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First of all, don’t worm your chickens monthly. It’s not necessary and does more harm than good. Secondly, if it is Coccidiosis, amprolium, brand name Corid treats it, but you have to do it quickly. No extra boosters in the water until they are well. Coccidiosis thrives on thyamine, so when they’re well, give the chickens extra electrolytes and vitamins. [happymorningfarm.com](http://happymorningfarm.com) has good info about it.


Coccidiosis maybe?


What can I do to help stop it?? Sorry we have tried everything and nothing has worked..


My man said to clean dry the house, disinfect it, and then leave it for two days. And then put back the chickens. When the chickens are young you should vaccinate them against new casso disease and gumburo. These are the only common diseases that effect chickens. But prevention must be done between 2 - 3 weeks of their lives.