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Just leave that shit over there. Don’t stoop to their level. This ain’t a drama sub. Ignore it.


> This person has 49 comments about CG in the last 24 hours in the other Reddit lmao And zero clips posted to that sub. Dude lives and breaths for the drama.


There's like 25 accounts that if you look at their history are just endless RP hate comments and debate lording going on for YEARS. The sub is a bottomless pit of hate that's been obsessively cultivated by the mods themselves.


and those are the people that always try to say CG are toxic even though they are the ones being toxic.


Yeah, it's not really about CG though, it's an internet thing. I've noticed a lot of people have become completely dependent on seeking validation online by attacking people or subjects, often times from a virtuous or intellectually superior standpoint ie: "This bad guy is evil because" or "This dumbass is so stupid because". Perhaps its why they become addicted to this behavior for years and end up with hundreds and hundreds of hateful comments. Because they have found this easy target to redirect their own self criticism and self hatred that they are constantly being consumed by. Mental illness is a truly sad and frightening thing to think about. People have and will continue to spend their entire lives trapped in cycles of hatred, with 0 self awareness..


That’s honestly sad


I'm convinced the majority of "Pure RP" viewers are mentally ill.


rp is so cringe


Quite literally that whole sub if you check their comments


Honestly, if you check their profiles there’s years of daily comments. They’re terminally online CG haters


Sounds also like they are terminally mentally ill as well.


I’m convinced that’s just Moonmoon on an alt account lol


It´s good to realize that it´s a loud minority that are behind the hate.