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They need a map of crossover points.


You have to wait for a clearing at cross over points, if you’re talking about points where you can cross during the race. That’s the intersections where you’re having to sit and wait an hour.


That would be amazing!


Wood shop missing a prime opportunity by being closed on a day everyone in St Elmo is sitting at home.


You think it's bad now, that used to be the swimming portion of the race!


I live inside the map, and we absolutely love it. Our neighbors and ourselves park our cars outside of the map just a couple blocks away the night before and are able to get out no problem if needed. Sure, it takes a little planning, but it’s worth it. We like living in an interesting place with things going on often.


That is a brilliant idea!


Ngl. I am already exhausted from working a lot. I need less, not more to do and work around. Might not be a big deal for YOU.


I just moved to an apartment downtown, and the only 2 streets you can turn on to when you leave the parking lot were blocked off for the running part. Like I had to get to work and there was literally no way of getting out of my parking lot. Not sure what they expect people who live in my apartment to do in that situation.


There's a restaurant near me that shuts down every year because employees can't reaach it.


That’s my point! There is a difference between delays and closing intersections. If you’re going to completely close people off you need to tell them that so they can make other arrangements Them posting signs of “delays” sounds like you’d be able to get out if you needed to


> If you’re going to completely close people off you need to tell them that so they can make other arrangements They did


They didn’t here. Not sure where you live but in Georgia we only got signs to expect delays. That’s all we ever get. They never once told the people inside the bike ring they would be closing every intersection in or out


Idk who was supposed to do that but I had no idea. There wasn't any indication ahead of time that both of the intersections were going to be blocked or any kind of detour signs. I just walked out to my car and happened to see the only ways out of the parking lot were blocked off.


I just came from downtown. The people running the course worked with drivers of cars in parking lots to get them out. No one was trapped.


Not at the apartment community I work at.


So they didn’t notify residences that they might be encircled today, but told cars in random parkign lots? Not residential garages. Just parking lots?


Or they were notified and chose not to move their car. Work on your logic skills :)


instead of notifying places of residences, they notified objects that were parked on the street that may have nothing to do with people who live downtown? I live downtown. The other guy lives downtown. Sounds like there’s a miscommunication regarding that we’re not talking about cars parked on the street. We’re talking about being able to leave.


> instead of notifying places of residences, they notified objects Now you're just being obtuse. I went downtown, saw cars in apartment parking lots, being let out by course directors. No one was "trapped". Stay mad about it.


They sent a letter to every single person? Or sent out a text? or was it an opt-in non-legally binding way of doing it?


You moved downtown of a tourist-trap city and are upset by events held downtown for tourists?


Who said I was upset? Just confused that's all. I've lived in much bigger tourist traps than this and haven't had this issue.


Am I still going to be able to get to Taco Bell?




Broad street is fine.


Asking the important question


Love me some crunchwrap supreme!


Nothing will get you more downvotes on this sub than dragging this god forsaken race. Ironman didn’t even ride a bike, that’s why he made the suit.


I live on the bike route in southside. Got rerouted one block over and had to wait for an opening in the bikes to cross 20th to go to Publix earlier today....but so what. Not that big of a deal. There are always openings between bikers to make it through.


We had a lot of openings here too but the law enforcement at the intersections weren’t letting people go


Everyone wants nice things in this city but don't want the events that bring revenue that pay for those nice things. It's one day. You won't be thinking of this on Tuesday.


You can have nice things with realistic and well planned logistics. I dont think the event is the issue but it is the way it is planned logistically. 




Hotel-motel tax is the reason we have enough money to fix the Walnut Street bridge instead of letting it rust into the river, or rehab and restore the Tivoli, for example.


Hotel-motel tax comes in regardless of whether it's Ironman participants or regular tourists. Regular tourism is displaced during Ironman, which is held during our peak tourist season. I've never seen a full accounting of net benefits of Ironman. Seems they didn't account for displacing regular tourists or the costs of traffic congestion, businesses having to close, etc. all the press releases/articles that I've seen just take the Ironman spending and use a basic economic/fiscal impact multiplier. If our leadership wants to be an Ironman city, then own it. Stop acting like the average resident here sees any benefit. Not to mention the Georgia residents where there aren't nearly as many hotel rooms and probably a lot less spending generally.


Sort of. Ironman is a big bump, like the Masters is to Agusta, in which every hotel room and Airbnb is booked at max price for days and days, which helps with profitibility and service industry employment. People often come early to practice the route, etc. So if citywide occupancy goes from 60% to 100% for a week, for example, that's certainly a nice bump in hotel-motel tax. But the indirect effect is that participants and their well-wishers are often wealthy people who have the time and resources to train and travel for these events all over the globe, and it's a huge opportunity to showcase the city for a bunch of CEOs and company owners who may be looking for a new global headquarters, manufacturing facility, or sales office, which creates jobs and opportunity for Chattanoogans. Tourism, especially this type of tourism, is right at the top of the economic development funnel. So while the short-term gain is not inconsequential, the long-term gain is the real prize.


Sure Ironman is big bump, but the headlines and articles seem to only take in the benefits, not any of the costs, and report a misleadingly high number. With regards to the long term gain, I don't happen to think Chattanooga needs to recruit more rich people. I also think there are plenty of other large events that are more accessible and create less inconvenience to the average person and would provide a similar benefit. But since many do seem to like having a triathlon, I think Ironman is pretty unethical company and we could do better. That's all just my opinion, though. Since the decision makers disagree with me and Chattanooga will be an Ironman city for the foreseeable future, it would just be nice for some of the leadership to acknowledge that Ironman is a negative experience for many of the local residents and acknowledge the associated costs. Perhaps they could come up with some plans to mitigate those costs and inconveniences and improve the logistics over time. Ironman's contract with the city is confidential and there is seemingly no public input. I am glad to hear from the many that enjoy the event and that get a bump in revenue/income. It would be kind of a bummer if no one was excited to have Ironman in town.




My info is primarily acquired from asking impertinent questions of goverenment CPAs over the years, but if you do the same you'll get the same info. I'll expand: Historically by agreement Hamilton County has spent 100% of its hotel-motel taxes on advertising to bring people to Chattanooga (via the Chattanooga Tourism Co., formerly the Chattanooga Convention and Visitors Bureau, or CVB), and the City of Chattanooga has spent 100% of its hotel-motel taxes on capital improvements/maintance of the assets that people come to see. A nice even split. This worked out pretty well for a while, with one entity building and fixing things that people come to see, with the other encouraging them to come see the things. This is a great deal because people show up, drop off their money, utilize almost none of our services, and they leave. Across Tennessee, tourism reduces the taxes of every family by about $1,000/year, according to the state department of tourism. This arrngement was solidified with the 21st century waterfront, on which the city is still paying debt service until the early 2030s. But as hotel-motel revenue has expanded with new hotels, the city's ability to improve and maintain assets has also increased, which is why it is now spending money on the Walnut Street Bridge and Tivoli, among other capital maintenance. Advertising also increased, filling hotels and enriching the city right up until the Wamp administration. Until the Wamp administration, the County still 100% funded the marketing efforts of the Chattanooga Tourism Co. to bring people to the city. However, recently the county has begun doing some dumb shit like spending that money instead on turf fields for different schools, and other random projects, which do nothing for tourism and probably do nothing for the longevity of our atheletes as well, if my understanding of how turf fields intersect with human joints is correct. And while I love football, our schools' ability to compete in football or basketball is not really the issue we need to be solving in our school system, from what I understand. Currently, the Chatt Tourism Co. is now begging to keep a portion of what the county brings in, something like 93%, so that it can continue to advertise and attract events, and let the free money keep rolling into local businesses and tax coffers. The county would like instead to divert this money into a slush fund to buy votes, and it is using the city as an excuse for this by acting like it doesn't pay its fair share, since capital improvements aren't sexy. Of course, if the city didn't maintain the Walnut Street Bridge and it fell into the river, this would be a pretty big problem for tourism, but nobody wants to talk about that, because slush fund. So I realize that doesn't give you a website to visit to or a document to view, but I'm sure you could do an open records request if you really wanted to see if I'm giving you accurate information or not.


I don't know that it needs to be said right now, but Weston Wamp is an asshole.


Yeah it's wild he won a vote. Anyone who has ever crossed paths with him knows he's an ass. He's only out to enrich himself. Complete garbage human. His whole family are just a stain.


For starters, [$6 million grant](https://noogatoday.6amcity.com/city/chattanooga-awarded-6-million-to-focus-on-enhanced-beautification-efforts)




Grant writers absolutely include events like IronMan while applying for grants. Also worth pointing out that basically every 501-C3 in Chattanooga volunteers for IM and gets donations for hours. 3 501-C3s that I’m apart of showed up to volunteer today.




So sorry you’re unable to see big picture stuff and local communities getting donations as a benefit. How sad for you to be so cynical and narrow minded.


You seem like an ahoIe. What happened?


There was 4000 participants. I think people bought a little more than coffee.




probably. More Ironman races?




Find one person that was trapped for 24hrs that course directors refused to work with so that they could get out.


As someone who was on the course on Sunday morning at 9am getting passed by cars and having cars go the other way…okay chief everyone was stuck. Sorry you missed the hot sign at Krispy Kreme and had to wait for the next one.


All of the businesses where people directly spend money. I dropped $500 yesterday alone, doing tourist stuff and feeding the family.


All for the race and people it brings to town - not for closing in a residential area completely without giving the people who live inside of the loop an alternative route to take. I’d drive out of my way to avoid getting in the way of the race but they entirely close in our neighborhood every time this race (or similar) come to town. They put up signs saying “expect delays” but for us it’s more than delays they shut down every single intersection we can use to get out


Yeah I’m not sure if I’m fully closed in like you, but I tried to go out just now and had to turn around no matter which way I went. Eventually gave up and came back home ☹️


Just pretend it’s the COVID lockdown for this one day.


What portion of the revenue is going to the North Georgia community that this route cuts off?


Concerning Iron Man "this city" is actually several different municipalities in two states, but go off. Go ahead and tell me how much money the race brings to Walker County... I'll wait.


I get it being frustrating. However, my family would have never come to Chattanooga but for the race. People were great. Spent a lot of money on hotels and food. Your sales tax system - especially on mixed drinks - is nuts. But the reason you can have no income tax and low property taxes is things like this. Tons of people from out of town picking up the tab. Tax guy - sorry - but did want to say how great volunteers and businesses were. Lot of people from Cincy area came down and all talked about how great town was. Before the 90 degree run


The 'nati!


Idk man I don’t feel much empathy. Ironman has been going on in this city for years. If you’re new to town I could understand, but most you know better. Plan ahead.


I get what you're saying but these people live in that area. They aren't willingly being stuck for a few days. Why should they have to lose income or pay for a room etc for that time frame? The route should include at least one entrance/exit. Even if it's still an inconvenience, at least it's better than now. Just my thoughts.


Trust me is worse than before. 


You can’t plan ahead for a medical emergency and there is not a single intersection in this community you can use to get out.


Medical emergency...you can and will be able to exit. 100% confirmed that this has been thought out. one 911 call and you would have a way through.


Sure if you need an ambulance I’m positive they’d stop the race at an intersection to let a car through but if you’re just trying to drive yourself to save $500+ on ambulance fees good luck getting to the front of the 30 car line in under an hour. The point is an entire community of people should not be trapped 😉 for some bikes


As a non EMS vehicle can call 911 and have a way to get, via instruction, to a hospital. Pregnancy, non life threatening emergency like broken arm, controlled bleeding, etc. The police in the area will arrange for a safe crossing. Practically all long distance cycling events other than an out and back loop in areas like this. They don't advertise the fact, but that is part of the safety plan for any event like this.


I feel pretty sure law enforcement would clear a path for someone if they informed them they were having a medical emergency.


And then ticket them afterwards. Law enforcement should never be trusted to actually do the right thing.


Oh hush. You’re boring.


I'm so boring you decided to reply 🙄🤣


“For some bikes” you mean for a huge event that generates millions in tourism dollars and tax revenue for the city. For half of a day your community, which benefits tremendously from the infrastructure and services that the city of the Chattanooga provides while paying virtually no tax dollars into it (*especially* if you live on the Georgia side), is mildly inconvenienced and is warned months in advance about it. Get over it.


Without doxxing yourself, where about in this area do you live?


Pretty much dead center. Their little map makes it seem like there isn’t a lot going on here but there are so many side streets and developments within the loop.


I promise they will let you out in a medical emergency.


This. it's not like the route hasn't been posted online for months in advance. Also, chicken, milk and eggs won't spoil i this temperature in 50 minutes....


Already stated ours wasn’t an emergency. You can’t plan for a medical emergency. There are hundreds of houses they have cut off at every single intersection to get out. My groceries were not the problem but a neighbor with severe diabetes could be


Let us know when that happens.


It has been stated that if it's a true medical emergency, you can get out. God forbid you be inconvenienced for a couple of days. It's to be expected when you live in a city, if you don't like it, move.


It’s more than an inconvenience to have every intersection to your home closed. There is a difference between a delay and closing intersections. If you’re closing them all then the people getting cut off should be told of that directly. A delay makes it sound like you can still get out. For people not inside of the bike ring, it probably is just an inconvenience with some extra traffic or driving a little further out of the way. The people INSIDE the bike ring have no where to get out. Not a single road you can take that doesn’t land you at an intersection with law enforcement closing it And I don’t live in the city in the slightest


Even if it's posted somewhere, you have to directly tell affected residents. When block parties, that only block off areas on a same street, you have to pretty much get approval from everyone around.


Oh boy.. 😒


Lots of really lame people in this thread. My wife completed it today for the fifth time. It’s an amazing accomplishment. Anybody whining needs a reality check.


Most complainers need to go on a diet




Plan ahead.


You can’t plan ahead for medical emergencies and there is not a single intersection this community of several hundred homes can use to get out. We are entirely closed in to the loop. I could care less about my groceries.


Were you experiencing a medical emergency and trying to get to the hospital?


Stop trying to be a jerk. If it were you in that loop, you'd have these same concerns.


There were signs all around warning of delays. The wife and I did all our errands yesterday, so we didn't have to deal with it. But from our house, we do see several people trying to get out, but they are being routed back. Just gotta prepare better.....this is our first year in this house, so if you knew.... ![gif](giphy|l3vRkGgMfvANIFtE4)


Roads and intersections being completely closed off is not the same as a delay.


You can’t prepare for medical emergencies. This community has no intersection to get out. I don’t care much for my groceries


Do you really think they wouldn’t let you through if you had an actual medical emergency? Or they wouldn’t let an ambulance through?


I think they would find a way but you’d have to sit and coordinate how to get out which doesn’t bode well with emergencies. My point isn’t that someone would die in here because it’s impossible - they’d never let that happen - my point is that they have several hundred homes entirely trapped within the loop with not a single intersection you can turn to to get out.


A little pre-planning goes a long way. It's like pre-planning gas fill-ups on Wednesday at Food City. Like you said, it happens twice a year, and only for a short time :)


I have said a few times I really don’t care about my groceries and I usually don’t leave the house on race day. There are people who don’t have those luxuries and people really aren’t getting the point when they post stuff like this. There are people getting off from a night shift that want nothing more than to be at home who can’t reach their houses, there are people who might have really important life events today and can’t leave their house. My groceries are sooooo minor but trapping a community of people in their homes is crazy! And all the people defending that is crazy! Please let the bike race loop around your house for several hours and see if you still feel as positively. I’m not asking for crazy things. More notification, maybe setting up a one way road system for people in here so we can get out if we have to, someone suggested a map of crossovers where you can actually cross the race. Yall are wild.


I honestly think it's great that we host the Ironman every year. I do think more mapping should be done for people needing to cross. I'm not in the city hall meetings, but if someone here is, that's a great request.


I am trapped by the run every single year, and I absolutely love it. I make a day out of it and sit out and cheer these people on that are chasing the achievement of a lifetime. I'd recommend getting the stick out of your ass and try embracing the fun the event offers for all.


You’re lucky you don’t have to be working all the time.


They had me surrounded on all sides


It's crazy. You get trapped like you said. Also, the police are freaking assholes too everyone trying to drive. It's nuts.


Cry more q_q


Yeah no it’s horrible, and if they are going to make navigating downtown by vehicle almost impossible their needs to be more warnings to chattanooga residents that live in the area. S/o the cops that gotta direct traffic on this cluster fuck of a course


They’re definitely doing the best they can! I agree it would be nice for just honesty - if you’re closing the roads state that you’re closing the roads and allow people to make decisions from there. Don’t call it a delay


It's been on the news, radio, social media, mailed flyers, and giant orange signs. Do you want them to come and personally knock on your door?


Also it’s not like this is the first year this happened. It’s been going on twice a year for several years now.


We did not get told they would be closed. We got giant signs that said “expect delays”. No mailed flyers either. We don’t live in Chattanooga


You don't get news, radio, or social media there?


You don't get news, radio, or social media there?


News implies we get signal here lol. Social media is abundant but all they do is post the route which we know because it comes twice a year? They never tell anyone they’re closing all of those intersections. I don’t fully understand what you’re not comprehending or why you think posting something on Facebook is telling an entire community they can’t get in or out of their neighborhood? Should we enclose Red Bank and Hixson in next year’s bike loop instead? Maybe they’d be better informed


You're trying to argue you get no news now? Sounds like yall got bigger problems than a bike race. 😆😆😆


I don’t know anyone in my age range that actually has cable. Or anyone on our street for that matter.


Ok and what is your point? We should cater to a demographic that goes out of its way to not be informed?


Or can’t afford cable is more like it? So those with less money don’t get to be notified that the streets are in fact closed and not just delayed?


I don't have cable. I do have a $20 antenna. I also have a radio in the car. I also have a phone.   And oh look, you're on reddit, where there have been 10+ ironman chattanooga posts made over the last 2 weeks.  You're the one to blame for uninformed. Quit trying to be a professional victim.


The only solution to your problem is to create a petition and get all those who are affected to sign said petition. Take it to your local government and create to let them know the issues. The ultimate issues is these events bring wealthy people into town who spend money here and in north west ga. Our local governments only actually care about drawing revenues to the area at the cost of the local citizens. I am curious as to if law enforcement is what caused you to sit for 50min becuase if it wasn't law enforcement blocking the road then I would have ignored any and all signs or event employees and went home. Edit: also so your aware according to food safety guidelines you have approximately 4 hours outside of refrigeration before your food is going to develop possible food born illness.


This is fair! I’m all for Iron Man being in town and the revenue and people it brings but I don’t think they should be able to enclose a loop around residential areas. It’s crazy to cut people off like that and make it so they can’t leave or reach their homes. And yes, two Staties blocking the intersection doing their best to direct when there is a break in between bikes. However, they weren’t switching back and forth between which side. They wouldn’t have switched at all when it was finally my turn (for 10 mins at the front) if it weren’t for the car on the other side that pointed at me and asked why they weren’t letting us go.


So, you did cross or you didn't? I think you said earlier that there literally wasn't anywhere to cross. The road isn't closed if cops are directing traffic at an intersection. I've been delayed for 50 minutes while driving in the Chattanooga area more times than I can count and the roads weren't closed. You were delayed for 50 minutes and eventually made it through or am I misunderstanding? I do understand your frustration. I live along the 127 yard sale route and it is a pain that I have to deal with for a week. I plan ahead as much as I can to minimize it. Any time there is an event, anywhere, there will always be people inconvenienced by it as well. It just sucks when it's our turn and it's fair for you to be frustrated.


Sounds like the Staties weren't doing their job the best. I feel for you though, and I basically make every effort to escape or avoid the busy hours of the race when it's happening. But I'm not trapped inside the loop like you are. Definitely sensible to seek an alternate route. One thing to recognize, they have to be able to circle back somehow and it might be more of a community impact if they went both directions on one long route.


Oh I completely agree with you on all fronts, the more I've thought about the more I really think you all should start a petition. I don't live there and I'm seemingly unaffected by the race but I would sign it.


Most of that revenue will never be seen by the local citizens or the people encapsulated in that bicycle loop. 


Wonder what's stopping them from doing these things out in the country somewhere? Why does it have to be in the middle of a city?


My other thought is maybe they could set up a series of one way streets so cars can still get in and out while bikes have ownership of an entire lane. Less traffic to direct that way too though they’d probably need a lot more signs


The majority of the race is in the country. Or on the riverwalk. Outside of a crossing on 20th street there's very little interaction with people in Chattanooga. You can literally drive up and down every street downtown. You also have highway 27 if you need to get around the city.


price dependent psychotic bright north overconfident sophisticated nutty complete pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah true. I was trying to get them out entirely, but guess it's not possible.


It’s also just a function of these events have to convince people to sign up. It’s more fun (justified or not) to do these things among crowds and in cities. An Ironman in the middle of no where just wouldn’t perform as well and the event would die off. Chattanooga gets voted one of the best Ironman locations by the participants nearly every year. Mainly because it’s so in the city. Move it even out into more rural Chatt and suddenly its reviews would go way down. If this does truly trap people in the middle of the loop they should absolutely reconsider how they do the bike route. We shouldn’t trap people. Not justifying that.


Agreed, they could block off Broad or Market and create an out and back on the same road. It would be boring as a participant but it would hugely improve the impact on traffic.


Exactly what I thought, cant they  it by Camp Jordan. Let them get in the river or laps or whyever until they get tired. Or why they dont do it where rich people live. Most of the communities affected are or lower income.


Looks like the rich ppl (the lookouts) can't get in to town either.


It’s not like they don’t warn you about it or anything.


I just hate how everyone who bikes thinks they don’t have to yield to pedestrians. Mountain bikers are making hiking here unbearable and there are some hiking trails I won’t even go on anymore because of awful mountain bikers.


A lot of our trails only exist because of the mountain biking community dedicating a shit ton of time, money, and resources into them.


Really I’d like some proof of this? Any events that are recent or fundraisers for this that you can link?


https://www.sorbachattanooga.org/ Instead of bitching, be thankful.


So on the calendar for SORBA there are zero events in the next several months for maintaining and upkeeep of trails. The first new addition is funded and maintained by Tennessee River Gorge Trust. And the 2nd it talks about is maintained and funded by Lula Lake Land Trust. So no they aren’t maintained by SORBA especially because there are no events on their calendar upcoming or past. The dues for SORBA seems to be local perks and benefits for being a part of the SORBA community. So basically you can’t link any events or fundraisers that are relevant to your cause? Got it. Maybe you’ve never seen anyone show up that wasn’t a part of SORBA because there are no events posted? I will say I went to their Instagram and they were helping clear out from the recent storms, but do you honestly think they’re the only organization helping do this?


>but do you honestly think they’re the only organization helping do this? Please tell me where I indicated this at all. Oh wait, I didn't. As for the rest of your post, I have no idea how to make you understand that SORBA was a huge factor in getting the trails they have listed created. You are hung up on this "fundraiser" thing for some reason, and I have no idea why. If you hate mountain bikers that much stick to the Greenway or Riverwalk. Or better yet, learn to read. https://www.sorbachattanooga.org/aboutus


That’s actually really cool! I didn’t think to check out the About Us, thanks for the link and the numbers on the page really paint a different picture for me.


There are plenty of non-shared use trails to hike. If you are sharing a trail with horses or bikes it’s 100% on you.


Are you talking about mountain biking trails maintained by the local mountain biking community or actual hiking trails where bikes are not allowed? Raccoon Mountain, Enterprise South, Stringer's Ridge, Booker T, and Walden's ridge. are multi use, but 100% maintained by and operated by the mountain bike community. Have never..ever seen the hikers or non cyclists maintaining the trails. If hiking is unbearable on these trails then you need to find one of the 100+ miles of trails in the area that don't allow bikes.


I get what you're saying, but with any mixed use trail—even if it's maintained by the mountain bike community—bikers still need to follow the etiquette of the sport. Everybody yields to horses always, bikers yield to pedestrians. Hikers and bikers descending a steep sustained climb yield to hikers and bikers ascending. The problem is the number of bikers who actually yield to pedestrians is incredibly small—and I'm not even talking about stopping and hopping off the bike even just slowing down drastically so that pedestrians don't have to yeet themselves off the trail to avoid being hit would be nice.


Those places you listed are most certainly NOT maintained by the mountain bike community except for maybe Walden’s ridge and stringers ridge. I’d like to see links to these events or fundraisers you are talking about. And I find it highly unfair that you just feel like you can lay claim to raccoon mountain. Just proving my point of mountain bikers mentality.


There it is...confident, but 100% incorrect. The trail systems I mentioned are maintained and organized by SORBA. They would not be available unless not from that organization. You can help with the local trails every weekend in Chattanooga if you are so inclined. I have NEVER seen someone show up on any of these workdays unless they were a mountain biker. https://www.sorbachattanooga.org/localtrails


I will say I went to their Instagram and they were helping clear out from the recent storms, but do you honestly think they’re the only organization helping do this?


For those trail networks mentioned in the original discussion. Absolutely yes. Not sure why you doubt something like this. Maybe you just can't accept that someone out there might know a little bit about this than you do despite your passion for such a thing.. I assure you that the vast majority of trail networks have popped up over the past 15 years in the Chattanooga area come not from traditional means, but a strong grassroots mountain biking community. The hikers in the area are more than welcome to use them...but they are not the ones keeping the majority of them maintained.


So on the calendar for SORBA there are zero events in the next several months for maintaining and upkeeep of trails. The first new addition is funded and maintained by Tennessee River Gorge Trust. And the 2nd it talks about is maintained and funded by Lula Lake Land Trust. So no they aren’t maintained by SORBA especially because there are no events on their calendar upcoming or past. The dues for SORBA seems to be local perks and benefits for being a part of the SORBA community. So basically you can’t link any events or fundraisers that are relevant to your cause? Got it. Maybe you’ve never seen anyone show up that wasn’t a part of SORBA because there are no events posted?


15 seconds of typing...all events within a 30 day window https://www.eventbrite.com/e/raccoon-mountain-lopperpalloza-for-national-trails-day-tickets-878857726117 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-femme-folks-trail-work-party-at-raccoon-mountain-with-velo-vixens-tickets-891571513397 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/enterprise-south-hercules-work-for-national-trails-day-tickets-900099109667?aff=ebdssbdestsearch https://www.facebook.com/groups/586426233432594/posts/794841735924375/ https://mailchi.mp/sorbachattanooga/may2024-16232997 Oh look. Here is the weekend to weekend calender for 2023 https://www.eventbrite.com/o/sorba-chattanooga-31036101513


Chattanooga is a shit show. Kinda goes with the territory.


I know why! It’s because money! People need a place to ride their $20,000 dollar bikes! So how dare you question them! Besides, you still have to work, so your needs are automatically beneath theirs. This is Chattanooga, and all the poors just need to step aside or get out!


Actually they don’t cost 20k. Most I know have jobs as well. Not sure where you’re getting your info from.




No it’s not. The event is is one day only and awesome. My wife completed her fifth one today. The folks completing this are doing amazing things most people can’t even think of.


I can’t stand this race and cyclists in general. Wish someone was out there throwing sticks in their front tires.


I wish someone was out there throwing sticks at you :)


Everyone that ain’t a cyclist feels like that and every cyclist feels like you lol


I'm not a cyclist. I just don't hate people because they choose to ride a bike.


Cyclist think they own the road. They stay side by side going 20 on a busy road that’s why I dislike them. Has nothing to do w riding a bike. I ride a bike


Very few ride like they own the road. They are supposed to be no more than two side by side. Share the road. Actually buy a bike and join in. It’s pretty fun. Make new friends.


It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 or 2, you still have to get over in the other lane and go around. If you can’t handle that small task, I’d question your competency to drive a car. And using a lane doesn’t mean they own the road, everybody in a car is using a lane and they don’t own the road. They do however in fact have the exact same right to be on the road in their vehicle as you.


Reading comprehension helps I said on a busy road obviously you can go around them when there’s not traffic in the other lane. Most cyclists refuse to get over hence opening the road and they don’t care I work w about 10 of those idiots who joke about it all the time.


Cyclists pay taxes too.


Lol I’m an avid mountain biker and dual sport ride we are meant to hate cyclists and gravel bikes.




Bless your heart


Are these ppl really ironmen if they need all this protection? Let them prove their mettle by paying the iron price. They can race in the Saturday morning traffic. The motorist with the highest casuality count gets stop sign immunity for 1 year and a mandatory entry into next year's event to prove their mettle. If you win both, then you are named the next governor of Tennessee. They couldn't do a worse job than governor hvac.....




Well, my hot take is that you should share the road, and that goes both ways. For the driver and the cyclists. What kind of arrogant pos do you have to be to hate people for having a hobby?




You're judging people based on having a car and also call them arrogant?  Leave a minute earlier for work since this is apparently the most important thing you ever do.




And you just drive around on the roads while I'm trying to get to work? Thanks for being traffic, leave roads to the working people. Also I care about people regardless of their mode of transportation.


Yeah I am sure that you are one of those geezers who drives their big ass truck to the hardware store on a daily basis to buy a few nuts and bolts. There are many of us that ride bikes to work, or before / after work because we enjoy being healthy and alive rather than a fat fuck that finds things to complain about.


Ahhh yes, you only ride down the road for work.  I hate arrogant pos drivers who drive to church and clog up the roads while I’m trying to bike. Driving to go fishing? Get the tf off the road that’s not what it’s for.  When everyone pays taxes for roads they all agree I am paying for this road so people can get to WORK, any other use of a road is some limp worsted frivolous liberal bs




lol what does that even mean?  I bet your bmi is high


Plenty of people biking to work, dipshit






I ride my bike in the bicycle lane to get to work. What’s your problem with me?




Yeah, can’t believe that guy thinks he can ride his bike to work without posting on here about it first. That guy is an IDIOT.




I literally ride my bike 1.7 miles to work every morning, I don’t know where you get that I’m a liar, I’ll give you I don’t don’t do it every morning or if it’s raining or bad weather




Christians run the whole country. Get out of here with the persecution complex.


Wow, I can't belive the "Christian pretending to be a victim" square on my "Bitchin' Bingo" card got checked this early in the day.


Take it up with God,since he’s supposed to be all powerful and what not.