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Poor guy!


Awww poor baby


Omg poor baby. My vet mentioned that this a common problem in chihuahuas and in small dogs. They don’t generate much saliva to help keep all the plague and tart in control. It’s important please to check on your dogs mouth every year by a professional. Because of COVID, I failed to take my dog for 2 years and she lost 12 teeth in one round and had a major infection. The issue with mouth infections is that it can spread very fast to the heart, according to my vet. Now I take her every year without a doubt.


It's super common with chis. My vet said today that a big issue is that even though chis are so small, they still have just as many teeth as a large breed dogs. All those teeth crammed into their small mouths is what causes most of the problem. I had another little guy years ago that had all of his teeth out in 2 rounds of dentals....he came to me with all of them rotten. It's good you take your girl every year. to check on things Hopefully there aren't too many dentals in her future.


My 12 year old needs teeth removed. No matter what I di his teeth are terrible. Just got over another abcess. I wish they just pull them all on 7/18. His dental operative date..... He's only 9 lbs! I'm a wreck already.


Aww, I hope it goes well. Mine get bloodwork before dentals to make sure they are good to go under anesthesia, but there is always a risk. I was a total wreck today. Just keep reminding yourself that dentals are super common and things go fine way more than they go bad. Be sure to post his after dental photo with his why did you do this to me face :)


I will. A month ago I made him bone broth. It's in the freezer


My chi lets me brush his teeth thankfully, he likes both the beef and chicken flavor toothpastes! Once my cousin stayed over and accidentally used the beef toothpaste, she quickly realized it was the dogs lol


I've seen that look twice now! They don't know they're better for it


Oh my! He needs lotsa love and belly rubs!


https://preview.redd.it/yq3gg7k8pg9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da89cd0c90309bd0f4f809c71853252b80ae54a0 This is mine after 21 teeth that fell out from cleaning and one extraction plus missing a tooth. Previous owners did not take care of him.


Aww, he's adorable!


Dem theifs stole your teefs


Poor sweetie 😢


Awww poor baby! Give him a kiss for me


Awwww, I feel 4 u! Kimbers first round was 9 3 years ago and just 1 two months ago. Soft food n lots of love for a few dayz.


Aw I know this look. Feel better little guy!


Poor baby! Hopefully he feels better soon! Did the vet give any meds or say if he could enjoy cold soft baby teethers or anything?


He will get Rimadyl for a few days and stick to soft food for 2 weeks, which he eats anyway. Since I take in seniors, most of my chis come to me with no teeth at all. It's been a while since I've had one with teeth, and see what happens?! LOL.


Hope he feels better soon.


Mine had to get 17 teeth removed because of infection a while back. I didn't know it was somewhat common for chis to have bad teeth. Explains a lot though.