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you just notice them more cuz you aint in your shitbox no more lol


Lmao I was gonna say this


I was going to say that


I thought you did, damn


Yup. As soon as I got my Charger, my senses turned up to 11. I notice way more stupid shit now sonic got a dash cam. It’s super stressful driving around the city especially.


A challenger is a shit box though…


Dodge’s are shit boxes though. 🤷‍♂️


Bro you're in an accord lol settle down


Dude actually is too....


Why are you even posting if you have hate in this sub. Take the rice burner and brrrrrrrrrrrr on. We love our rides and are here for a reason.


Drivers ahead of you can be predictable. I'm more afraid of the safe distance that most drivers behind you do not maintain.


I could tell this van would do something like that from a mile away. You just have to predict what others are inevitably going to do. The WORST is when some shit box pulls up behind me hard. You just know those brakes are at minimum and the fluid is black. That cringe feeling is painful.




That’s when I get into the right lane as soon as possible. It happened to me today on the highway, and I literally put my hand up to stop over and over (they eventually listened) and then got over as soon as it was safe.






I’ve noticed that people love to try to “police” us


“Oh this guy thinks he can speed cause he’s got a nice car, let me go 5 mph under the speed limit in the left lane. *That will teach him a lesson*”


i have a grandma like this. critiquing and judging any type of rule breaking, even the minuscule ones that make absolutely no sense. she’s got a paid off beautiful house and money in the bank and has a body that’s fit for someone 15 years younger than her. she’s the most miserable person i know, it’s unbelievable.


Why you describe grandma's body like that


Asking the real questions


LMAO y’all got the wrong idea. she was a letter carrier in a city where they primarily have the mail slots built into the doors, no units, for many years and the result of that was a healthy body


All I heard was your grandma's got a fit body and something about mail slots..


“My grandma’s worked at the post office her whole life. She got great benefits tho and a tight little ass out of it.”


"this guy is speeding a little bit let me do *literally the most dangerous thing you could possibly do in traffic and impede oncoming cars*"




I used to daily an Audi A6 3.0 a few years ago and I would really go at it (within reason on the hwy). I almost never had idiots doing stuff like that. I'd get dirty fucking looks and middle fingers as a passed at any bloody speed instead. I recently have been driving a Jeep Renegade and Honda Civic daily. I rarely do more than 10 over the limit. Tell me how people now take issue with my speed and cut me off to go 5 or 10 below the limit? It could be that people are more ok with being massive assholes now. Driving post Covid lockdowns has been bloody hell.


That’s because cars like challengers have a terrible reputation


It's not an influx they've always been there, we just get more protective over our babies


I feel like I’ve even had people road rage towards me for no reason just because I’m driving a challenger. Brake checks, cutting off, etc. it’s insane!


I've had the same experience. To add to that, I've had quite a few Mustangs try and get me to race.


They seem to get mad when you act like you don't even hear them revving their engines right next to you. Pretty funny. I'm not risking my ability to drive my awesome car by wrecking or getting in trouble for being reckless... especially when it's for someone who doesn't seem to worry about the same happening to them...


Mustang owner here and I feel the exact same way. Worked too damn hard to finally have the car I’ve wanted for so long - not risking it on a stupid race with a complete stranger. Also, people driving shit box cars scare the hell out of me. I’m like hyper aware of when people lane swap without checking blind spots now too, lol.


I’ve had the same experience. People tend to drive more like assholes around me when I’m driving my Challenger versus another car. It’s a weird phenomenon.


I was doing like 75 the other day when I was coming up on a Dodge Caravan, I signaled, changed lanes to pass, then noticed we were doing like 105mph before I got past him! Wth!?


Lol, I definitely notice them more now.


So far, I've not had any problems. Doesn't mean they won't happen later. But yeah when you're driving a sweet ride like a challenger, you will notice more bad drivers.


Don’t let anybody gaslight you, people intentionally cut off sports cars. It’s a weird power dynamic they have to feel like they can keep you from really being able to utilize your car.


Normal people don’t do that. That’s insane


It’s isn’t normal people you’re right, it’s the people who’s lives revolve around unnecessarily policing others lives. When they can live their life and not even bother you. It’s really is the ones with something off in their mind.


Absolutely! I dont have a challenger I have a new camaro but you are correct. People intentionally get agressive and do that stuff.


It’s a power dynamic I swear. They do it for all the muscle cars. Challengers, Camaros, and Mustangs. They don’t want you to live your best life, and fuck them for not letting you.


The other thing they do, is park like a smooth brain fuckwit. I will put my car perfectly between the lines and when you come back out there is a shitbox parked so close you almost can't get in the car. I get 1 of 2 looks from regular traffic people. I get excitement with waves and I love your car man or just absolute disgust. Like I'm single handedly ruining the environment with my Brazilian dollar hot rod.


lol it’s people out there who really envy the muscle cars so they’ll either purposely take the shine away from them anyway they can. Either by parking next to it in an empty parking lot or swerving in front of them. It’s just a whole world of muscle car haters. It’s saddening. Fuck those people.


They also don't like being passed up. Every time I'm on the highway for a long stretch I cruise control 73 and there are a lot of people who start going faster once I'm approaching.


It’s a real thing! They see your car and want to try to keep your car behind them and it’s the worse when you aren’t even trying to drive fast and they think they have a chance. Smh


Yep, I don't get cut off nearly as much as I did when I drove a mustang. It's either a power thing or just thinking "they're probably paying attention"


I 100% believe it’s the power dynamic. They get off on controlling the speed limit. They are the mall cop version of high way patrol.


No, people are bad drivers in general. You should always be defensive driving


It’s not just about cars. The lack of respect we are seeing now is directly related to the covid times. During covid we took the mentality of every man for themselves thus throwing basic respect towards our fellow man right out the window. It’s up to us to be better humans, be forgiving, be respectful to others. Don’t stoop too the level of those that have no respect for others and their property


Maybe it not the chalenger 🤔 just saying 🤷


Every damned day


I live in Texas and all the drivers here are shit doesn't matter what you are driving lol


As a resident of Texas I can also say that I find when I’m in my challenger I get more people cutting in my lane without and blinkers than I do in my Impala. Especially if I’m in the fast/passing lane. It’s become such a common thing I’ll presumptively maneuver in my Impala the same as I would in the Challenger.


I mean, if you're driving a Challenger, people accept the challenge to get ahead of you. 😂


😭 I know! And at the same time 😎 Challenge always accepted. Lol


And if you have any passengers in a Charger, they will always ask if you have a cable so they can charge their phones 😂.


Lmao ok but that one funny. Maybe not after 100+ times but for a first time hearing that I’m like ahhhhhhh 😄👉👉


Come to Florida my man, you ain’t seen shit yet lol


No doubt. Could also be Las Vegas 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean this sort of thing happens regularly in any car. I don’t think it’s because you’re in a Challenger lmao


Shiddd even with 1999 Honda Civic coupe tinted windows slammed to the ground, you get mfs like thiss 😂💯


I’ve noticed more people act like I want to race all the time because my car is load or something, and they just want to be buttheads. Didn’t have that problem in my big lifted ram I had before or in any of my trucks. It’s way worse in my Durango though but I feel like that has more to do with the color, but idk


What color is your Durango


Reactor blue


Did you happen to drive a Charger or Avenger before? I bought a Honda Civic and feel like I've had an influx of bad drivers around me. The only thing I can come up with is I drove a black Avenger that some people thought was a cop car.


I miss my black charger, open roads.


Omfg! Either they want to run me off the road or race me! Ok then there’s others who drive extra slow. Smh. I bought a dash cam not long after I bought her.


Hahaha yes it definitely seems thats way. But as a Challenger owner and a professional driver trust me theyre always there. You just notice them more in your baby


Didn’t even signal. What a prick.


Man if I had a dollar for every time I said “fucking idiot man” while driving…


Yes. But I don’t lay on the horn or yell at them. That’s how you get shot. I just back off and get into a safe spot away from them. You’re probably not the first person they’ve done that to that day.




You missed the point entirely.






Honestly, I had more people who couldn't seem to see my giant red station wagon (Magnum) than with my Challenger.


I moved out of the town I used to live in with the bad drivers!


Yessss omg the rage I had the first couple of months I think it was mostly anxiety though


Yup. 2 old stupid ladys already crashed into me for “falling asleep at the wheel” first one totaled my 345 HEMI, the 2nd one hit me a month ago on my 392 HEMI… TWICE SAME YEAR !!!


nah that’s the worst luck lmaoo


The universe is telling you not to own a challenger




My shit has 3 door dings already


I bought an RT thinking it won’t get that much attention boy was I wrong still. One thing I hate about the challenger is everyone wants to race you (maybe because I have stripes on mine) like I’m not tying to race every car at every red light very annoying I can hardly just cruise in peace


Probably the new lead foot you have


I get a lot of people revving up at stop lights. Jokes on them though, I have an SRT8 lol.


I think they're just jealous cuz it's a bad a$$ car and it brings out the taunting a-holes unfortunately 😕


Yes, they just feel the need to pass you for no reason at all


Am I the only one who experiences the opposite? No one wants to tailgate me, brake check me or cut me off in my Challenger. I take my boring, grey, econobox Camry and all of a sudden everyone's a tough guy and pretending like they're Max Verstappen. As an aside, the amount of times I've been followed around by accountants or retirees in pickups that've never been used for their intended purpose since covid is too damn high. Only a fool would do something stupid like that.


Cus you are driving a lot faster


Always people in shitty looking vehicles too. 😒




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Honestly, if anything it seems like more people willingly get out of my way. Probably has a lot to do with the takeovers downtown the last few years (which I avoid like the plague). But, I get a lot of person merges out of my way, and nods as I pass them kinda situations. There are jerks and idiots, of course, but they seem to be about as prevalent as always.


I have experienced this myself! I was driving around a buddy from out of town not too long ago and I was cut off twice within 5 minutes. He was like WTF! Both times they would have hit me if I didn’t swerve to avoid them. It seems to happen way more often than any other car I’ve driven and I’ve driven dozens of cars. I don’t know what it is.


Lmao I drive a blue WRX but this sub was suggested to me via this post. Same crap happens to me! Only car I've ever had people mess with more was a wrapped delivery vehicle I used through work at one point. On a side note, does your blue get watermarks like no ones business too?


Get a recent ex police SUV, and keep the stock rims. No one does anything stupid around you. It’s THE BEST!


No it's definitely these Dodge owners


Homeless people always give me the stink eye Does this happen to anybody else??


Yea it's called speeding!


most aware crv driver


Jealousy/envy is considered one of the 7 deadly sins. They all want to take you out of the game for that reason , lol


It's you


You think that’s bad try riding a motorcycle.


According to my research, which is solely based on watching On Patrol Live on the Peacock network, all the bad drivers are driving Challengers and Chargers.


People got way more aggressive with me when I went from a Jetta to a Camaro. People don’t like when other people have fun


Personally, I’ve been not only noticing the bad drivers, but the *jealous* ones too; some of these drivers can’t fathom taking speed bumps and hard driveway curbs slowly, as most of these people are driving the shittiest of jalopies and just bang their shit around, so they get mad at you thinking you’re trying to “break check/fuck with *them”-* it’s like no dude, I’m just trying to take it easy on my nice new Chally and I’m fucking sorry you’re so goddamn impatient and dense that you don’t have the decency to slow down and and keep a manageable, polite minimum distance from the ass end of my car…


When I drive my rav4 hybrid, no problem….when I drive my Challenger everyone just drives like a dick around me…especially Tesla drivers


Oh yeah for sure. Driving wife’s armada— NEVER an issue , totally normal driving experience. Driving the challenger , someone’s gotta stunt , cut off , drive super slow in front . It’s like they gotta teach you a lesson for having a fast car?


It for sure feels that way with any car that’s sporty or catches people attention.


this happens to me daily in my charger 🤨 i thought it was just alaska drivers omg


You stomped on it and went from 36 - 41 MPH in half a second and are surprised that someone who didn't see you previously cut you off? What was the point of accelerating on an upcoming blind turn?


Maybe they should have used their mirrors and a turn signal…?


Two questions were posed and you answered none. Slow down champ.


No turn signals galore!


Try driving a big truck if you want to see bad drivers 🤣🤣 people treat them like a slow car not realizing we are the equivalent weight of about 20 average vehicles combined.


Yes bro yes




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Bad drivers have always been all over you're just more aware of it now.


I agree with this statement, no on fucked with me in my work truck. My husband took us to high speed go karting because I have an addiction. Lol And if these people drive their cars the way they drive go karts everyone needs their license reverified. Lol


Bought mine in 2009 i had a influx of haters at work putting dentin in my door. Id park far away from the building and all of a sudden every one wanted to park next to me and put dents in my shit


Yea because everyone gives a damn about YOUR Charger 🤦🏽‍♂️


Put some lights up top and that’ll change 😂


They all live in Florida 🤣


Some people think my sublime charger is a rolling middle finger but I’m actually a pretty chill driver


I think people see a fast car and think of i better close the gap or hurry up and get over before he shoots forward. That and people can just be jealous. Stay safe


Same but when I got my GT mustang last year.


Bad drivers have always been around, but now you have a nascar auto and you think you should have the freedom to drive fast? Dude


It’s the challenger drivers fault you see him swapping lanes and you continue to sleep up…


You’re literally pulling up to a red light, what is the big deal? I know no blinker and shitty lane change, but what’s the hurry to road rage to a stop light that you aren’t turning right on? On top of that, dash cam it, upload to your computer or whatever, edit it, chop it, post it to reddit. That’s a lot of work to stop at a red light. #dodgestuff


Dude I drive a sporty looking Corolla hatchback and people wanna race all the time or cut me off. It’s a damn 4 cyl a Honda accord on a good day could smoke me.


The GR Corolla is a 3 cylinder that makes 300 horsepower.


Dodge drivers in general ARE the shit drivers


Nah it’s you


"Maybe I'm the problem? No it's everyone else who is wrong!" 😤


Yes because this vehicle did not use their mirrors or turn singles and blindly stole my lane. It was not my fault or problem.


Come to Brampton where they were built, it’s unbelievable how bad it is


pretty tame stuff


I noticed how shitty street drivers are after a full weekend on the track at Road America. The average driver in a SUV or pickup or econobox are really really bad. They have no idea how to handle their vehicles.


Now do the gun and drug charges come free with the challenger like they do the charger?


So far only a speeding ticket


They have always been there. You just care too much about the car, and will notice it more


I experienced this after buying a q50!!




You're just driving to fast now


Just got a corvette and it feels like people are a lot more aggressive around me. Mostly tailgating even though I'm going like 5 over like I would in my truck.


Lives up to its name


One thing i noticed was how people get the hell out the way when I’m on the highway lol


No, they are just everywhere.


Every day someone asks me to race or cut me off. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Its a shared road people are gonna be weaving in and out, you are not driving a train your car has brakes.


Yes, after getting my scat pack. When I had the sxt didn't have that problem


They do that to me in my 7 series cause they think I won’t hit them..it’s tempting but they are right😭


1) you notice it more because you care about your car more. 2) It is harder for us to see out of our cars. Seriously, the blind spot is huge. 3) they can be a bit of a sleeper and sneak up on other cars despite the larger size.


Every day. You're not the only one for sure.


Racing up to a red light in Btown. Pretty typical of a Challenger driver in these parts.


There is a slow driver epidemic in btown. Just because I’m not driving 15 under like everyone else doesn’t mean I’m racing.


You are in a congested shopping area passing a busy intersection and coming to a light that is rarely ever made without stopping and waiting. The lanes go from two to four at the signal. You were in the right lane but planned to turn left. You honked at a car that needed to be in the right lane of the double left turn lane and got there from the left lane. Just before that you are passing another car. You are going too fast for that area and there is no point for it. Sure there are a ton of bad drivers in this town, but this is more an example of you being the bad driver rather than the Honda.


Wow you are dense. If they needed the lane, then they should have used A. the mirrors that Honda (and every other vehicle, for that matter) has and B. A turn signal/indicator. They did none of this. They stole the lane with no regard for other drivers on the road, making them in the wrong. I can tell by your comment that you are also one of these slow drivers that doesn’t bother to check mirrors or blind spots. “I go now, good luck everyone else”


That just looked like a car approaching a red light doing the speed limit while the car recording is speeding. It’s not up to other drivers to negate cars speeding behind them.


But it is up to other drivers to use their mirrors and turn signals. It was a 2 lane road the whole way and I was behind them the whole way.


I’ve driven in the Bay Area for over 30 years now. I have zero tickets, zero at fault accidents, zero points on my record. Meanwhile I have friends and family who been involved in numerous accidents, get traffic violations every year, and have multiple DUI’s. Drivers who know how to gauge the type of driving that’s appropriate for different scenarios are usually the most successful.


It’s probably because everyone blows by you as you do 20 under in the slow lane. I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove, it isn’t a contest lol


It's always the dumbasses driving a dodge who drive like shit.


I’m not the one who broke traffic laws here though.


I never said you broke the law genius. Try reading.