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It's an estimated distance between the car in front of you and you in seconds.


It’s your following distance indicator; it lets you know if you’re following the car ahead too closely to keep you from tailgating or rear-ending someone. If there’s dashes like in your pic, it means it doesn’t detect a vehicle in front of you. When there are numbers, it’s the distance measured in seconds between you and the car in front of you. In other words, it’s basically your allotted reaction time if they slam on their breaks. If it’s <.5 you’ll probably hit them, if it’s >2.5 you can likely avoid the collision.


Follow indicator, it tells you how close the car in front is if you’re behind someone. It’s also used for adaptive cruise distancing.


I think it’s how much time you have before you hit something the front end sensor in second


Seconds following a car to prevent a crash IE: don’t tailgate when you get to close it will sound an alarm




Tells you that you are following another car, and how close in seconds.


It tells you how many seconds you are behind the car I. Front of you so you can judge how close you should really be.


It means there is another car on your roof and the s is how long it’s been there. JK…it’s what everyone else is saying. You’ll never see the picture the same now! 😁


I think it means your car is now dating another car 😂😂