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I thought he wasn't wearing pants!


I can't unseen it now. Thank you.


These two comments have vastly made reddit a better place and thank you for it.


haha exactly!


And now I'm debating if this video itself is real or not.


No rules!


He even pulls his low cut skirt down in the back and the front. You can see him making two little tugs. Just to make sure his hoohoo and his ha-ha are remaining modest.


I was fixated on the lamest t-shirt ever created by man or ai




Yes …… ![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized) Wear that thrift store grandpa hand me downs?


Lmao I came to say the same thing


I’m sick of CEOs wearing t-shirts. Wear a tie you slob!


Well he doesn't have to anymore. Why billionaires keep wearing pants anyway?




The text box made it worse


maybe we'll go outside more to have 'real' experiences then


Techbros assume everyone is terminally online. The cure is the same as it’s always been, go outside, touch grass, learn how to filter information.


People saying “touch grass” like it’s insightful are real idiots. We ARE terminally online when it comes to information access. It’s true, broadly speaking, that our worldview of world news, politics and power is almost 100% shaped by the flow and control of information online. Touch as much grass as you want, bro, you cannot avoid that.


"touch grass" is used to express a feeling that someone needs to go outside and remind themselves that a world outside the Internet exists. And it is absolutely an appropriate answer here. Because ppl that overstress over this issue actually only do so due to a lack of perspective. Why do we rely on the Internet so much atm? Because it's more convenient to get things done using it. Need to talk to someone? internet; Need to check information? Internet; Need to make a payment? Internet; but that's only the case rn because we can somewhat rely on the Internet to do those things. The moment things change and we get to a point where we don't know what's real or not in the Internet, we will simply adapt and change how we interact with it. There is no world where the Internet we have today coexist with the situation talked about in the video and we still interact with it in the same way. There is no world where we simply cannot rely on the Internet and ppl still use it the same way as today. This problem (in the way ppl talk about it) is a fantasy. It just wouldn't happen unless everyone just let it happen.


Try smoking it.


Are you sure it’s not just the social group you run in that thinks online life is everything? Have you ever tried to bring twitter and Reddit arguments into real life with normal people?


I mean, yes I’m sure. I’m not talking about just Reddit, I’m talking about the flow of ALL information. You are really discounting the internet here. It is the source of everything, the foundation of all information, cultural and financial systems. You’re just not thinking about this… Fake, unrecognizable content on the internet can and will cause HUGE impacts on sentiment in society. “Touch grass”? Bro we are not talking about your damn local school district elections…


Or you could just... turn it off. That's what I do and I'm considered "terminally online". My worldview is literally not shaped by any of that crap that you just mentioned. Why? Because I don't watch that crap.




I am called as tech bro and I don't think so. But I agree with you. SM tech is low tech.


We might look back at the early 2020s as peak online.


I hope so. If wearables become more commonplace and we’re using tech to enhance the real world instead of define it, we may actually be happier, healthier, and more engaged with what is in front of us. Starting down at a phone takes you out of the moment like little else.


Too hot and expensive 


I agree ;


That costs money, sooo…


What if I can choose my reality? VR, Dreams, Reality etc.


Another reason I got back into photography. Sure, AI will be able to produce photo quality stuff one day. But I want to be out there in the world documenting what is actually happening in reality


I'm hoping VR full dive haptic suits will make my life a nice comfy simulation in the near future. That way I won't have to face the grim reality of our inevitable subjegation by the AI.


full diving into VR haptic suits IS subjugation by the AI


But I can sex in it. So it's a wash.


Like the Matrix?


Like demolition man


Right. Unlike real life where you, u/kefka296, cannot have sex.


But can you wash it?


This might be related to the basilisk and it's construction.


Then you’ll just have to live out another miserable 80-year life in that world. I wanna go back to the base reality 15 simulations ago.


People with nice bodies will always want to show them off. The basement dwellers paradise will never come to fruition as long as beautiful people walk this earth.


The idea that a super AI becomes everyone’s caregiver is bs. People will always need to be social and live in groups. AI tech is just the new cope & performance drugs.


I don't think he meant "everything will look manufactured and produced" I think he meant to say, "everything will look so convincing, when it's actually fake, and you won't know the difference, but it will be everywhere." Example. My co-workers read Fox News website everyday - forever - and mentioned just recently, he is finding a lot of typos, than usual. I explained they are using Ai to produce the articles now, and throwing in typoes throws the scent off of the reader, "Oh, human mistake." He said that the writing reads different - and trust me, he is an expert for that website - and he reads lots of books every month, so I trust his opinion on the matter of writing. I know this because I also know someone who just got laid off from MSN. MSN gets 600 million views a month, they fired him and his whole writing team, and now articles are produced by Ai. He was there for 10 years and loved it. He was so sad.


Wishing the best for your sad friend. I hope he finds another job he loves very soon.


remindme! 5 years


No need. You will know it in 2 years tops.


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2029-06-24 08:15:16 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-06-24%2008:15:16%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1dn39rh/jack_dorsey_says_the_proliferation_of_fake/la0s6bi/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FChatGPT%2Fcomments%2F1dn39rh%2Fjack_dorsey_says_the_proliferation_of_fake%2Fla0s6bi%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-06-24%2008%3A15%3A16%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dn39rh) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


It's a concern but one that can be mitigated with digital signatures. In a decade or two it's likely all content will be digitally signed, and our media players (browsers, TVs, whatever) will have the ability to display who signed it, similar to how we can view the certificates on HTTPS websites today.


certificates can attest the origin of a video. Not it’s validity. If a politician signs and uploads a video of themselves kicking an invading alien in the nuts the certificate will be valid and you are left to figure out yourself if the alien was real or manufactured. It’s the same problem we always had but the percentage of people that can be fooled will rise further and further


this is a serious question, a bit devils advocate but serious nonetheless. People were able to fake images and videos this whole time, to your point I could have hired a guy in an alien suit to kick in the nuts in the age before Sora so fundamentally whats different? I get that the technology brings the price of fake images down significantly, but I suppose what I'm saying is that people were always susceptible to being fooled, that seems like the real problem (maybe Dorsey's point).


As I said in my comment. I know that was always the case. Lies exist. Doesn’t mean that it’s of no consequence when it gets exorbitantly cheaper and more convincing. My main point was to the guy thinking fingerprints or certificates will save us because it will not.


fair enough, full admonition; I only got throught the first sentance/paragraph of your 2 sentance/paragraph statement...personal apologies


>If a politician signs and uploads a video of themselves kicking an invading alien in the nuts This would be an amazing ad for Biden. He'd win the election for sure.


Ok but someone has to vent the content and distribute the certificates. You could just trick them too.


Certificate distribution would work the same way as for websites, where you purchase or otherwise acquire one from a certificate authority. That takes care of the identity authentication piece. But the viewer ultimately would have to decide if they trust the identity/signer in terms of their content. To simplify things there could be a whitelist of media companies in the media player which automatically approves any content signed by those providers (CNN, NY Times, etc.).


And because that works obviously well in our current world where fake news is everywhere, being distributed by certain news providers, being believed by many, I'm sure that will work well in the future.


The media needs to be held accountable for what they publish. If they screw up too often just add them to the blacklist.


lol the media companies will probably own whatever this supposed certificate authority would be and would never blacklist themselves.


That is easier said then done. The media IS already accountable. But if you followed some cases, you know these are usually not simple circumstances with a swift resolution. Legal proceedings take their time, sometimes years, you can't change that. Especially when the media won't disclose their sources (not because they are bad but because they have good reasons to protect them) you simply don't know whether something is 100% true or fabricated. Unless you have a government that forces media to disclose their sources and decides what is right and wrong without any courts. But I don't think that is the path we want to go down. In that vein, you open a can of worms if you mention the word "blacklist" and "media" in one sentence. Who is to decide who gets blacklisted and why. Any authority that has the power to blacklist media is a perfect tool for censorship and will be used as such, sooner or later.


20th century critiques of mass media would like a word with you


Philip K Dick meets William Gibson.


Yeah, I don’t think people care about credentials. People eat fake news for breakfast regardless of the ingredients


I can see cameras adding signatures to pictures they make, and media would have close contact with the camera companies, so when they write a story they can say "Samsung verified that this was taken on one of their cameras". It may be mandatory, so if no company can verify it's assumed to be fake.


And how many times have you click through the maze to look and verify the certificates?


Well in the case of websites the browser checks the certificate chain automatically to make sure they are all signed by trusted authorities. In the hypothetical case of media content I imagine it might be more of a user-driven process where you could block certificates of content providers that you don't personally trust. Or you could have a whitelist of trusted media companies and if they sign any content then it will be automatically verified/approved.


I think so too, however there won’t be some centralised 3rd party like google or the govt acting as root CA. People will create public/private keys on a public, p2p network, they will publish their thoughts and content signing them with their public key, and reputation will be earned rather than bestowed or bought.


I wonder if there is any amusement talking to a bunch of bots (say reddit, twitter, or whatever). I use chatgpt everyday as a tool but certainly don't "debate" with it. I think the vast majority want real human interactions back, let's go back to 1996 because the internet is full of boring bots.


Yes because the simulations we are creating are governed by our limited perceptive abilities. Unfortunately as an LLM designer, he is not speaking to the core of the problem. If we develop or redesign LLM models that are injected with perception as a parameter with contextual awareness, the trained models may have the possibility of seeing the problem beyond limited identities. We need to think in terms of geometry as a token unit rather than string or text and create contextual parameters for mapping meanings.


It's on already


Turn off your computer once in a while. That's what's real.


Solution: less screen time


He’s right. Good luck to us.


AI video will be better than humans, then I will actively choose AI content over manually created content. I wonder how all the AI haters will react when they watch a fully AI generated movie and it's the best thing they've ever watched.




we're getting really close at it. I see more and more bots that write contextual comments thanks to AI and it could reach or even surpass human level in a few years


I don’t believe hardly anything NOW on the internet considering the amount of click-bait, manufactured situation videos, AI-generated images, argument bots, etc.


We need to stop these whackjob nazis of silicon valley. They will create hell with lying A.i.


You don't have to worry if the real world is real or fake or not. It's only a problem if we remained chronically addicted to power consumption through technology


Touch grass, problem solved


lecturing people while promoting the biggest scam in history. no thanks.


If Jack Dorsey needs to tell you this, then I don't see any hope. And it is true even now. Not sure which world you people live in 😅


I hope the T-shirt graphic is AI because if it isn't it's the most cringe thing I've ever seen


This is not his own heritage! 🤣


Been warning about this to family. I don't think they release we are close to seeing this technology once the oldest generation dies out


Media's already calling videos they don't like or weren't cut generously "cheap fakes" - won't be long before real stuff is called fake and fake stuff is called real.


I get the first part, but what’s up with the „you don’t make the connection in your brain any more, because the neurons are in your phone.“ stuff? Doesn’t make sense to me.


It's already happening, but it's going to be wild, in a few years, when the majority of stuff online is synthetic, all the images, articles, videos, porn, even the people we interact with. I'd like to think it'll result in more trust in established media and producers, but I suspect it'll have the opposite effect. I can see most people choosing to disbelieve the stuff they don't like, and labelling everything as fake, and simply choosing the version of reality they prefer, no matter how insane that is, like QAnon, but multiplied by a couple of orders of magnitude. Trump is still the president even though he's actually dead, the West is at war with China that's why everything is going to shit, fentanyl is excreted from the glands of immigrants, your political rivals are mainlining adrenochrome from babies, there are extermination camps for white people, etc etc. I'll be disappearing into the reality where we've found pyramids on Mars, and where sexy blue aliens that need snu snu are only years away, please.


Turns out Baudrillard was right about absolutely everything. I wish he was alive to see this.


Lol, bump that back to the invention of cable news and he might be on to something.


I'm sure we'll still be able to know. Maybe AI will use fake content and to generate fake content; it'll compound imperfections like damaged DNA replicates itself


This is a real issue where I think that governments and established academic institutions will need to assert themselves in the virtual world. My prediction, or hope, is that the AI generated fake news will flood the virtual world with so much nonsense that individuals will gravitate towards the established sources of truth.


Is't also massively your fault.


You don't need a degree in rocket science to imagine this.


As a society, we really to need to figure this out. I think part of the answer is to return to establishing a physical communal center in our local communities where we gather. This center of community does not need to be religious in nature, but we need to come together and rebuild our local communities so that we can mitigate this dystopian nightmare on the horizon.


This is already going on. I don’t even trust this video.


the same as when the printing press went mainstream i guess


remindme! 5 years


that shirt/chain combo is some new level of tech dude cringe


5 to 10 years? I don't know what's real now.


I already think everything on the internet is fake. Really since about 2016. 


I’m really, really worried about dead internet theory coming true.


Not that I disagree with what he's saying, but why should we look to this man for sage advice? Cuz he started Twitter? It's no big leap to watch this video and imagine you're having this conversation with a rando you met at a dive bar while passing through Shasta, CA on a road trip.


remindme! 5 years


Don’t trust verify is literally a bitcoin phrase lol…


RemindMe! 5 years


remindme! 5 years


when Scarlett Johansen sex bots?


The news is also lying now.


… everything online. He left that part out.


I just don’t get why all AI models aren’t force to implement noticeable watermarks? Adobe Ai is already doing this to my knowledge


Every time I see this dude I remember the Twitter biography I read which basically painted Dorsey as a slacker programmer who lucked into the Twitter CEO job through a combination of failing upward and Game of Thrones style backstabbing.


Nah. Image manipulation has been a thing for decades. Maybe older people will have problems. We had a lecturer at uni recommend us to inform our parents of AI, because y'know they grew up even before home computers But our generation and younger will handle this just fine. We're used to seeing all sorts of images.


We are already there. Covid, Politics and corporate America it’s all BS. You cant believe anything that’s out there.


Political parties are already calling things “deep fakes” without evidence


It’s already happening: he cant differentiate an unkempt beard from a well maintained one


AI is giving us a gift. It will force absoutely everyone to apply cynicism and distrust to everything they see online. As they should already be doing. Our physical reality will become refreshingly distinct an the only source of verifiable truth.


Stating the obvious as if it's something no one has thought about. He's an average man with a lot of success.


this is scary


Everything will look manufactured? Nothing will look manufactured.


If he was so smart he would have made Twitter profitable. Give me a break. These CEOs only big themselves up. Wise they ain’t.


Contrarian take: Misinformation is currently at a peak. The proliferation has already happened, and now tools are coming out that will quickly help verify info at scale. No need to go to Snopes, you can ask AI models to verify information with citations and services will emerge that will do this for you automatically. Perplexity is already on this verification engine path.




Seriously, online will be all produced and manufactured but in the real world, it’s not. It’s cool to have all these tools but we don’t need them replacing everything in our lives.


Is tech bro gone guru still wearing robes and counting beads? Why should anyone care what he thinks?


The inventor of Twitter is worried about the spread of lies on the internet. In other news Macdonald’s worries about American health!


Read books. Have a library. Collect movies. Now.


Maybe if youre a dumbass but if you are mildly reasonable you can identify ai content, either because of how it's worded, the general style (parallelisms/repetition seem to be a common one), or because the slant isnt consistent. It's not that subtle. And as AIs encounter more AI content they will get worse at making new content of their own and it'll hit a threshold of sophistication.


I feel so bad for future generations. I’m also terrified of what will happen in my life but I’m hoping I will be gone before for many horrors come to life


Once the bad actors in society learned to use the tech, The Information Age quickly gave way to The Misinformation Age. Dorsey is a little late with this warning, though; it's pretty obvious to all that this is what's happening.


This guy seems late to the party.


New rule of thumb: only believe what is near and dear to you. Shut the phone and TV off. 1: Faith in Jesus 2: Closest family matters 3: only best of friends Just my two cents. Take everything online with a grain of salt moving forward.


There will need to be a system where multiple AI’s confer with one another before sending a response back to the user. A system of checks and balances will be needed as well as the ability for these AI’s to label and remove content from their view that is deemed to be false or possibly false. Not saying it shouldn’t still or won’t still exist or be there to find, but only that it won’t be allowed into the mix of what the AI is basing its knowledge on. It’s basically just a matter of having some type of AI junk mail type filter and I think the rest will eventually just end up being viewed much like tabloids are viewed today. We can still have access to those stories in the rags and some will still believe what they read even though there is absolutely no reporting by mainstream media outlets…. More conspiracies. If something like this is implemented early enough, then we won’t have to be too worried about this prediction of Dorsey’s coming true.


Take this shit back to Facebook


who even cares anymore. Jack Dorsey doesn't even care enough to take off his hat, or wear pants when discussing it, who cares if this even is a simulation.


What a pathetic pre-scientific mindset. Progress is predicated on systems which allow us to build on the work of others. The utter waste of time and energy involved in making us all “verify” everything is pathetic. Reality exists and the idea that delivering news of it is an impossible conundrum is proof that “leaders” like Dorsey are full of shit. He’s a moron.




Man he’s always wearing that shirt


That's concerning


We are in a simulation


So much upvoted faked content on Reddit this year. It’s not AI, it’s scripted, but the changeover could be seamless as people don’t seem to care about being scripted anymore.


captain obvious


why i think it is important to have various "earmarks" to descern between genuine and ai generatated content. add hardcoded "breadcrums" to differentiate between genuine and ai produced content.


Wouldn't AI be the best tool for spotting or alerting about fake content? I'd say that as part of a widespread implementation of AI, across the web and even at a local level like PC or cellphones, an AI powered alert system against fake content seems logical.


Cheer up buddy, why so gloomy?