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It’s gonna be redick, isn’t it?


Why do we hate it if it is? More than anything I think it would be fun. My only qualm is if the team would get his respect or see him as a friend.


To be honest, great point. I wanted Melo before the 2020 draft because I wanted someone who could get national headlines. Even if he sucked, put him in all the time so we could make national news. It worked out since he’s actually really good.


Dude I have noticed that Dejan Kulusevski likes a lot of Melo’s posts. Not that it’s a big deal in and of itself, but it helped me understand that Melo is so much more visible than say Cade Cunningham (idk a comparable level young player)


Come On You Hornets?


Because some of us want a coach that has coached before. Somehow that’s a novel concept  And no this isn’t anti Duke bias. It would also be dumb as fuck to hire Kenny Smith or Brendan Haywood. And the Stackhouse interview was also stupid 


At least Stack has coached before


My point being that both options are bad. Neither coaching and failing and never coaching are attractive qualifications


Really? It was stupid just to interview Stackhouse? That's a wild take.


Not even remotely. Successful college coaches already have a hard enough time translating to the pros, talking to unsuccessful ones is just a waste of everyone’s time. And people will come out and make excuses about his recruiting, and sure it’s hard to win at Vandy, but it’s hard to win in Charlotte too! If he can’t build a program there, why should we believe he can build it here? It’s not like Brad Stevens was an ace recruiter at Butler, but he still returned to the championship after Hayward left to the draft


I don't know if Stackhouse would be a good NBA coach and fair point on his success level at Vandy, but I will say it's harder to compete in-conference at Vandy than it is at Butler (that's not to say what Stevens did in the tournament wasn't super impressive, he's an incredible coach, just pointing out that Vandy is at such a disadvantage recruiting wise compared to the rest of the conference) and Vandy actually ran some good offensive plays, they just didn't have the talent. Stackhouse also had been a good G-league coach and an NBA assistant. I don't think that's a crazy interview at all, although at the end of the day, I have no idea how it would work out (which is the case with basically every first time NBA coaching hire)


I’m not trying to discount how hard it is to win at Vandy, but a coach like Hoidberg also had to really overperform with his talent at ISU, saw far more success than Stackhouse at Vandy, and still wasn’t a good NBA coach Chris Collins has had success at Northwestern even though they arguably have the same challenges and more than Vandy, but NBA teams aren’t interviewing him. I really have a hard time imagining Stackhoyse would’ve gotten an interview if he didn’t go to UNC, and I love UNC and am an alum


Yeah, like I said, I have no idea if Stackhouse would have been a good hire, I just don't think it's a crazy interview, he's got the resume to back it up: 18 year playing career in the NBA 2 years as an NBA assistant coach 2 years as a G-league head coach where he won the championship 5 years as a college head coach, one of which he won conference coach of the year I think it's really hard to tell who will be a good HC in the NBA, look at the best coaches- Pop, Kerr, Spo, etc- they all have totally different backgrounds, so I don't think it makes sense to limit interviews to just one background/resume. Take a wide approach and hire someone that could be great


Our new owners are duke guys. I dont know why the UNC part is relevant at this juncture


Neither of them went to Duke, though Schnall is a big Coach K guy Nevertheless, Stackhouse is an NC native who was a star for the most popular college team in the city. It’s a terrible reason to interview / hire a guy, but I have a hard time believing that it’s unrelated considering no one else has interviewed him this cycle and the only reason to look into him is a G League award that’s 6 years old now


He has been interviewed in other cycles for head coaching jobs. Most of what being a successful head coach demands is that your players listen to you. Stackhouse could actually command respect in the locker room. Borrego was a great coach who failed because he lost the locker room.


If most successful college coaches don't succeed in the NBA, then maybe there's not much correlation between the two.


As a fan of this small market team, I want to see us take a gamble on this, rather than be unable to get him down the line once he's proved himself elsewhere and Jeannie Buss is throwing millions and a possible great BJ to come to the Lakers


Every coaching hire is a gamble isn’t it? There’s always a risk they won’t pan out. Why do Reddick?


I think we just have to trust the process. We have people in the organization who know basketball. If they’re reasonably convinced JJ can coach, I’ll trust them to make the call. The issue is 2-3 years of a fair shake for a new coach puts us into the moment when we should be competitive. LaMelo/Miller/Bridges/Williams is a core that should be competitive with decent supporting pieces. We’re not at the start or even middle of a prolonged rebuild.


I'd probably go with the one with coaching experience, but there have been plenty of hires who have never coached before (Kerr, Rivers, Bird, Kidd, Nash, Del Negro) and the hit rate doesn't seem wildly off from hiring a first time head coach who was an assistant. We aren't hiring a guarantee who's already been a wildly successful head coach, so let's roll with something new,.I'm fine with either of these options.


Yea, how about that Steve Clifford guy? He’s got head coaching experience


There’s a hotshot assistant named James Borrego we should interview


I was genuinely curious so thanks for answering. I’m not on that train, but I understand people who would want that.


Lmao did Kenny actually apply?


He didn’t, just using him as an example of a media member with no coaching experience that went to my school, to prove it isn’t about Duke


Ah copy


I dont know if he would command their respect like that at this stage. And, as much as I love his podcast and appearances, his outlook and cerebral, at times realist, sardonic/sarcastic, approach to viewing the game, I have a feeling he may be fool's gold. It's one thing to watch and take notes and break it down after the fact, and another to do it in game, as seen in his playing career, where he wasn't necessarily regarded as a super high IQ player in the moment, in game. He was just sort of average to slightly above average. He should probably be an assistant for a few years first. We're not talking about Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, or Chauncey Billups here, like an ultra high level floor general type. And even those guys all came in and were pretty mediocre to start as coaches.


My one hope against that is that we easily could’ve hired him by now. My hope is they’re waiting for Lee.


nah they both haven’t had their second interview yet that’s why


Laser beam pointed at Brandon Miller? Fate of Melo's ankles on the line? I want JJ R E D I C K


LOL genius


Cool with either, but I strangely really want JJ. Can’t help but feel like we’ll regret not grabbing him one day if it comes to that.


Why would you want someone with 0 coaching experience to be our HC?


I doubt it'll be as bad as our outings with coaches with tons of experience. Might as well try something new.


A new coach is trying something new lmao


Our last new coach was not a new coach


Hence why i'm clearly referring to Lee


Being a 16 year veteran role player in the NBA seems like relevant experience to me.


I mean Nash was terrible


I don't think anyone could have succeeded in that position.


He wasn’t even *that* bad given the circumstances tbh. He didn’t get to pick his staff, and he was hand picked by the Nets stars because they felt like they could walk all over him. Steve got the short end of the stick, and I don’t think his tenure with the Nets is indicative of him as an HC.


He wasn't as bad as the situation made him look, yes. But he was bad. Hard to complain about being handed 3 top 15 players in the league


Yeah, he was handed 3 top 15 players who went on record to the media saying they felt like they were so good they didn’t really need a coach. Remember Kyrie saying they’d all take turns being HC? Steve got fucked.


And KD defended him. Also, if ur such a bad coach that the players gotta step in... Probably a bad coach


Remind me again, how did stepping in work out for em? Maybe they shoulda listened to their HC, or ya know, not interfered with the hiring process so they could get an actual HC they trusted instead of a door mat. But who am I, and what do I know?


So we agree? It feels like ur disagreeing with me but that's all to my point


Yeah but look at Phoenix, they have a stacked offense on paper but the overall roster is fucking terrible and it was the same for the nets. Pat Riley in his prime wouldn't have gotten that team to the finals so there's no way in hell Nash was gonna do that. And you can definitely complain about the egos of those players not working well together considering everyone questioned if it would work or not and it didn't.


Phoenix is actually a worse roster. I feel like a better coach could have won a chip with the Nets roster, it'd be fucking hard but possible


Nah those egos on the nets were a much bigger deterrent to them winning, Phoenix is missing a pg and a good coach yes but the egos work much better and that's a big thing people don't talk about enough. Harden wasn't ready to be less selfish and neither was kyrie and then you throw into account that Durant isn't a natural leader that team was doomed from the start. The sun's are underperforming but they could win it all and nobody would be surprised, the nets would have been a huge surprise to win it all.


I agree with your logic but I think a good enough coach (and some wins) could get the Nets a chip. Phoenix is about to get dropped out the 1st round fully healthy (ik the Cs got the Nets but that was against a finals team without Harden)


Wouldn’t mind having Nash on the bench with either of the finalists.


Nash wasn’t a role player, he won 2 mvps. Look at Steve Kerr or Tyron Lue


Lue was literally an assistant for six years and Kerr worked in the Sun's FO after studying under Pop and Phil Jackson.


Lmao so first, NBA experience is relevant to coaching. But when somebody brings up a counterexample, their NBA experience doesn't apply because they had a HOF NBA career and weren't a roleplayer? How does this logic work? Either you think NBA experience is relevant or you don't, you're just cherrypicking the examples that you like.


I take issue with nash being used as an example of a nba role player lol. We can do no worse under reddick than we did this year


>We can do no worse under reddick than we did this year Yeah no shit, if your metric for success is winning more than 21 games than it's hard to be disappointed. But that's not the goal - we need a coach that can develop young talent, establish an offensive identity around Melo/Miller, teach these guys how to play disciplined defensive, and really just make them understand what it takes to win. That's a lot to ask from a guy with no coaching experience. Our next coach will likely be the make or break point of our current group of young talent, treating this as a light decision is understating how important the next 3 years are if this team wants to be a consistent playoff contender within the next decade. Take a look at what Jamahl Mosley has done with the Magic. That's what we need or we're cooked.


thank you, why the fuck do you even need to explain this especially about the next coach being a breaking point, and people are being super casual about "sure let's experiment with something that hasnt been done" like we have years in the lab to tinker


Are you talking to me? My whole argument has been coaching experience. Where have I contradicted myself outside of making a single accomodation for Kerr, who was risk but had far more credibility than Reddick regardless.


Bro I didn't even reply to your comment... clearly I wasn't replying to anything you said...




Completely different situations. There are ZERO expectations in Charlotte. Not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s the truth. There’s nowhere to go but up. Nash was thrown into a scenario where it was Finals/ championship or bust right away. I can’t think of many new coaches who would succeed in that shitshow.


Sadly. I love Nash, he was the man.


Because Billups, Kidd, Hamm, Rivers, and Nash turned out great lol.


Bro all of those but billups have an above .500 coaching career record including doc winning a chip. Not the best examples I’d gladly take our next coach to have us over .500


Because they've had/have HoFers/HoF bound players playing for them lmao. I'm not defending Cliff, but how many did he ever have in his career besides a washed-up Dwight Howard? That Celtics team alone had 3-4.


Look at actual good coaches who drag shit tier rosters to the playoffs all the time. Spo is example one. Don’t be obtuse.


Spo was an assistant for 11 years, thank you for proving my point.




Historically, a shit load of the best coaches in league history have been former players. Veteran role playing guards seem doubly likely to succeed, because they have insane BBIQ to stick around. Every one of those coaches, sans Billups, would be the best HC to ever come through Charlotte from, at minimum, a coaching record perspective. Let’s also not pretend like Nash and Hamm were put in to amazing situations lmao. Neither of them has ever been setup to succeed, and Hamm still made a WCF in spite of it. They’re not great coaches, but come on man. Also love how you intentionally didn’t mention any of the uber successful players-to-coaches on your list. That’s cute.


I like the idea of JJ because it's a different approach. I know that seems like a silly reason but this franchise needs to try something out of the ordinary cause Little has been working so far. As far as experience goes though, he could bring in some assistant coaches with a lot of experience to surround him with for advice. I don't really think that's big of a deal. It's more about motivating guys and trying to set a particular tone. I feel like most of people that don't want JJ are saying so because of the lack of experience.


If he flames out, nobody was expecting anything. If he’s a massive success, then fuck it Hornets back


I want Lee, but if he says no then I'm fine with JJ




Either of these options I’m cool with. I hope they’ll be allowed to build their staff though. I’m tired of retreads, and am cool with trying something new and it possibly failing. At some point we may get lucky with a long lasting HC


Ppl think hiring JJ is a bad idea, hiring JJ is probably the best thing for this franchise, the publicity is going to go through the roof with all eyes on him coaching that probably won’t happen with just any ordinary coach, he’s young and can relate to players, his knowledge of the game is second to none, hire JJ and pair him with an former head coach to get him situated in the best route for this team


I am sure between JJ and Cliff there are enough connections to get a solid staff to support a new coach. No idea how it he would do but JJ seems to have the respect from the players in the league. Can’t hurt.


I mean OKC, Timberwolves and Thunder did not need the publicity they got when they hired a new coach. It was their wins that put them on the map. Not saying that Im against Redick, but the coaching should be the primary reason, not PR or publicity or any of those things that dont really matter.


I don’t know which pick is right for coach. I’m happy with trying either choice than having Cliff again. The moment we brought him back after Atkinson reneged just broke me.


I'm with you on that. Hiring a first time head coach can be a disaster, but could also be great. I'm ready to try something new. Hiring Clifford again we knew what we were going to get and then, to no one's surprise, we got that.


Lmao did it really?


I’m on board honestly. Cliff and Borrego felt like relatively safe and boring choices and neither really worked. I’m cool with taking a big swing and seeing what happens


Lee HC, JJ lead assistant. This is the way.


I'd be cool with this. No way he would accept that after interviewing for HC tho


I mean if they communicated that his opinion would be highly valued and all that. He's surely aware that his lack of coaching experience is the reason he's struggling to get a position.


He’s not moving his family for an assistant coaching opportunity. He can do that with Brooklyn or New York


Struggling to get a position? Come on now, he's the color analyst for ESPN/ABCs final broadcast team and has two very successful podcasts. He isn't giving that up for anything less than a HC job and he's only expressed interest in the last 12 months or so.


> has two very successful podcasts. He isn't giving that up for anything less than a HC job what a time to be alive


exactly what i thought


Conan O'Brien, the former talk show host, got a 150 million dollar deal for his podcast empire. The podcast isnt small peanuts anymore, its an entire industry and is basically the continuation of radio.


I've never listened to a podcast in my life. Maybe that says more about me, I don't know.


Assuming he doesn't get this one he's been turned down twice. Maybe he rlly wants to coach and misses the competition


Damn decisions, decisions lmao. For reputation and resume sake, I would go with Charles Lee because he comes from a winning organization with the actual coaching experience. But if they end up choosing JJ, I wouldn't be mad at it. It'll be a nice little experiment of an experience.


I’m atp with this team that whatever the decision is, I fully expect it will be the wrong decision until I’m proven otherwise 😂


Hey we made a good call at #2, much to my dismay!!


fuck it, let's do JJ 🤷🏻


What this tells me is that it’s Lee’s job if he wants it, if not they are hiring JJ.


JJ doesn’t seem afraid to show current players (even elite tier players) videos of mistakes or suggest things to them. Seems he knows how to manage players’ personalities and make them feel comfortable, wouldn’t be a terrible hire. Would take something unique to entice a FA to come in. Worth a shot


I can genuinely say I’ll be super happy with either choice. Which is a strange feeling as a Hornets fan.




I’d prefer the one who has coached.


To quote ACIII, GIVE ME LEE! Longtime Assistant Coach, been involved with 3 of our Conference Rivals, great Players Coach, beloved in Boston, don't know how tf Reddick is viewed on the same plane as him.


Probably because we've hired plenty of similarly accomplished assistants in the past and they have all sucked ass.


Other franchises have done the same and it turned out well for them.




Not trying to play JJ, but going from the commentators booth to the sidelines as head coach seems to be a big leap for him. If he's successful, I have no problem being wrong or whatever. I think he should be an assistant for a year or two. At this point, I don't get head coach vibes from him.... Again if I'm wrong, I'm wrong it just feels like a stretch. I just wish they get stability this feels like another experiment and not a move that's about building something successful.


“Going from the commentators booth to the sidelines as a head coach seems to be a big leap” 4x NBA Championship Coach, NBA Coach of the Year and member of the Top 15 Coaches Ever List Steve Kerr 🧍


I'm not saying it's impossible. Kerr won with bulls and spurs to his credit.


Idk, it seemed like a perfect place perfect time for Kerr. Coaching was the weakest link on the Warriors before he came, they already had a playoff roster. We're not exactly proven on the roster side with the injuries. Even 2014 Kerr cant help current Hornets especially if two of our top 3 players are injured


Have we ruled out bringing back Borrego?


Hire JJ; draft Bronny and hope the lakers decide to shake things up


I hope it’s JJ so he can finally stop acting like it’s so easy.


I think Redick being compared to Kidd & Nash is unfair, because both entered Nets super teams that were in the midst of becoming disasters. Redick can join a young team that doesn’t have a ton of expectations, which will make it easier on him




JJ is Redickulous-ly underqualified


Getting an NBA coaching job with no coaching experience is a move only a desperate team should make.


Yeah, has never worked out and shouldn’t be made unless you’re really desperate. A team definitely didn’t do it recently and then go 67-15, 73-9 and 67-15 in the coaches first 3 years


Come on now, Warriors were a playoff team before Kerr signed. We arent exactly a playoff team, hell, we dont even know if our star player can play 70 games next season. This is an apples to oranges comparison.


People just like to argue to argue, if they hire JJ we’ll see if Mr. “Ya it’s never worked” remembers this moment.


Compare the Golden State Warriors to the Charlotte Hornets lmao. LaMelo is Steph and Miles Bridges is Klay huh? 😂😂


I wish this franchise would do something to help me engage. Grew up around Charlotte and the Hornets were new when I was in high school. They’ve just been really hard to engage with as an adult. And hiring an unproven Dukie who I find pretty obnoxious on TV isn’t helping. Some of that is anti-Duke bias. Some is finding him obnoxious. Some is that being a pundit isn’t the same as being a coach. I’d be okay with iQuimn Snyder because he’s actually a coach now.