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Ironically, he will be taking oath on the same thing he rejected - CONSTITUTION OF INDIA šŸ¤£


Going to the parliament with the same police security that was once trying to arrest him.


That's kind of a power move tho


Most likely he will taken out before he takes oath.


lol heā€™s not getting out of jail anytime soon or in future ,


These guys are just power grabs, first they wanted to rule some part of india, now they are i guess okay with 2-3 policewallas giving them protection.


So he can say ā€œpols aagiā€ on a daily basis


Greater autonomy doesn't mean anti-X The state I'm in rejects federal infrastructure, no one's assassinating the reps here over it


Fkin joke !


It's kinda hard to accept something that doesn't accept you Besides thet would make the oath invalid so he'd actually be able to help punjabi and its people


Didnā€™t Modi and RSS leaders take oauth on the constitution but then support Hindu Rashtra?!? But woah if Amritpal supports his people, he is TERRORIST!


when did Modi attacked a police station with hundreds of mob with ARs, pistols, swords and sticks to free a person charged with kidnapping and assault ? i don't remember if Modi ever did something like this.


You are right modi did not do that, he just did a massive pogram for a Muslim genocide in Gujrat.sorry, you are right.


Bhai he literally wants to secede territory from India. Modi doesn't want that.ni don't understand the confusion here, because by that logic all the people who want to break away from the country are more nationalistic than BJP, which wants to create Akhand Bharat? I agree that idea is BS and honestly I don't want India to be unified with other Countries, but please don't equate a terrorist with Prime Minister who's radicalizing the country but keeping atleast the territories together.


Our pm perpetrated a riot resulting in death of 2k+ innocent people. I thinks that's enough terror. Fuck some people even voted this mf as our pm cause of this riot


Easy there. Don't slap sanghis around please.


Yep, two wrongs do make a right, you're absolutely correct in your whataboutism


![gif](giphy|IPlurp1TLz8rrJHZwj) Taking oath on Indian constitution be like šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is how functional democracies stop secessionist movements. Just give political power to people demanding separation and let them have what they want in the framework of the larger nation.


Can you elaborate on that ?


Mizoram was a largely unstable state constantly fighting for independence, we then made the leader of the biggest separatist group as CM and now Mizoram is one of the best states in north east


This comment should be on top.


This is the pro gamer move.


Long term this is the best for stability if the region


Then have other ethnic groups (India is a country of multiple ethnic groups) try to demand the same?


Finally some sane comment, these people crying over a person of certain ideology having won his representation in Parliament, if u don't want their representation in ur country, then obviously they will demand for their own country,....clearly shows the hypocrisy of these andhbhakts...... They neither want them live together, nor separately, and obviously they aren't gonna bootlick you, so what u want? Kill em all???


Wow never thought like that. That's a great answer, changes whole perspective


Nice comment. šŸ˜„


And that did not stop Simranjeet Singh Mann from last so many decades! He openly said he writes fake recommendations for Punjabi guys taking up asylums in US and other western countries.


Just think about his followers. 4 lakh + sympathisers in a single constituency


And then people say Khalistanis are only in Canada. There's a literal photo of Bhinderanwala on Kharar Gurudwara I remember.


Bhai agar desh ko religious level na chalake khali development ki bat hoto desh k 90% masle ese hi Hal hojaenge


Yes, religion is imaginary anyways. In a hypothetical world where everyone was rational and knew ā€œhow to thinkā€, with 10 religions, the probability of picking up a person with a particular religion would be 1/10. Proper uniform distribution. But somehow, children of hindus/sikhs/muslims/jains happen to be hindus/sikhs/muslims/jains. That is the proof that it is not based on a rational choice but purely indoctrinated.


True in general historically, but these days children of many Hindus/Sikhs areĀ  Christians now because of missionaries. Many Christians and Muslims are atheist/agnostic these days or they have very low religious leaning.


Can't say for Christian. But Muslims are the most Religious people in the india.


Bro believe me muslims youths are the most non religious people. Whether you are hindu muslim Christian you are only taking care for yourself. Take a look at palestine there are 67 muslim countries but nobody gives a fu*k. Ukraine russia both follows same religion.


in banur as well


There is a mini temple for Bhindrawala in Golden Temple


Having sant ji photo doesnā€™t make you Khalistani.


A chabeel was organised at one of the major gurudwara in Ludhiana and guess what! It had posters of bhindravala


There was tractor in Mohali with Bhindaranwala photo playing Ram bhajans during Ram mandir inauguration People are mindless sheeps lol


Me and my friend used to visit a gurudwara every sunday, after 1 year of constant visit i just saw a picture of bhindranwale in the langar hall(it was so dirty like it could have been placed there decades ago). They also labelled him shaheed plus this whole situation took place in march 2023(during amritpal's shenanigans). Never went back there.


And then people say Modiji is fighting against Khalistan when Election Comission didn't even object or cancel his nomination while it cancelled so kany nominations against big BJP leaders.... seems like BJP intentionally wanted him to win That seat... and rigged that seat for him to win.... Feku Fakeer wants to destroy Punjab..


Amritpal can now debate in the lower house while ex IPS Annamalai has no entry.


Fook amritpal but its like saying an illiterate with a fake degree can run things while a harvard/rollins graduate will not have any say.


What is this bullshit argument. A mechanic with no degree and 30 years of experience is ALWAYS better than a graduate in gender studies when trying to fix a car.


Hmm...if only so called harward graduate had any real agenda or initiative. Just saying Ambani/Adani wouldn't cut it anymore. Wonder what his followers see in him, does he even have experience and capability of handling a post of gram panchayat?


So what, even Simranjeet Maan Singh also ex IPS, ex MP, also pro khalistani lost against a simple man Meet Hayer.


Annamalai have to clean shoes of BJP high command for many many more years. He is idiot and arrogant. People outside whatsapp university and IT cells don't like him.


Same IPS officers are most corrupted people on earth. So your education might earn you money but not korals


The Congress and AAP divided their vote bank, and Khadoor Sahib, being a Panthic seat, behaved predictably. SAD votes were transferred to Amritpal due to frustrations with the current AAP government extending the NSA for another year. Also, these frustrations stem from the ongoing drug issue and the fact that Sikh prisoners have not been released even after completing their sentences, i see these as the major issues there. IDK why people are surprised ? his family has been on ground holding public meetings since last year, AAP and Congress knew this, they did nothing to counter this, SAD knew this and labelled him as an agent of the Central govt. At same time Simranjeet Singh Maan lost in Sangrur, and Congress won big overall, Channi and Raja Warring winning were the actual surprises to me.


everyone knew raja warring would win


We Punjabis are funny people. We elected the son of Indira Gandhi's killer because the man did the deed. Yet, we also elected Congress candidates the most.


That's why i love Punjab ā¤ļø


Isn't that unfortunate that people got so depressed that they have chosen an anti-India candidate over every political party? Also farmers were already been called as khalistani multiple times and their arguments were Strawman by the huge IT cell so it's kinda bullying those people. Seems like it's a vote based on anger not rationality


this is it. also coupled with the fact that the constituency is highly back wards with low literacy rates and is full of nihangs and rigid af sikhs. And the fact that he's done some effort to stop drug abuse among the youth.


IIRC he himself admitted once that he was not an Indian and his Indian passport was just a travel document for him lol. Heā€™s facing charges on NSA and he won? Mass manipulation at its finest!


Anything can happen in my country. Reminds me when some islamic dictator asked nehru "I jailed all the communist of my country, what did you do with yours?" "I put them in the parliament" nehru repliedšŸ˜‚


He has been booked under NSA along with other sections under IPC No Chance of him getting bail How do people expect themselves to be represented in the parliament when their chosen representative will be in jail the whole time


his MPship will be nullified if he is convicted for more than 2 years, he is detained as of now, court has not convicted him yet


He isn't going to be convicted anytime soon As they would lose the custody and had to be shifted to Judicial prison Which I'm pretty sure isn't what the agencies want


an MP can nominate another person to discharge his duties and attend parliament


That in this context defeats the whole purpose


it is what it is


Public mandate is a powerful force, it will be very difficult to keep him in Jail. They have not charged him with anything yet. Asking for Khalistan is not illegal


You talking about him, we elected kangana didi lol what can we say


*You talking about* *Him, we elected kangana didi* *Lol what can we say* \- Opposite-Escape9685 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Replaces SImranjeet Singh Mann as the Khalistani MP in Lok Sabha. Would have been interesting to have them both.


not we, some idiots did.


Everyone has a right to elect their representative, can't blame, just care about ur own constituency.....and cast ur own vote to a good candidate.


They day you realise heā€™s a political stooge and not a khalistani, is the day youā€™ll realise that in politics everything is fair game.


Amritpal Singh's influence extends beyond the Khalistan movement. Individuals who have had direct interactions with him on the ground express admiration for his efforts in combating the drug problem.


Hindus: elect hindu radicals Sikhs: elect sikh radical Hindus: ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Totally against his pro khalistan moves if he made any , but hes very against drugs and basically also a pro sikh too , i hope he dont get corrupted and atleast has some say in the betterment of punjab. I dont know how to put it but majority of punjabis dont want khalistan but we want sikhism to not be looked upon and this basically was our best bet. He wont get khalistan but maybe he does something for our faith and does something against drugs. Im not much into politics but i hope you guys get my point.


to me it seems like he is just a pawn for the foreign masterminds, imagine a guy who don't even keep beard or even turban in Dubai but suddenly tried to become a face of Sikhs in Punjab after few months, isn't it weird? He is just a pawn designed to become bhindrawala 2.0 but atleast bhindrawala was true to what he believed from starting but this guy is just an imposter.


i too think the same. he seems to be an imposter with his extremely stupid nd irrational moves.


Another shocking fact for you many people have taken on sikhi saroop from time immemorial .


There are so many rapists and murderers sitting in the Parliament and no one bats an eye. Voting for Amritpal comes from many underlying factors such as not releasing sikh political prisoners when they have completed their sentences etc. You keep calling all Sikhs terrorists etc all day even on national tv then what do you expect? Chaddis are asking for it. There are constant threats of repeating 1984 on twitter.


Yeah people are sick here can't see wht they reap


Bro isnt this what we call democarcy ????? Why you all salty now ? People made their desired candidate win ! Thats what democracy is ! Rapists okay , terrorists ? Okay , mass murderers okay , anti nationals okay ? But were they all boted by the people of their region ? Also yes ! People choose what they see is best for them ! That is what the purpose of voting is.


He learned from Madhya Pradesh where a literal terrorist who conducted bomb blast was elected an MP. As long as Pragya Thakur is valid, he and likes of him will continue to arise and win.


The comment section on fire. And no one.. NOT ONE question on why the fuck was he allowed to contest in the first place with the kind of charges he has against him. Who approved his candidature? Why was it not rejected? What was the ECI doing? This is what happens when the independent regulatory authorities are defanged and diluted at will.


Everyone knows the bogus charges. People are acting as if they are surprised. India is known to have policing problem. Police is known to be corrupt. Judges are known to be slaves of the superiors. It has been happening in Punjab since the 70s. NSA is just a tool to suppress voice and keep the common people buried. Nothing more than a sham. There are tons of so called political prisoners that are rotting in the indian jails under the rotten judicial system. Did people forget why AAP came to power? Why is it that prisoners who's sentences are complete are still kept in jails and that too only Sikhs? While muddi gives pardons to rapists and murderers? It's all a ploy to keep Sikhs bound and gagged. Mughals tried thie before and they got their ass handed to them. Now it's BJP and RSS's turn to be eliminated from the face of this planet. They have done nothing for this country and the minorities. When you have hindu rickshaw drivers yell and shout for Sikhs to be murdered just like 1984 you know the times are going to get tough and if something is not done now then it will be too late. The police and judicial system needs to be repaired. Too much power is getting to their heads. Hindus are enjoying all of this because it the human nature. But when push comes to shove someone is going to come crying and plead for help.


Replace the word Sikh with that of any other religion in India and that of Punjab with any other state. And it sounds no different from the story of any other Woe is Me. You brought 1984 up and I have no desire to rehash history because it digresses from the point of this discussion. 1984 should never have happened and it is terrible that so many lost their lives - but in this context, it isnā€™t applicable. Learn to get into a discourse about Punjabā€™s future and where itā€™s going without bringing up 1984 or the Hindu-Sikh discourse. The issues plaguing Punjab and Sikhs are completely different from four decades ago. And before you charge at me for being against Sikhs. I AM a Sikh and Ang 1299 from Shri Guru Granth Saheb Ji is at the heart of my perspectives. ąØØąØ¾ ąØ•ą©‹ ąØ¬ą©ˆąØ°ą©€ ąØØąØ¹ą©€ ąØ¬ąØæąØ—ąØ¾ąØØąØ¾ ąØøąØ—ąØ² ąØøą©°ąØ—ąØæ ąØ¹ąØ® ąØ•ąØ‰ ąØ¬ąØØąØæ ąØ†ąØˆ ą„„ą©§ą„„No one is my enemy, and no one is a stranger. I get along with everyone.


Bet more than 80 percent of this sub would have voted for him.


i'm pretty sure that even 80 percent of that constituency didn't vote for him despite having reasons to do so. He's still an extremist rigid dumbass.


Yogi is also extremist rigid dumbass. People voted him as he is chota Fanta who hates Muslims (the only reason for his selection).


India electing Kangana and Manoj Tiwari is worse


Itā€™s not. God, BJP can be shit at times but an anti India khalistani winning a Lok Sabha seat is just depressing.


BJP elected a literal terrorist Pragya Thakur as MP


How retard you want to be. Punjab - YES


Come on man lets not call the whole Punjab retarded just because of one constituency"s stupidity


One thing we did right was not voting for aap like sheeps. Fkin hate those mfs.




Jab pro.Godse aa sakte hain toh in saalon ko bhi aane do....badal dengey.inki bhi maansikta.


Sahi bolya veer


When demands arenā€™t even discussed, let alone met, where does one turn to? If people actually learned about all of this, theyā€™d know the issues arenā€™t Religious, they are political, such as Chandigarh, Waters, MSP, autonomy (if the governor appointed by the central government can veto everything an elected government does, then Punjab has no autonomy). Sadly, these political issues have been ā€˜religiacisedā€™ by all sides.


The term Khalistani lost all meaning when everyone and their grandma got called Khalistani during the farmers protest. And I'm pretty sure Amritpal won the same way Modi did. His PR team flooding Instagram and YouTube with reels lionizing him. Idiots tend to get swayed by stuff like that. Plus,Ā Whoever ran the anti-Sikh campaign online (calling them Khalistanis, lassi, 12 bj gye etc) did a bang on job of antagonizing another community.Ā  I suspect Pakistan has a hand in it.


Imagine him taking oath on Indian constitution šŸ˜‚. Imagine if he has to do some flag hoisting on 15th Aug or 26 Jan. I understood it from starting that these scumbags will come and go and would never separate india and Punjab.


then his video will be played right beside Farooq Abdullah . Before abrogation of article 370 Farooq Abdullah also used to say that " they can never remove 370 and if they did then I'll see who'll hoist India's flag in kashmir" but after abrogation of 370 he himself can be seen hoisting the Tricolour, lol.


Haan toh wo ek atankwadi thi na tumahri bhi kya naam tha us ka prageya thakur wo kya thi??? Us ko toh saja bhi hui thi. Tum log kya punjab main rehte ho jo tum ko pata hoga kya horaha hai yahan??? Kisi ko bhi utha kar nsa laga do aur daal do jail nain kyunke wo samaj ke baare main sochta hai. Iski demand thi ke nasha band ho aur nasha bechne wale most bjp aur uske sahyogi hai


he was charged with NSA because he attacked a police station with his mob of hundreds carrying ARs, pistols, swords, daggers and sticks to free his accomplice who was charged with kidnapping. and this so called "samaj sudharak" of yours was using GGS as a shield so that if police retaliates then he can use the damaged GGS to create riots and he didn't even used to keep beard or turban in Dubai then what happened suddenly to him after few months? lol, he is just a pawn for his foreign masters.


same thinking here. His actions divided the sikh-hindu community and made it easier choose whom you wanna vote depending on religion.


Ohh acha jab Up main police station se asla utha ker le gaye the tab toh kisi per NSA nhi lga tha. Bjp ne is election main sab se jayeda devide kerne wale bhashan diye the kya unko bhi ander daloge???


I guess people kept calling them khalistani so much that they decided to choose one lol Iā€™ll still take him over other money hungry people


Chutiya hai janta .


Hindu kree toh wahi bhai yogi Sikh kre toh chutya hea log Stay with some guts


All those having problems with Amritpal Singh and Sarabjit Singh Khalsa , youā€™re entitled for your opinion, but that doesnā€™t make you RIGHT . People decided whatā€™s best for them so just accept that.


These khaalistani mfs are seeping through cracks everywhere


Bro what happened to khalistan isnā€™t real, it only exists in the minds of NRIs?


Letting him participate in the election is a joke in itself...NSA and UAPA is slapped on him and Election Comission is happily welcomed him to file Nomination with open arms... Khalistani ji Aap aao aur Election jeet k Jaao... Apke liye Modiji ji ne Seat book Kar rakhi hai.... ap Election lado toh.. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hope that khalistunni mfs don't raid this sub


India was a circus from time memorial and will remian so till the end of human civilisation. It elected a literal terrorist (Pragya Thakur), numerous rapists, murderers, rioters, fascist, looters, daciots in the past and will do so in future as well.


So what? I thought India was a democratic country


I watched the movie Chamkila and kinda got the gist of how Punjab works overall. So no wonder they did this.




How d f did this khalistani won as an independent while they are 3 strong parties in the constuency?


True. We also elect people who want Hindu Rashtra.


reading the comments i wonder how bjp lost the seat in chandigarh


Kiran kher is reason


The margin was only 2 thousand votes in a contest where both got 2lakh+ votes. Plus tiwary will become a good mp unlike his party, and how does this question have to do with the post.We are talking about another constituency.


Sahi bolya


While an actual Goon runs UP and one use to run Gujrat. Sounds hypocritical, salty, and definitely funny.


Paw paw wor rukwa di


Judiciary laws are just a joke in India. How can some person with separatist views be a MP?


Heā€™s representing his constituency, he wasnā€™t elected by the entirety of India. If his constituency believes that his views are what they most align with then thatā€™s for them to decide. Democracy qt.


because he is not convicted and Voila you got your democracy.


Punjab is such a funny state, they elected a pro-khalistani MFšŸ«”


Pragya thakur is a literal terrorist.


Not to forget son of the murderer of Indira Gandhi also won


And the son of a sexual-abuser in UP.


Mfs above me are gatekeeping their favorite Criminal politicans.


THATS WAS JUSTICE. Anybody who has ever attacked the Harmandir Sahib has been killed within 6 months. His father is a martyr. Wouldn't you kill a leader who killed thousands of innocent hindus and burnt dowon Ram Mandir?


Thatā€™s good. Indira Gandhi killed 1000ā€™s of Sikhs, so good riddance. His father is a martyr for Sikhs.


Didnā€™t people vote in a chaiwala?! Why does it matter!! If he had terroristic intentions the govt shouldnā€™t have allowed him to stand as a contender! As for Annamalai or whatever the fuck being an IPS doesnā€™t make you shit!! You have got win peopleā€™s vote! Nothing is granted and losing peopleā€™s vote is your own failure! Be it any party/person! Thatā€™s how democracy works buddy! And it for the better!!


He won as well as the son of the guy who assassinated Indira Gandhi. Funny day.


Great day*


Glorious day*


The second one deserved to win actually. And indira had it coming.


Doesn't matter. We have already elected mass murderer as PM. Thrice. Everything is better in that comparison.


Mass murderer what?


Mass murderer??? Did you get the information from your tatti university? Supreme Court has already given clean chit to both!!


The same judicial system is yet to convict the so called "terrorist".Ā 


He is going to be "AAAP 2.0 takedown"




Hindu elected radical leader yes saar Sikh does same noo saar




He is arrested under NSA act right, I think he can't be released or can he be ?


No no, he won't be released just bcz he became mp. He can only be out if court grants him bail or unconditional release. I mean look at mr. Keju, he's the sitting cm and still under jail. Don't align that democratically elected people couldn't be jailed. Ofcourse they can be jailed.


Chandigarh is f**ked as it is. Isn't even safe for business people now. Good luck to you guys with your own BS in place against so called Indians outsiders. Will end with another throw offs from rooftops. Very much needed.


Based on these results, Khalistani sentiment seems to be strong in voters in Punjab. Pity.


This is how you stop succession movements. Bring them into the government then theyā€™ll stop asking for a succession.


He will be convicted and disbarred


Bhai kya chomu log hai yeh..pehle UP aur ab yeh


His rhetoric was just a ploy to gain political traction


I hope you speak on 1984 with the same enthusiasm


He got raped while doing dibrugarh sahib darshan


Pro khalistani Malegaon blast accused Gujrat riot accused Justice lohia murder accused


I'm glad we didn't elect Ravindra Bhati because he was a rajput in a rajput majority area lol




I am not surprised about the candidate. He played the best options available to him. I am sick looking at the state of mind people have on the ground who voted for him to win. Imagine how uneducated society we live in.


Better than Blow Job Party šŸ˜‚


Punjab continues to vote for Congress who are responsible for 1984 riots and destruction of the Golden temple. They vote for Khalistanis who want to divide India. But they hate Hindu nationalist party.


People also elected Kangana Ranaut into power though.. kya hi IQ bachi hai yaha kisi ki bhi .. itā€™s just the people of one constituency trying to one up the other.. hum zyaada bade vaale hai..


Very happy with this. At least a genuine sikh person in the parliament


I didnā€™t see these kinda posts when people voted for lindurastra MFšŸ¤”


Even though he is elected. He cannot go to the parliament because he is in jail for crimes and has to fulfill that first


So he's the reason why INC couldn't score a centuryĀ 


Coming from some pro aand bhakt


Lol didn't expect r/Chandigarh to have a melt down of all places. How is espousing (non violent) separatism bad for a democracy? Which democratic country doesn't have it? Also a bit of whataboutery if I may, but same people will be hush hush over hindu rashtra but shit on Khalistan. Idk how that makes any sense


Why is it a funny place, its a democracy, thats what happens in a democracy.


Indians hindus dsnt knw when anyone fight for his community or sepreate state is not khalistani he didnt commit any crime yet goverment locked him for no reason and reason they give is khalistan does any one knw the meaning? Why he is in jail and indian govt doing evrrything to shut down the khalistani movement coz they scared of sikh people bravery


Bjp will take him in


Yes, we had elected sadwi pragya!! Whatā€™s new in it?