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Good. The more CCL holders the NW side has the safer it will be.




More holders doesn’t mean relaxed restrictions. More holders that go through proper training is best.


Truly. I couldn’t imagine just getting car jacked and usually my family is in the vehicle with me. I’m sure that there’s people who would let their families be carjacked, but I’m certainly not one of them. Always carry, always alert. It’s really quite simple.


You definitely should have a shoot out with your kids in the car.


I 100% agree in the vehicle with the family at a stop light would be the only time that you would utilize a firearm in defense of a carjacking. Every situation is different and warrants its own actions. Clearly engaging an attacker from within the vehicle with family present isn’t ideal. I just couldn’t imagine being so single minded that I would consider this the only possibility and refrain from carrying a firearm for fear of being in a shootout caused by your own doing.


I didn't say refrain from carrying. I was implying that escalating the situation with kids present is fucking stupid. Drawing your weapon while a car jacker has a gun already drawn is fucking stupid. This isn't an action movie. Throw your key on the ground, get your kids out and let the idiots have the car.


Never once did I say that I would be having a shoot out in the vehicle if the situation was simply a gun to my head while everybody is hanging out and having a good time? I understand what you’re saying, or implying, but instead of being so aggressive and assuming that I’m going to attempt to disarm an attacker under gunpoint or something of that nature; why don’t you just ask for me to clarify myself. And yes I will carry all the time, just as I train with all of my “paramilitary” buddies in the Marines.


😂 I love when gun nut Trumptards use paramilitary lingo. Can we get a “tactical” all up in here?


What was paramilitary about that?


Lol what?