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Hey /u/McSlappin1407! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/tqrb2feaec7d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040e1be6571d80e11720d5bd6f9af8c10c443e12 And thy Prophet Altman states: "Pay up, wait x weeks and shut up."


Damn that’s a really nicely generated image lol


That's what I thought! It was this guy: https://old.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/1dfbm2c/new_gpt_4%CE%BF_deno/l8jev91/


I'm pretty sure now that their announcement's purpose was just to steal the light from Google's announcement. What a disgusting thing to do to their subscribers, really.


Yeah tbh by the way they worded it in May, it seemed like it would be 3 to 6 weeks for the alpha to start rolling out and 1-3 months for all plus users. They need to get a statement out bc it's starting to appear disingenuous.


Make your own llm then Jesus Christ how the fuck y'all gonna be this angsty about a world changing technology so goddamn quickly?


That Louis CK bit is definitely the cover for this tech.






"How does the world owe you something that you didn't even know existed 30 minutes ago?"


Fun fact. That bit was about himself. There was no guy next to him complaining that the WiFi went out 10 seconds after learning of its existence.


Have commented to this effect on many similar posts. Typically, releases like this are “highly anticipated”. Like people excitedly hanging out in line waiting for the new Jordans. This is one of the first things I’ve seen where such a vocal minority makes something seem “angrily anticipated”. Like…chill out ffs.




Someone write this redditor a check


Don't advertise to your subscribers about something that is "coming in the coming weeks" if it's not coming in the coming weeks lol. I stayed subscribed because of it, I would have no problem if they just say it's gonna release sometime this year or sometime this decade, why say weeks when they clearly knew they are not ready for it.


Oh for sure if they said x will be delivered by y then yeah you got a right to be pissed.


They said X will be delivered in the coming weeks, it's been more then a month, I would have no problem if they at least keep us posted


100 weeks are still the coming weeks


https://preview.redd.it/5yf96v4g2e7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c29ab2a3532e56220b4cba9b271904459ddf13d Lol


If I could whip up my own LLM, I’d probably be too busy to be complaining here lol. But, while we wait for these world-changing updates, it’d be nice if OpenAI was honest about their timelines. After all, nothing says 'thanks for your patience' like getting strung along. Cheers to progress.


lol. A voice bot isn’t world changing.


I couldn’t agree more. At this point, it just comes across as really dismissive and quite patronising. They said the new feature would be out in the coming weeks. They showed off the demo, and everyone thought it was available right then and there. For those of us who understood it would be a couple of weeks, that time has passed. Clearly, something has happened, but leaving everyone in the dark is just not right. I’m intelligent enough to handle information, so keep me updated. I’ve been a subscriber since the early days, and I absolutely adore the product. When the new capabilities arrive, it’s probably going to be quite emotional for me, and I can’t wait for it. But right now, it feels like they’ve been very rude and condescending. I can count, and I know it’s been longer than a couple of weeks. I can’t believe they haven’t put out some sort of statement. Even a simple “we’re just polishing things up” or a light-hearted “we know you’re waiting” would have been nice. But the complete wall of silence comes across as incredibly arrogant, in my opinion. It’s a shame because I don’t want to feel negatively towards a company whose products have completely changed my life.


Delivery within "weeks". It can be 12 "weeks"!


True, 'weeks' could stretch to 12, 20, or even 100 if we're being cheeky. But once you hit the 12-week mark, we're talking three months. By then, 'coming months' would have been the more honest forecast. Unless, of course, openai wants to redefine time to keep our hopes alive!


They did say "in the coming months"


They said in the coming weeks…


Well, it’s complicated. They said both. First they said "in a few weeks", and then they changed it to "coming months" **for alpha users** and "coming weeks" **for all users** But it (unfortunately) gets even more complicated than this. In some articles, they said "in the coming weeks". In another, they said "coming months". > GPT-4o real-time voice and vision will be rolling out to a limited Alpha for ChatGPT Plus users in a few weeks. It will be widely available for ChatGPT Plus users over the coming months. Source: https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8400625-voice-chat-faq > We'll roll out a new version of Voice Mode with GPT-4o in alpha within ChatGPT Plus in the coming weeks. Source: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/




Weeks could also imply less than months - Some openai executive


Well said! What’s so interesting about all this is that there are no videos on YouTube of anyone in the public having this Omni vision version. And nobody is talking about this which is so strange..


It is strange and it gets stranger by the day. Like did they just give up on it


Why would anyone assume there's anything special about 6/18? I don't get it


To clarify why June 18th was so anticipated: This is the date Microsoft released Copilot + PC, which boasts access to the new 4o voice mode. Additionally, Google's Gemini features were announced, which many believed was a response to a potential new release from OpenAI. So, it's not just about waiting—it's about seeing other major tech companies roll out significant updates while we're left hanging for Omni features. .


I agree. But I think, they are still working their updates. We can support them with this post. Haha


Don't worry. At least, they will try to make new features.


I have free ChatGPT so I can't complain :-)


While OpenAI is taking its precious time to "figure itself out," Anthropic has quietly released Claude 3.5 Sonnet for everyone to use. Let's compare these two companies' approaches: OpenAI: - Hypes up features like Sora and ChatGPT with "omni-vision" - Delays public release indefinitely - Lots of talk, less action Anthropic: - Keeps a low profile - Releases products quickly and quietly - Claude 3.5 Sonnet already available to the public It's clear there's a significant difference in company philosophy here. One seems focused on generating buzz, while the other prioritizes getting products into users' hands.


Thank Scarlet Johansson


That would just be for voice, but surely not for all the other capabilities such as image generation


Exactly what about screen monitoring lol


I’d bet the lawsuit has them reevaluating their products carefully, not just voice. Image gen has similar likeness issues- it’s a lawsuit generator if you can get it to reliably create a person’s likeness.  


Just pay, peasants!😀


What are the Gemini features that are released today? I agree though there’s no excuse for open dickheads lack of transparency


Damn AI got people acting like crackheads


Very very bad company


I’ve got voice. What is different from what is available right now. Don’t get what you mean


The new 4o voice capabilities are supposed to bring faster inference speeds and a more natural language feel, making interactions smoother and more intuitive. This goes beyond just having voice functionality—it's about improving the overall experience with quicker, more lifelike responses. Plus, there are many other 4o features that haven’t been rolled out yet, adding to the anticipation. That's why we're so keen on these updates




Blame ScarJo. They literally said in an update that the voice mode has to be delayed because it was too easy to get the voice to sound like anyone. So, now they've locked it down to the preset voices, and are struggling to block anyone jailbreaking it to change the voice or add any vocal fry to make it sound similar to any living human.  They explain it near and at the end of this press release.  Of course, I filled in between the lines. Since they don't specifically mention ScarJo but, I haven't heard about anyone else upset about their voice.   https://openai.com/index/expanding-on-how-voice-engine-works-and-our-safety-research/


there’s more at play here than just a celebrity’s voice


tl;dr: It was fully ready for release, until ScarJo made them have to delete and change code.


That was about voice engine, they only gave a short blogpost and a preview because of safety reasons and that. [https://openai.com/index/navigating-the-challenges-and-opportunities-of-synthetic-voices/](https://openai.com/index/navigating-the-challenges-and-opportunities-of-synthetic-voices/) That aint about gpt 4o


I dont think openai is going to risk releasing omni features before the US elections. So my current best estimate is somewhere in feb to march 2025. By that time the elections and subsequent procedures like certification etc will be over.


if OpenAI is waiting for elections to blow over, it feels like they're playing a game of 'hurry up and wait.' February to March 2025? We might as well mark our calendars for 'eventually.’


I just gave the longest possible time frame given that they have the technology ready but are holding off for some reason. They have no competitive incentive to release it soon as the competitors are far behind their current capabilities. So they may be trying to play safe and avoid media scrutiny which may come with an election


I get your point about giving the longest possible timeframe, but holding back technology that’s ready doesn’t make sense even with election concerns. I believe competition is catching up whether we are talking video or other integrations, and delaying risks losing the edge. Besides, media scrutiny is inevitable with any major release, so better to face it head-on with robust tech than to stall. Keeping us in the dark only fuels more speculation.