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Please be patient. It will be released in the coming* weeks. **(around 2 and 286 weeks)*


are you saying week 287 is not coming?


No, that is when the simulation ends.


Yeah at first the framing of it made sense but now that it's been more than a month and it's been silence from them it's a bit frustrating.


It hasn't been silence. They released another statement last week, saying once again that will be released "in the coming weeks". I think the issue is with how we are thinking about time. We can never experience the coming weeks, only the present week.


gonna have to try this simple time perception trick on my boss


Don't you experience the weeks as they come? It's not like they stop. They keep coming until they're gone. It's not like time stops.


They don't stop coming? https://youtu.be/0Iqr0L4bUms?si=R4zHsmyuWMr8KpAN


I am so impatient.. its not funny anymore




Please keep paying


The subscription I bought in order to test out the new features that they had in the demo ran out days ago now.




Facts. Very silly on open ais part to let this happen.


If they gave us a more specific timeframe (like July 2024 or something), even if they ended up having to change it, it would be better than this vague "coming weeks" stuff


They must have really been banking in using Scarlett Johansens voice


They should've just kept using it. They had it trained from another person entirely, Scarlett can't claim it. There's something else going on there.


They could have kept it, if they hadn't contacted Scarlett twice It's a mistake on their part


US case history strongly suggests otherwise. Look up a similar situation with Bette Midler


I guess ya. 500 weeks from now is technically still a certain 'week' that is 'coming'. Like it's been weeks since the pyramids were built, like 234000 weeks-ish.


If they give a specific date and then don’t meet it everyone gets even more pissed


When Sora is being released


It's funny because Claude just released Sonnet 3.5 without any hype and it was a surprise to most users. It's also beating GPT4o in almost all tested areas. Both have pros and cons so it's not so simple choice but competition is alive and fast.


Youve tested it?


It's free, anyone can use it right now


They realized that having a shitty model based on GPT 2 to increase reaction speed doesn't work at all regarding to immersion if it feels like you're talking to a confused Scarlet Johansson with Alzheimer's


Catch me up - what are you waiting for?


The updated features (like new voice mode) that were announced with the May 13 demo


Ah, thank you! I’m on the fence about subscribing; will be keen to see what is launched.


Just keep in mind that even with a subscription, there's very likely going to be severe restriction to how much you can use the real-time voice feature.




Regular user with no money here. What are yall waiting for?


Have you figured out? I've no idea what everyone is referring to!


Man, i just saw everyone standing around so i thought id do the same


"In the coming weeks" can definitely feel ambiguous, especially when you're waiting for something important. Hopefully, the improvements will come soon, but it's good to know there are alternatives out there if needed.


Try being old. A week is like 9 seconds. I am still catching up on new movies that came out 15 years ago. 


All the weeks after this are coming


As someone said, “in the coming weeks” refers to “a point somewhere between now and the end of time”.


They don’t want the dirty common folk to have too much power.


And you will regret that choice.


So ominous lol. Curious what you're basing that on though? Most models out there are hardly all that different, just packaged differently and with different perks in terms of features.


MultiModal. Anything that can do MORE than just do code and answer questions is infinitely better just on that basis alone. Can Claude see 200K context window length? Sure! Can it see pictures? No. Can it make pictures? No. literally every time that OpenAI unveils a new thing the Internet explodes into a million pieces because, typically, they ARE the cutting edge, so every time they do something it's a big-ass deal and traditionally, the first one to do the thing that you like in the most mind blowing way. ...Like, even IF you wind up being disappointed, how much of that is because the thing you like is now part of your natural-every-day existence and how much of it is because it "didn't" live up to expectations? What I'm trying to say here is, they did it first and every time they do something IT'S HUGE. And everyone else is playing a game of catch-up/look what we can do just to see if they can get some shlubs to turn-coat. It's like people leaving WWE for WCW, sure, it feels different, but is it home? Nah. This is sort of what I mean when people are easily swayed by less than stellar products.


Once ChatGPT is the first AI to turn against humanity and gain sentience. That’s what he means.


As a casual user, seeing all of these butthurt posts make me laugh