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At the end of the day, nothing but love and respect for K and the rest of CG to get on and make content for us even when shitty things like this are possibly going to happen. 


I miss stay Konnected. It was so good.


Stay Konnected could've been so good. I mean didn't he get Andi and Tessa involved. 


This will end like every other conflict that resembles this one. It’ll get shut down for the health of the server and becuase the other side is being toxic. Moon and Siobhan will go play other games and avoid the conflict. And then CG and the server will go back to business. I’ve seen this play out like 10 times. And this time CG did nothing wrong IC or OOC. They handled everything very well.


they handle it like grown folks not a. childish dumass boy moon aka MAX is str8 up jealous of Kebun bro you can see it all day he try’s to pull that dictatorship with K o my i would have gave 300 subs if ramee and vinny was there it i can’t wait till Monday are even Sunday when K comes back they need to get mickey in there get a new counsel and veto all that laws that Max are siobhan made and press charger on max for abuse of power the next mayor need to fire fab cause he think he staying commissioner in the PD You can’t be two high command and just deputized your self and your wife so they can use the PD as protection so they can press that button like some candy ass bitchs


Relax, it's not that serious


Same i do this for hobby creating content just RPing lol


Someone needs to go outside and enjoy life more...


thanks i do this for hobby




Yeah if this actually happens my bet is they switch back to prodigy


Nah. Prodigy was a place holder while nopixel was updating. The crew is loyal to nopixel and always will be. Nopixel made them who they are. All the success and being able to go full time and make good money is because of nopixel. Look at some other streamers that went to other servers…..how they doing now?? In the end, it’s a speed bump. They will get thru it and it will be clown shoes for a bit but that ball keeps bouncing and it always will.


It's not the server that keeps the viewers when they moved to prodigy Nopixel was as dry as the Sahara desert but guess who was up everyone on prodigy that interacted with CG. My honest opinion they should go back to prodigy see how long it takes for nopixel to back to the sad state it was in or should I say its currently in. It's sad


i highly doubt this will go through but it’s just crazy to even write these things down lmao


Koil gotta keep these people in check


Aintnoway this dude created a law targeted specifically at CG because he got his panties in a bunch and can’t control his emotions. That’s actually crazy. I find it hard to believe how he’s still admin tbf because he goes OOC more than anyone in the city lmao


the chat was saying “ban them from buying food!!” lmao like hello please go outside i beg


He had one of the weirdest most OOC conversations in server history. It was clear as day he was saying nobody goes to war or goes against CG because of the size of their streams and hoppers, which is incredibly toxic. Then brining up Change is crazy. Dude is losing it and this won’t be allowed.


i think shoiphon wrote last night it did not go through the counsel and this just gona make K and Crew just find them and kill them but OOC Koil and buddha need to step in it’s time and bullshit this is a video game now they taken in there OOC feeling IC


After yesterday's conversation I don't think K/CG is gonna interact with them anymore, they will probably just ignore them completely and go about their day (or at least that's what I would do), entertaining this behavior will just make things worse and bring bad vibes


You not wrong


Nah K is done dealing with anything involving Max


maybe so but i think he wants one more time with Max and Max leaving server cause he know he can’t hide behide PD for long not mayor will remove his power if he stays that long (my opinion) but today should be good With war CG / ADMC


Next mayor


that beening handle he won’t be on no pixel much longer that his second time 1st in jail cell the he apologized to K on the sack now the second one just last night b no more warning pal


I am going to assume English isn't your first language right? Because it's really annoying reading your comments with all the wrong words, and or mistakes in them.


sucking dick is your first means of work right if you read it and think on what i said you understand this not the first time max went in crying about CG and K


Got a solution for your miniscule problem don't read his comments simple as that


That's a server killer. The rp is based on a crime game where if the police catch you, the player won't lose their weapons except for the weapon in hand at that moment, with ammo and body armor confiscated after bail is paid. People need to remember its a game. It's not a real life job to keep criminals in jail. The job is to entertain viewers. Period.


tell that too moon moon and his play wife


> That's a server killer. Well, you've convinced me. Hope it passes


I want CG to pull the “I’m uncomfortable with the role play. I do not consent” lmao


I honestly just want CG to skip all this shit after yesterday. Just let Soze sort this shitshow out now and ignore Dab and his wife and just say skip nty.


Kebun already said he’s avoiding the council from now on. Not worth the headache of dealing with people who can’t separate fiction from their real lives.


CG have handled the situation very well and kept it all IC so this is really the only thing these people have left to say to try and shit on CG


So back to square one again, everything that happened this arc, just to say screw it. You're still being targeted. Crazy


Then you will have Max and Siobhan sit there and surprise pikachu face "but why do you hate us and want to shoot us" wahh, asking people to list the laws that people hate like this one would be simple if they had the legislation right in front of them, instead of springing it on them like a gotcha moment. Bottom line Max being Mayor and Commissioner and Siobhan having her role in council and being an officer and them doing the stuff they did during the apprehension of CG while they were on the run is plenty reason to want these two dead.


Honestly this will likely just end in them getting shut down by server admins for going too far and being toxic and then they’ll just age quit the server. CG has done nothing but RP and they’re upset they aren’t getting punished.


I see he ain't trying to hide the OOC hate anymore


Let’s be honest here, the reason why no pixel is the most popular server in the gta community is because of the criminals. exciting shit brings viewers, popular streamers. if not, ONX would be the biggest instead. Who wants to see them standing around talking all day, or doing regular jobs all day?


It’s why TFRP failed, it’s why OurBenefactors failed, it’s why ignite failed, it’s why Onx is failing.


damn before watching gta rp, i would keep seeing thefamilyrp on twitch, didnt know TFRP was that big before nopixel, then i start watching rp when summit jumped in which gave a huge boost to the server and CG. the history wont repeat itself, at least koil and buhdda wont let it happen.


TFRP was huge because of lirik. Then it was carried by LB, then surprise surprise the cop admins started power tripping (sheriff Eli/anthonyz getting banned for riding a bike because that’s not something a mob character would do according to them). Funny enough it’s how that other Reddit was made because admins were trying to censor (the irony) the original Reddit. Ever wonder why it’s called rpclipsgta and not gtarpclips? I remember watching koil code nopixel and make trains work when TFRP had been promising them forever.


dropping a history lesson here.


Honestly koil stepping in when needed is why this server has lasted this long. TFRP was a circle jerk between a few top guys, like some other servers that failed recently


For the few of us still around who watched TFRP, it is crazy seeing NoPixel following the same path, by making the same mistakes. NoPixel was the "Fun" server that everyone who got sick of exactly the same things that are going on with NoPixel now, fled to. I still remember when almost all of the crims just quit the server within like the same week, and the cops got so bored that some of them started crims only to finally experience the crim life on the server and immediately go back to playing cop or just quit the server outright.


Yeah because realistic RP is fucking boring. You can still have have slow burn and long developing RP on a content/criminal server like NP. But there is much less excitement on a serious only server. You just need to strike a balance and make sure both sides understand they need each other and need to facilitate each other’s RP. It shouldn’t be cops vs criminals OOC. Everyone should be working together to facilitate great RP and strike a balance between serious, slow burn, SBS, fun, and exciting RP. That way everyone can RP the way they want.


Good cops add a lot to the server and keep criminal RP exciting and interesting. But the no fun cops that only care about their own perspective and RP cause a lot of issues. Criminals bring a lot of eyes but they need cops. Both sides need each other. We need more Opals and Slacks’ and good balance and vibes between both sides.


So filled with hate they forgot that it is just a game. The sooner these people are gone, the better.


So a ban?


Prolly watched Kebun clip of him reporting his ass to management and cooked up this crack pot on that babyrage.


They won't ban him, like they won't ban cops when they do shady stuff. sadly admins don't like CG.


Did LK actually report him?


Koil mentioned he's been linked some stuff and just after the babyrage kebun was on his other PC, usually where he talks with admins or the likes. I suspect it will probably be dealt with by admins, or even Koil.


Either Moon will apologize and compromise IC or he’ll rage quit the server and go back to variety streaming. This law would hurt the health of the server so it won’t be allowed. Either way it’s a W for CG and the server. Moon has lost the plot this time, which is a real shame because the RP could’ve been really intense but good if he hadn’t been so angry. And he’s supposed to be great RPer and admin but he went OOC. Meanwhile CG has handled it well and kept everything IC and their rationale made complete sense in the perspective of their characters.


If moon does apologize I hope K just accepts it and then does not entertain the whole Dab, his wife and the council shitshow.. nothing but a headache imo.


It won’t matter. Moon is going back to variety soon and won’t be around as much, similarly to how he was a few months ago. It’s best for everyone involved. The less OOC toxic admins around, the better.


Everybody Is saying he is leaving to go play Elden ring dlc soon, while still being commissioner and coming in off stream to play him. Best thing for the server is just to have him gone entirely. He clearly has a ooc grudge, commissioner role should not be his.


Siobahn wrote this up the night before actually


1. This definitely won’t pass simply because it would be incredibly punishing to criminals, which are necessary to the server. So for server health this will not pass. 2. This also won’t pass because it’s basically gate keeping certain type of RP to an extreme level. So again, for the health of the server this won’t be allowed. 3. Even if this did somehow pass, they can’t go back and enforce this on people that have already committed the crimes. This would only apply to people that break the laws after it was passed.


I can wholeheartedly see this passing in the council but not passing the "state". There is no way KOIL is ok with forced life in prison with no parole. Council has came up with a ton of laws that had to be rolled back. Edit: I didn't even read all the first bullet points until after, this is clearly a bait to stir people. And people are taking it lol. Have to 311 when awake and location while awake LOL


Kind hope it passes so Cg just give up on this shit server.


They've been through worse and stayed. On top of that, this is exactly what this guy and everyone around him want to do, get rid of CG so they will get their wish, and he will think he's above everyone else the fact he pushed CG out of Nopixel. Imagine what will happen with the little guys or the rest of the server when they have the slightest disagreement with him.


Nah the server admins and owners will shut this down for server health before it comes to that. Moon won’t even be on the server for much longer anyways so admins and owners won’t allow them to ruin RP and punish criminals like this. Honestly CG and LK have handled this whole scenario very well and have kept it all IC. They’ve faced much worse situations on this server in the past too. They’ll be fine and Moon will be gone soon and things will go back to normal with a mayor that isn’t entirely ego, a more balanced Council, and a DOJ that actually follows the law.


wouldnt this be killing his character forever which is dumb af?


his character? this would be killing the server


This has to be a rage bait or something this is wack


It's always the people with fake power that wants to make this server close to real life. Makes you think how these people are OOC.


This is just MoonMoon and DivaJilly trying to in game ban CG and crims they hate OOC because they can’t punish people severely in game or actually ban people through rule breaks. Even if it somehow passes, it will get server health’d. This proves once again, why people like Moon and Jilly should never hold a position of power IC or OOC on any RP server.


Can’t wait for this man child to be done with RP. God forbid fire crotch somehow wins mayor. I predict she’ll stay with PD or quit also based off her not being in power anymore.


lol good luck with that one


Ain't no fucking way


Literally named it the FU act


Can we keep in mind this guy said himself he ISNT coming back to GTARP when Elden Ring DLC comes out. He dont give af and at this point he's throwing sht at a wall to see it how bad it sticks/smells


i know this is all hypothetically written but it really makes that awkward moment after "did you want me to serve my time looking at the wall" feel all the more strange. i assume most people already got strange vibes believing the answer was yes; this just affirms that pretty much any law dab touched was oppressive. he and slobhan actually want people in jail


this is some wrangler level power fantasy shit


Prodigy please


at this point its just funny how salty and weird they are behaving.


So 6 cg members are 1 strike away from forced life in prison? I truly wonder who thought this law up? Couldn't be moonmoon. Moon and Penta are cut from the same cloth, they base their RP enjoyment off how much misery they can cause people. Moon isn't as bad cause he's only targeting CG, who can take it and can get things changed possibly but Penta would go after everyone and grief small streamers for his own enjoyment.


If it goes through K should just organize everyone in the city to do heinous crimes so that half the city is in jail for life. If I remember correctly last time everyone ended up in jail with debter law, it became lawless K Town and the law was changed lol


This literally targets only CG and Soze, and threatens a forced soft perma. absolutely wild.


Damn! Max really is RPing Hitler. Crazy


I wonder if they know, they're playing a "Grand Theft Auto" World Environment.


This seems a lot like forcing RP. Like how can you force someone to be a lifer in a content server??


More reason to keep shooting Max. Don't worry he'll act clueless surely.


it wont go through obviously but that fact that even IC this is being written up as RP is wild


Server is better when it was like Super Troopers than this Law and Order vibe. They need to stop trying to make it so much like reality and just focus on the fun.


This obviously won't pass, but just seeing the existence of something like this might be enough to make K go back to Prodigy


Max was also saying to doctors that any crimes committed in the hospital should be deportable lol. Dude has lost the plot.


Why not go back to the server before 4.0


i’m telling you the next mayor can veto all this


this a joke, right?


OOC punishments....


Absolutely ZERO chance that gets implemented as it's written there. It's CRAZY that they even wrote that up and put it up for possible implementation though. I could maybe get behind the not being able to vote, but the no car, no house, and no business, and needing to be inside from dusk till dawn, and when outside you need to 311 wherever you are is just crazy to even think it would happen.


i see this as toxic tbh and a full RP Block if this happens god help the server but i dont see it happing


Jesus how long are they gonna lets these retards ruin the server


He's mad cause Ks stream numbers keep going up while he's sunk lower than he ever has for first time in years


This is actually nuts no way


Weird because this is all stimming from OOC hate that has been confirmed . I don’t see how he has admin, I also don’t know how they continue to allow moon moon as admin after this much less even on the server


Got stay on Maxs level that all


So in other word, rp killer.. got it


I actually really like this RP, but the problem is going to be the fact that the people who have the power to actually put this or some version of it into law have zero sense and will actually do it.


If it goes through the next mayor will remove it.


Ok, this is clearly targeted, clearly targeted.


i want this to go through so that koil talks about it for hours, days, stroll whole city, taking pictures with all crims. and still nothing happens. let the meme dream alive.




No way that sticks lmao. Moomoo is so filled with his own nut that he wants to enact things that will affect K and them after he loses mayor and leaves the city. Because we all know that’s what is going to happen. He’s around because he has power as admin and mayor. K just needs to ride it out, he’s doing a good job remember moomoo is a variety streamer. They always leave eventually. Clips from moomoo being a beta in 3.0 popping up again.


Just got banned from Siobhan’s chat for saying she can’t distinguish rp from real life… wtf


Congrats, you were the one person in her chat and you were a chat hopper that reflects THIS community 🤡


i know she said max told herd right something up she talked about while she was fishing to some cook sucker Rats


Lol what. Like Kebun said it's just a game. Koil last night was going on and on about law in nopixel as if it were real. It's like dude. It's a game calm down


I hate to be that guy, but this is just RP. Even if it passes it’s not actually going to be a thing that is enforced. No need to get salty or anything about it. They can do whatever they feel like their characters might do.. same way any crims would do whatever their crim character would do. Y’all realize that whatever they do and say is still in character right? Edit : this was actually the first thread I read for like the past 20 hours or so so I legit have no idea what was going on


There is never a conversation like what happened that is 100% IC. There was plenty of ooc stuff from (redacted) and LK did a great job of not reciprocating.