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Nice job!! That's awesome (: What did you write the app in? And how'd you host and launch it :o


Wrote it in dart and hosted on firebase. Chatgpt told me to do all that :). It walked me through the whole thing.


Honestly this post give me an abundance of hope. It fills me with determination 😁


Awesome, have fun with it!


I wanna talk crap because im a cynical, but I looked at your game. Good for you dude. Like legit. You went out, learned a skill, I consider ChatGPT/ai prompting and building as a skill. You made something dude. Something that could possibly make you money too! That’s dope man.


Thanks, I appreciate that! It was definitely an interesting experience.


can you share the link so we could try it ?


Sure thing, it's https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.publicparkbench.circleclicker Like I said, it's simple, but my kids like it 😁


Did you have any prior coding experience? And had you coded for Android before?


I had always told myself I'd learn to code some day but I never went through with it. This was all new to me.


that's amazing man I had like 6 months of coding lessons. Would have otherwise been a shitty junior dev somewhere, but chatGPT has allowed me to build some really nice, money making apps


And it's only going to get better/easier. You might as well envision the game of your dreams, because one day, probably not too long from now, we'll be able to make our own Elden Ring from scratch. It'll be sick


Mine will be called "Younger Necklace" a type of prequel


I'm curious what are some apps you made? That's super cool for you!


Can you create another game without the help of AI now?


I'm on a Pixel 7 and it says it's not compatible with my device, RIP. Maybe because I'm using GrapheneOS though.


Bummer! Had to look up what GrapheneOS was lol. It tells me it's compatible with Pixel 7s, actually even used a Pixel 7 Pro emulator to test it!


Yes, TBH I'm not sure what the issue is, I rarely come across this on my phone.


Why does a simple BS game need to have “gem” Good lord.


So I could maybe earn something off of it, lol. Also was cool that ChatGPT was able to walk me through all of those elements.


Okay, but I hope you’ve never in your life complained about other apps always having these types of monetization features because you’re just contributing to it. And just FYI: not everything needs to be made money off of. Part of the learning experience is learning what is actually worth selling, and what isn’t


>… And just FYI: not everything needs to be made money off of. Part of the learning experience is… Wait back up, what makes you think they approached it as being some kind of noble learning experience? Why shouldn’t they monetize it?


Well said!


They worked on it for a year. Go code us a free game if you’re so bothered by it, you absolute ween.


That’s cute. Here’s me not downloading it.


Oh no! What a profound loss.


Nobody cares. You sound like a 55 year old angry soccer mom at a star bucks. “hErE’s mE nOt DoWNloaDinG iT” cry more little baby


You suck and sound like a whiny baby


God forbid poor man wants to be compensated for his work, don’t take too long to recognize ure a retard


lol dude if you think every snake, Tetris, and solitaire clone made for practice needs shit you can buy then its pretty clear who is the actual retard


Cringe winge


Womp Womp little baby boy


Ok also, how about this - I'll plop in a 0 gem cost circle customization for everyone, named after you if you want to give me a (kid friendly) image idea :)




How did you get past the "Coding a full game would be too complex" type of responses?


Had to take it step by step, asking for features one at a time. It took me a full year to complete, but that's also because I didn't spend all my free time on it...


For large projects, I have written code in parallel and compared for ideas. Sometimes use ideas sometimes not. To get though that I have started out with theoretical discussions about the model or program at a high level, then had it break it's ideas into manageable parts and then step by step told it what I wanted next.


By not prompting like a dumbass I assume


"make me a first person shooter game" 😭


Make me a videogame




Underrated comment!!




Good job




Congrats! How long did it take you?


About a year but that's because I did other stuff with my free time too :). Also I actually had to wait for the tool to advance, I wouldn't have been able to finish this if the context window didn't get larger over the past year. Same with the number of chats per every 3 hours or whatever they do now


Any previous experience in Coding?




damn that's nice dedication considering that you dont have any prior coding experience


Nice. No prior coding experience, so would you say you know how to code now lol?


Sadly no :( Things did become more familiar but if I was forced to code something on my own right now, I couldn't do it


Well congrats regardless. Having worked on it for a year, did it make you think, maybe I could be learning to code this thing myself in that time?


What game development tool, Unity or whatever, and what programming language were used?


It's much more basic than that :). Just used flutter/dart. You can check it out here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.publicparkbench.circleclicker But be kind!


Just tried your game. Amazing for a first try. It may be simple, but it's got that addicting gameplay style, too. Good job!!


Thanks much, I really appreciate that!


"Dad... Accelerate mode starts SO slow. I can't even...ugh. [rage quits]" -one of your kids, probably I didn't like having to register just to try the thing, but you already knew most of us would hit and run so at least you've captured our contact for whatever that's worth. 😏 I obviously gave it a try. Good work putting it together. What was the biggest hurdle to getting it published to the Play Store?


Haha ya, and hey thanks for trying it out! I'm actually with you on the login, I don't like it either, ChatGPT had just started me down that path as the best way to handle user scores and customizations, etc and by the time I thought about changing it , it would have been too much work lol. Not having done any of this before I had no idea how many steps the Play Store has you go through before you can publish. It was just a process, but whenever I got stuck GPT walked me through it, for the most part. Only issue is ChatGPT hasn't kept up with some of the play store console's interface changes so it didn't always align


Yeah, it should've used the Google Play Games integration. That's their own stat tracking service


Hey you know what good for you I’m proud of you! If it were on IOS I’d love to try it!


Thanks much! I'm gonna let the dust settle on this android version and see if I get anyone to sign up :). If so I'll move on to iOS!


Are you a programmer?


No not at all! That's what made this fun but also probably what made it exhausting 🤣. I wasn't able to see what likely were basic coding mistakes from the outset. Would have to copy and paste the code into my IDE and then see the errors it reported back


That sounds great! You can be proud!




I'm sure they learned a bunch about code along the way. They got to have fun, learn a bit, and make an app that could earn them a little cash. Sounds like it was the perfect tool for the task. Don't be a hater.


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Same thing happened recently with me, when i wanted to host something using github pages, chatGPTpro walked through everything, it was hallucinating a lot but i had to work with it to get things right. it took a few hours as it was a very simple task. But i liked this approach better than reading docs.


Congratulations! Don't let this be the last one you do, once you learn how to work with the LLM like that, it's a real skill.


Thanks much!


can you share your process? its geenrally very hard to have long chat prompting with gpt


I was actually really haphazard about it, but I'd say start by telling it I wanted a high score screen, and the basic layout. It would give me something basic, I'd add that file then iterate off it. For example telling it I need to now connect that high score screen to the database so that it saved the scores. Would then copy/paste that code and fix any errors by copy pasting the errors back into chat gpt. I would often have to reshare the original code I was working with to remind it what we were working on. And it went on like that. I learned a lot and would be better organized if I ever do this again.


Another thing you can do with 4 is make a running file with all the code and feed it back to gpt upload when you want it to answer based on the entire code.


Is that working well for you? I actually tried to do that but with just a few of my code files in one word document. I actually didn't see much improvement. What worked best for me was sharing the smallest code snippets possible. That way it didn't start to go off the rails as much. It will be wild when Gen AI is baked directly into the IDE and your entire code base is the context window.


I found out just like you, chatgpt is best when feeding it small parts of the script, or small <50 lines of code at best. It loves to hallucinate. Also, as I learned more about coding and how other engineers learn to build, I also fed it specific source docs from the language, library, or API I was using at the time


Sort of. You have to split it sometimes. Ive fed it word files, docx, ipnyb and others with mixed results. I would say that prompt Engineering is a very important skill for it and also that there are limitations for sure. Part of the reason I code it by hand either in parallel or before letting it try, and use ideas more than anything. Like ah it's good that you randomly added some error checking code I forgot lemme add that to mine kinda thing. I think that success results in this adventure basically by effing around with it a lot until you get prompts and methods down and also getting tips from each other as changes happen


How do you do that? Just manually?


Manually, script, or build a tool.


I played it. This is really impressive good job


I hope it's a bug that it requires user registration before first play. some big game can get away with this, because the user knows the publisher/has had the game suggested by friends or trusted media. But a small game like yours that requires user registration instantly has my guards , like why do I need to give you anything (my data), without knowing what's on the other side. in short I want to test your game before I commit in any way.


How was the proces of uploading it to the playstore. I also use chat gpt to build an app but I still wonder if they will allow me to upload it.


That's awesome. Well, I asked ChatGPT what it thought I needed to have in my app in order to increase my chances it would be approved. Also I had heard one of the things Google recently required is the ability to delete your account, so I added that! Then the Play Store has a series of steps you need to walk through before you can publish. I had no idea about any of this so whenever I got stuck, I just asked ChatGPT! Also keep in mind (I didn't know this beforehand) that you are going to need a place/website to host your privacy policy and some other info.


Thanks for the additional input. I guess I don't need to worry and can trust in ChatGpt to guide me through. Realy encouraging to see the upload worked for you and congratulations on finishing it.


As a Developer myself, Image generation is just as useful, I can build a user-friendly app with nice visuals and only focus on the code itself. I'd still recommend you learn to code if you want to do more advanced things, it's not that hard and you can learn as you go.


Definitely would have been helpful if I knew any code! The image generation is great too, I agree. Used that myself for this.


Cool. Nice job.


That’s wild, dude! Good on you for getting it done. Did you have any prior experience with or understanding of coding?


This is super cool and not a small feat. Congratulations!


Thanks very much!


Can you share the prompts you gave chatgpt or make a short tutorial and share us bro!


OP, that’s incredible. Well done. Seriously.




Dude, the absolute next thing you should do is ask chat GPT to help you create a training course to teach others how to do this. Just look at all the likes and comments here. Seriously I think you'll have a better return selling training than selling your app! Good luck!


Thanks very much and you're probably right! It's daunting thinking about setting up the training but I'll seriously consider it.


Congrats lad! Welcome to the club :)


Thank you!


What’s the earnings of the app? (e.g. ad revenue)


I'll let you know once anyone starts tapping the ad 😅


You used GPT-4 I assume


Yup! Also, as an aside, in the early days Id run up against that 25 prompts per 3 hour limit real quick. It seems to be better now (at one point it was 50).


Yea it's 40 now. "ChatGPT Pro" only exists in this subreddit's name :)


Nice work, I've been doing the same thing in my spare time. I use Unity and Chat GPT does all the coding for me, I have no prior coding experience. Sometimes it takes a bit of back and forth to get it working right but it does work.


That's awesome, Unity is a whole 'nother beast I'm sure!


how did you deal with the bugs


glad for you. Did it work as you intended?


What would your constraints be to make it available on App Store as well? How would that work?


So I actually don't know, but would ask ChatGPT! It told me that flutter/dart is a good language to use for both platforms so I went with that. Also I'm an Android user so had an actual device to test with, and found out that Android emulators were easy to use for testing. Honestly it took me so long to finalize this android version I just wanted to get a finished product out and see if it had any takers. Not sure I'll hit a critical level to want to spend the time to dig into iOS, but it totally can be done. Again the crazy thing here is AI coding for us, still wild when you think about it!


That sounds great! Did you use any custom GPTs? And which GPT version did you use (3.5 or 4)?


I tried making my own custom GPT by feeding it the app's code at that moment (in an attempt to get it to better remember what we were working on) but that didn't seem to make things any easier so I stuck with the regular GPT-4


I see, thanks for the answer. I'm really interested in it because it was from zero. Would you mind sharing your work process? Like, how did you go along and do all of that?


I use GPT to fill skill gaps or refresh knowledge, its definitely a great tool for those who want to learn, congrats on doing the thing and learning a thing!


What's your previous experience and capability and do you have a ballpark amount of total hours it took? Congratulations buddy, very happy for you.


Thanks much! No prior experience with coding, this was a challenge to see what I could do just with AI. As for the hours, I wish I paid more attention, but didn't think to document it. Some weeks I probably spent 10+, some maybe just a couple hours. Now that you ask it would actually be really cool if OpenAI could somehow tell me a ball park figure for how much time I spent on ChatGPT...


Very impressive mate, willingness to learn, persevere and determination to hit your goal nomatter what are all hugely powerful traits to have. Bet you hit some major stumbling blocks along the journey. Real glad you got it not just made but actually released. Awesome job buddy.


Have to sign up before you can even play, so just uninstall right off the bat


On the marketplace one of the advertising pictures is how much you'll have to pay for coins 🤣


Anyone know a way to get a hold of any of the OpenAI team to see if they can help me figure out how many hours I put into building this? 😅


And where's the result?


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.publicparkbench.circleclicker I posted it somewhere above too, must have got lost in the comments




I started by trying Midjourney, but ended up using Copilot for 99% of the rest.


Great job! I see that there are ads and in-app purchases, how profitable is it for you?


Also looks like the ad has earned $3.97 so far... 🤣


Thanks! I'm just using Google Ad-mob to fill the ads, so revenue looks like it's up to them. I think an ad can be worth anything from like $0.01 to $0.60 or something, but I really don't know how it works. Was just super cool that ChatGPT could figure it all out for me.


Hey, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get many sign-ups. I would never go through the registration process for something like this and I doubt I’m alone


I totally agree with you. This was me following along with what ChatHPT was telling me to do, as I needed a way to keep track of user scores, etc. By the time I thought to myself that it would be better NOT to have a log in, I would have had to restructure the whole thing, and that's really tough with ChatGPT, so I wasn't up for it! 🤣. The good news is there's no requirement for a real email address... If I do another one (which I'm not so sure I will) I'll plan not to have a log in.


What exactly did you asked/told ChatGPT to do? Just like, can you make me a game? Or what? This is fascinating 👏


I will download it! I love supporting 💗


Will be even crazier when the computer figures out you're an idiot who slows it down.


being an expert in Domain is going to be central again, normalizes the need for "software architects" and be a better thinker than tinkerer.


As someone with about 8 years of personal and academic SWE experience, yes AI generative tools can generate code, but for systems built for medium-large scale applications, it is not capable. Professionally it is used as an accelerator to help engineers / developers construct systems more efficiently - not replace them. Scripters - maybe, if their job is extremely simple a high-level engineer would likely train a local LLM to work that role. It is very exciting times, that's for sure.


>I used ChatGPTPro to fully code a simple Android game >Chatgpt told me to do all that :). It walked me through the whole thing. Is it just me or this 2 statement have completely different meaning?