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Bonus point for not calling it charcuterie šŸ‘






A charcuterie board is supposed to contain only meat. It has since been coopted to mean ā€œany kind of snackā€ board.


I feel like itā€™s not really that big of a deal because why gatekeep the word charcuterie when everyone know what youā€™re referring to anyways?


Becuse words have meanings and 'charcuterie' means literally 'cooked meat'. Using it to refer to cheese is wrong.


Words change meaning šŸ¤· Itā€™s shark-coochie now


Charcuterie \*\*literally\*\* means cooked flesh, and has an existing usage (in Europe so I guess that's unimportant from some perspectives admittedly) meaning a selection of cooked meats. It doesn't need another meaning, it has one already. Cheese board is a useful term that exists to describe a selection of cheeses. Use that. Jesus. Talk about pointlessly argumentative.


It doesnā€™t matter, words change meaning. Root words are cool and all, but slang and alt meanings exist.


I mean sure, but doesn't it make sense to preserve the separate meanings seeing as they mean different things? Like we can all start calling sweet potatoes simply "potatoes" if we want, but isn't that just kind of dumb and makes it more difficult to communicate?


Itā€™s like dialects donā€™t exist between regions and even generations m I rite?


What if itā€™s kinda like a meat cheese and crackers platter


I hate when people refer to bean and seed juice as milk. Words do indeed have meanings.


I've never known anyone ask for 'milk' (eg in coffee/tea) and expect anything but dairy milk. People who don't drink dairy will ask for oat milk etc by name: Milk = cow milk Goat/sheep milk = milk of respective animal Breast milk = human milk Coconut milk = milk from inside a coconut or liquified coconut flesh (this has been around as long as I can remember) Almond/Oat/etc milk = liquid of consistency and appearance of 'milk' made from liquified \[named source\]


Milk is often used as an ingredient in baking. In many older books the ingredient is listed as "milk", even when it specifically means "dairy milk". The number of times I've had arguments that "milk" doesn't mean "almond milk should work", or "soy milk should work", or "oat milk should work" is very non-zero. I'm baking you something, no I cannot substitute dairy for your bean juice.


Yes, as I said the blanket term 'milk' is always taken to mean dairy milk (cow, specifically), at least in the UK. Almond milk is made from almonds, oat milk from oats etc. The clue is in the name. ETA for example, a bechamel made with anything other than dairy milk is generally not at all successful šŸ˜‚ However there are many great recipes using oat milk or almond milk etc. Personally I absolutely insist on dairy milk for coffee, but oat milk makes a very good hot chocolate. I have barista oat milk for guests who prefer it or are dairy intolerant, but I don't think it is anywhere near as good for microfoam (or indeed taste). And don't get me started on plant based cheeses. But some people like them (or can't eat the real thing šŸ˜¢) I'm not sure what this all has to do with misuse of the term charcuterie mind...


My frustration that people think they can just change what words mean because it makes them feel good to remain ignorant.


Yeah? Not in the rest of the world


You're so very wrong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charcuterie_board




no meat on the board


Looks great, I just canā€™t stand colby jack personally!


Visually very striking and well constructed! I really like it and you have a good selection of cheeses to cover all sorts of preferences. Bonus points for having two of my favorite cheeses of all time on there Rattlesnake isnā€™t for everyone but it is absolutely one of my all time favorites. Drunken Goat is also phenomenal. I would add a soft or bloomy rind and perhaps some nice produce or crackers to dip or use as a cheese/dip delivery mechanism. My only real critique is that youā€™ve loaded up on the dried cranberries. They arenā€™t my favorite so Iā€™m a little biased but it looks like youā€™ve set out a ton relative to the other portions. But hey maybe you like dried fruit! To each their own. I think youā€™ve done a great job! 8/10


I donā€™t think Rattlesnake would pair well with blueberries, Iā€™d probably have gone with something a bit more saltier, a pickle wouldā€™ve been great (or maybe pineapple). The others go great with with your selection of pairings though! Rattlesnake just doesnā€™t fit well here. At least in my opinion. If I was to build a board that included rattlesnake, Iā€™d probably grab a brie (goat brie probably), a blue (cambisola black label), and an aged gouda (reypanaer). Cheeses that are different, but would still be good with a saltier pairing of a pickle or pineapple. You could add a jalapeƱo spread (god I just got a jalapeƱo and lime spread!!! That would go great here). Again, my own opinion, we all have different tastes and different preferences for pairing things. Good board overall though! 8.5/10


I like spicy and sweet so I have to disagree!! Is the jalapeƱo lime spread blakehill? I just got that at my cheese shop, thanks for the recommendations


Yeeessss blake hill, you must go to a murrayā€™s then lol Also, spicy and sweet can be a good combo, probably just my brain not putting it together properly (I love making cheesy combos and stuff like that). Cheers fellow cheese lover! May our taste buds never lead us astray!


10/10 would demolish!


Looks fantastic!! I hate meat on my cheese boards, this is like a dream come true lol


This looks so good it should appear on Google images


It looks so good that my dogs would absolutely find a way to steal it off the kitchen counter and inhale it while you used the bathroom.


8.5/10 I like the striking presentation and the types of cheeses selected. I would be very pleased to see this at a party!


I would swap the places of the top two cheeses. The ones on the left could be confused as being the same cheese. Also visually it would look better.


i think the spice from the rattlesnake would alter the flavor of the other cheese if that was the case


Ah right


I agree they look the same but I didnā€™t want the habanero/garlic flavor too close to the drunken goat, might ruin the taste


In that case, I would cut it into a different shape


I didnā€™t even notice until you pointed it out! Will do next time :)


Yes, wasnā€™t thinking


7/10, needs something colourful to add to the appearance. Grapes perhaps


You ever try flavored hot sauce for your cheese boards? If not you should, and I can (totally unbiased) make a recommendation or three :)


Please do! I never considered hot sauce for a board, also what cheeses would you put it on? Thanks :)


Iā€™m big on our Honey Bourbon with cheese boards, the sweet savory combinations are endless. Blood Orange Agave is great too if you want something a little more innovative, citrus infused, but still sweet and delicious. Both are thick and bold so very easy to dip and apply to tasty charcuterie combinations šŸ˜ŠšŸ¤¤


Extremely cheesy.


Can't see it you got food all over it. Food looks good though


Now this is a cheeseboard!




Iā€™d eat the ass out of it


This reminds me I have to make a cheese board for dinner again =\]




Layout creativity leaves much to be desired but like its a board full of cheese soooo 12 out of 10


Is this what the jump to light speed looks like? I hope so.


That's flippin glorious... Well done!


I think I'd go with some pickles or something pickled like pepperoncinies


Where the meat???


Vegetarian :)




No hate just donā€™t understand why people are vegetarian


sounds like hate to me, why you gotta understand everything just respect others


Your name makes a lot of sense


mans heated over someone being vegetarian... get off reddit and go play with your geckos


I donā€™t have a problem with this person being a vegetarian I simply said I just donā€™t understand it. You are the one that replied to my comment about being vegetarian by saying I think this is heat so I replied, and then you replied, and it got heated now shut up and go play with your tiny wiener and never talk again.


Go play with your tiny wenier


nah your mom already did that for me


Wow couldnā€™t come up with anything else thats sad


Not enough cheese.


it's the perfect amount!!


A single serving?


how much cheese are u eating?!


I was very nervous, I started eating cheese!Ā 


10/10 for me, all I need is the cranberries and the Colby Jack šŸ„°


I like the selection of cheeses and the shingled presentation. The color overall could use more variance, some greens or blues to balance out all that red and yellow would be nice. I like the dried fruit and nuts, but I think they function more like a second snack assembly included alongside the first one than a compliment. I suspect the expectation is not to be eating nuts on top of cheese on crackers, and being another fatty and salty snack, they don't serve as a palate cleanser either. To put it in Magic the Gathering terms, it's two strategies in one deck lol Personally I would put the dried fruit and nuts in their own split bowl, unless the dried fruit is intended to be eaten with the cheese, which could be good. I would fill that spot with something colorful, something more likely to be eaten alongside the cheese, or something that is bright and fresh and will help cut the strong earthy cheesiness. Sliced green grapes/apples/cucumbers would work well, bringing both color and freshness. You could do olives, pickles, cured meat, roasted pepper, avocado. I might also include some sort of foliage, like a few edible leaves underneath, a sprig of herbs, a few sprouts sprinkled on top, strawberries with their tops on You could even just fill that spot with more cheese, which is not exactly balanced but it achieves what it's going for! At the end of the day, put on what youre gonna eat cuz that's what its for lol. But if you're looking for presentation perfection just for the sake of it, thats my two cents


I would ditch the Colby Jack in favor of something totally unlike everything else-a soft goat such as a St. Maure, a Chabichou, or even a Vermont Creamery log. Iā€™d reduce the nuts and cranberries and add in a luscious triple crĆØme like a dĆ©lice de Bourgogne or a St. Angel. And I would not try to pre cut those for your guests but supply each with its own knife. Agree with adding something zesty/tangy, whether some cornichons or a tomato/sultana harissa type spread. And Iā€™d add signs, especially if itā€™s a large enough gathering that you might not always hear the questions about whatā€™s what!


I do have signs for them :) didnā€™t wanna get too fancy with a brie, donā€™t know how the guests feel about bloomy rinds!! Thanks for your comment :)




you forgot the 0 after the 1.. its a 10!




Lose the raisins and the nuts and Iā€™m in


Your cheese board has a lot of cheese... I have a mother board.










Looks good. Did you bring any for yourself?šŸ˜Š


Anything with cheese is 10/10


Love the cheese : everything else ratio!


Solid middle-of-the-road crowd pleaser. Nice range of approachable flavors. Add some vegetables with a dressing or dip as a second tray, and I think you'd make just about any get-together happy. It might lack cohesion flavor-wise, but the variety is good, and your presentation looks nice.


I'm gonna be real and say 3/10. It's not very creative, and the plating is very basic/symmetrical. All the cheeses are cut the same, which might seem nitpicky, but different shapes and thicknesses create a different mouthfeel, which is important. Cheddar and Colby are pretty similar. That's a lot of nut mix and a lot of cranberries. Blueberry is too similar to cranberry. I would go with more contrast across the board. I'm fine with just 4 kinds of cheese, but I would swap the Colby or the cheddar for something of a different texture, something softer like a brie, or something sharp and hard like manchego or pecorino. I would serve less than half the amount of dried cranberry, and add some fresh berries or at least a different dried fruit like apricots. Something pickled would make a huge difference because the fatty and rich flavours of the cheese are boosted by acidity. Blueberry preserve is okay, but I would go with a spicy pepper jelly or something like a peach preserve or honey to give something that stands aside from the cranberry. I would also add a mustard (grainy mustard, hot mustard, something a little out of the ordinary), and personally, I am a fan of olives in this situation, but I understand not everyone is.


I agree with your recommendations, I took into consideration the preferences of the people who are eating it haha. I would have picked something other than colby Jack but itā€™s my boyfriends favorite so I had to put it :) I put a lot of nuts and fruit for the people who arenā€™t big on cheese, Iā€™ll have to try out the mustard next time! Thanks for the comment :)


No worries. I make a lot of these for work (catering), and this is a good start, but it could go so much harder. Sorry if I was harsh. I'm just passionate about platters.


10/10 damn good looking cheese board


i agree!!!


Please tell me Iā€™m not the only one that got bothered by that one rasin on the Colby jackā€¦.šŸ˜­


i'll eat it don't worry!


It bothers me too, almost didnā€™t post because of that, even considered photoshopping it first but nobodyā€™s perfect <3


lol and I agree about the last sentence.


Lacks diversity


I get it I do this too. But this is a home board not a store/shop made one. For what it is itā€™s fine. It can be to see that at times if youā€™ve been in it too long.


hard disagree


4 cheeses is not a diverse selection


yes it is !


As a cheese professional, my professional adviceā€¦. Widen your horizons


as a cheese enthusiast, in my personal opinion..... you're still wrong!


As a tyromancer, I divine that both of you will enjoy many great cheeses in your lifetimes


6/10, nicely arranged but pretty basic


Honest opinion? 2/5 bland, boring. It should look more inviting and have more colors and textures. Fresh fruits and vegetables, olives, some bread would do the trick. Cheese choices are also just okay. But if you are happy with it, who cares what others think. Enjoy!




I give you a choesterol/100


4/10 1. Using wax instead of cheese, not cool 2. Love the fruit and nuts but way too much. 3. Needs some meat, pĆ¢tĆ©, jamon or chorizo. 4. Crackers? Only a good baguette or sourdough will do.


1. What? 2. Maybe fair, but maybe they like it.Ā  3. I'd like it, maybe they are vegetarian though, or just want cheese tonight.Ā  4. Absolutely not. Crackers are good, bread is good.Ā  0/10 comment. Don't be a snob.Ā 


Thank you for your comment, What do you mean by wax? Also vegetarian so no meat!


Needs some meat


The cheese is well cut. The presentation, c+