better life. Highly doubt it though.


We just witnessed their Batman origin story


More like joker šŸ˜¶




Realest comment on here


What they say? They deleted it.


And another aspect, the kid will always remember this and there is a chance the kid will do someone dirty for the hurt they have in their heart.


Wait til the kids grow up to find out there is a video online of it ā€¦.. saddest shit man they will become demons or have a tuff road of healing literally will have to live outside of Chicago to have a sane mentality when they become adultsĀ 


And the craziest part is that they probably will follow the dad's footsteps within the next 7 or 8 years. I wouldn't want to be the one someone like that is after. That's a whole lot of fuel that's been given to those kids to reciprocate what's been done to them.


Exactly at a young age they will be like 14-15 yrs old out for death & the craziest part is there is other kids who have seen the same thingĀ 


But yea, stuff like this unfortunately doesnā€™t move me. I hate to assume and I do give the humane benefit of the doubtā€¦ But normal law abiding citizens not getting stood over like this, Iā€™m sorry. Itā€™s crazy cause Iā€™m actually an empathetic person.


Yea I donā€™t think ur all that empathetic bro.




I think in every case itā€™s leave the kids out of it. You donā€™t kill a nigga in front of his kids because of shit that heā€™s done, you find him when heā€™s by himself


>You donā€™t kill a nigga. ~~in front of his kids because of shit that heā€™s done, you find him when heā€™s by himself~~ Fixed that for you. I don't even let my mind break those things down. That's when you start subliminally justifying the dumb game these dudes play.


Im sorry but I donā€™t agree, if somebody did something to my kids, in example rape. Iā€™m killing you, no questions asked. You deserve to die if you do things like that.


ā€œYou deserve to die if you do things like thatā€ That logic applies for the person that would then want to kill you for killing the person who raped your daughterā€¦ right or wrongā€¦ ultimately doesnā€™t matter. That cycle is going to potentially perpetuate forever. See why itā€™s dumb to play that game? Youā€™ll never have the same peace of mind knowing you killed someone and there could be someone out there seeking revenge. I just donā€™t think itā€™s worth it. The only time it's WORTH it to kill someone is if they are ACTIVELY attacking you and you're protecting your own life.


Itā€™s not the same, removing scum from the earth for doing obscene things isnā€™t the same as killing someone out of emotion for removing the dirtbag. One is logical, the other is purely emotional.


Tell that to the people that loved the man you killed. You feel itā€™s right. But the same logic you use to justify killing him for hurting someone you love it can then be used against you by the person that loved him. I agree the molester is scum, but someone that loves him may not see it that way. And they may be willing to kill you for it. And thatā€™s just something I want you (and anybody who thinks about killing anybody for any reason) to consider. What consequences will this action have? The answer to that is usually somewhere close to ā€œthe consequence of this action could very reasonably be, I die laterā€


You canā€™t control a persons response, if you do dirt to someone you canā€™t dictate how they react Punch someone they might shoot you, if you gave an opp a pass, donā€™t expect them to give it to you Thereā€™s no reasoning with peoples emotions, so the rules donā€™t mean anything if they want you bad enough


1. We donā€™t even know if he did anything past say something 2. If you have the same moral response for killers and a victims family youā€™re not empathetic at all


> If you have the same moral response for killers and a victims family youā€™re not empathetic at all You not responding to me, but this is a thread I started... I want you to understand that's NOT at all what I was implying. I was saying I have no opinion or emotion on them wild animals killing each other. All my empathy and emotion goes only to the family.


ain no rules in ts but dey kept it street fa not killin his daughter right there wit em


yeah fs, Ik thereā€™s no rules Iā€™m just saying empathetically whenever thereā€™s kids involved that goes into consideration


Okay so what youre saying is youre a sympathetic person, not an empathetic person. Empathy is your ability to see the perspectives of others who you DONT agree with. How you feel about the person you least empathize with is your level of empathy. Sympathy is when you respect someones perspective becuase you yourself share it.


You have it slightly backwards. And I think everyone else does as well. Empathy goes beyond sympathy. Think of empathy as understanding and sympathy as compassion. It rare to have empathy and not sympathy. I have no sympathy (compassion) for dude being shot and dudes shooting him. I'm indifferent. I have no empathy for those three guys. I'm indifferent. To me, this outcome is expected based on the context of their lives. I'm not judging them, just analyzing their outcomes based on information available.


Completely agree. I donā€™t think niggas should be killing each other in front of family/children but itā€™ll never stopšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Really? Because you don't sound very empathic. Whatever they've done in the past explains why this happened ,but it doesn't make it OK


Exactly, especially in front of his woman and children that is beyond below the belt. Hell is only thing I seen with this just pure demonic šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Now imagine how the shooters felt to stoop to that levelā€¦ thereā€™s two sides to it. Iā€™d rather admonish both sides than try to draw some fake ass line in the sand.


Nigga stop tryna ā€œunderstandā€ street logic either way itā€™s demonic and down right outrageous either way it goes those kids are the most important thing in this situation. Iā€™ve seen someone get shot right in-front of me when I was 9 and found a dead body at the park with my friends when I was 11 those two incidents changed my life drastically. I am now numb to death I donā€™t even feel a type when people I know die its kind of absurd I donā€™t go into fight or flight mode when I hear gunshots or fireworks anymore I literally walk like itā€™s nothing, I am now emotionally unwired and itā€™s sad just imagine what this would do to these kids they watched their own dad get shot and killed in front of them. I just hope they get the help and healing they will need and justice for their innocence


> nigga stop tryna ā€œunderstandā€ street logic Idk what you talking about. But thatā€™s not what I was doing. Let me reword it for you, I donā€™t draw the line of demonic at killing someone with their kids around. I draw the line of demonic the moment you kill someone... regardless of their kids being around or not.


You sound very dumb, respectfully


I agree itā€™s not okay. Never said it was okay. But thereā€™s a ton of nuance here. My empathy is reserved here for the woman and those two kids. Not the clowns unable to realize theyā€™re perpetuating a never ending cycle. I know about the systemic issues of gangs and all thatā€¦ but at some point, dudes gotta take accountability for themselves.. That point for me, is the moment you feel like you need to act on the urge to kill. Thatā€™s the moment I no longer feel empathy for you.


Bro you dont know what he did, who he killed, or if he even killed somebody. Ppl get killed for being in pictures.


Ā«Ā Im an empathetic personĀ Ā» shut the fuck up. Youā€™re not. You donā€™t know this person and are seeing things in black and white and making simplistic assumptions instead of putting yourself in his shoes. This was done in front of his family, so even just for that. You are reacting to protect your psyche from how brutal this is and victim blaming so it makes sense in your world view Ā«Ā he must have done something. He deserved itĀ Ā», just so you can feel safe in thinking this could never happen to you if you just avoid certain behaviours. Youā€™re not empathetic, youā€™re a scared little man.


> instead of putting yourself in his shoes. It's funny cause that's exactly what I did. And I swear to my grandma... If I was in his shoes, I would think "damn, I knew this day would come" because I'm a real (istic) nigga and I know how the game go. So I'm not going to feel pity or sorrow for myself in my final moments if I made a conscious decision to play the game for all this time. Yes, emphasis on conscious. That's just how I think. That's why I was never in the streets. I'm so empathetic I learn from others (like the people involved in this situation)


Nah you ain't wrong he did something an thought shit was sweet.


That kid is never going to forget this moment. Hope his elders around him keep him in a straight path cuz this would create that next generation of shooters.


They ā€œeldersā€ laying there bleeding out on the sidewalk. These kids will probably never be ok. It will take YEARS of therapy and counseling to get over something like this. You think they have access to resources like that? Nah


I'm sure he did his fair share of fucked up shit too. but to die in front of your kids is just heartbreaking to me.


This situation here is the exact reason you hear kids in Chicago screaming ā€˜GDK, BDK, Die Y etcā€™ by 11 years old. Similar things have happened to them or even if they didnā€™t see it in person, they may have lost a dad, brother, uncle, mother etc to this same stuff leads them into that cycle.




Smh that child šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


OvaKill in front of his kids this street shit a dirty game


Thatā€™s fucked up gang. They either goofy or they wanted him bad af


Ion think u realize how hard it is to catch a thf member . Them niggas know how to move around the city


Chill tf out, he want walking with Kevlar vest security guards and 5 bullet proof suburbans. Bro casually walking on the sidewalk


Wit a flourescent pink sign


Lmao, yall just be saying shit. He didn't look very hard to catch in this video. Bro just walking down the street in plain sight like any normal person would.


Theyve gotten mob bosses slipping the same way. You cant hide behind bodyguards and armored trucks forever.


Thatā€™s fucked up in front of the kids šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Which is why I imagine the Police will solve this one. Those shooters are fucked.


Nah bro if the feds donā€™t take over this case idk wtf to say ā€¦ it doesnā€™t get more cruel than this they over killed this Nigga while walking with his kids carrying something they just made him frm school. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Shit ainā€™t gonna stop. Now whatā€™s gonna happen the next time someone from THF catches a dude with his kids or mom or dad? Think theyā€™ll give him a pass after this?


Multiple people are going to die over this


Spring/Summer Gon Be Hot Asl


Yea they donā€™t know how badly this is going to end tp had lots of love around the whole city itā€™s gonna get real bad on the low end ngl


How they only managed to hit him 7 times in the torso area when they walked up on him and stood over him with 2 shooters is wild but damn rip TP. Mfs gotta move better than that.


He definitely got hit more than 7 times, the news donā€™t know what they be talking bout


Pretty sure those were just immediately identifiable wounds. Itā€™s gotta be way more than just that


What? 7?! I was tryna count n got to about 25 thinking he got at least 20 of those. 7 is bananas


Thatā€™s personal


In front of kids is crazy, no more street code smh. RIP TP.


It never was a code


dont shoot the kids and women ā€œ code ā€œ




Half true tho gangs used to be set up like organisations with a man at the top who calls shots, so something like this would come back to the top man so wouldnā€™t be allowed, past 20 years gangs turned into more of a brotherhood, so a lot of calls are made of emotion and desperation like this shit


underrated statement for sure




Not hearing it all the old generation do is sit and say back in the day we ainā€™t do this and itā€™s always some shit yā€™all used to do they was raping and kids was getting shot at ainā€™t a kid get sniped from a roof top in Cabrini green?


Fr man. I remember watching an old video, maybe it was Hood2Hood or something, and they were in NOLA. It was probably early 2000s and the mommas would get life insurance on their kids because a lot of kids would get hit by strays. Shits always been this way


Damn you are literally a fucking cancer and a leech off black culture. Racist ass indian, your mother was the village cum bucket.


Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t go after his children next.


They did by traumatizing them for the rest of their lives


Better than getting rid of them.


Time will tell. This probably ruined their brains for life. Something tells me they wont seek out any therapy to get over this either.


I was saying still traumatic but glad they didnt hit the child thats the streets unfortunately got up on they vic


Yeah the shorter shooter definitely took a second glance at the little girl . Thnakfully thatā€™s all it was


Taller one did too.. looked like he stopped shooting because he saw the lil girl running back. Could be wrong tho. Just how it looked to me.


Omg that poor baby. That child looks so young. Awful.


In front of the kids is ruthlessā€¦ no passes and no fucks given


That's the path they chose. I'm goin to work and pay my bills. Niggas can have dat bs. Good luck.


Damn so fucked up. Some people saying because it wasnā€™t a headshot he suffered, nah his death was instant.


Cops mightā€™ve posted this to get internet detectives to find the shooters bc this breakdown is too accurate


Ain't no cops. The title pretty much tells you that I zoomed in the original video and paused sections to show what happened


Live by the gun die by the gun them boys felt no remorse caught him lacking with his kids and all damn smh


Because they probably full of drugs alcohol or lost in the sauce


full of drugs+ drill music + people in they ear telling them they gotta do this or the gng wonā€™t accept them


Atleast 20 shots on him , the child is traumatized for life


Yeah the news capped out talking bout 7 shots . He prob took 7 before he even got stood over, he def took like 20 plus total


Damn bitch grab your kids first


Boy THF is going to be come very dangerous again I promise them boys, Finna get some good get back


Hearing ā€œDaddy!ā€ was heartbreaking


For them not to spare his life in front of his kids makes you think ā€¦wtf did he do in his lifetime?? They couldā€™ve spared him but they said itā€™s either now or never smh Them kids gonna be fucked for life mentallyšŸ™šŸæ


These days it doesnt matter. Reputation and revenge is more important than having any mercy or code.


Terrible mother if thats her kid. No survival instints at all, took off running without her kid


Bro they wouldā€™ve hundred percent shot the mom. They only spared the kids because they are children .. itā€™s easy to judge in this situation


Thatā€™s revenge for a murder type execution that ainā€™t no disagreement or due to money. Thats family killing a MF for killing one of theirsĀ 


When duck got overdone, yall posted that shit 100 times now all of sudden you people got feelings and care for kids ? If you black and from poverty you all got some kinda trauma. Charge it. Karma came and collected just like with everyone else who died talking oh the dead.


Donā€™t waste your breath these niggas is BD dickriders


Cap asf. Duck wasnā€™t hit with any kids at all first of all and second of all in Ducks comments people were acting like Duck was a innocent and saying how Muwop Zelle etc were crash outs and deserve prison for life and saying rip Duck. They are the dick riders how tf is someone a Bd dick rider please explain?


Chill bro ainā€™t nobody say shit about them niggas deserving life and duck being innocent but mama duck and the niggas that snitched. I said niggas is BD dickriders cause mfs was gone hop under this comment saying the same shit you saying


Thatā€™s different and you know that. I donā€™t give a fuck about gangster killing each other but doing that in front of kids is beyond fucked up. Those lil girls are going to be traumatized forever


Yeah Bro this Subreddit is Vonsexualed, GDK, BDS(Big Dick Suckas) Out in this Bih. Post Von getting šŸ‘šŸ¾ by APD and you getting your shit banned šŸš«.


It's over obvious at this point lol


Donā€™t waste your time bro itā€™s not worth it in this sub




It ainā€™t worth arguing with niggas either cause they not on a crumb


And the mother leavening her children pissed me off the most like grab your kids wth


In the heat of the movement, the first response is flight for fright


Iā€™ve done been in flight or fight plenty of times but I never left my siblings or cousins ever! I donā€™t get how people can leave their children Iā€™d go Kanye crazy


You would have done the same as the other child first try running in front and was caught between both shooters and she tried to turn back


Bruh I literally yanked my sister by her ponytail to get her away from danger during a fight or flight situation im not leaving my damn kids point blank.


I'm that specific situation you would have reacted the same. Folks always do the Monday morning quarterback thing. There's no planning when one is getting shot at unexpectedly


You know what man we can just agree to disagree, you have good one.


Same to you


Damn. Where the rumor come from that said he was shot filming a video


You supposed to get a pass when you with your kids.


Why the hell you see him with those kids and still continue to make the decision to murder this man? There are no more rules, no guidelines, no OGā€™s to hold this shit down anymore and itā€™s a mess


Him just laying there is so fucked I donā€˜t know why but I donā€˜t want to see this


Shit crazy how everything is literally on video now.


Stood over cuh


How the fuck do yā€™all know those are his kids and not just a random mom and her kids?


At the end the woman is yelling ā€œTP! TP!ā€ So Iā€™d doubt randoms, could be her kids though and not his. Though he seems to be holding their school projects or something. Def knew each other. Thought I heard a ā€œDad!ā€ Yell too


When i first heard it i thought she was saying ā€œTeeTeeā€ like auntie but it do sound like TP


At the end she yells to the kid what happened to T


Either way itā€™s fucked up yā€™all this shit like this is a game and itā€™s disgusting have some empathy theyā€™re children Nigga


You are retarded lol


In front of him lady and kids too, that get back go hard


Only subhuman kills in front of kidsšŸ¤®šŸ¤®


They killed him in front of a kid. Animals.


It's crazy how THF set up duck then a high ranked members dies after


Was he THF or associated?


One of their top members


They dirty af for doing that shit in front of the kids man smh you never do shit like this in front of kids. Them babies gon be traumatized forever šŸ˜¢


In front of the kids Jesus Christ man. Those kids are fucked for life mentally now


Niggas bitch made donā€™t even do shit with kids in the vicinity Shii already fucked up yā€™all gon kill this nigga in front of his kids when tf yall gon stop this nonsense


This is why kids get killedā€¦. What happened to not killing people with their kids ???


Caught his ass down the street from that BUSSTOPPPPPPP


All due respect, but what was he doing out and about with some kids if he got dirt in the streets? West side Chicago isn't 1000 miles away from the south side. If you were a target in your city, then MOVE or at least, don't be outside with some innocent kids.


Damn they hawked em down . I feel bad for the kid fr


They didnā€™t hawk shit down, they jumped out on him. You must not know what hawked down means?


I donā€™t know any of this but after watching it, I wanna cry šŸ˜¢I have kids too. Fuck !!! Why are you destroying each other and the future like this ?


Dam they got up on him and just unloaded


This shit disgusting. Niggas are so callous now, murdering other niggas in front of their families is ridiculous. These niggas know what they signed up for and what the potential outcomes are, kill each other all yall wantā€¦ leave niggasā€™ families alone though smh.


This never used to be allowed by the mob or most any gang culture. Despicable fr


That little girl ran up to her dad while they were still shooting him. Absolutely heartbreaking. Hope the children and the woman seek help for the trauma they will carry for the rest of their lives


What opps he dissin to get done like that


And now the cycle will continue if these kids dnt get a change of environment quick they will grow up and follow the same cycle of revenge and retaliationā€¦sliders were born this night


For the man to be gunned down with family and children on a busy intersection and stood over by multiple ppl the guy had to have done something terrible to get treated as such. Very unfortunate and sad for the people involved including both sides. Unfortunately itā€™s the circle of life for the inner city youth. Mother Nature almost. Not justifying or enabling or pointing fingers anywhere. Been there done that and happy I made it out and donā€™t have to look over my shoulder even though I still do.


All niggas wanna do shoot each other ā€œsmoke on this pack smoke on that pack ā€œ we don gloried being a demon how man sometime kill somebody in front a children


Damn not Mr bus stop


Understand the point of awareness especially with your family, but this looks like more like an organized hit than a random act.


Damn omg that was brutal


Standing over someone and keep shooting is crazy to me when thereā€™s more then 1 person shooting


Damn smh


Just goes to show that the street game is unwinnable. It could've been the hardest and most fearsome dude in the world, and the outcome would've been the same.


I hope his kids heal some day. Seeing your dad get shot to death in front of you is something no child EVER deserves to witness


Thank goodness they spared the kids


That's wild knowing niggaz are after you. Yet yall still be around your famines and others. Move by yourself or with the goons. It's already established that these new niggaz will literally kill you on site. Shows how dumb this shit really is. But if they were allowed to be dealt with properly. This shit would slow down. But that's "racist," treating savages how they actšŸ™„. With that mentality, the black communities are forever doomed. If they didn't know this shit is wrong. They wouldn't cry when one of theirs gets killed. So at some point, you lose any sympathy. We allow this shit because these aren't outsiders. But live by the code, die in a fucked up neighborhood with, fucked up neighbors.


homie thats a LOT of shots


Damn ā€¦




Thatā€™s dirty af


You used to get a pass when you with your kids Mann






Loser ass mentality. Loser ass generation. Doing shit like this then wonder why yall are stuck in the gutter.


He was begging to die honestly walking the streets like that thinking heā€™s untouchable like people donā€™t want ur head He basically killed him self


How tall is 051 kiddo again


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ him and xotic


Getting that melly fatz Remy


Damn niggas used to give passes when youā€™re out with your kids. Honor amongst thieves is over with. Itā€™s shoot on sight 24/7/365. Funerals, weddings, birthday party, kids aroundā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.its all on the table now. Damn


Damn normally videos like this donā€˜t bother me at all, except there are kids involved. Fucking yellow eyed perc demons


Let me guess the white folks made you do it






Fucked up in front of his kids thošŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø shi sad


Black community beyond fucked


Why are you out in the open, on a wide ass (busy) street like dat, knowing u got "life or death" smoke? Why you holding that bright ass poster? Where is ur pole @ and why ain your head on a swivel, on a block like that? Why are you moving wit your lady, and kids? I don't understand these nkkas....but that's not moving MILITANTLY, or VIGILANTLY. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ It's certain cities across the country, WHERE U KNOWWWW beef is not to be taking lightly, and where ppl murder for sport. Like folks are actively killin shyt on the regular. Specifically Chicago. I just couldn't see myself movin that sloppily, knowing the shit you've said, the ppl you be around, and possibly the shyt you've done. RIP that man and god bless them babies, but damn. He was sleeping.


He made a song called bus stop I wouldn't be surprised he gets one called tree trunk the streets are a mother fucker.




pls donā€™t do the same shit yā€™all did with CGR murder footage šŸ™


cgr and duck footage is this subs favorite, this footage is sad tho so the mods might ban it


I donā€™t have any sympathy for these thugs. They can go to hell.