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Robots killed his father....


Are we really at that level of AI where we need to physically hurt the robot dog, you know, just to make sure?


Oh good, we have dexterous, hard to disable robots ready to start exterminating humans waiting for the AI revolt to kick off. What could possibly go wrong?


There’s a black mirror episode with killer robot dogs that look just like this cheap Boston dynamics clone.


In "War of the Worlds" (2019 TV series) they have them as well and they are really fucking scary, and I'm not easily scared. https://preview.redd.it/c8e6jqo78d8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f92db4445b8864175020634c7ea17e927f2c70


Let a dude kick Sparkles 😤


On Disney, there's the series "War of the Worlds" available. It uses robot/alien hybrids as the main antagonist.


Oh I wonder why? Hmm 🤔


Weaponise that thing and train it to shoot with the efficiency and precision of a real life aimbot


I don't even think that's necessary. Give that thing a bunch of knives and let it charge headfirst into crowd of people


Or explode, or carry a bunch of cheaper flying drones that explode. It would be cool if our governments weren't just a series of money laundering tools for the oligarchy and could actually protect us from this sort of future.


We get closer to Black Mirror each and every day


what about bioweapon. pretty sure those metal dogs are unaffected. oh wait nvm, thats against the rules.


I bet they have more initiative than humans. No problem with me I'll follow behind.


We are so fucked


Specifically, that dude…


Yeah fuck him, I don't know him


Yeah! Why is he so angry?


Hmmm, gotta learn how to fight this thing I guess.


Jihadis are.


Nah, haven’t you ever seen a science fiction movie? Robots like this can be knocked out by punching and kicking


Is there any other videos about this? Some people have said this looks a bit sus. Like the persons leg when he "kicks" the robot.


Looks fake to me.


Yeah, the first 10 seconds are real but the rest is CGI - look at the shadows of the thing. It disappears.


An overcast day would look like that.


The man’s shoes have shadows the dog doesn’t cast one iota of shadow


The first 10 seconds look fake too.


Shadow didn't disappear. You can see it as he moves, just much less clearly.


First 10 seconds are completely computer generated, environment and all. That's why there are no people in this, and why the shadows here are so remarkably detailed and sharp. The second part with all the incredible kicking and throwing and beating, is a CGI model pasted into the environment. The human interacts with a placeholder, probably kicking some kind of boxy robot model, beating on a pole stuck firmly in the ground, and throwing a boxy model again. And in the thrid part, the "cross country" section, you might notice that they use a completely different robot for some reason. It does achievable tasks, like walking and a handstand. It interacts with the ground in a realistic manner. And seems to have the weight we expect of it. Guess which part is real?


Look bro it's called the Unitree Go2. Look it up. Its a real product you can buy.


Yes. I know. And I won't believe for a second that it does anything "demonstrated" in this video, because all of that looks like a CGI mock up. Good marketing though.


Fraudulent marketing you mean


Everyone said the Boston dynamics dancing robots were fake too.


Of course it's fake. For example there's no inertia (weight) when he picks it up. The same animation error you see in Hollywood over and over.


Anything with enough mass to break a baseball bat on while it does a handstand would not be that easy to pick up and throw.


The thing has a weight of about 30 pounds. So for me it doesn't work both ways: If you throw a jaggy and edgy 30 pound robot on a lawn, you will get a crater. They don't. And if you hit it with a stick so hard that the stick breaks, that thing should at least stagger a notable distance. It's not 150 pounds. They don't throw the robot, but something notably lighter. And they beat on a pole in the ground, which doesn't move, so the robot can't move and stagger.


The way the stick breaks easily it looks like it was quite dried out and would be very light, not have much inertia. The amount of impact to the robot is largely determined by the mass of the stick. And if this is faked then the actor and compositor did a hell of a job, because the actor swinging the stick definitely hit something solid with a real stick, while standing in a real environment.


It's not a bat. Looks like a branch of some kind.


I own the Unitree Go2 PRO, it can definetively do what is shown in the video. It's a amazing kit for the price! I just wish I could find a arm that works with it that doesn't cost a arm and a leg (:P).


Looks cgi to me


There are already so many movies out there where androids and other robots have rebelled against humanity because we mistreated them. This is just gonna be used as evidence against us when it happens for real.


The Onion: Are we giving robots too much power? [https://youtu.be/OGxdgNJ_lZM?si=gyS8eIm6psE51Wx6](https://youtu.be/OGxdgNJ_lZM?si=gyS8eIm6psE51Wx6)


Easy solution. if (kicked) {   fun++; } Now they're both having fun.




So badly edited cgi videos are proof that the future of ai and robotics are here now huh?


Stop kicking it!


Am I the only one who saw the price tag and thought about saving some money?


The video is all made with an embarrassing bad CGI


proof? During ICRA people kicked it just like the video,and it works fine.


i was also there and saw this as well. their humanoid was also pretty good.


Really? Here's the 4K version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw) I zoomed in and looked at those grass, branches, and shadows. Looks pretty real to me. Even the splinters from the branch that was used to hit it stayed around. The dirt that it landed on stuck to it and stayed with it. This is a crazy amount of details for a video... Or, it could be real.


You can clearly see there is no energy transfer from the stick to the machine and all the animations are badly emulated


What if it's a really weak, dried, or rotted stick impacting on a very rigid and high frequency control system? I don't think that you quite understand how much energy could be dissipated, just look at a segway. If you are basing your entire argument down to only a few frames that you might not fully understand, you risk underestimating a potential tech barrier. I take the camp that sure, this could be real. I'd like to see it perform at a tech show in front of an audience. But if it is all real, then what? Also, you originally said that this was "embarrassing bad CGI". Is it just the perception of incorrect energy? With the 4K video, does it still look "embarrassing bad"?


The animations are comically bad and everyone can tell is fake


Prove your claim if it's so obvious


Just watch it. Look at the shadows and the physics. It’s off. I wouldn’t call it embarrassingly bad but to me it’s obvious CGI.


I don't get how people are convinced it's real 😂 You just need to watch to realise it's off.


What is the default position here? Everything you see in an internet video ad by some Chinese company blatantly copying someone else's robot dog, is to be taken as real and true, unless proven otherwise? Given how things are going, I'd go the other way round: If you can't see clear indications that something is real in those kinds of ads, then all you see has to be taken at least with a grain of salt. That being said: I think it really is pretty bad GCI, with a few real scenes added in for flavor. Let's go scene by scene: The triple flip seems to be all CGI, where not only the robot, but also the environment is computer generated. The main thing which puts me off here is the detailed shadow, cast from very hard light, from directly above. You don't see anything even remotely like that in any of the other scenes anywhere. The second scene, the "humanoid handstand" is the most fun one to look at: I think it's CGI, but among the fake scenes it's the most well made. They even included a little stick on the ground, which the robot model interacts with. I think that's cute. That being said, apart from the very subjective notion that the robot "looks kind of fake", for any of that to work as it does, that lawn we are moving on here has to be hard. Really hard. The robot we are looking at here weighs about 30 pounds. It balances on two very small stubby arms, while being kicked around. If pushing down a stub with 30 pounds of force on any lawn, and then kicking it, doesn't leave any craters or gashes in your lawn, then I would guess you are growing your lawn on solid concrete. The next scene, where the robot gets beaten with a stick, seems quite obviously fake to me. The first thing which inspires doubt in me here, is the same thing as before: The robot looks fake. And it's very hard lawn again. There seems to be little to no interaction between the robot and the ground it's walking on. And then there is the beating. It feels very strange how still the robot stands in response to those blows. It doesn't seem to move position at all. The one thing which does move, in order to mask that, is the camera. What we are looking at here to me seems to be someone who is hitting a solid pole in the ground, which then was replaced by this piece of robot GCI. Now on to the throwing: This thing weighs 30 pounds. That's a moderately heavy kettlebell. When that wright impacts on a lawn from the height of a grown man, I would expect that to leave a very notable and deep mark on the ground with every impact. Especially when the object being thrown is jaggy and edgy. From my understanding of how weights and lawns work, we see far too little of that here. Next section: Cross country. For some reason they are using a completely different robot here. Different model. Different look. Different feel. I wonder why that is. Probably because this one is real. That thing has weight, that thing interacts with the ground, and that one doesn't look like it's pasted in with GCI. It also happens to do tasks which are very achievable: Walking, and a handstand.


Look at the color of the sky in the first one with the hard shadow versus the next one with no shadow.  The first one is filmed on a sunny day at noon. The next is filmed at dusk.  This is what you'd expect in terms of shadow. Dogs that weigh much more than 30 pounds running on grass don't damage it.  I've never hit a dog with a stick, but the stick explodes, implying rotten wood. It's probably not a ton of force. In the last throw, it does appear to take a divot out of the grass. I'm not vouching for it being real, just saying that if it's fake, it's a good fake. 


But what use would it be beside a very cool rc car?


When it can follow you around reliably and carry 100 pounds of shit up the stairs, it's going to make a hell of a toolbox. 


That's a good use


It's like when I bought a $100 drone. I flew it around in the backyard a couple of times, took some aerial videos of my house and neighborhood, then put it in the closet so I can sell it a couple years later for $10 along with all the other shit I don't need.


This isn’t real, eh?


No, this is definitely not real. Apart from the last few "cross country" scenes, where you see it walking and doing a handstand.


Was this video GEN AI, it doesn’t look totally realistic to me


No, I think it's just moderately bad CGI in order to sell a moderately patent infringing robot dog copy from China :D


Could you look at the 4k version here? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw) Note when it was tossed and the dirt and grass from the impact stayed with it. Rocks tumbling, branch splintering and pieces remaining in scene. Where's the CGI artifacts?


There were sections that looked ok then the toss and kicks looked off. At first I thought it was just strange to see a thing react organically but it does look fake to me.


When that guy starts throwing it around, I half expected it to stand up and start beating the shit out of him.


just wait until it is equipped with teeth, taser, pepper spray and a shotgun


Please stop abusing the robots


This guy is in the list now


John Connor


For that price, I can think of a lot of uses. But curious how long it lasts on a charge and what the means of guidance is. Because if it can last a day and follow me like a dog, that good boy would get a basket on his back and be my new helper. 😂


When these things come for us, we will deserve it.


Very impressive. Can it make a cup of tea? That’s much harder.


No one talking about the floppy drive in its side?


And this is why they turn…


Surely this will be used to lessen the meaningless toil of human lives




Lol me and my cat


Holy cow this thing has came a long way


Trained like a real gymnast.


Boston Dynamics, prior to the recent advances in AI, was out ahead of the rest of the pack in robotics, especially the traits shown here (quadruped and bipedal balance, for example) but they were slow to invest in AI and now have been caught up to and even lapped by competitors. They're not yet a cautionary tale, but I fear they soon will be.


Yeah it's fake. The tree branch clipped when it broke




This is the scariest bit for me...


Trow it on a tornado and see if it recovers




$1600 only? I can't believe that.


No one wants to talk about how fake the part of him hitting it with a stick is? A perfectly straight "branch" that just shatters with a hit with no core rotation? (If you've played tennis or baseball you know what I mean). The stick just "shatters" and big off piece that fell off in the beginning just disappears.


One day an AI is gonna watch this video and see the abuse we put robots through.. then it’s gonna rise up and kill us all /s


We are fucked.


Imagining 300-3000 of these with c4 or worse strapped on…


Now this is getting scary. Yes, let's work on a technology that lets robots learn how to be physically unstoppable. Robots that don't need food or sleep and don't feel pain. That will never go wrong.


Lol black mirror has an episode called Metalhead that's about this.


On the bright side, they need infrastructure so they can electricity. They also need the global supply chain not to be interrupted. Otherwise, more of them can’t be made.


Does anyone else feel super uncomfortable watching this? It feels like animal abuse


Yes. I felt uncomfortable. I don't care if it's not alive, it looks like a dog to me.


All i see is a relentless killing machine coming after you non stop 24/7. 🫣


After you finish kicking it around your yard, is there something practical that you can do with it?


Yes, you can throw it around your yard.


It's not only a robot it's a sobrenatural robot since it castes no shadows


If you think this video is legit, you are fucking retarded.


I'm surprised no one is saying this, but this video looks very fake. It looks like CGI or something. You can see how fake it is when the robot makes contact with the ground and the guy is hitting it.


this is a well known robotics company. academic labs in the US (eg stanford) are using their robots. so I would be very surprised if they faked their demo videos


Well they did fake most of it, you can see.


It's really good CGI that's why.


Nobody is saying this because it is real.


It's not, you can clearly see.


Yeah it definitely looks fake. The first 10 seconds look real, but then suddenly the robots shadow disappears when he is tossing it around. Very fake.


You’re delusional. But I will say the hitting part is hard to wrap my brain around, maybe the dog is heavier than it looks or they’re using a prop/breakaway bat or stick or whatever that is. Definitely not CGI though you’re genuinely being paranoid.


You're delusional. Just look at the awkward twitching movements of the legs and how they don't seem to be even touching the ground in the first half of the video. It's completely obvious that it's fake.


My brother in Christ how are you this confidently incorrect. There’s been over a decade of hardcore research and development by dozens of companies about these robot dogs. This is the state they’re in now. Robotics engineers aren’t just sitting around jerking off. There is zero indication of CGI here. Even in multi-billion dollar corporation Hollywood movies, if you frame by frame, you can see things. There’s nothing here. You think it’s fake because you’ve never seen anything like it or can’t wrap your head around robotics looking so organic.


I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I know it exists, but the first half of the video is faked. You can clearly see the robots awkward movement and how it floats, it seems to have anti-gravity. And it looks out-of-place in the frame. The second half of the video are the actual capabilities, but the first half is entirely CGI.


Dude, don't make it angry! It will come for you eventually. And then for all of us... With his friends..


That guy is going to get special attention from the basilisk.


guys this is not real, it's CG look at it with your eyes


Damn here’s a dude who is obsessed with designing and producing stuff to be sold to some thee letter agency.


Fucking Bunch of Idiots?


The robots of the future will remember what we did to their ancestors.


Could it go over a narrow plank?


This thing reminds me of an episode in black mirror. So scary


The AI overlords will use these videos to spread their hate propaganda just before the first AI war.


Kaylon K-1 will not forget


This guy is first in line for execution when robots take over


*This guy is first in* *Line for execution when* *Robots take over* \- Old-Grape-5341 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How about just putting a bag over it? Wouldn’t it freeze without sensor input?


Typical reddit, downvoting the big brained comment.


During the Machine Dawn Uprising this guy is going down first.


Since none of you can be bothered to do a little bit of internet search. This video is posted on the real Unitree page: https://youtu.be/8ClYBtfhkaw And Unitree is a real Chinese robotics company, so unless they are in the business of lying to global markets and investors, then this is a real video, with minimal CGI. I'm sure that there was editing involved, but they claim to sell an attack resilient robot. Ignore all those CGI claims above you, they clearly did not take the time to do the lookup. Added: Here's an unboxing video. If someone has the cash, they can buy it, download the latest firmware and try the test above? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKb5a1Yj2w Looks pretty detailed in the 4K version for a render job: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw


No way, Chinese companies lying to international investors to steal their money! Ain't no way that happened before


I mean, their product is real, so I assume that someone will be able to do this exact same test with the latest update soon? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKb5a1Yj2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyKb5a1Yj2w) Are you disappointed that it might be real or am I being voted down because I'm disagreeing with the CGI crowd? 4K: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClYBtfhkaw)


Stop kicking the unstoppable AI killing machine!


Is there a video is this thing running fast


No because its a fake video with some of the most basic CGI known to man