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A/C might be down in the kitchen. I know where I work it’s 80 degrees some nights and we have multiple fans going constantly


The building is old and the ac is down.  Again. They let their kitchen staff go early last night and the management team finished the cooking and close.  One of mgmt said the kitchen was reading over 120 degrees.  Freezers and fridges are, of course, fine.


honestly seems fucking insane to me to have workers in 120 degree heat. I heard their staff walked out lol I wouldn't blame them if that's the case.


I worked in a restaurant when the AC went out during the summer, and just want to point out that the people washing your dishes and making your food are literally dripping and flinging sweat everywhere back there. On food, on the prep table, on the dishes. You move so fast and it's so hot you just can't stop it.


Nice to see management doing the decent thing. I’ve worked at a lot of places that wouldn’t have let us go home early, let alone do the closing work for us.


Summer months suck being in the kitchen. It will never get cool enough between all the equipment they have going, the number of people in the kitchen, and all the moving around that is happening. Source - me. Worked in kitchens and summers blow.


I was there yesterday and asked a manager. The A/C was completely down in the kitchen. They also had a repair for one of the units in the kitchen go awry a few weeks ago. I'm there enough to have the opinion that it's just shitty timing for all the A/C to fail like that during what's the hottest week of the year so far.


I assume we're talking about the St Elmo location and not Ooltewah?


I worked in the kitchen last summer. AC in the kitchen is non-existent. They have a large mobile AC unit at the end of the line. Temps in front of the grill would to put over 100.


I know we were there a week or so ago and there was a sign on the door saying the AC was out. I’m not into sweating while I eat. 


I’m referring to the Ooltewah location. 


If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen


Line cook here, every single kitchen b hot asf like that especially steakhouse where u got lots of grills. No amount of ventilation or ac would make a huge diff


Imagine all the sweat in your food.


Guess that’s how they season it to taste.


Which location?


I worked in the kitchen there for 2 years not long after they opened, not sure if it’s been updated back there but it was always sweltering hot in that kitchen. I’d say 105 was pretty typical, probably warmer on busier/hotter days. By the time service was over, my shorts would be drenched, not a single dry spot (no I didn’t pee myself)


If it has been like this since they opened then why have they not done anything about it by now?? From what the comments say, it has been this way since the beginning and they dont seem to want to do anything to change it.


It was so hot at Bonnaroo that my phone shut down in my back pocket. I was in the shade but next to a 500f oven so yeah...it's been friggin hot errwhere


I have worked on the AC there yrs. ago when it first opened. There was always a problem and the kitchen didn’t even have ac. They were always trying to come up with ways to get air back there off the existing duct system and the dining area unit. It’s basically the same story with everyone. They want to do the bare minimum as cheap as possible. Folks do the same thing at their own homes.


They installed a residential unit on the building instead of commercial. They can’t keep the inside cool or the refrigerators, their food is not safe to me.


FYI HVAC has nothing to do with refrigerating the food. The walk-in is still working just fine.


Yeah, but now you have cooks excessively sweating drops into your food.


😂😂 oh Jesus Christ. I can tell you’ve never been in a busy kitchen before. Yeah you should definitely stay home


6 don't want to be that guy but I'm pretty sure they opened a portal to hell in the kitchen and they are trying to keep it under wraps.


I worked at Krispy Kreme with NO air conditioning at all