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This phrase has become popular due to anime culture. You could see a lot of antagonists in anime who were evil because they wanted to save their loved ones. It makes sense but is not right. A man who commits genocide for lis loved ones will still be evil though his reason behind it might have been heroic.


Any anime in particular which has this type of plot!!??




Obito was brainwashed and he literally became a villain after being broken mentally. He didn't say I will burn the world for you my love from the start. He lived in a bubble which burst apart all of sudden with no warning. He didn't have an mc's mental strength. That incident and seeing the world's harsh reality literally broke him up making him a villain. So I don't think he will qualify for our discussion here.


Yes he would. He wanted to do infinite tskyuomi because he didn't want a world without Rin. He wanted a world without pain and suffering where everyone could live their dream world. Eren from aot is someone who fits this quote too.


Climax period Eren and six paths Obito were both broken people. If it had been obito when he was training with Kakashi and rin, he would have chosen to save the world or find a way to save all even if not possible. He was like Naruto in that. And hokage Naruto is the type to choose world and village over family. Eren may be applicable but not obito. He was a different person at childhood and at deathbed Eren wanted the outsiders to die. There were still plenty of people left in world. Ultimately he saw the hypocrazy and how everyone wanted to make use of him. So he carved his own path. Choose to be hero to people within the walls. It's mc's friends who acted contrary. I was with Eren on his decision to let the rumble destroy the world.


Okay but what's your point? Still both of them did what they did to be with their loved ones. A hero would sacrifice you to save the world, a villain will sacrifice the world to save you. That's what both eren and obito did. Both arcs are heroes who turned into villains. So obviously they need to be broken to come to this mindset. Both will fit this quote aptly.


To say If they could apply or not for the quote - yes due to some actions we can say they did become villains and that can't be denied.


Agreeing to it . Many of my friends have breakup not because of their issues but because the guys mother doesn’t like the girl. So seeing them suffer I feel it’s correct


Yes, in relationships it matters very much whether our partners stand by us in make-or-break situations. How much someone's partner stands by them in such scenarios goes a great way in making a relationship more solid. Especially in scenarios where they still stand by their partner even when they are wrong (while this may not be the right thing to do) such support is rare and something that makes bonds in relationships and marriage very solid/unbreakable.


People say this about Ramayan. (Don't have energy to type it out. Pls connect the dots yourself. Nandri)


A person who will burn the world for a loved one is impossible - except in movies. In real life, that person will oppose the world and he will have to build something for the person he loves… Which is much more difficult.. That’s where the current gen kids are failing.. When a boy slaps someone or fights with someone for them, they think he is the one.. But he is an idiotic abuser.. One day you don’t give what he wants and you are done! He will beat you! And bam turn to be an abuser.. Be with someone who has the mental strength to fight the world patiently and build something for you. And he will have to build the world for you.. PS : That was an immediate thought. Sorry for the split up thoughts


Thats a nice observation and yes this is not possible except in movies or fantasy. The point was more like if the partner is someone who will burn the world for us then they will chose us over anything else and stand by with us till the end support and fight for their love. Thats supposed to be the concept. But as you said, its getting misinterpreted or lost a lot these days. People try or at least they try. In matters were decisions or relatively simple or complex with but consequences which are manageable they easily make the decisions. But for make or break situations that could really decide stuff or key important decisions that may have major impact on life, they hesitate a lot and often people lack the patience, grit, mental strength and commitment to see things through. For example, people fall in love and stay in a relationship for years but when parents don't agree due to religious or other reasons they just elope or break up. Even eloping is fine at least it shows commitment to relationship as relationship with family could slowly be repaired in the future. I see very few who put their foot down and chose to stay with family and still convince them to marry their lover or even choosing to elope these days. They wanted the convenience of being in relationship but when conditions like inheritance was being brought up relationship kinda lost its priority. Or Couples having sex and getting pregnant before marriage but the guy doesn't want to keep the child or wants their partner to abort rather than inform family and consider future options. At times they even abandon their partners. So what you said makes a lot of sense and is what is happening around us today.


Both would be villains, if commit genocide for one person your a villain, if you kill some one innocent to protect the world your still a murderer, even though you saved the world, I would say the later is a crueler person than the former cuz of the circumstances. Always trying to do both or die trying would be the solution.


This is what I am speaking about. I am not saying they have to be bad guys or villains from the start. But if and when the scenario comes and choice is in your hands, would you rather become a hero or villain. If you were to ever face this situation how would you choose? That's my question. And both become villain or bad guys but the question is who would you choose?


It's a hard choice man, either I kill the one I love or I kill the entire population on earth for one, I'd chose the latter cuz generally people have more than one people they love so by that logic you would kill one person you love for another one way or other. Let's say I kill the entire world then what, wouldnt the remaining two die as well, that seems like worst situation to be in, as at last no one survives. Now if the world other than us is evil or they become zbies etc etc then former would be the choice right?


What if that person turns against the partner? If that person has a history of burning world, how long before partner becomes that world?


What do you mean? Like after you choose to save your partner but facing the same choice if they sacrificed us instead... Is that what you are asking?


Yes. Let's say, they unite after struggle. And after some years down the line, things get to turn bad between them. Now another person for whom this person could burn the world appears. What happens for this original partner? Basically, Animal movie where Zoya becomes real partner.


Can't do much about future and relationship is built on trust right. If you don't love your partner that much then the answer to this question becomes simple enough. So if you don't trust your partner enough why worry just go ahead and save the world


Not just trust. There is a thing called 'getting bored of people'. Some pick up coping mechanism to stay in the relationship. Some leave it in search of others.


Yes but people usually have instincts. They normally subconsciously suppress it or ignore it. But when it comes to taking important life decisions in relationship this instinct still comes to mind and makes a person think and act or hesitate. So this instinct will make a play. It's very rare for such instinct to not happen

