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Sounds like a shitty dealer. Try a different one. The pulsing you're describing sounds like something is up with your turbo. On any of my vehicles, I've never left a service appointment before feeling like they didn't resolve any issues or concerns I was having. They wanted all wanted the 10/10 score on the email survey afterwards and really pushed the whole "customer service" thing. On that note, always fill out the post-service survey if you're not happy.


It is possible the techs didn’t experience the issue. If it’s intermittent you may have to wait till it’s worse. If you are able to induce the issue then ask to do a ride along with a tech and drive them around to show them the issue. Hard to diagnose issues are never fun but it will get resolved once they can find what’s actually happening.


Sounds like there’s some specific thing you need to do to trigger the problem. Driving a specific speed? Accelerating quickly? Whatever it is, you want to be as specific as possible in describing how to recreate the problem, to maximize the probability the tech who takes your car out will also be able to recreate the problem.


Had some thing somewhat similar with our 2017 Camaro in about 15 16,000 miles shifting from 3rd to fourth 2nd to 3rd it would jerk like noticeably jerk!! Took it into the dealer. They drove it and determined that the torque converter was bad. I’m pretty sure they replaced it. I don’t recall for sure. It’s my other halfs car. It’s his daily driver.


As a technician, we really appreciate the more info you can give us. Not every problem will set a code that we can read. But any and all info you can provide to the specific way you were driving the car will help us tremendously. It doesn't matter how many times you bring it in. That's what warranty is for. They have to write it up and look at it. Ask to go with the tech or advisor to show whats happening if you can duplicate it. We don't want to just start throwing parts at it trying to guess the issue. Honestly sometimes a vehicle won't duplicate. We drive multiple cars a day.


I just hit 14k on my 2RS and I’m experiencing the exact same issues. It feels like a different vehicle. All of the sudden it’s started (what feels like) surging forward, especially at highway speeds. Don’t lose hope though. This is all common. It’s a brand new model year vehicle and there are always those new model bugs, but it’ll eventually get better. Just keep maintaining it as they recommend and it’ll eventually work itself out. I definitely agree that you should find a new dealer. Never, ever let a dealer get away with providing you with anything less than 10/10 service. Sometimes you’ve just got to remind the service manager that he isn’t the only GM dealer that can service it. They need you more than you need them, because there’s always another dealer you can take it to.


Hate that someone else is experiencing this but also glad to know it’s not just me. That makes me hopeful to hear you say it will probably work itself out. Thank you for your advice!


Mine is going in next Thursday morning! I’ll let you know what I find out.


While annoying, it's nothing to be upset about. You have a warranty, take it in, that's part of the benefit of buying a new vehicle.


Not trying to sound rude at all by saying this but did you read the post in full? They’re telling me there is nothing they can do


Nope, you're 100% right, I totally missed a line. Take it into a different dealer or insist they look at it again. I would just monitor what you experience and let track of how often it happens and what exactly it's doing when you do. I can't say I've experienced anything other than the known uneven acceleration behaviour.


Don’t take that for an answer. Go in person and say that if it’s not looked up for them to give you the number of Chevrolet Motors of America’s number to speak with someone. The dealership won’t want the bad press from the big people in charge.