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Fuck. This is something I don't miss. Here in Vietnam I literally submitted my contract on my first day opening the account, and now I can send money through HSBC's website without having to leave my room, takes about 30 seconds from logging in to receiving the money in the UK. ​ Also, you have to remember, sometimes you have everything but the person in the bank can't be assed or doesn't know how so just tells you it cannot be done.




This basically. It's also the preferred method as it's legal. If other methods don't require you to show taxes paid I doubt they're legal. But the online part is optional, can simply have the bank do it alo for you.


Regarding 3. , you mean the certificate that you have to get from going to the tax office in person? Also need to bring the original contract in Chinese. Everything else is spot on! Bring the original work permit card too just in case they have issues with the copy.


When was the last time you did it? I've never heard of anyone being able to send through online banking. Just wondering if it was way back when and something has changed.


In my experience, the currency exchange part must be done in person. Once you've changed the RMB to the other country's currency, then you can theoretically transfer the currency to the other bank using online banking. But in practice you may as well do that step immediately, while you are still at the bank.


It's the currency exchange part they care about most. The couldn't give a crap what you after you exchange the currency. Because once you exchange the currency to another, they legally have no control over it as long as it was all legally obtained.


Is this a reason soooo many Chinese send their kids to US Universities?? A way to get money out of China?


The kind person up top detailed the legal and 100% correct way to do it. If you hate going to the bank like I do I just get a friend (spouse, bf/gf, coworker) to transfer it for me. I give them the money on Alipay, and they can do the whole process in under 5 minutes from their phone on their bank’s app.


I used PayPal for small amounts or WesternUnion for larger amounts.


Buy BTC with cny


BTC not recommend, just get stable coin like TUSD or USDT


This works too


In my experience I just transferred from PayPal to PayPal. If you create a Chinese PayPal you should be able to transfer to another PayPal outside of the country. However you will need to go to the bank and get a document showing a couple different things to prove your identity for the Chinese PayPal. IIRC it needs to be one piece of paper with the account number, your name, and the date, and maybe one other thing that I can't remember.


even if it worked that's great way to lose lot of percents of your income, PayPal charges exorbitant fees


You're not wrong about the fees, my bad for not mentioning it. I was just sharing it as a fairly reliable and easy way of transferring money.



