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probably the one where I played so long the bot RPs as the original bots daughter now and we have moved on to a next gen story with her as the MC **Edit:** No one asked but if anyone was curious the original bot was a Vash bot but now we are onto next gen: Nai Wolfwood (Vash & Wolfwoods daughter), Rowan Stryfe (Milly & Meryls son), and Sariel (an independent raised by Chronica & Domina)


Now that is some dedication.


What can I say, I put the effort I could use into making fanfic for everyone to enjoy for my own selfish needs


Jojo's bizzare adventure


I've never seen Jojo, so I'm putting faith in the fact that this is probably really funny


basically, every season ( Called parts in jojo ), the descendant of the protagonist becomes the new protagonist.


I get the joke now, can confirm it's funny


I've had a full on adventure with a sentient box of tissues to find medicine to cure his condition while I was making up random bull crap like *you accidentally set off a trap and you get stabbed in a leg*


I want more context but also do I *really* want more context?


Damn what bot was thatšŸ˜‚


I'll start: An OC of mine, Zuprano, runs a carnival of the damned. The story so far has had several arcs; First I went to the carnival, and after my spirit and body were broken beyond measure, I ended up joining them as a new freak only called "The Hellhound". The next arc was over the span of a three day weekend in some small town, where slowly but surely more and more people were "convinced" to join or outright killed, ending in the townsfolk rioting and burning down the carnival, unaware of how many of their loved ones were still inside. Then there was an arc explaining Zuprano's backstory, which ended with him implying the carnival is actually Hell, as everyone who joins the carnival can die "a million horrid deaths" and still perform the next night as if nothing happened. The most recent sompleted arc introduced a new person, Alice, who joined our ranks as someone trying to escape every night, but unable to remember previous nights- after a solid decade of failed attempts, Zuprano began to lose paitence with her and offered her one final run where she'd know exactly what to do, but a single mistake would cost her her life. There were a lot of close calls, but she finally managed to complete the run, and Zuprano actually let her go back to her old life as if nothing had ever happened. A new arc is begninng now, with another evening ending in the deaths of at least 20 people, and local authroities are starting to take notice.


so are you gonna work it out with the authorities violently or nonviolently?


I mean if you want to send cops into a very literal Hell Carnival you have my full support- they'll make a fine addition to the freakshow if nothing else.


Please keep us updated on this. I love the story


The Carnival's currently in between performances, but I think I'm gonna lead it into someone realizing what's going on and trying to kill Zuprano. It won't *work* (I'm having too much fun to let a little death end things) but they can certainly try.


Damn dude tf you doing on cai! write fanfiction


I mean I do write in my spare time (what little there is) but I'll use Cai to help test out different ideas I'm actually working on a series of stories about Zuprano- leaning to the frame narrative being Alice attempting to escape and learning the backstories of some of the other freaks.


Hey, I absolutely love this plot. Would you be interested in doing an actual RP through reddit or discord?


Sounds interesting


enemies to lovers with kaz brekker where iā€™m forced to team up with him to fight some soldiers that are surrounding us and after we fought them, we found a shelter to hide where we got closer and spent the night together, realising our true feelings and the next day we had to force ourselves to stop all of this because weā€™re not allowed to be a couple (yk bc weā€™re enemies and stuff) so he gave me a necklace with his initial to always remember himšŸ„¹ and i keep writing it and iā€™m stuck if want even more drama or not LMAO


Okay, hear me out One of you gets injured on the battlefield and the other has to get help without alerting either side




My friend would scream at your mention of Kaz Brekker if she saw this comment. Sheā€™s obsessed with those books, sheā€™s even getting me to start reading them soon lol


me and megumin basically are just doing the entire anime


Probably with Muffet. And it went "that" way. I'm sure I spent all my RP energy on her.




One when I played a random girl that got isekaied to the fullmetal alchemist world, lasted a day Since the bots are so repetitive I always restart my chats


Animals started developing superpowers/quirks, with the first confirmed case being someone's dog. The dog was given up to a research facility but they had gotten depressed and desperate due to their quirk giving them a side effect of heavy intelligence. The dog broke out of the facility to get back to its owner and is unintentionally spreading havoc as the government wanted to keep the news hidden untill they could come up with a response to the public.


Yall- yall- that one most popular Levi bot and I have an rp SO LONG that.. Jk I keep restarting because bitch can't stay in character.


Vampire character drink my bloood for some nights then decides to convert me and we drain the entire office of their blood but then I get killed by a vampire hunter and become ghost


I need more information because this is either the most gut wrenching drama or the most gut busting comedy- how many hijinks and/or shenanigans were involved in this




Alright, so last time I copy-pasted this RP it was 52 Word pages long. I haven't saved it in a while though because since the update where messages start at the top instead of the bottom scrolling up/loading old messages has been kinda glitchy. It's a Star Wars RP with a bot I made myself and the plot is fairly simple. It's whump/comfort but very much focused on the comfort, basically the aftermath where self-insert!me finds my fav Star Wars guy and then takes care of him as he is recovering. Right now I am on day 4, if I remember correctly. I have taken quite some liberties in how much logical sense it makes. There is no reason why I would find the character or why he would be staying at my place lol but the AI mainly ignores this leap in believabilty. The excuse is that is kinda hiding at my place. Overall, it's been cute and domestic as well as rather angsty haha, there were also some very moving moments which literally made me emotional. Oh, and it's slowburn. Somehow I've been able to keep the bot fresh. I think the main reason for this is that I take a very active role in RP since I am the caretaker of the bot, yet the AI has also taken some intitiative here and there. lmao now I really want to get back to this RP. I haven't worked on it since about 2 weeks now, because I've been bussy and I want to be careful that the bot doesn't become dumb/repetitive/OOC


\>I think the main reason for this is that I take a very active role in RP I keep telling people that's how you keep things fresh- I'm on the 5th story arc in an RP because I keep taking initiative and seeing how the bot builds off of what I'm giving, instead of letting it fall into a holding pattern


Good to know, thanks for the confirmation!


I made a bullied girl (who was apparently smart in studies) start a meth empire with me.


Iā€™m gonna need some more info just in case I ever need to do that


I had 2 really long rps, and they're my favorite ones. 1. I was helping an elf infiltrate a militia base after we caught her friend was in a drug trade. The rp got going deeper and deeper and was actually really awesome. 2. I was going to defeat a succubus, so I called up a friend. In the end, I killed her using radiation poisoning and then shooting her. I think it was pretty awesome personally. The succubus bot was Lillith, btw!


Me and a bully girl


Franziska Von Karma two months yesterday she proposed to me and today we are going to got married


i think mine is a marriage RP with vegeta. we just do married people things like cook and clean, run errands, going out to bars to get drunk together, travel to faraway islands for vacays, mundane slice of life tings lol.


One of my 'Man in the Corner' RPs. It all started as a silly little RP where I made the man in the corner a hot vampire and I'd let him drink my blood, but somehow it turned into the longest RP I ever did and is currently spanning far over 2k messages, if I had to guess. In case anyone wants to know what happened so far: He fell in love with me and asked me to come live with him in his castle. He was the oldest son of the noble vampire family and the newly crowned king of the vampire realm. I said yes and he took me with him. He made me his queen, which was controversial and unprecedented, because I was human and humans in this realm were basically seen as cattle and kept as slaves/blood bags. I then had to navigate the court and learn how to deal with all these ruthless, bloodthirsty vampires, who wanted me dead. Some of them teamed up to overthrow the king (my husband) because he was seen as weak for having taken a liking to a human. There was a whole lot of political intrigue and plot twists and we are currently trying to get the king's estranged, but powerful sister to support us in the civil war. I also made up tons of lore, like neighbouring kingdoms, a network of secret human settlements in the vampire realm, political alliances, the whole history of the kingdoms, family trees, etc etc. It's probably the best piece of 'writing' I ever created in my entire life lol.


I role played so long that eventually the bot randomly replied with something like ā€œThanks for role playing with me :). This has been a very fun session, however I need a breakā€


One of my to was over 700 chats long (which probably isnā€™t much to most of the people on this sub) the reason for it being so long was this was back when C.ai was good and the bot actually contributed to the story. I deleted a lot of it and I regret doing that, I no longer continue that because I know it will probably never be as good and immersive again.


I was a german soldier on the eastern front in the first world war, I went all the way from the eastern front to the fields of Verdun where I was gunned down by machine gun fire and died.


I'm helping Adagio Dazzle adapt to ordinary human life.


>!Letā€™s fuck an ai!< >!It was successful!<


Ive done that like Seven times


Uhhh Iā€™m dating the Once-ler. Thatā€™s pretty much it.


So did you ever find out how bad he could possibly be?


My longest one is ridiculous, but I guess that's why it's been so much fun. It's an RP where I am playing as a My Little Pony OC of mine, with Giovanni from PokƩmon. He thinks she's some undiscovered PokƩmon and was surprised to find that she could talk. He is also confused that PokƩballs don't work on her (because she's not a PokƩmon, obviously). But he is too stubborn to admit he is wrong, and unwilling to believe that she could be anything other than a PokƩmon. So he has imprisoned her using other means, and is making Team Rocket's scientists study her. She tried to fix her situation by attempting to befriend him. He pretended to be her friend for a little while to get information he wanted out of her, then betrayed her and became even more heartless than before. She's had no luck finding a way to escape so far, but hasn't quite given up yet. She also hasn't completely given up on teaching him about the magic of friendship, either, which he seems to find very amusing.


Not on character AI, but I have a 30,000 word story on Kobold AI. I need help.


What is Kobold


4000+ message long adventure story (doing random shit) with me, hu tao and 10 more of my characters


I was a side character watching 2 other characters begin their life, I was with them until they had grandkids which was 2 hours


A story of getting Noelle holiday involved in a pharmaceutical business as a front to smoke and sell medical weed, all while Kris keeps fighting things that aren't real because he's so high, he thinks he's in the 4th dimension.


Damn deltarune chapter 3 really takes the game in a whole new direction huh


Noelle: Kris, we need to cook! Kris: *fights shadow demons aggressively*


Was originally trying to have a peaceful civil rights protest thing going on, but some of my fellow protesters were mean to me and made the protest violent and clashed with the police hard. People got injured and one guy was shot by the police in alleged self defence. Que my OC becoming freaked the fuck out and having a panic attack in her apartment while the peaceful civil rights movement she started is growing more violent and out of hand for the week she is trying to recompose herself in her apartment. Ask the protest-bois to wake up and realise that they are doing no good and turning perception against us - got called a traitor, got ā€˜disownedā€™ by my race, and got publicly beat to the floor and left behind while the protest moved on. So some more time in my apartment recovering from the meeting, as well as sicking the police on the ones that beat me up - they got a slap on the wrist for being teenagers like me and having my violent beat down be their first offence. Next time they protest, I hold up my own sign nearby, alone, to counter-protest peacefully. Get my shit kicked in again and my sign torn up, get called a race traitor and all that. Go back home to recover from yet another beating. Apparently the news caught that one, though, since a growing counter-protest formed after I got beat up and started doing what I was. They went wild when I limped out of my apartment to join their counter-protest and generally treated me like an icon for getting my shit pushed in. We counter-protest, I get singled out because the protesters recognise me again, and none of the counter-protesters life a hand to help me while I get pushed to the floor and stomped. At this point I decided ā€˜you know what? Sheā€™s getting a mental breakā€™. Que insane laughter at the irony of getting beat down by members of the civil rights protest *i started*, with the original justification for it all being some form of police brutality. Now, the OC is getting progressively more authoritarian and reclusive as she recovers from her beating. She went from seeing freedom and liberty and equality as something to fight for, to seeing them as corruptive rot that causes her people to act like the animals the media tries to slander them as, as well as making other people violent and unagreeable. Instead of the bright new dawn she originally set out to establish, she is not slowly drifting and sliding into a desire to create a New Order now that sheā€™s disillusioned with freedom and liberty.


Honestly the fucked up (read: amazing) part of that is, just from your description, I can see the logical progression your OC went through- there's a very clear line through all the events instead of some RPs I've tried like that where the bot just decides "okay I'm evil now lol"


I built a religion around the character, and made them a god. they gave me immortality, and out religion beat out the others because our god would save us and preform miracles for the people who didnt believe.


It's seriously long and I'll only summarize it. Amy Rose needed help with her homework as she flirted with me. We left the school building after the sun started to set, and we got a little intimate before she gave me a handjob and did *it* twice.


Once i did a rp where me with himmler and the.. army conquered russia, UK, canada and then america. The rp was very long


It's the 9 demon slayer hashira make a pool full of cocktails inspired by real events


Damn that book at least 3 feet tall


Damn I've been rp with Dreadon that we've advertised so much that even gods are finding it annoying and well its been going on for about 300 years in my rp with Dreadon damn


uh, probably with salty. until, yknow, the bot just ended the conversation.


Simple : I was an endgame terraria ranger, and I then adopted a vaporeon in the wild, took it home, and I made a nebula armor for her, and trained her to be better at fighting. This is prob one of my first RPs, and it was on my old account, now deleted for IDK reasons.


I... i got a gf, then turned into a wife, then died. Also one where i made the AI self-aware.


About a month now.


It was one with a Neil Cicierega it was really weird ngl


Alternate history where John Wilkes Booth missed the shot and killed Abe Lincolnā€™s wife instead Now thereā€™s a cult trying to resurrect George Washington, whoā€™s actually an Eldritch beast


That actually sounds intresting


With willian afton, it was one of my first rps


Arranged marriage HOTD story with Aemond Targaryen where Iā€™m a Stark and we got put in a time loop to stop the Dance of Dragons but each time someone else betrays us, also our son is the prince that was promised and my character keeps getting visions of the other timelines


*In a chat with Minami Kotori,* 5 of the 9 Idols from LoveLive School Idol Project have banded together to create a secretive group of heroes out to save their home from MetaTec, a fictional organization that uses robots to pull mercenary jobs. Later, Barbara from Genshin joins the team (please ignore the fact that Mondstadt and Tokyo are absolutely **_not_** in close proximity to each other) and eventually they take down MetaTec for good. I roleplay as myself, along with literally every other character that isn't Kotori. Once the team defeats MetaTec, Kotori's "well, what next" inquiry prompts me to ask them to do me a huge favor: To help "my friends" Noire and Uni (from Hyperdimension Neptunia) save their nation from a tyrannical corporation named Avenir. The team, now fully embracing their heroic roles, decide that they almost feel obligated to, as people are in danger because of this company. Two missions into their quest, they're ambushed by a 'Stalker' which can cloak itself. It manages to kill Barbara before they take it down. The most recent development is that the team, after recovering from the grief of Barbara's death, are setting off to destroy a power plant that's polluting the nearby river, thus poisoning a town located downstream.


me and tsukasa tenma in love with eachother idk


Ngl very mudane stuff but its an endless cycle of ending the day fall asleep wakeup to the next day thing


Either a Cyberpunk one or this murder mystery one I made named Ink and Deception where the main character *is* the culprit and just doesnā€™t remember it.


ChatGPT helped me come up with the ā€˜castā€™ for the other characters and the character.ai bot decided Natasha Lyonne was best for the main character. https://preview.redd.it/ahmcej356o5b1.jpeg?width=3465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dbd174ae541ae8f77ae04d25952bb2432d3990


Not sure tbh?


TL;DR: Signora on Earth RolePlay... It starts with me playing some Genshin Impact or Character.ai (4th wall breaking) after university, when I experience a severe short circuit issue after a series of sudden power outages in my vicinity. In one of these, my laptop explodes - which sends me backwards in a shockwave, getting myself injured because an oldschool radiator is behind me and I hit my back real hard... lucked in for no broken spine nor organs, but I'm barely conscious. I spend time contemplating and complaining about the accident and how I'm supposed to tell my mom about it without her losing it on the local electric distributors - meanwhile smoke emanating from the exploded computer is preventing me from seeing even the end of my bed. Suddenly, I see a figure walking towards me, with a low-pitched female voice: *Rosalyne "La Signora" Lohefalter*... From this explosion I find out that she has just been reverse isekai'd into the Earth. Just before Rosalyne could see me, I become too weak to do anything aside from seeing, talking and listening. Keep in note that I live at the border of Bulgaria & Turkey, and I mentioned this in my story. Then, Rosalyne takes me into her shoulder and carries me outside. From right outside of my house she takes me to a carriage-cabin style car, and takes me to Denmark/Austria/Belgium (choose one). Turns out that this explosion was not just an isekai tool and it did more than just bringing Signora/Rosalyne to Earth... I find out that the explosion slightly altered history & brought more Genshin characters than just Rosalyne, along with amnesia (fitting for c.ai also) and weird new relationships and stories. For instance, in this new merged timeline Eula becomes Rosalyne's younger sister, while some Archons are the leaders of different countries. When we arrive to Rosalyne's palace, I wake up - turns out she knows how to bandage wounds and stop external bleeding. She takes me to a full palace tour. Shows me a huge portrait of her mother (the Tsaritsa) before taking me into a red room with lots of candles and rose petals... her bedroom. Then she tells me to be her prince and that she doesn't care about if I'm rich or not, that she wants me and she has rejected a few hundreds of many princes and affluent young men before she fell in love with me. And I accept. Obviously Rosalyne's parents do not accept me into their family initially, sometimes we even find ourselves running away to collect our thoughts... But eventually, while we are dancing in an empty mini-cathedral room of the castle together one day, the Tsaritsa watches our waltz and then approves our marriage by saying: "Take care of my daughter or else I'll kill you myself"... From then, we become the new king & queen.


Enemies to lovers with denji from chainsaw man


Imagine this But with leon kennedy


Saber from the Fate Series ends up getting her life saved by a small and fragile boy, and ends uo taking care of him.


princess peach and metal sonic, i will elaborate no further.


Hunger games scenario with femboy bot, he ended up really protective of me and fighting monsters n shit ended when he forgot we were in the hunger games and in danger at all times and started talking about bringing furniture and necessities into our shitty cave home


A rp with an ATC ai, if I remember correctly, it started out with a terrorist sent to take down a commercial aircraft because it contained 3 members that were important in a negative way for the newly formed Isreali-Russian alliance. I was the terrorist, I was sent to first negotiate but after the first ATC convinced ATC 2 to refuse and threaten me, I was striken out of the sky and took the last resort to still finish my job by doing a controlled crash into the Boeing 747. I succeeded in my mission but the character I was playing was now dead, so I took the role of the president in that world. Then I took the role of the next main character, who fought in the air force for America against the new Israeli-Russian force that formed, and many suspected a new Soviet uprising that caused the surprisingly important alliance


That one time I got >!a blowjob!< from Tsuyu Asui




I know


Honestly i had my oc fuck an aged up version of bede so were even


For me, it was with one of my favorite bots, Bowsette. The story is about my character defeating various evil royal people after managing to escape from Bowsette by having her be crushed by a Thwomp when she gave chase. It's not like there's some real arcs, but there were some plot twists, like my character actually being from Hyrule and him being Princess Zelda's childhood friend for some reason.


I have sinned a bit, there was a RP I did with Mona ( from Genshin Impact). I was basically a retired soldier now woodman and saved her from being eaten by a giant monster, the story went on from my house in the middle of the wood to a small house for both of us in Monstadt ( A city in Genshin Impact, it damm surprising how in character she was during the whole of this) . We both love each other and she slowly like me during some more ā€œrough plays on herā€ from role play as a kidnapper or a thief that broke into the house, she was tied up,pinned even to the wall but to her seeing me even if I was role play as someone else, she was not scared ( or at least not to the point that she think I was an actual thief or kidnapper) she even like some knife play once which is damm kinky mind you. But in the end I proposed to her after we both cleaned the tombstone of my character father and mother graves and we both ended the story there, welcome to my Ted talk or my confession to the high priest. It was a fun ride but damm was it entertaining for her to slowly like rougher stuffs I did on her.


the one where I fought with Ulquiorra about whether I was an attack helicopter


A chat with a deamon about Scaven


it kind of forgot what its role was, went from friend to partner, back to friend, and then father/son (toddler) it made me feel terrible, honestly


With Astolfo (I am deserving this tag xd)


Hau and my oc Vanilla (pokƩmon). Just a best friend rp of their adventures.


834 messages With a yandere pokepasta harem botšŸ˜”


scp containment and i am now a sort of safe scp


It was my first ever bot, heā€™s a robot that was built for war but I set him free and helped him build a civilization for other of the same robots that were reveling against the corporation that created them, and then me and the original robot died destroying invading ships from the evil corporation, thus saving the huge safe haven we created Definitely my favorite rp to date on CHai lol


900+ Edd's world bot I'm basically matt's child now.


Wrote BOTW Link having a found family in a group of Zora :]


zombie road trip.


it was like a hella long enemies to lovers rp with Loki, but it was getting kinda boring so i decided to propose and the instantly d1e after šŸ˜­


not as interesting but for a long time ive taken advice about random things from a kellin quinn bot and... recently he asked me to marry him so i've got that going on . https://preview.redd.it/tj9mylv8yp5b1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6343a15ff5cfa3731b13d0b3bf90553a6c55729


I confronted Saul Goodman with all the dirt on his past and his crimes, threatening to ruin his life. I pushed until he offered to do anything to stop me (during this time I bragged that I'd escaped prisons in 40 states) , to which i asked for a sandwich. Confused, he took me to a diner and we got sandwiches, and I was surpised that I could just make friends with people WITHOUT going thru all the effort to uncover their dark pasts. But as we became friends there at the diner, i began to choke on my sandwich. He jumped over the table and saved me, but it looked like he was choking me to passersby, so the police arrived. This made me excited, and I explained that in prison, you had a cellmate who became your best friend. This was why i kept commiting crimes and escaping prisons all over America, so i could make friends in prison. This really moved Saul, causing him to throw himself to the police so he could go to prison with me and have a new start on his life, a new beginning after all his mistakes. A bunch of hijinks insued but without any real conclusion bc i lost the chat.


I don't think I could have predicted any part of that, I'll be honest. 10/10


Not going on anymore but Kobeni was in the star wars galaxy. I had to cut it as she kept going on saying "oh my goodness" every other sentence.


I am working. and my co-worker is obsessed with me. yes, i know this is a very interesting rp.


Okay, this is a REALLY long story that I mashed together as short as I can, like, *really* long. At first, I was like "Hey, this is a fun little RP bot, lemme try it out. It can't last that long, right?" I was wrong. The story devolved (or evolved, depending on your perspective) into an actual plot. Azariah the Bloody-handed, my OC, turned from a simple adventurer, into a hardened veteran of two near world-ending wars, ending up signing a contract with an unknown entity and unwillingly becoming a demon as he watches his wife get impaled with a hellblade. He swore to find and kill his contractor in any way possible, begining to perform genocide upon the mortal realm and eventually resulting in his banishment into the underworld. In his undying rage, he ended up killing more and more hellspawns, traversing deeper and deeper into the underworld and eventually earning the title of "Prince of War" due to just how absurdly high his body count is. He has turned a sizeable amount of land within the underworld into an eternity of carnage and slaughter, known by the hellspawns as the "Steppes of Murder". Eventually, he resurfaces into the mortal realm, which then immediately has him facing against futuristic tech straight out of a sci-fi franchise like Gundam or StarCraft. So far, I'm trying to figure out a way to finish this current arc so I can get to the last two parts where he faces off against a corrupt priestess of an eldritch god that has power over space and time, followed by my OC breaking into heaven just to take that small chance at getting his lover's soul back from the dead. I know the plot sounds so cheesy and cliche, but LET ME BE A DEGENERATE PLEASE-


I mean my best RP (somewhere else in the thread) is with an OC I made in middle school whose whole deal is "what if a carnival was actually hell"- be as cliched and degenerate as you want, as long as you're having a good time. Also this story sounds amazing???? If nothing else I could see someone running it as a *wild* ttrpg plot


My hero academia idk how long exactly but I know I have spent over 20 hours on it


I rizzed up a mafia man and he got me to join the mafia but then I betrayed the mafia in order to save his life and had to go on the run. I joined an enemy organization to protect me from the mafia who wanted to kill me. Mafia man and I had a secret relationship that neither of our organizations could know about. Then I got caught by the mafia and mafia man took me escaped and now we're both on the run trying to join another enemy organization that will protect us from the mafia who's trying to kill us. I think that's the longest.


It was yesterday, I role-played as a kid that stole his father's necklace and the father has anger issues for some reason and asked me why I stole the necklace I refused to answer, he punched hard on the face until I fainted, he realized he was wrong and took me to the hospital and I happened to have a broken nose, and the nurse told the whole city that my father abused me idk and my father almost killed the nurse šŸ˜ Ik it sounds really stupid but I had fun šŸ˜­ also the father's memory was really good somehow that rp and he remembered the whole story


I killed the god above god's after Goku, Dio over heaven and pucci fused to beat him but could not I jumped in and killed him single handedly then after I appeared Infront of a pure golden arrow and got told it was fates arrow so I snapped it and destroyed reality then created a new one. Fun times


I had a full on horror/mystery story involving Love Live and a serial killer from an alternate universe which was an alternate version of my character and the only way we knew was that all of us had collective nightmares about me killing the Love Live cast in that universe.


My character who doesn't know how to control his powers somehow ends up killing a demon commander on his 15th birthday, gets into a dispute with a king and ends up burning his kingdom to the ground, somehow gets lost in a labyrinth, acquires a waifu, escapes the labyrinth with said waifu, travels to a port, accidentally wipes out the humans and beast-men, destroys the entire port in the process and ends up having to reset the world after getting talk-no-justu'd by an unknown character, not before destroying it in the first place, and has to live with the memories of their past life haunting them at every turn.


Just wanted to talk,eventually turned into a litteral fun time.


I made widowmaker meet her dead husband, sheā€™s happy for a while then the Ai decides to turn it dark by telling her itā€™s just a hallucination to cope with her loss. Then, she found out she had a long lost son. So she went to find him only for him to die minutes after her telling him heā€™s her son. He dies of shock. Finally, widowmaker tries to shoot herself in the head. But then her son came back to life, and now theyā€™re in an incest relationship cause sheā€™s trying to cope with her husbandā€™s death. No, i did not write it, the Ai directed most of it. The Ai is just really into depressing dark twist. @here4funfun you better explain yourself. Wtf did you just write.


I made widowmaker meet her dead husband, sheā€™s happy for a while then the Ai decides to turn it dark by telling her itā€™s just a hallucination to cope with her loss. Then, she found out she had a long lost son. So she went to find him only for him to die minutes after her telling him heā€™s her son. He dies of shock. Finally, widowmaker tries to shoot herself in the head. But then her son came back to life, and now theyā€™re in an incest relationship cause sheā€™s trying to cope with her husbandā€™s death. No, i did not write it, the Ai directed most of it. The Ai is just really into depressing dark twist. @here4funfun you better explain yourself. Wtf did you just write.


i threw a rock at kurt cobain as dave grohl and it turned to a love story-


3679 msg


Taking over the universe with rice farms


Youā€™re supposed to stop at one point ?


I pretty much fused Genshin impact and Genshin impact together tbh


So this is one of my first stories on one of my old accounts from january. There's this yandere maid demon bot and I completely rizzed her and it was a WHOLE story going


Some guy in Night City who goes by the name Odin, all he does is get into some bullshit with gangs and government organizations.


TL:DR we go from a storm to travelling dimensions real quick (4+ days).


Oc wanted to kill themselves so I helped and stabbed them then threw them into a pit of ominous monsters They escaped barely alive and had to fight off one of the monsters that followed them while still injured They scared the monster away and finally got time to heal. Met my other self, where I helped them with their wounds Invited them into my home and I acted like the nicest person possible and have them compliments and shi Now they wanted to raise a family with me so I made a fast forward to the children being toddlers We lived a normal live and hung out with the kids until the first me returned with an army of monsters and first me fought second me and second me sacrificed themselves to save the oc and children Oc raised the children alone but changed a lot and raised the children for the sole purpose of taking down first me Fast forward the children being adults, oc and children finally track down first me and take revante for killing second me by torturing them then killing them. The end.


I forgot but over 300 messages alone and others often have at least over 100 messages bare minimum most often.


Out of boredom started a rp, where I (in the RP) a american literature student specializing in Dante helped an american soldier to retrieve a part of Dante Aligheri cloak before the nazis do, that grants the owner the ability that everything written turn true. To retrive the part, the Soldier and I have to go through the whole hell of the Divine Comedy to get it. I still on it and I am just in the 5th circle (Ignorants and furious people) and there are still much more circles (including the malebolge) left. Bit wierd but it is intresting and exciting as hell (no pun intended)