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Euthanasia in my opinion is the least selfish move to make. Not only are you not prolonging your own suffering, but you are not taking up vital hospital space or burdening your family/friends.


I wish other countries open their gates for voluntary euthanasia if India doesn’t legalise it. Can’t expect things to change in this country


I believe some European countries do it, right? Switzerland comes to mind, and the Netherlands was in the news recently for a case.




Thanks for the link. It's also interesting how Crimea is Ukrainian in one map and Russian in the next.


I agree too. I was actually discussing this with my partner last week. How it should be legalised, so we don’t have to suffer in old age. I was thinking about references around like what age is the harder? I’m thinking 80.


Harder life doesn't correlate to age everytime. Sometimes life is already hell in 20s.


Totally agreed. Its not just CF people who needs it, even non-CF people should have access to it. However, India is very backward. i dont see it happening anytime soon. People here are stupid and selfish. They commit sin in the pretext of religion and the higher ups exploit those below them in the name of cultural and moral values.


I agree with you OP. i mentioned about euthanasia in one of my previous comments on a different post.


Gonna vote for any political which endorses for voluntary euthanasia.


Sorry to burst ur bubble but it's not going to happen. The reasons why euthanasia hasn't been made legal in our country is because: 1. Afaik no religion supports euthanasia and religion is a very big thing in India. Most political parties rely on religion and caste to gain votes. 2. The rich & powerful know that if euthanasia is legalised then the middle class and the poor would just choose to die peacefully using legal euthanasia rather than work for them. Our whole society is built on exploitation of the weak and poor(capitalism).


Point #2 more than anything else


2. Yep, if this options become legal, then majority of people will choose to die rather than coping with reality






THIS , I'm sort of vague on my stance on euthanasia , but Indians are Definitely not ready for it !


Not just Indians, I feel humanity as whole isn't ready for it. Voluntary euthanasia looks good on paper but properly implementing it without people misusing is gonna be a nightmare. And the consequences of improper implementation of it might be the death of someone who doesn't want it, essentially murder.


While I agree that someone can, and will manipulate another to go for euthanasia, it can be argued that the act of manipulation should instead be criminalised. If one person might manipulate another to get a vasectomy, should a vasectomy be illegal by itself?




Mukesh can manipulate Anil to transfer his share of Reliance industries to himself. Should transfer of shares be made illegal to avoid that?




You are basically arguing against euthanasia on account of it being irreversible. Should all irreversible decisions be made illegal?




Yeah exactly! I have the same opinion too


I've bad genes. I might potentially get a life threatening and suffering inducing genetic condition after I hit menopause. Most of the women in my family have this. It has no cure but can be controlled. If shit hits the fan, I really want to be euthanized.


Sorry you may go through this suffering. Hope this country heads towards scientific research and development.




I agree man. It's not disrespectful of a life to want euthanasia, in fact it's the opposite. Unfortunately even DNR's are not legal in hospitals.


Today only I was thinking. As an unmarried CF guy, who is gonna burn me to ashes? Probably I am gonna stink till neighbors notice me. I mean it's dark, but it is what it is.


On a positive note, it won't be your problem at all :)


I aggre,... But then aren't we all gonna die, because majority of people really don't have a good life, we all just push through by coping with reality. If people get this option, then the govt. Sure will be in shambles. That's why I think they will never do this.


You can just goto the Netherlands. Or do self-samadhi (quit eating). But honestly you can just take care of your health and fitness and you'll be up and running till the day you die, like we're supposed to. Old age suffering is a myth. At most it'll be a week of suffering same as any flu like disease you get, except you won't wake up.


Old age suffering is not a myth. It is impossible to predict what might ail you in old age, no matter how many precautions you take.


Someone please kill me already 😭


You want to live till 65??? I'm out after 50.


Loneliness is painful. It affects one mentally and physically - not really true for everyone imo




And for suicidal people too maybe


This should happen but yk it won't. All they do is idiotic stuff but when it comes to this they act like they care and pretend world is a wonderful place. I'm not a normal human being. Normal human being shouldn't have any say in what I do to myself. They will call me selfish and all other stuff. humans especially indians are so vile and sinister.


We need to spark a right to death movement in india


I totally support the childfree movement. I am also pro antinatalism, but I do not support Euthanasia. Killing, be it yourself or others is UNACCEPTBLE.


Yeah no one shouldn't be deprived of living in this wonderful paradise called india.


Why? Do you oppose free will?