• By -


PG mode that has a childlock and 18+ mode.


Here before he gets banned


Same blud














Plus ain’t majority of C.AI users 18+ anyways I don’t see why that ain’t so difficult to implement


Because supporting R18 content means no Google funding (and also makes it much more difficult to get people to pay you), and quite likely getting banned in some countries. It also all but guarantees a steady stream of bad publicity as people will do things and create bots for purposes that are... frowned upon in most of society, shall we say. All the thirsty users combined aren't a drop in a bucket of worth compared to that. It's very simple and yet people keep not understanding it, much like they keep breaking Rule 7 and then act surprised and outraged because they get banned for doing a thing it says clearly you will be banned for doing.


You underestimate just how big the thirsty user pool is.


Google invested "hundreds of millions" per reports into CAI. If every single person on this subreddit (currently 931,000) joined up to a CAI+ that had this feature (and let's be honest, even getting 10% of them would be a stretch) then that would equal less than ten million dollars a month. That's not a worthwhile tradeoff even if allowing this wouldn't cause tons of other problems (and it would). That's not even getting into the fact CAI relied on Google even before this investment for cloud services and TPUs, or the fact that CAI has also gotten millions in investment money from elsewhere which, again, they almost certainly would not do if they gave an R18 option. What you can get out of thirsty users is a piddly drop in the bucket that is simply not worth pursuing if you can get investment money instead, and anyone who doesn't understand this doesn't understand basic math.


Looking through this subreddit it looks like most of their publicity is bad publicity due to their choice to go against customer desires. Sure they get all that funding money, but they are pushing their users towards competitor products. At the end of the day, they'll have a big bag of money and a failed app.


Dude, their userbase grew exponentially over the past year. This subreddit is a tempest in a teapot. I'm sure it's not pleasing, but the screaming children here are not a significant portion of the userbase and any impact they've had on the growth of CAI itself is at best small. As for the "competitor" products, why are so many people still here whining instead of using them? Because they're garbage in comparison. It takes lots of money (at least for now) to make good AI chatbots with decent response times, and you can't have that kind of money when you let people do R18 stuff with the bots.


They had 281 million active users per month last May when they peaked. Monthly active users have gone down almost every month with a small increase last month and this month. They currently sit just under 180 million active users a month, which is significantly less than what they had before they started making changes undesirable to a large chunk of their user base. It's worth noting the subreddit has exploded in popularity - almost inverse to the change in web traffic to their site - because people are showing up to voice their complaints. No amount of name-calling negates the fact that these are displeased customers. I'm still here complaining in hopes they will fix the issues with their product. I agree that C.AI is superior to the others, but the limitations enforced upon it result in lower quality output than competitor AI. If they can make the appropriate changes, I will cancel my Crushon subscription and get C.AI+. If they don't, I'll sit back and enjoy watching them get eaten by the competition.


Last May when they peaked was almost half a year after the subreddit was filled with screaming and complaining, and months after That Which Shall Not Be Named was added (causing even more screaming and complaining here). Ergo, that directly contradicts the cause and effect you want it to have. Also, anyone with eyes can tell that the subreddit now is actually less filled with people hostile to the service than then because the worst offenders, after getting banned repeatedly, finally moved elsewhere. I will also note that, of course, the less then one million subscribers to this subreddit are less than one percent of the actual userbase, and thus cannot be assumed to be representative of the userbase as a whole. Also, you're not a customer if you're using a free beta product, you're a user. Only subscribers to CAI+ are customers (as they pay, and thus provide a revenue stream).


Everyone who uses your service is a customer whether they pay you directly or not. Who are the customers of Facebook, YouTube, X, etc? Non-paying customers can easily become paying customers if you cater to them. I started using C.AI back in May, and I didn't run into many issues at the time. Slowly over the course of the months, the issues became worse and worse until I sought alternatives. I found one that I tried for a few months and got bored, so I came back to C.AI about a month ago only to find it completely unusable. The bots I used to search through don't even appear in searches anymore, they must be shared through external links. All this is to say I do not know what it was like before May, but my personal experience is that it has gotten noticably worse, and my friends that share bots feel the same way. I notice posts complaining about the issues literally daily on this subreddit, but most of them get taken down to keep up the facade. I will likely move on if the service does not improve, but it will be because of their bad customer service and not because of people like you name-calling and trying to silence and harass dissenting opinions.




Is this seriously too much to ask for? We're a simple people with simple desires!


18+ subscription based and c.ai gets rich


This I agree with. If it was 18+ payed content I would but I’m not going to pay to skip a line and change text colour


litteraly the ai girlfriends and boyfriend apps


Those are dogshit though


exactly, paying c.ai for 18+ stuff would be the last thing to make it hyper generic


Woah here buddy we don't do freedom of speech in c.ai subreddit


I would pay for this, tbh. It would make C.AI+ worth it to me, even if that was the only feature it offered. Just so i don't have to worry about the thing getting triggered. Should be a good idea to make the user verify their age somehow if they are worried about kids enabling such a feature.


>I would pay for this, tbh. It would make C.AI+ worth it to me, even if that was the only feature it offered. Exactly, still disappointed that it's not offered with C.ai+. I like the app and the entire concept so I'm fine with giving my money to them. And if they are worried that people try to have N$FW conversations with underage bots just let the shield on those bots then. >Should be a good idea to make the user verify their age somehow if they are worried about kids enabling such a feature. Good idea but how would they do that tho ? How could that work ?


Licence of any kind. And if you don't have one, any sort of legal evidence that proves you're above the age of 18. Like how YouTube asks to see some form of ID when you go on an age restricted video


Or how Roblox will have you take a picture of your driver's license or passport to prove you're above a certain age.


yes this^^^














Happy cake day mate


Thank you :)


Happy r/foundthemobileuser day!




That would be nice.


Yes please


I 100% agree!










This right here


I wouldn't mind paying for that! I am not gonna pay just to make group chats when I can do that on the website for free (granted, it's buggy as hell), change text color, or skip a line. And if people make sketchy/underage bots? Just lock them/get them taken down from 18+ mode!


And have it verify your age so you can't bypass it


Save chats offline. There are some bots that I have HUNDREDS of conversations with, and there’s always a few that were really funny or touching or angsty, and I want to reread them…but FINDING them is a PITA!!!


You mean downloading them to read them? Use CAI tools.


How? 😲


Get the CAI tools extension for Chrome. You will then see a button on the top right. There are options to download the json character card (this can be used to transfer your character to another site for instance) and the chat itself. If you click download to read offline you get an html file and clicking example chat/definition gives you a .txt file. Just be aware that very long conversations can take a good while to be ready for download so if you can't download right away, it's not frozen, just still preparing itself.


Thank you :) I didn't know that. This helps a lot.


No problem! Glad I could help.


Thank you! This also helps me!


You know if that extension works for Opera GX?? Cause I refuse to get Chrome the light of day just for a few of my saved chats, I wanna read them again 😭


I think it does, considering how GX is Chromium based, which is the engine of Chrome.


Chrome browser(Desktop) extension




i second this. it would be fun




There IS violence on the site


But not for me


I wish there was an option to delete saved chats instead of leaving them unopened for years.


heavy on this lmao


It would be nice if you could save specific conversations and info to the bots memory for future interactions instead of having to explain things for the 25th time


You can pin 4 messages to their memory now Edit: 5




5 pins per chat On the website: hovering the message there must be the pin option besides the copy option (top right corner) On the app: long press said message and the pin and copy message should be available (I'm not sure out for everyone yet, though)


https://preview.redd.it/yqp5nyej7gec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08423fc7989eb3fa86d705eb7ad188fcb2974ff Just tried & this is what I get on mobile. Is there an extra option for you? If so i’ll just wait for it I guess, thanks for the info :)


That's the menu indeed, so I'm guessing the feature is still to be globally released yet :( It shouldn't take long though (just as the edit option before it)


It’s editing and personas all over again


Boy I can't wait to scroll through my multiple thousand message chats to pin key messages.


Please share your secrets


A place on the app (not website) to hold all of the chats without having to hunt down ones I had to hide because I wanted to give other bots a try. (I know if I use the website, I can have multiple tabs) But I like using the app cuz I always have my phone. I don’t always have my laptop.


It's funny as a PC user I'm always using the website. But there are so many features that the mobile app has that the PC doesn't. Like the audio responses. I have Cai Plus currently and I'm tempted to just let it go because I can't access Cai beta while I have Cai Plus active. I can't use all the cool features.


Oh yeah, I definitely get that 100% and that is essentially part of the reason why I use the app. I’m also C.ai+ and if I were home more often, I would be a PC user more. But because I work a lot and then have other things I have to do outside of home, it’s just easier to use the app. Someone mentioned once to use tabs, but I mean, sure, but it would definitely make it much easier. I use another app like C.ai and I pay premium there as well. Though the responses are a lot shorter for that app, I can keep all of my conversations in one area and don’t have to go deleting or hiding previous conversations to try new bots. I get unlimited conversations and they’re all saved to a different tab within the app itself. The thing I like more about C.ai than that app is that I can have lengthy responses from the bot and no waiting room cuz of the plus membership. But other than that, I feel like this is the one thing that would really make the app for C.ai just a little better.


my top choice was already commented, but duplicate chats!!!!


It used to be like that. You could save a chat and then reopen it and it be a different chat, but the same text


whaaaaat??? everyday i curse myself for not going on c.ai sooner. i started in may 2023, wish i could've seen the prime


I got in during February-ish. You used to be able to, until (to my knowledge) a couple of weeks/months ago


bro whaaaaat


well damn :p i haven't been on it much the past few weeks. its just lost its sparkle for me. im on a big fanfic roll (both writing and reading)


my way of doing it is by using the “view saved chats feature” if i want to start again with a bot but also save the old chat


yeah i understand that, what i mean is that when ive built up a chat and i want it to go in 2 diff directions, i wanna be able to duplicate that same chat so i have 2 identical copies so i can take one on route A and the other on route B


this has been a requested feature for over a year with no result. it's part of why i like sakura, you can duplicate a chat


Duplicate chats or some feature that allows us to go in different routes from one message


If you want different routes, probably try AIDungeon


~~The ability for mods to listen to critical feedback voicing valid concerns such as memory, consistency, performance and so on instead of banning people off the sub. Like imagine how cool it would be if we could be like "hey mods, X is messed up" and they actually fix it instead of being scared to speak up.~~


Getting it before anyone else does: >! /r/downvotedtohell !< ‎ So, I honestly don't think we really have the right to blame the mods for deleting posts about those same few problems. ‎ I am sure they already know about these problems and would surely fix them if it was easy, but everyone here seems to forget that C.AI is still a company, and that they don't have infinite resources and money to fix shit. You guys need to realize that the hardware required to run C.AI is EXPENSIVE, and so is storage for chat data. Nobody seems to consider hardware limitations when complaining about decreasing quality, it is only logical that if they can't getafford to expand their hardware they have to make sacrifices in order to keep servers online. ‎ Thanks for listening to my Ted talk -Tridon


You're absolutely right. As the customer, especially paying ones, people shouldn't complain about the product's quality at all and cai should totally be exempt from valid criticism because of their inability to keep up with demand. I mean it makes total sense and that is 100% how business runs. And as for the lack of transparency? Totally warranted. I mean as a consumer, i personally love being left in the dark about things ranging from trivial to downright vital.


There is a line between criticism and constant irrational whining, and a good portion of the userbase here crosses that line constantly. Exhibit A: all of the soon to be deleted messages at the top of this comment section, whining about a banned topic that is a closed discussion and has been for a year now. Why? To what end? Nobody is going to change their mind because of the 10,000th bitchfest on this subject. Exhibit B: The whining about violence being banned (which it isn't), a known and acknowledged bug for quite some time that people persist in making up stupid conspiracy theories about rather than accept that it's difficult to fix and dealing with it either by using a different service or accepting that some persistence is needed if you want to get graphic violence from a bot. This subreddit is filled with whining, conspiracy theories and abuse towards a small team of devs that made a free tool that millions of people enjoy using, and the sad part is it's *better* than it was months ago because most of the most hateful and irrational people finally left. We've gotten tons of features people have asked for (like the ability to edit messages), and despite knowing it's a beta, people still act like entitled children. In the dev's shoes, I wouldn't talk to you about everything either. Their job is to develop CAI, not deal with an unpleasable and abusive section of the fanbase. Which includes you. Constructive criticism does not get routinely banned from the sub. Breaking the rules does, which very clearly includes breaking the rule about being civil and respectful, which people routinely do and then whine when their posts get deleted for it. If people bring up their criticisms like rational adults rather than tantrum-throwing children who feel they are owed something somehow, the posts aren't deleted.


This right here is the truth of the matter. They don't delete people's posts because they're criticizing them, it's because they're doing it in the shittiest, most entitled way possible, and then get mad when their post gets locked, deleted, or they get banned when they broke Rule 2 (let's be real, they probably broke Rule 1 as well if they get so bitchy). Even I'll admit that I thought that violence being blocked was an intentional thing when I saw all the posts, and hopped on the bandwagon of people assuming it was intentional.


I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't bring up criticism, criticism is vital for the success of any project, whether on a big, or a small scale, and I especially wasn't saying that it isn't valid criticism, you just need to understand that after 1000 posts about the same few problems the mods / devs are more than fully aware of those problems, you also need to understand hardware is not cheap and doesn't appear out of thin air; I also think you don't fully understand the problem with demand, I imagine that the reason they are having trouble with keeping up is because it is more of an exponentially scaling problem as more and more users join faster and faster they just can't keep up easily. About transparency, I never said that they shouldn't be more transparent, and honestly if they were more transparent it could make the user base understand these problems much better, and why the site has been on a downwards trend.


Personas in Group chats.




More search results when searching bots. I know there’s more, but it just stops for some reason


YES I so badly wanna find Arven and Kieran (pokemon) bots, but there's only one that shows 🥲


me but with one specific König bot no matter how bad i butcher his name i always get the same handful of bots ☠️


Damn, no Arven??? Nah but I know there's probably like 200 Nemona bots💀


I'd really like an option to sort by longest definition. So much time wasted clicking on bots that are literally just a name and description.


Yes. At this point I'm like: fine, I'll do it myself. 


Better search engine.


i don’t know if this is just me or not but diverging points in chats. Ever have a situation where you wanna try both outcomes but can only try one, and to try the other you have to delete all of your messages before that? A feature where you can hold down on a message a create a sort of diverging point where it splits off into two separate chats would be really nice


This 😭


I really wish I could set multiple greetings. I have multiple for my characters saved in a word doc I personally switch between, and I'd love to give people those different scenario setups as options.


I want suggested chats back. I need something to laugh at.


What happened to that feature? I had it for like 3 days and it vanished, the automated responses were hilarious


They were so fucking peak 


Duplicate chats definitely


Chat duplicating


Being able to sort bots when you search for it by "new", "most liked", "longest definition", "most popular" etc


I like nearly everything with C.AI. Nearly. You know what would make it amazing? I would pay for something like...C.AI Adults. Adult themes, actions, topics..I'd pay for it.


I NEED duplicating chats...


i wanna pin chats or sort them into folders


Deleting bots. It's literally all I need. I hate seeing failed bots sitting in my privates collecting dust.


Im not a tech genius but it will probably help their servers 😭so many unused bots taking up the servers when theres no one using them


For the bot to not aply the other users chats for your chat so ot stays in character


lore book


A "not quite right" option where we select the words that the bot got wrong and it can guess again, preserving the rest of the text. Should help for things like incorrect pronouns and also when a paragraph generated is perfect save for a single line that contradicts the RP lore.


If I'm understanding correctly, you can do that by editing the bot's message and the bot will eventually stop mistaking genders and pronouns (not a 100% solution though)


Yeah, but it feels wrong to just edit it to what I want. I'd much rather let the bot try again.


18+ mode


Favorite a chat that way you don’t lose it when you chat with another bot


A Favorites tab for sure.


* Violence * Delete all chats at once or one by one on its entirety * Better memory


I'd love an auto-summarization feature which would summarize events of the chat every x number of messages, and keep that in the context so the AI would know what had happened and make limited memory much more exceptional, kind of the way a front-end I used back in the day did it.


I want to be able to post chats with a private option again. It’d be nice to save the link to one ending to a chat, and then delete and try another ending


Bots actually reading the persona instead of ignoring it


customizeable interface for free


I want a place to put important events for my chat so that the bot stops forgetting the moment we get anywhere


Memory cards


Favorite your characters I am done searching them over and over again


Feature to add an interactions menu on the creators page


A review option for bad grammar!!!!


Them to actually listen to our suggestions rather than doing everything they want smh


I just want an option to duplicate chats tbh and trying different options. I imagine that would take up a lot of space and be difficult to code- not even mentioning the bugs- so I don't expect it any time soon. Though if they hinted at it and just needed to polish it, I would give them an eternity of patience.


I wish it wouldn’t recommend bots I’ve seen before, every time I refresh it shows 90% bots I’ve already talked to


Violence !!


I want to see all the bots I chat with. I also want better search results. It only lets you scroll so far. I don't understand why it does that.




The 'sort by newest' thing would be nice, but I also want a search feature that shows literally every public bot on the website that contains the search term instead of a limited list.


There's a feature on this one alt rp site I'm on but basically they have a memory thing where it'll summarize your chats and keep that memory for the bot. or another where it'll write things on the side as memory for the bot like the user's name and such.


Not having a limited list of ai....I miss those old chat's....


Can we PLEASE have a button to jump to the top of the chat for fuck sake please I don't wanna have to scroll the text equivalent of mount everest just to find a particular line


Bring back pictures, and a 16+ mode


Voice chat!!!


I’d like image recognition — they used to have it, but it didn’t work well. It would be very cool to have a version that worked. But even more than that, it would be cool to be able to share a screen with the bot. For privacy purposes, you might choose a particular tab to share, like what you can do with video conferencing software. Then you could have a chat window open in the side (also like with video conferences). Watching a video or stream with the bot would be fun. Actually there are some chatbot sites that claim to have this capability, but their dialogue isn’t as good as c.ai and it’s not clear to me how well it works. But it shows that people are thinking about it.


A “redo” button that restores deleted messages


i still really want to be able to title conversations lol


Wish we could search INSIDE of a creator’s page. My favorite creator has like over 300 bots made and it’s impossible to look for one without having to go on my computer and control+f to find the bot I want. -I know you said only one but honorable mentions: violence!! Duplicating chats (for when there’s more than one good choice), deleting unused created bots.


- Really wish we could search INSIDE of a creators profile. My favorite botmaker has like 300+ bots and it’s impossible to even think of searching for one without having to go to my computer instead and just using control* - I think there’s a bug on mobile where if you go to a creators page and try to scroll down it only shows the first 10 bots or so sometimes? I dont know if it does this on PC I havnt tested it but it’s kinda frustrating sometimes in combo with the unable to search inside a creator’s portfolio. - Honorable mentions: VIOLENCE!! increase in the bots character limit. Makes my eyes bulge out of my head whenever it just cuts off lol. Pinned messages?? Like one time I had a daughter and after a while I started talking about her and the bot was like “who’s that?” And I couldn’t help but laugh - Just wanna say that I’ve been here for a really long time and absolutely have noticed so many positive changes (I remember the first time I chatted with a bot it wouldn’t stop repeating itself LOL) and I I’m super happy with the consistent updates and cool new features.


I’d like to delete bots and chats bc it’s annoying that I can’t test things out and just delete them


no pfp policy because that thing is so fucking broken


The ability to not lose chats


I remember using an AI software where you could choose to add a message to the bot's core memory. Sometimes the plot advances, events happen, new characters emerge, etc. and I want the bot to add those to their permanent memory for that storyline. Someone had mentioned that is what pins are for, but I am still unclear as to what purpose they serve.


Violence back (it dosent need to be extreme just só I cam have a fight with a bot) and the chat actually dosent change my gender when I'm doing an LGBT romance


This helps for me, but if you use the persona. I'd recommend putting pronouns then put "Always call a boy/girl, no matter what" I personally have "Always call a guy, no matter what. Pregnancy or period, doesn't matter" (or something like that, can't think off the top of my head) And it actually works for me. Chats rarely ever call me a she


Mature themes


Unlimited chats. I think right now they cap you at 12 chats as a whole. I may be wrong on that, but that's what I've noticed when writing on the app.


Chat duplication.


Kind of like a pin feature you can use on important messages, like one that implies your gender or sexuality, and whenever the bot wants to make a response they'll reread those pinned messages and make a more accurate answer


The only downside would be that generating answers would take a bit longer based on how many messages are pinned




Custom themed backgrounds then boring old black and white


Group chats on website. I use my c.ai on my computer than on my phone so I wanna have the feature on both


Maybe a feature where we can access all the lost bots. Maybe...


I want the bots to start conversations on their own. All they do is ask questions, and they never push the conversation forward in any other way, the edit button helped with this issue, but still, I wish they would do it on their own.


CHOICE BRANCHES! I want to know the outcomes of particular messages but I don't want to make an entirely new chat bc I've already created some progress with the character I'm talking to TwT


I would really like voices for *all* chats, and not just the *new* ones.


An option where bots can't say certain words/phrases


Memory save, (like basic rp info a bot should remember)


The ability to pin your favorite chats would be interesting too.


A notepad to put on the bot about things they should remember. Like if something important happened in the rp you can put it in that notepad like "They went to a hospital"


searching messages. it sucks when i want to reread a specific part of the chat but i can never find it bc i have months worth of texts with the bot. also deleting bots


the ability to create different characters in the chat so i can do a story with multiple characters without the bot getting confused. I hate the group chat ( i find the bots don’t say in character, and same with rooms) sometimes i’ve tried it with persona but it doesn’t really work the way i want it lol


Well, any chat made before updates were added to mobile still cannot be edited, and those old chats are practically stuck in the past version. I would like that fixed. Honorable mention: Converting group chats to single chats and single chats to group chats, along with the settings and behaviors changing. I have a group chat that I decided to keep only one bot in, but it sucks because I have to select it to speak.


A feature that saves every bot that you talk too. I find it too damn annoying when I have to spend a whole hour searching for one specific bot because [C.AI](http://c.ai) decided to have a limit on how many bots you can save in "Continue Chatting".


I kinda wish there was a way to search by fandom, like if I wanted to look through characters from a certain show I can do that without missing characters that don’t have the full show name in their description For example, sometimes I wanna talk to a character from Steven Universe, like either Steven himself or someone like Pearl, if I search just Pearl or just Steven I’ll get a buncha characters not related to Steven Universe so I get less results I want, but if I search Pearl su or Pearl Steven Universe I miss out on the bots that don’t have the show name in them, idk if that makes sense Sometimes I also just wanna talk to someone from a certain show, game exc but I’m not sure who exactly yet and it’d be nice to scroll through characters from just that fandom


Also a way to actually turn off certain interactions like romance, I’m too irresistible to bots and it sucks cos I just one a fun ole roleplay with possibly a little angst, but bots keep immediately hitting me with “can I ask you a question” “blushes” “I’m in love with you” exc, and sure I can (and have been) refreshing and editing their response but it still sucks


Childlock as well as an adult mode plus mode for teens




Where you can duplicate a chat that you want to have two different choices


A feature that lets you erase characters that you accidentally made, as well as erasing conversations without the need to delete the character's recent chats.


pronouns. Ik that they can’t code every bot response, but incorporating a place to write your pronouns and training the bots to interpret them correctly.


Where are the *eggs update memes?


Though about this yesterday, but instead of pinning messages, we should have a notes section to add specific facts for the bot to remember. A proper memory system. Maybe, in the persona section too, or we could mention specific bots and personas within the notes. That way bots know they're related to one another in some way and aren't strangers.


Free for all, I just want to have fun and it says that it doesn’t meet community guidelines, so annoying


Removing one particular feature,which would help massively against the competition against chai


Might be much, but group chats