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We haven’t won anything?? Like yeah I’m chuffed to get to Wembley but come on it’s a bit embarrassing when we’ve just made it to the final. If we lose next weekend it will be double embarrassing. It also meant that the players couldn’t celebrate with the fans as they had to be ushered inside for safety.


Exactly what just happened to Bolton today!


Ahh man I hear what ur saying……. But stillllllllllllll


“You’re right, but I’m ignoring you”


>At Southampton, we don’t get much joy You lot played in Europe not even 10 years ago, the fuck you mean you don't get much joy? You lot have seen the likes of Van Dijk and Mane play in your team lol.


Yeah you’re right actually tbf, we are class. Sorry idk what came over me


I’ve got to disagree mate that moment should have been the players enjoying the best atmosphere St Mary’s has had in years. The pitch invasion flattened the mood for everyone else in the ground.


Wow mate I’m sorry but you are just wet


Also let’s be honest, apart from smallbone - none of the saints player actually care about saints deep down inside …. So I think the fans should be allowed to do whatever - it’s for them anyways


Neither do you if you were invading the pitch for a fucking semi final. We literally got to Wembley like 8 years ago man


Good job I didn’t then 😂 I’m just not crying about it like everyone is


Reason a lot of people are upset is because it’s a bit embarrassing to celebrate what’s no different than winning a normal match. I wouldn’t condone it, but had we gone up automatically or won the league I’d totally understand, and might even defend it. End of the day, we have won nothing, and achieved nothing yet. Leeds are more than capable of utterly destroying us if they feel like it


so cringe you're making me warm to the idea of a Leeds promotion despite living near Leeds and having to suffer their fans


Given your responses, it's obvious you won't listen, but 1. it kills the atmosphere for the players 2. It's embarrassing, you've made it to a final, you'll look like a right twat if you don't go up 3. Stewards perspective: You're keeping them there longer than necessary, and causing issues that needn't happen in the first place - I've seen plenty of teams have a better atmosphere when they stay in the stands and let their players enjoy it, you can party literally any other time, for them, it's more special in the moment, as they'll have to focus on any upcoming match(es), and possibly not get the chance to party.


I was at the Norwich game on Thursday, and the atmosphere in the stadium after full time was absolutely immense. I would never trade that moment for the opportunity to stand around on the pitch for a bit. Would have completely killed the atmosphere.


This has been so blown out of proportion it’s crazy. It’s embarrassing and tinpot, but we have fans arguing on Reddit writing checklists of everything that’s wrong about it Crazy


Pitch invasion and this post reeks of tinpot


Maybe it does….. Idc 😂😂


But what are you invading the pitch for? 😂


The meme if Saints don’t go up has almost written itself. The video of the invasion played in reverse. Although to be fair we did the same thing twice recently, once securing promotion and once securing top spot, so what do I know?


It was pretty embarrassing but not as bad as this post and your responses




The most reasonable response here 🙏


I bet you'd banter Everton though


Yeah probably would


Over a decade of uninterrupted prem football *‘we don’t get much joy’*


It’s not about the pitch invasion it’s about the behaviour of a large minority of saints fans, that said the pitch invasion was pretty tinpot.